ffB . IMS . See how easy it is to buy a VICTORY BOND The Victory Loan salesman will explain all the details about buying Victory Bonds. First, you can buv a Virrnrv Bond out of your ' savings. Then, you can also buy a second bond out of your future .... jppr 2 ' 4 THE DAILY NEWS Ift - '1 I blL H 5 earnings, on the instalment plan. These bonds pay you interest each N half year. It is a sound plan to lay aside money regularly for the future. Victory Bonds help to bring security and happiness for the days to come. LOCAL FIFTH VICTORY LOAN HEADQUARTERS: 313 Third Avenue West Telephone No. 301 0 K -111 - ' . T . , .... 2.- 1." 1 , . m. 1 1 . ... - vans. ,i - ft On four previous occasions Canadians have all worked together to put Canada's four Victory Loans over the top. Last Spring, two and a half million folks from factories, farms and mines, from the Armed Services, offices and homes, came forward and loaned their savings and their earn-ings to help win the war. Today, as Winston Churchill has said, the war "is perhaps entering for us British and Americans upon its most severe and costly stage". Today Canada has more forces in the field. Today production from our factories, shipyards, mines and farms is on a scale many times greater than ever before. So Canada asks her people to sup-port ( the greatest Victory Loan of all. 5,200,000 Canadians "are now earning money throughout the Dominion. Each and every loyal Canadian is asked to do his or her part. Teamwork is needed for quick and complete victory. Let us all work together to make this loan a success to Speed the Victory. 73UY VICTORY BONDS v NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE