PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited. Third Avenue - O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING, EDITOR .MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. SUBSCRIPTION IVATES By City Carrier, per week Per month Per year , By Mall, per month . LOCAL ADVERTISING Black Face Readers, per line , Business and professional Cards inserted daily, per month, per Inch - Transient, per inch ........ Contract, per Inch Readers, per line , DAILY EDITION Attack on Attu Island ... The attack of the Japanese bombers on Attu Island, which fortunately was unsuccessful, may serve to waken this side of the broad Pacific Ocean out of a sense of complacency' which has been growing upon it for some little time now in regard to the improbability of such attacks. Attu is, of course, the most accessible point of attack for the Asiatic enemy on the Noi;th American continent but it is not impossible and certainly not improbable that he may yet turn his attention if with nothing more .than a bombing raid on points further removed from his bases but mors important than Attu. In fact, the .visit to Attu might well be merely a diversion for a thrust of more earnestness and intensity at some other point. While there is a temptation to do so and there might appear to be a "semblance of justification about it, it- is very questionable if our security is as yet reached a point where we should let down our guard in any measure. With the enemy reeling back on all fronts now is the time to plant the finishing punch . . . with 5th Victory Loan Bonds. Sign up NOW. Sign up for all you can oarry. Sign up to bring the boys back home in triumph . . '. soon. Every dollar, every bond, counts in this great forward surge of our fighting forces. And remember, Victory Bonds are Canada's finest investment. LVJfJ. JJM W-W III A' J wit Miirni - - - - H. S. WALLACE Co. Ltd. ? : Listen to CFPR Commencing Saturday THE VICTORY LOAN QUESTION ?. .15 .65 $7.00 .40 $4.00 . .50 3.75 $1.00 ! .50, .25! Friday, October 15, 1943 BUY BONDS IkI Sport Chat Wee Jackie Paterson stepped jinto a British ring for the first time since he won the world flyweight crown last June and ran smack Ito- his toughest fight In years. A southpaw with a knockout punch In either hand, Glasgow's Jackie had to fight every second of the way to take an eight-round decision over a tough naval surner from liver-pool who exchanged punches under the dual handicap of a forehead gash and an Injured hand. The sailor bloke, Gus Foran, was making hW London debut and few of the spectators, who packed the Queensbury Club thought he would stay the dls-, tance let alone extend the king. ' At the finish of the non-title match, cheers for Foran rocked the house while Paterson slipped from the ring unnoticed. Some even boo?d the verdict but there was little dpubt Paterson j piled up a points margin al- I though he could not solve For- ( an's defence and administer his I'sual knockout. Foran, Northern i England bantamweight champion, relied mainly on a straight left that repeatedly foiled lightning hooks and swings of his opponent. Cousin of Ginger Foran who once fought Jackie Brown for the world flyweight title and now Is in the United States, Gus was congratulated at the ring side after the'bout by A. V. Alexander, First Lord of the Admiralty, who said: "It was one of the, finest flints I've seen. Your ourage was In the true tradl- lons of the navy." The Liverpudlian ran -into -nost of his troubles In the second round. A sizzling right from the champion opened up an old cut over his eyebrow, and a few seconds later Foran bruised his right hand on Paterson'? head. From that time, he didn't throw a hard right. Foran nevep has been knocked out and boasts a record of 36 kayoes in 43 contests since turning professional three years ago. He recently returned from naval duty around North Africa. After the bout Gus asked for -and probably will get a return match with Jackie, who floored Peter Kane In Just 61 seconds to take the world title some weeks igo. At that same time Paterson retained his British and Empire crowns, and by defeating Kane won outright possession of trie Lonsdale belt which means that 27 years from now he can start drawing a pension. Awarded by the British Eoxlng Board of Control, belts' won outright have-a monetary value and at the age of 50 a holder is entitled to a pension of 1 a week. Cpl. Paterson of the R.A.F. Is 23 and will start drawing the stipend In 1970. SERVICES TO Vancouver, victoria and Waypolnts, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 Basketball Buzz An Important organizational meeting of representatives of teams entering the Prince Rupert area basketball league Is expected to be held tonight.. Included In the business that mav be transacted Is the drafting of a schedule. It is expected that after the conference, the number of contenders in the cage lop wui be definitely kn-jwn .and the campaign will commencp THE DAILY NEWS FRIDAY HAT VACANT CHAIR That boy of yours has been gone a long time. He and his fighting comrades are now surging forward to Victory. Help speed that Victory and his return to his place in your heart and home. Every dollar counts. Buy Victory Bonds. Buy them for your absent boy; buy them for your future. Lend,. . . to restore the family circle. i8 CENTRAL HOTEL CO. LTD. LEND NOW. THE FINISHING TOUCH! Send our troops storming to crush the tottering Nazis. Armed to the teeth by your 5th Victory Loan purchases, they'll sweep all before them; move the Victory hour ahead. Then, the home yrniing!. Can't you picture it? That's what you're asked to invest in: a speedy Victory, a speedy, triumphant return. Lend now to bring the boys home.- SPEED THE VICTORY ... BUY BONDS BULKLEY FAMILY BUTCHERS soon. Acquisition of a playing court by the Fraser Street Tigers, Juvenile basketball quintet, was revealed today. The Tigers, it is announced, wiH be able to use the court of St. Peter's Church. Seal Cove, on Thursdays. ' Maurice Teng. coach of the Bengals, has been endeavouring to line up Juvenil'e opposition for his club. He has succeeded in finding two' and possiblv three other teams who will meet the Tigers In friendly games. Little hoop activity ,has been on at the Booth Memotial High Speed the VicwRy Bur bonds; to supply MARKET THIRD AVENUE School's gymnasium the last few days since the floor has beerr newly painted but play i will be resumed next week. Preliminary organization for th? High School team will be over shortly and the dub will then b ready la stage practices In earnest for the coming season ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT There Is a dance at the Highway Camp tonight at which the tfavy band will play, so you n.awv I. .-. I .nusic, a gooa aancei iwls :haperones for the evening win :e Mrs. Stewart Donaldson and .Irs. H. B. Rochester, representing the Order of the Eastern Star. Chaperones and Junior hostesses will meet at the 'Y. Captain Armltage is puttir on his Dickens sketches Friday evening at the Empress 'Y' Hal) for the Navy. He' much prefers to give his performances in hesp smaller halls as his work Is essentially intonate in style He likes a hall where he can :et In personal touch with hl audience and walk around dls i .touting the bronze medals of he society. And surprisingly aough In the larger theatrical entres the pe:formances put in in these little or Intimate hsatTes are the best and th? ost popular. I know the bays SfcVJ to snjoy tonight's rformance and I do hope the "aptain does his excellent aracter study 'The Peddler" 'im Oliver Twist. It Is clever, forceful and d.amatic. Sorry, very sorrv. to see Petty Officers "Andy" Anderson and Roy Martin drafted. Roy has .-en up here three yea: and-Andy over two years so they: nave don? ihelr "Rupert time"' ;ln all conscience. Andy's draff ame as a birthday present, right on the day. P. O. Ted Lewis who made the third in :hat lively trio Is going to be disconsolate I'm afraid. As he would say, "It's going to be grim." Well, we'ie without a Unlor Jack asain. It seems that the one we had here was on loan from the Navy and there wa ome irregularity about thf-loan we accepted It In good faith so back It has gone. Af tny rate it was nice having U and our thanks to the Navy lust the same. In the meantime Old Olory is lord of all he sur-'eys. The Service Wives Club met Thursday afternoon In the ladies lounge at the 'Y. There were ' en members and five children I iresent and two new members wsre welcomed to the club. The ' 'fle. which was donated by Mrs. Strand, was won by Mrs. lcard. Tea was served by Mrs. Dent and Mrs. Strand. Next week we are to have a special YWCA visitor from Vancouver spending the club and I would like to see as many members as losslble In attendance. SCIENTIFIC DEMONSTRATION The first graphic demonstra-! i" rf sound wave was made in 1857. TTTTTTTTTTTTrrTTTTTTTT I 3! J - M mi m 2 r M Winterize WITHOUT DELAY Fire your furnace right. 2 Keep your furnace clean. Keep down temperatures 3 Close off unused rooms Dress warmly indoors. Prevent heat losses. Soldiers like the Chocolate Cocoa v BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... At Your' Local Htitrhcrs NO WASTE - HEADY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage o I I'KINCK RIIPFKT CO. Ltd. BRITISH niMMBU IS REAL WAR This la not a phoney war. The Canadian Arrj .Is In the thick of the fight. The or;? w can win Is on the field of battle. Ii phyi; a.:; fit and between 1ft and 45 you are eligible f r the Active Army, which Is still t ' tv volunteer Army. Visit your nearest Army Recruiting Office today. Don't delay. J 4 Titf. Pioneer Druggists TIIK ItHXAI.L STORK Open Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays Irom 12-2 p.m. and 7 9 P WHAT'S YOUR NEED?; We have a very large slock of (Used and reconditioned) IMT.s In all Itp an1 nnilltir I'llONhS 81 nlf 1 1 RUNNER CARI'KT in many colours and widths I O FURNITURE of most all descriptions: thai", uwo chesterfield sets, etc. e FLOOR LAMPS. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. O 5000 THEATRE CnAIRS (all types), Counters, SKK etc.; Lunch Counter Stools and lanirs MILLIARD TABLES, FOOL TABLES f Many articles too numerous to mention. Vhv not f us a line. We may have Just the article you w- LA SALLE THEATRE EQUIPM 915 Granvil.le St., Vancouver, bC Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY HI It Til DAY AND EVERYDAY CAbD WATERMAN'S FO UNTA IJjJjj Bcsner Block, 3rd Street PhoneJ , v Kaien Hardware PHILPOTT-EVITT CO. LTD. Early Ad. Copy is Apprcd TTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTTTTVTTT