it"5" m m 'I 1 PAOE TWO " THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Llmltetf, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR LOCAL ADVERTISING Transient, per inch $1,00 Contract, per inch . 50c Readers, per line 25c Black Face Readers, per line , 40c Business and Professional Cards Inserted dally, per month, per Inch , $2.50 MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to It or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the local news published therein. . All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. DAILY EDITION Cashing Checks . . . Friday, February 5, 1943 EDITORIAL Pay-As-Ypu-Earn Taxes ... Interest is growing rapidly in proposals for putting the income tax system ot both Canada and the United States on a pay-as-your-earn basis. .Generally this is ferred to as the "Ruml plan" because it seems to have originated or at least developed to a very considerable, degree by Beardsley Ruml (pronounced Hummel) who is an outstanding United States business executive and financier. While in 1941 approximately 300,000 people in Canada to -approximately 1,000,000, the great majority of whom to approximately 1,00,000, the great majority of whom earn less than $2,500 a year. The pay-as-you-earn plan or pay-as-you-go plan, whichever you like to call it, simply means paying our income taxes on a current basis. Unfortunately, many peo. pie are under the impression that that system is already in vogue. It most certainly is not. We began last September 1 to pay income tax on a weekly deduction from payroll basis but this tax was on the income for the calendar year 1942 and payroll deduction will be continued for that year's taxes up Until August 30, 1943. In other words, we are just eight months behind with our taxes. We have to count on income we have not yet earned to pay debts we have already contracted. A revision of the system that would in effect wipe out all arrears and be a, real pay-as-you-earn plan would be of great benefit to workers whose income may fluctuate quickly and sharply as a result of periods of illness ui uiieiupiuymtm. in otner words, the pay-as-you-earn plan would be a real help to those who need it most. While there are difficulties to be overcome, there is no dcubt the plan Is entirely practical andr it is encouraging to note that it is now receiving the serious consideration of both the Canadian and the United States governments. Local industrial workers aiv nn-htfnlhr nnmnin;: at the inconvenience caused through lack of facilities to get their pay checks cashed. Somfe business places continue to cash such checks. Others make it a rule not to do so. A responsibility or duty in the matter bf doing something about providing the service of making the necessary cash available must rest somewhere. One suggestion is that the employers should by some means pay.straight 111 cash. Another is that special banking hours might be arranged for the convenience of recipients of such checks There is a dissatisfaction existing which has justification and which there should be some means of remedv-mg before it hampers the war effort. New School Buildings ... The city appears to be up against the early necessity of doing something about providing additional school accommodation here. Where the wherewithal is to come from is the first difficulty with the obtaining of the necessary material the next one, even should the funds be- COlllP nvnilnhlo nwU 3 j11 Problem but one that will have to be j 7 n "i injite ivupen are 10 go unedu cated. And that such a pass as that should come seems Fancy construction plans are discussed at .times but we mitrht its wp fnw r.. n, . i- I il ' 1 iUI L,lu lesenc. vve sna v,o,. , . tlJlVP tfl Tll'cf ha c-fif if.V.l ...Ji.1. u" . .. . : 1 U,U1 VmunS to the best r am : utmost tmncf , the 1 , use facilities now existing and, ' for the bal tU . . ance. rettino- n nno- ivifV, tv, p:ui rl 1, . tIJ slJ,llJsi, minimum. 1 ossibly, after the war is over and things settle down tO a more IlPrmanonf ,-A ,l-t.i- i...? .. . l,WVVil , . - "Miiwiv u ucxumuiy. uasis. somethmc en during may be undertaken. fe fiisr j W ord's around town . . . speedy Minora Blade tops its class for shaving comfort. Conoda'f totltH-growing economy bcxe. mm ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT The Hostess The Service Wives held their usual weekly meeting in the Ladies' We have been busy getting curtains and rugs cleaned these days PURE WHITE run in in , FIFTEEN TIMES MAYOR BELFAST. Feb. 5 P;-6ir Crawford McCullagh was uanimously elected Lord Mayor of this city for the 15th time. PIONEERS' HOLIDAY MELEOURNE, Feb. 5 0 Australian Pioneer trooDs in Np.w Guinea sweated for. weeks felling trees to make a track. Th THE DAILY NTWS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1943 NEW YORK LUCK BAD Lounge at the "Y" Thursday after- nodn. They would like all the'r TORONTO, Feb. 5 O - Detrc't members to note that next Tuesday Red Wings Improved their hold on afternoon they are holdins -a the runner-up position in the Xa-"Bring-a-Friend -Whist Bridge" at tlonal Hockey League last night by Mrs. Kimmers, 345 Fifth Avenue scoring a three-two victory over East. The proceeds of this after- the Toronto Maple Leafs In a close-noon will go towards Club funds, ly contested game. The Red Wings are now four points below the Tomorrow night the Ordnance leading Boston. Bruins. Corps is holding a dance at the in the second National Hockey Empress Club. Invitations have League played last night the New-gone out to the Junior Hostesses York Rn some time ago and, as this is the teeenth straight game without a , first dance of this unit, I hope the victory when they had a one-alt I girls will give them full support, draw with the Chicago Black' Chaperones will be Mrs. C. E. CuJ- Hawks at Madison Square Garrisn. ! lin and Mrs. Garbutt. Games scheduled Tor this week-! end are as follows: I hear that ,my recent little and Saturday Boston at Montreal rather bad pun on Sergeant New York at Toronto. Cleaver Wilson's name wasn't so Sunday-Montreal at Boston, To-clever as I thought it was. In fact ronto at Detroit, New York at Cs-it has, caused him a lot of em- caeo barrassment, heartache, .sorrow, humiliation and grief. Oh well, the best laid puns of mice and :Boston men gang aft agley! Excuse it, please. Cleaver! There are two concert Darties ' D. 6 10 5 11 8 6 Today in Sports Rangers Have Played Fourteen Games Without a Win; Detroit Moving Up The league standings to date; Detroit Toronto Chicaen and a band that I knftw of In the ' New vnrk offing and coming up to give you Doys some first rate entertainment in the very near future in fact so near it's almost the W, 20 16 16 12 11 7 L. F. A. P 12 146 129 .46 9 136 85 42 13 154 108 11 112 113 15 114 136 22 105 176 TWO-TEAMS DEADLOCKED sort of a spring cleaning fever j sociation lost three games to nir that has got into our blood. And to Burns in the Men's Five Pin on Saturday the hut will be closed Bowling League, a three-way tie in order to have its fact lifted, at ! for second place was broken up. least to have a good scrubbinc: ; Burns went Into first place bsslde Out. But the Show will bp nn n aV-Mors. Chinese Ynnth rirnnwrt the Empress just the same so you a rung in the ladder. Watts and aren't being hard done by. And what Is more It won't b3 a bad thinir t.n rin n wt rt cittt j O " Ul pi,lll 1 and polishing in time for the an- proaching -visit of the head of the auxiliary services In Canada, Colonel Deacon. Company's coming. rinrv Hicnerson maintained their 7-111-ner-up position by defeating Signals two games to one. ed the high single of 316. PASSING OF PUCK CHIEF Frank Calder, President of N.H.L., Succumbs to Heart Attack PEOPLES i IN LEAD j Stone's Clothiers, Sufiering Clean Sweep Defeat, Drop to Second I'lace in Mixed Bowling League Peo&e's Store assumed the' lead- xne individual results wenj follows: ' C. Y. A. 12 M Lee 135 200 B Lew . 173 181 O Lee 191 218 B Lamb 137 190 V Lee 122 265 Hockey League, died in hospital Pederson here .yesterday at the age of six'y-' Felsenthal five. He was stricken with a heart Davis attack at a Nationl Hockey League Ballinger meeting in Toronto a few days Mennerlng aS- I Handicap Only Wednesday the National , Totals Hockey League had arranged to i Stones-have ' Mervin Dutton take Calder's L Erickson place with the help of an advisory C Erickson committee in the expectation that Wesch the president would be able to re- Dominato sume office in May. Dickens Calder was the only president Irvine ' were given a half-day off and, by the National Hockey League ever way of amusement ran a wood- had and had held that office since chopping contest. 1917. MONTREAL, Feb. 5 . Frank TO.IO TAKES A BOW ' Premier T0J0, the "dagger," bows .before Emperor Hlrohlto upon receiving orders which .he himself , most likely dictated. Jojo is now virtual boss of Japan but, ln'public ceremonies at least, accords his emperor the traditional courtesies. Hlrohlto, you may have noticed, seems to be acquiring the obesity low marking his Axis partners Hitler and Mussolini. T0J0 in opening the Japanese Diet, predicted a "long hard" road for Japan to victory. K Lee Handicap Totals Twerps P Dunnell 1 V Dunnell Sheriff Hemming Daly Low Score Low Spore Handicap Totals Midgets Irvine Chyko Sandhals Anderson Robertson Kinslor Handicap Totals Pushovers. Wrathall Comadina Ken Grant came up with the ; B Saville mcc iuSji Bames. masing a nice s savme 795 count, while Erie Chayko roll- 1 pierce DeJong Handicap Totals loilers A Garland T Fraser A Kellett ' K Garland C Fraser C Kellett Handicap Totals Peoples Store- Calder. president of the National Asemissen Handicap 1 Totals SavMor 1 LaBelle - 14 Alger is : E Stegavig ib P Stegavig ic Raugh u Kinslor 2 Handicap .f ' Totals us The League standing: Peoples Store ' - Stones Sav-Mor C. Y. A. Midgets Toilers Pushovers Twerps W. vL. p. 10 is .16 9 6' '.9 ,8 7 8 .8 7 8 8 7 8 7 8 7 6 9 6 3 12 3 HANDS ACROSS THE SEA BELFAST, Feb. 5 0,"stars and Stripes," official newspaper of the U. S. armed forces In the 'British Isles, Is sponsoring a War Orphan's iuna 10 assist British war orphans. WELL-WON PROMOTION LONDON. Feb. 5 tP, Hmrtr -VTav. well Richmond. R.N. who won tho D5.0. for a battle In which his de stroyer, Bulldog, and three others, beat off three bitrcer German H stroyers, has been promoted to cap tain, iast taeptember he won the Russian order of the Red nannBr for gallantry in Russ'ia-bound con voys.. BLUEBIRDS WIN SWEEP Optimists, Knox Hotel, Rangers and : Savoy Swingers Also Win in ! Ladies' Bowling Bluebirds won three games to Rangers Big Sisters ! Savoy Swingers as Annettes Lucky Strikes 3 Bluebirds 158 Knox Hotel 171 Optimist' ' 148 Amateurs 291 Nursing Sisters 150 a clean sweep nil victorv over ership of the Mixed Bowline ! Nnrslnir Maters In the Ladif' League as a result of a two games I Bowling League. Rangers are now to one -victory over Toilers. Stone's jn the lead of the standing with Clothiers, on the short end of a Big Sisters In second place. Ot?er clean sweep by Sav-Mor, dropped ! scores this week were as follows: ai-tuun piace. savTMor, enmese i Optimists 2, Amateurs 1 tuuni aim ftiiuteis are nea ior third place honors. The results by games were as follows: Sav-Mors 3, Stone's 0. , i Midgets 3, Pushovers 0. Twerps 2. Chinese Youth 1. Peoples Store 2, Toilers 1. ,Knox Hotel 2, Lucky , Strikes 1. 1angers"2, Big Sisters 1. Savoy Swingers 2, Annette's 1. The standing to date: Wj L. P.I 12 4 12 11 4 11 10 5 10 ; 9 6 9 9 .,$ 9 9 6 9 7 8 7 5 10 .4 4 11 4 2 13 2' ntlBUTE TO RUSSIAN'S CAPE TOWN, Feb. 5 O "Theirs has been one of the greatest achievements bf history," said Prime Mtrtistew -Smuts, speaking of the Russians. It seemed incredible human beings could endure such winter-fighting conditions, he said. Sport Chai Sport continues as an part of the YAI.CA. War g,.,', program In Britain, especially',' hockey In full swing amr,: Canadian forces. Under "Y" u.,'' vision, 370 games were playefi? November's Army eltalna.,5 schedules and the forma' ! uBUW! !el8 schedules In December in h P south of .England 54 h,iUr . week are, available to Armv .' on two large Ice rinks, in udij -R.OA.F. teams are play,. , three rinks for 34 hours week''. Gapt. Teddy Graham of 0, Sound,. Ont, one-time di!-. stalwart In the National jj0, League, has.a new post with 'k quarters squadron of a C i y iuiuuicu origaae m Britain formerly was with the lr u of London, Ont. Beside the track which ' over New 3ulnea's Owen St . Raijges was a tumbledown hut i It was a ign: "Quotations for :'e Melbourne' Cup. Best Odd.s G. . CAT WOUNDED IN ACTION PORTSMOUTH, Feb. 5 : crew of a Bfltish destr iyc saw action In a channe: thought so much of their v. uiacK cai mascot tnat thrv she receive the best -of sun . jand to show her aopre:-:; .: j sleeps In turn 6n the hed 1 shipmates. HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEWEST CARD CREATION? Clevei (Hy COUTTS) For Uirthdays, ConyalcKcncc, (lifts and Everyday Friendship You'll like these New Cards with the Coutts Special Price arrangement and now on display at your Greeting Card Headquarters. Come in and see them at b..-..'. x. st: i"BAMBI" Greeting Cards! a WORK BOOTS Out Slock of Working Roots is second to none. Sizes from fi to 12. Arch-Kinjr, Valentine, Grcb, Til-sonliurff and Sterling makes. -Guaranteed solid throughout Priced to fit any pocket. Come in and let, us show you. Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes' s 1 I II