pEDNESDAY. MARCH 3, 1943 UWMENT :Dmmitee consisting of Ted fib and Amerigo Domlnato Was bated aft the meeting of ttte Nor Chamber of Commerce , last t o look ln:o complaints of c) enforcement of the regulations here. It was' felt -he dim-out should be either enforced or dropped . alto-rr Etly In CANADA'S NUTRITION PROGRAM lUSSALLEM'S economy Store fcwhere Dollars Have More Cents" Hones 18-19 P.O. Box 575 Irbr Income Tax Returns see . . IK. E. Mortimer 88 334 2nd Ave. innrrwT i m LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Sacred Concert by Varden Singers, Kirst Lutheran Church. Wednesday, March 3 at 8 o'clock. Admission by .pros ram, 50c. Douglas riagar, son oi Al Ragar 'He president o the Canadian Fishing Cir., and himself an official qf the company, arrived in the city this morning from Vancouver, being here on business. 1 The latest rumor' is that the Rupert Peoples Store has the smartest women's Spring Coats-, 3ults and Dresses you have seen, hey have jusf been put on display. Rev. A. F. MacSween, pastor of nrH Pre?')yt-ia!i Chu -h. !s th? atest new member of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. He was in attendance at the regular monthly meeting of the Junior Chamber last night. Rotary Luncheon THURSDAY, 1 P.M. Commodore Cafe ' Speaker: J. V. SCRIVENER C Holworth, customs officer from Stewart, is visiting in the city on business for the next eek. He is accompanied by Mrs. Holworth. committee of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber : Commerce consisting of C. F. McCarthy and Len Griffiths has distributed material in regard to the anti-venereal campaign and, as - Kin as further material Is available, it too will be distributed. G. M. Ferguson, Ylce-presldent of -he Vancouver Junior Chamber of Commerce, during a recent visit here, met the executive of the lo cal Junior Chamber. The venereal .disease control and salvage can- ;ains were among matters L. Flannigan and E. Bedford left for Port Clements. Lee Buck, R. J. chllds and R. Douglas left for Bella Bella, Mrs. Mary Dezell, Mrs. L. Wolfe, Mrs. M. A. Clark, A. Robertson and E. Carlson left for Massett. Mrs. A. M. Dowther returned to the city this morning from a business trip to Vancouver. W. O. Fulton returned to the city Klg morning from a brief business trip to Vancouver. Dr. W. S. Kergln of Ocean Falls arrived in the city this morninn fnr a brief visit. Mrs. W. Maiming Mrs. H. Chayer ind Mrs.. R. B. Campbelf left for Victoria Passengers leaving for Vancouver Included Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnson, O. Wallace, W. Oummings, S. O. Gustafson, A. G. Way. H. Thomn- son, J. Fltepatrick, Carl Erickson H. Robertson. G. Whatman. A. L. Julian, H. O'Bree, R. Robinson. J. W Kent, E Hayes. C. Carson. C. Shore, W. Bebeck, M. Nickson, H. Clark. A. Hend-ir-ksen. J Bjmk. W njorklund. H. J. Ryder, C. Holfrran. This Fast Action Helps mm Dave QQina w Put Vicks Va-tro-nol up each nostril at first sniffle, sneeze, or nasal irritation. Its stimulating action alda Nature's defenses against the cold-and so helps prevent colds from developing. Try VICKS VATRQNQl The Board of Works was given authority by the city council Monday night to proceed with the pur chase from the Shames Lumber o.'s sawmill at SKeena of a car-lod of cedar lumber. The lumber ..s n . .'ded for such wo:k as new sidewalks on Biggar place and Shp brooke Street. TIIE DAILY NEWS 1 111 r - -s- - . PAGE THREE A GREAT FAMILY 1 I Tl T I . - Birth Notice ' Born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tot-tinger nee Ruby Greenj at Vancouver on March 1, a son. Aid. W. B. Brett left last evening for a business trip to Vancouver. Recruits recently enlisted In the Royal Canadian Air Force include Allstair Hugh Ross of Prince Hup-ert, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Ross of Jasper and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Killin of this city. There was correspondence at the meeting of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber cf Commerce last night in regard to a forthcoming goodwill tour of South America on which the Canadian Junior Chamber will be represented. Suggestions in regard to the tour would be welcomed, It was stated. There will be a meeting of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital tomorrow afternoon. The balance sheet for 1942, just completed will be pre-:ented and the date for the annual general meeting of the Assoc-ation set. ' IhhcuHcemen tj All advertisements in this olumn Will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. S. O. N. Meeting, March 4. (53) Card party, Catholic Hall, March i7. Contract and Whist; good rizes. Admission 50c. Entries Queen Mary Bridge Tournament close March 17. Registered Nurses' Association Dane?,, Oddfellows' Hall, March IS. St. Peter's Spring Sale, March 25. Eastern Star Dance, March 20. Valhalla Invitation Dance, Oddfellows Hall, April 2. Cathedral Easter Sale. ApriL 29. BLOOD DONORS MUST BE BACKED BY MONEY DONORS MACHINE-GUNNED, bleeding to death, another Canadian or Hritish fighting man is reached by the Medical Corr. Will he live? Ves, his chances are good, ij be receives a blood transfusion in time. Thanks to the Red Cross Volunteer Wood Donor Service, military doctors on the field and in hospitals, ashore and afloat, are equipped to administer the blood serum that cheats death, last year Canadian Red Cross collected 200,000 blood donations for use in bombed areas and on fighting fronts. This year the demand is far greater world wide. Reserves of blood must be neither too I'ttle nor too late. . T'C present Canadian chain of Red Cross Wood Donor clinics HEADQUARTERS: 324 SECOND AVE CANADIAN ...ww,. 1 MUST be enlarged and new ones MUST be equipped. Although doctors and nurses give .their time, donors give their blood free, large sums are involved in maintaining clinics, lor funds to carry on, the Red Cross looks to you.' The stark lifc-or death nature of this appeal commands the wholehearted response of every Canadian. Think of our wounded, our prisoners of war ia barbed wire Nazi camps, Think of battle-ravaged Russia, starving China, and dying Greece and other peoples of the United Nations then ytli II give UtTJ ' dollar yoN can. Your donation will save many lives. Every dollar li urgently needed SOW", I'HONE 88 V O. ox W l'-Hcc Rupert, It.C. eD cross GilE-human dugeu'j U gwCfot than em NOjVj EUSsiHlD FOR SALE FOR SALE 34 x 44 Reflex Camera, also 22 calibre Mossterg clip repeater. Apply Box 445 Daily News. (56) FOR SALE Electric Stove. Phone Black 187. FOR SALE One complete bed. Call between 7 and 9 p.m.. 344 Fifth Ave. East. FOR SALE Three Men's Suits. Apply Staff House No.-6, Room 675, after six o'clock. (54) FOR SALE Man's bicycle. $25 cash. Phone Red 953, Wednesday after 6 o'clock. (52) HOUSE FOR SALE House, completely furnishedv 10 rooms and bath, pantry, linen closet, large halls, hot water heating system, cement basement, suitable for rooming or boarding house. Price .$4,000. Apply to 510 Seventh Avenue West. (54i WANTED WANTED Room by gentleman, light housekeeping preferred. Apply Box 439 Dally News. (58) WANTED Secondhand cook stove with water front. Suite 4, Washington Block. (33) WANTED To Rent or Buy: Two or three room house. Apply Box 446, Daily News. (57' WANTED To rent or lease, 5 or 6 room house, unfurnished. Clarence Thomson, Phone 423 or 53. (tf) WANTED To buy rowboat, 12 to 18 reet. good condition. Phone Blue 976. (55) WANTED Singer sewing machine. Phone Red 337. (55) SLEEPING quarters urgently need ed by lady stenographer in es sential position. Phone Black 510.1 ' Miss Fullerton. (53) ' WANTED Room and board in family home for woman with 4 months' old baby. Urgent. Phone I Blue 419 (Mrs. Martin). (58) ' WANTED 32 to 34 Hull with gurdy for scrap fishing. Apply Box 444 Daily News. (52 LOST LOST Man's gold wristwatch. Phone Red 198. 50i LOST Sum of money in business section. Finder please return :o Daily New. Reward. 53j BOARD AND ROCWT BOARD and Room for men sharing. 718 Fraser Street. HELP WANTED WANTED Woman for companion-l ship and light housekeeping duties. Service man's wife might be suitable, Phone Blue 709: or apply Madam Rajaut at Tlell. WANTED Girls 18 to 26. free to travel. Salary and commission. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 36. (51 WANTED Youths 17 to 22, free to travel. Salary and commission. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AM 27. (51) WANTED Experienced stenographer for full time employment Provincial Field Service, Court House, Prince Rupert. Phone 531. itf) PERSONAL BAND and Orchestra instruments not in use may be turned Into ready cash. Send full particulars to Whaley Royce & Company, 310 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario KWONG SANG IIING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST All your patronase welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Phone Red 247 Military Orders G. C. Oswell, E.D. Drill Parades A Company, Monday, 20:00 hrs.; B. Company, Wednesday, 19:30 hrs.; C. Company, Thursday, 19;30 hrs.; D. Company Friday, 19:30 hrs. Muster Parades HQ, A and B Companies, 19:30 hrs., March 8: C and D: Companies, March 9, 19:30 hrs.; night shift workers. March 8. 14:00 hrs. Another session of the city council's co-ordinating committee with Department of National Defence representatives here is being planned for the near future, Mayor W. M. Watts intimated to the city council Monday night. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PROF. "A Home Away From flbme Rates 75c up SO Hooms Rot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Rot l COCKFI6KTl 16 SO P0OJIA IU 1UE PHIIUP1NK TMAT MM Will WA6CK TWtie puests aud ppopirtv auo tVtM TMW2 WtES OM A BiaO iW ... I k. - You can feel like a million dollars and look the paTt when you come to Watts & Nicker-son's! We carry only fine well-styled merchandise priced most moderately! WORK BOOTS Out Stock of Working Roots is second to none. Sizes from 6 to 12. Arch-King, Valentine, Creb, Til-sonburg and Sterling makes. Guaranteed solid throughout Priced to fit any pocket. Come in and let us show you. Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" THIRD AVENUE FURNITURE SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES with foundations. Sizes 4-6,' 3-3. COTTON FELT FILLED MATTRESSES in sizes 4-6, 4-0, 3-3. t UNTAINTED FURNITURE: Drop-side Tables and Chairs. BEDROOM SUITES: Dressers in Walnut finish. FLOOR COVERING: Congoleum Rugs and Congoleum by the yard, C feet and 9 feet wide. AX1MINSTEK RUGS. All sizes. WE HAVE THE GOODS SEE THEM AT EUO'S FURNITURE LAND. ,&X PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Discover The Variety Store! You don't need to shop from store to store for household helps, a card of buttons, or a polo shirt for Junior! You'll find these things and hundreds of others all in the VARIETY STORE. So why not save steps by shopping for notions and other small Items at big savings at TIIE VARIETY STORE, where you find everything in one convenient spot? THE VARIETY STORE JlWhere your dimes are little dollars" PHONE RED 120 518 3rd AVE. WEST