Ml PAGE TWO ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GAItBUTT The Hostess This Is all about sending letters home. Think now, when, did you fat write? You know you boys must help to keep up the civilian morale. They don"t get ditty bags and fruit cake's from home and pictures of their best gals no siree so it's up to you to write the odd letter home and br, keep it cheerful. A written rouse looks far worse than a spoken one. And so, apropos of all this, I'm giving you a little poem that Frank Ryari, our' Y.M.C.A. movie man, has been carrying around for a long time.' I think it'a very tue . LETTERS By Edgar Guest MS? 5 ?.aslly PH.1 of f,' as easily pennea; .... A three cent stamp is all it costs a . - R'wlling Centres alt Voneouver, Colgory, Edmonton, Soiltotoon, Regino, Wlnntptg, North Bay, Wlndior, London, Hamilton, Toronlo, Ottawa, Mont. aOuebec,' Moncton, Halifax. cheery word to send. And no one minds the scribbled lines at least nobody should. Or heeds a word or two misspelled, the letter's always good. What fs it in us makes us think: "Tomorrow I will write," And thus delay the heartening word that ought to go tonight? Yet 'this the commonest fault of WORLD faults, a universal trend. To think a better time will come for writing to a friend. "Tomorrow" or "next week perhaps or "when there's more i to tell." Or, "when we've not so- much to do I the enext.long rainy spell," Or any time except just now, be-1 yond the slightest doubt, We'll settle down with pen and Ink and get those letters out. j Some say they find it hard to wr,ite, but surely that's not true, true. I hold it is the simplest task which friend for friend can do. Five minutes' time, a postage stamp, the letter's On its wav. And there can be no better time for writing than today. DAILY EDITION. A- THE DAILY NEWS EDITORIAL Volunteers are needed immediately for these and many other trades: Clerks . . . Fabric Worker. . . . S,n..u Transport Drivers ROYAL CANABJAN AIR FORCE THE DAILY NEWS THURSDAY JANUARY 21 1S43 tjjjP- Thursday? January 21. 1943 ' Cold Weather . . . Prince Rupert has indicated how pporly prepared $ is for exceptionally cold weather. Difficulties s.uch, as shortage ot yater and fuel become even more accentuated,' "jMany people really suffer hardily p due t,o lse portages antf for other reasons more or less (Urectly connected with winter conditions. A lot of us may think we are hard done by but, in thinking about ourselves, we should not forget that th? worst any of us may suffer is vastly better than ,the io,t of .nifp.ns of people in less favored lands. If the only discomforts that Prince Rupert people ever have to contend' with are arising from a few days of ojd weather we will not be sp badly off. Nevertheless the most of us like the good old rain better. leanwhile it is well that the authorities should realize their responsibilities lest serious consemierices shoul.l ensue'from conditions that are permitted to become hazardous. , work begins. Vu.clv march... left, r.ght." The day's to prepare for hungry airmen The 1- f " ,S' paStnes z!! bint, cJri:: ZSfM ItlhSIOKl'ROMOTlnK i..u VCU.Lr.ST Ol'POK- to Cooks . . . General Puties. Send for this free booklet sbout irwomen in the R.C.A.F, Write toDirectorofManning.R.CA.r., Jackson Building, Oitawa, or the nearest Rtcruiiing Centre listed below. Recruiting Centre Hoursit Mondayi, Tueidayi, Thursday, ond Fridays, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.,Wedn;,. days, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday, 9 o.m. to 4 p.m., TUESDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS RESERVED FOR WOMEN APPLICANTS - ONIY. - i Sport Chat Fit. Lt. Maxweii Smith hf built along the massive lines of a Halifax bomber and the boys call him Tiny was groping his way through a South Coast British town blackout and happened 10 flash his light on an appioachiny figure. Seconds later B11 Sproule was getting a thumpinj greens for Tiny had chanred on a teammate from Montreal's Big Four football club. Smith, now'engineer officer with a Canadian Halifax squadron, played on fhe line wiU Montreal and Sproule, an R. C. A. F. observer, raniheTjackfield. It's a small world. In days of peace Frank Dagg played on the front line of the famed Winnipeg Blue Bombers. He's on a different kind of front LARGE SIZE TUBE 33t ,fcJ For Shaving Speed and luxury.. Jry Gillette SHAVING C R E AM New Gillette Lather Cream combines three fine oil ingredients . . . quickly produces a luxurious, tiny-bubble lather that stay's moist on your face, softens beard like magic and assures quicker, smoother, more comfortable and refreshing shaves. Ask your dealer for Gillette Shaving Cream comes in a big, thrifty An a 3-ounce tube for only OjV Made in Canada at the same plant as Gillette Razors and Blades. Enjoy the Luxury of an ALL GILLETTE SHAVE KWONG SANG I1ING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to King Tal C12 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage, welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Phone Red 247 savoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 541 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT FRY ine these days and making good in a big way. Fit. Sgt. Dag 4. wnh u D. F. M. after his name, mans Ihe mid-upper gjm turret of a hpnuet and his game.s away from the home grounds cove: a lot of territory. Italy is the latest addition to the circuit. Add the name of Fit. Lt. Turney Williams to grid notables amon; overseas medical officers. Tourney, once snapback under Warren Stevens at University of Toronto, 1. auacnea 10 a Canadian uo-opcra-tlon Squadron led by Wing Cmdr Bunt Waddell cf Peterborough. Ont Mrs. Rutherford Is School Secretary Received Appointment at last Night's Meeting of Board of Trustees COCOA Canada's Most Popular Cocoa New 43 Hour Treatment Great For Rhei Pains mi Backache Over tlie Week End "- iin, Agony and Swelling or Money Jlack They cfUl it Mi- AJURj, .week-end treatment for h Wu - 01 Kiieumausm, sciatica, Neui.; Backache, because you c; n p t hrrl on Frirlnv nlorhf .1 -r- j ivjjt me"- I. ill . r a , i in jviuna,iy moaning and whi thpre drive thp excess a Id: (rc your ailinst svstem. t- : 1 . . 1 Mf""' ' "ty" vou mu. tak Allenru as dlrectpr'- f aU;t.u acts faster when the body (,.. laxed and rested. Vou can . niir-hi" v A;;. : f) ,- W. J. McCutcheon or any rr :r sive druggist in Canada- n i; . expensive and money b.i.:k if j doesn't give you full and complete satisfaction and blr :-od rv lief from the pain and sulf u.ig. Mrs. J. A. Rutherford was last den Street School, night appointed secretary or thej The only other application fur board of school trustees at a sal-'the position of secretary of t ary to be arranged later. Mrs. board received a last n' y t Rutherford was for years a mem- board meeting was fn m Mi r ber of the teaching staff of Bor- J. Norrington. RENTALS ADMINISTRATORS DESIGNATION Take Notice that pursuant to the provisions of Subsection 2 b of Section 6 of Order No. 108 of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board, I do hereby designate that on and after the 11th day of January, 1943, the filing place of all applications for variations or fixations of maximum rentals for commercial or housing accommodation heretofore required to be Hied in the office of the ,cierk of the County Court, Court House, Prlnco Rupert, shall in lieu thereof be filed lrj the office Ot the Wartimo Piicc and Trade Board, Prince Rupert, B.C. dated at Toronto, this Jlth day or January, 1313. (Signed) "C. R. DeMARA" Rentals Administrator. I ' For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE PHONE 235 WAY AND NIGHT i WORK BOOTS Out Stock of Working Roots is second to none. Sizes from G to 12. Arch-Kinff, Valentine, Grcb, Til-sonbur and Sterling makes, .fenced solid tliroughoiit TOUo fit any pocket. Come in and . let us show-you. Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes? ELECTRIC SERVICE Appliances, Ranges, etc., serviced and repaired by ,co.mpct;ent electrician. Phms in- - stalled. IXiy and Night Service. PHONE BLUR 8S1