ly FEBRUARY 5, 1943 THE DAILY NEW3 Imt which it passes. kwono sang iiing If II KINDS THE IUIEAKS lit I o II Tetruary Speca f f WW at yoar GROCERS ALADA SHRIMPS BOAT W.S.L. TEA I . ri 1 - J- rsh every day, 5:00 p.m. it float West of Imperial Oil Co. SERVICES TO tcouvrr, Victoria and Way- tots, Stewart and North, ten unanoiie luaaas. nil Information, Tickets and ReserTations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Acent rd Ave. Phone 268 OP SUEY II House Next to King Tal 1612 1th AVE. WEST I jour patronage welcome 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside 5ns rrs from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. I'hone Red 217 BB mmEattunpLnsfc-, WE CARRY Everything For 1 I E 3 Dilapidated Old ia) rauruaa wrat car u Til T EiP (ld mark faults m the Landmark Burns I -, Small House Is in Middle of Destroyed Alberta Couple Marry In City Village TERRACE, Feb. 5 On Sunday afternoon fire destroyed a small house belonging to an Indian who I resides at Metlakatla. The shack I had been built in the early days of I Terrace Village and had been cupled for the past few weeks by Henry Orenler: Mr. Grenier lost most oL his possessions in the fire. The house was situated right in the centre of the village and, with its relics of a garden and dllapadlt-ated fencing, had become anything but an ornament. No one was hurt. .Miss Evelyn McRae Becomes Bride Of Gunner Ralph .Johnson at " Quiet Ceremony The marriage took place quietly at 9 o'clock Wednesday night at the Manse of First Presbytsriin Church, Rev. A. F MacSween officiating, of Miss Evelyn McRae. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke McRae. Morrln, Alberta, to Gun ner Ralph Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnson of Calgary. Wit nesses of the ceremony were Mrs. Alvln Daly and Jack James Followlne the marriage rites, LOCAL NEWS NOTES There -were forty-three pupil at Mr. and Mrs. Henry DolTon left feet attendance during the month last night for Vancouver to take Borden Street School who had per- .up future residence. of January, according to Principal S. A. Cheeseman in reporting to the school board. Latest etiMatroents in the local reserve unit Include T. C. Taira-ville, C. E. Jamieson, L. W. Hurl-burt, Alex Aiexeeff, Harry Basso. J- G. AlexMder, F. E. Birch and A. L. Jordisen. The remains of the late Matthew Murray, well known pioneer of this city, whose'death occurred at the first of the week, were sent by this morning's train to the fam ily home at Gait, Ontario, where Interment will be made. TO EASE MISERY OF CHILD'S COLD RUB ON MICKS 111 - y w VapoRud Jk Prince Rupert Dry Dock Em- Saturday, February 6, 9 pjn. un various sub-committee and all who there; was a wedding breakfast at the Commodore Cafe. The couple will reside on Sher-brooke Avenue. tfhhouhcemehtJ All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. L 15. O. B. A. Invitation Dance, Feb. Rebekah Valentine Dance, 1. 0.0 F Hall. Feb. 12 By invitation. Valhalla Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Feb. 19. :BB'ia;iBEa';flsu:iTJi'ir.Bri GOLD SEAL ! II mam I ; SL5 II man J i II I s leg I It Will Dav von tn r nme In I . S '"" Fancy Red sErSockeye Salmon look over our large stock 1 and jj 'oolien Goods. I S . ' "erring H & 1 I R g jitRRiNCS Sauce g .C. Clothiers 1 re both on active service lUiNE fiVP Til BLACK APir not m 1 but will be back on your y I Hgrocfr.s shelf soon as condi- g Third Avenue 1 j ditions permit. i fry B:1:B;::IB:HM8I''"'''"''" TILLIE THE TOILER worked with. them: the children 'who made the Tag Day an out standing success ir ni of incle ment weather; the markers Oi the camps in the vicinity who assisted with the campaign within their own territory; And to all who supported the effort, both the individuals who subscribed so generously and the organizations who made substantial donations, enabling Prince Rupert to subscribe 250 percent of its quota. A. F. MacSWEEN, Local Chairman. RAILROADERS' CLUB LONDON. Feb. 5 f A "Transportation Club" for Canadian and United States officetswho were employed by transport companies In peace-time has been ppened here. SAVOY HOT E L Carl Zartlli, Prop. Phone 57 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT DOM-TVOUTHIMKX VES,HE'S A , OW. OJ. ffMfcy COMMAWOO BILL MICE BOV. OOH, lL1LL-lf P J ''WWv pl L1 i Miss May Middleton of the staff of McRae Bros, left last night for a trip lo Vancouver. A Notice Instituting installation of Job's Daughters Bethel, Masonic temple, tonight, 8 pm. sharp. Mas-sons, Eastern Star and Parents Estimates Of City Schools Are Afain Before Board Must Be Completed for Council by Next Week The board of schrol trusters is still wrestling with the estimates for the year which are to be ready for presentation to the city council next week. Not including salaries and repairs, the school ex penditures last year were $5,709.62 for fuel, $3,560.50 for supplies and $6,190.90 on principal' and $7,304 TTTiOn interest of debt, the total bHg ' ' elation Dance, staff dining hall, . ,f This it Is expected til midnight. Admuooh 50c on presentation' of ied and yellow passes. Ladies free. Card of Thanks The committee in charge of the local campaign for the Canadian Aid to Russia Fund, having now concluded its work, wishes to ex press appreciation to all who assist. . tg fQr tne coming y(?ar ed in the undertaking; To the Daily News, the Evening Empire and Radio Station CFPR for their great services in publicizing the campaign; To the local branches of The Royal Bank of Canada, The Canadian Bank of Commerce and The Bank of Montreal, The Daily News and the Evening Empire for facilitating the collection of To Mr. G. R. S. Blackaby, Mrs J. A. Teng, Messrs. D. G. Borland and W. D. Lambie, the chairman of the $23,506.12. year that the fuel cost will be about one-third higher than last year owing largely to the conversion from oil to fuel in the heating systems. The estimates will be coming up again next week by which time committees are expected to,be able, to report finally on salaries nnd repair needs for the coming year. Figuring of additional school to I increased school population, the volume of which is uncertain, is making it difficult for the board to make its estimates this year. ITS GOT HEAVIER Early railway track weighed 50 pounds per yard; today most lines jse 130-pound rails. CANADA'S NUTRITION PROGRAM 1 MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Thones 18-19 P.O. Box 575 J. M. S. Loubser D.C. B.A. Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone 641 J. L Curry (l atp of Yukon) Chiropractor - Wcstholme Rooms I'M SOBBV, -TlLLiE. DRV VOOK TEARS AMD I'LL SAVIUIS-IF I AM MOT IKJ FAVOR OF VOOR MACRVIM6 BILL, t AM MOT A3A UST IT Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert UTILITY ACCOUNTS NoUe Is hefruy gphren that from thrdate all utility accounts must be paid by the due date stated on the account if discounts are to be allowed. City Treasurer. OH.MUMSV, TCH STOPPED or Money Back For rairk relW from ItnLtnx of ectraia. pinplm, a tin lett's fjiJt, tcalf, waLm, rmbet and otbr rt Uriullt caused Lin tiwibW, a at tart-wtiiif, - (m Jio(. anli rfitie. liquid 1). I). I. fcearrifiii (mifWN, UudM.SM)diMirritatkiftal iuu Uh rt!it'lror itching. 35c trial hHtlr imv It, v b-vfc Ak jourJniciirt UkUt fur )JUI. I'KI.M illl'l H V (Classified able cash charges. advertising is pay-in advance. No FOR SALE Pair of high-powered binoculars. Apply Box 428 Dally News. (32) FOR SALE One ahowcase 6 feet and 8 feet; counter, cash reg's-ter. Phone 696. itf) FOR SALE Four room house with bath. 1353 Fredrick Street. Phon? Green 739. 34.i BOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD plus good sal ary available with family o.' thre to reliable woman who will do light housework and .keep 3'? year old girl. Apply u.s. stan Jlouse No. 14 CH. Par,k or telephone Mr. Street, 175. (27) WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Experienced saleslady wishes work, in afternoon. Any kind of merchandise. Unemployment Insurance Commission AF33. HELP WANTED WANTED Janitor for school. Ap ply stating qualifications and experience 'if any) to Unemployment Insurance Commission A. M. 22. 34 REPRESENTATIVE WANTED An old established Life Insurance Co. has an attractive contract for full time representative in Prince Rupert. Apply National Selective Service Office A.M. 23. 134) WANTED WANTED Room for single man, close in. Apply Box 426 Dallj News. (34) VOU ARE A J5ABHI43 777 g ?5st i LOST LOST Diamond ring between Catholic School and Shoe Repair Store. Keepsake. Reward. Finder nlease leave at Daily News. (31) PERSONAL MARRIED OR ENGAGED? THEN you should read the unusual, sensational book "Facts of Life," 25c postpaid; 136 pages; adults only; guaranteed. Illustrated medical catalogues included free. Medical Health Bureau, Station F., Toronto. ix Tin; siTiiKMK rot ut of iiimtisii Ol.l MltlA IX rKOIlATK In tin- .Mailer of tlif "AdmlnMratlon Art" and In the Matter of tile Kstate of August IVlllirlni Johnson Defeased Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hl Honor W. E. Fisher, made' on the 22nd day of January. A. D. 1943, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of August WUhelm Jahnaon, deceased, and aU parties having claims against the said eertaite are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or about the 23rd day of February, A. D. 1943. and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this 23rd day of January. A. D. 1943. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince- Rupert, B. C. By WESTOVEIt TILLIE. JOME.S. ISHOULO SPAMK VOU - VOL) WERE WOT CRYIU6 AT ALU (g) family .ArD not easy to B T3) regular wBm nm overturn jm . . . one offered FREE with every purchase of size packages or size packages of CORN FLAKES Here's your chance to get an attractive, practical tumbler in an attractive square-cut design . . absolutely Free! i When you purchase 3 regular size packages, or 2 economical family "size packages, of Kellogg's Corn Flakes, your grocer will give you your free t umbler rightthen and there! But hurry this supply is limited . i Ycarafter year Kellogg's Corn Flakes are voted fir s t for flavour by 4 out of 5 Canadian housewivesl Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada. XgSSat" mi MiWM RESUMING OF STRIKE Clarence Gillis, C. C. F. Member For Cape Breton, Warns OTTAWA, Feb. 5 CP) Clarence Gillis, C. C. F. member for Cape i's;Hi:ExaxixirMt:am::B Breton South, warned the House of Commons last night that the recent steel strike would be precipitated again if demands of the steel workers were not met. He said that the men had resumed woik after .the strike last month which ren dered 13,000 men Idle ln eastern steel plants on the condition that, "if their demands were not met within thirty days, theywould i resume the strike." I LATEST STYLES inFURS My manager has gone East on a buying trip for latest styles. New stock will be arriving all the time. W. G0LDBL00M (The Old Reliable) 1