PAOE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Uaggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Rupert Peoples Store IN BROWN AND BLACK BROGUES, GILLIES, TIES AND LOAFERETTES. Welted Soles and Genuine Calf Leathers. Perfect Filling Lasts in Fittings A A to C Width. Priced $5.85 and $5.50 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes" RUPERT PEOPLES STORE S Miss Violet Mah wishes to notify the patrons of the Sunrise Beauty Salon that thi'ihSji wrilvbevft)W ToV trie "next few weeks during her absence on a business trip to the east. Appointments will not be taken in during this time and your co-operation will be fully appreciated. Also expressing sincere thanks for your loyal patronage of the past year and hoping to serve you better still with the latest fashions upon her return. A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd, A GOOD PLACE TO BUY CO only, "MASTERCRAFT" HASSOCKS Round, Square and other shapes. Different Colors. Priced from $.'5.,"50 Phone 775. 327 3rd Avenue "GALIVANT" SHOES i High Low i CFPR (1Z10 Kilocycles) SCHEDULE Monday p.hl ; 00 Victor Record Album :30 Louindl Morgan Trio : 45 Transcribed Variety : 00 Shall We Dance? :30 Barbara Norman :43 Accordiania :00 CBC News ;03 Jimmy Cash, tenor ;1S Vagabond's Road 30 Salon Music 00 Telephone Hour 30 Your Broadway and Mine 00 Fred Waring 15 Front Line Family 30 To be announced 30 "Downbeat." 00 CBC News 05 Music a la Carter 30 The Oakies' 00 Freddie Nagel's Orchestra 15 Song Sheet 30 Silent. Tuesday A. M. 30 Strictly Informal 45 CBC News 50 Strictly informal 00 Musical Minutes 30 Morning Meditations 45 Composers' Corner 00 Dinah Shore 15 Studies in Black and White 30 CBC News 35 Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra 00 A Morning Visit 15 Boston "Pops" Orchestra 30 Swing and Sway 45 They Tell Me 00 Wilf Carter 15 Broadcast of Messages 17 Marek Webster's Orchestra 30 Let's Go Modern p.M. 00 Mid-day Melodies 30 On the Bandstand : 50 CBC News : 55 Todayls Program Hiehllchta 00 One O'clock Muslcale 30 B.C. School Broadcast 00 Silent Local Tides Tuesday, March 30 8:14 18.2 feet 21:39 17.1 feet 1:49 14:51 A.C. C 9.0 feet 5.3 feet KWONG SANG IIING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Phone Red 217 xaiiiiiaiiiiiiiiaiiBiinisiainiijiiiBiiuiiii I Fresh Local Raw and i Pasteurized MILK 1 VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 i ameron PHYSIO THERAPIST STEAM ELECTRIC TREATMENTS for Lumbago, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Neuritis and Sciatica Hours 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Room 38 NEW ROYAL HOTEL NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZAKELLI; PROP. "A Home Away From Home" Rates 75c up SO looms Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. rhone 281 P.O. Box IIS THE DAILY NEWS MONDAY, March, PTE. TREVOR WILLIAMS (Continued from Page One) trast between first thing in the morning and last thing at night in the hut is like the difference between the silence of the tomb and the hubbub of a three-ring circus. I don't think there can be any place where It is more obvious that nobody likes to get up in the morning. Men roll out slowly and reluctantly everyone has a scowl on his face, nobody talks to anyone else, even friends avoid each other. On a typical evening you would think at times that all hell is let loose. Two or three radios may be blaring away, boogie-woogie Jumbled up with light clas sical music. A couple of the boys may be tearing into each other with boxing gloves. A few others may be arguing over a poker game. Some others may be cursing volubly in a corner with others adding to the confusion in their own way. Some may be actually reading, writing or relaxing but they're in the minority." Here the letter Is interrupted and when Private Williams picks up pen again it is in Calgary instead of Vernon and advanced training has commenced. "We had a pleasant trip from Vernon to Calgary," he writes. "I am now with almost an entirely different group of men. There ' are onlj three of us who were In the platoon at Vernon who are In the same platoon here. Only when we are asslged to our permanent units will we make contacts with men with whom we may expect to as sociate more or less for the dura tion. "Our N.C.O.'s seem to be of an altogether different stripe from the men we were under at Vernon. At Vernon they seemed to have a genuine wish to get along with the soldiers. They did their best to see that rules and regulations were adhered to and at the same time seemed to have a way of making us like it. The N.C.O.'s here are more the type that people in civil life expect them to be. They hand out orders In a sort of "do It or else" sort of manner. Maybe they'll slacken up a little after a while. "The military mind works in peculiar ways. The night before we left Vernon we had to clean our webbing equipment with a powder which is issued to us from quartermasters' stores. We thought we were pretty spic and span when we got to Calgary but we were soon disillusioned. No, it wouldn't do. Khaki was the wrong color. At Currle Barracks all webbing must be cleaned with a powder to give a greenish khaki color. Nor could it be obtained on issue from quartermasters' stores but we had to .buy it ourselves. I "This Is a sntendtd hnrraeks. Our platoon is in the usual eighty beds to a room bunkhouse but there are some beautiful buildings and fine quarters are available for us after hours. There is a dry canteen with billiards and other games and a wet canteen with beer. Then there is Sally Anne (Salvation Army), where soldiers can get practically all the odds and ends they want, and the Canadian Legion Hall which has a library, writing room and performs miscellaneous odd services. In Quarantine "Tlie whole platoon of us were called Into the medical officer's presence a few days ago and there informed that somewhere between British Columbia and Alberta one of our number had contracted scarlet fever. We were, therefore, he regretted to say, all of us under close quarters until further notice. We can't go to Sally Anne! We can't go into Calgary. We are confined to our quarters apart from drill outside and going to mess. We'll soon get to know one another under these conditions. "Whatever its drawbacks may be. army life at least hasn't failed to be interesting," - BEAUTY figg LTINT ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS Commencing Thursday, April 1, Our Business Hours will be WEEK-DAYS (Except Thursday) .... 1 to (J p.m. THURSDAYS 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. We are compelled to make, this change due to the fact that It is impossible to obtain experienced help. Our large surplus stock is now almost exhausted and, due to war conditions, cannot be replaced with the exception of wallpapers, paints and window glass. Morning hours will be entirely taken up with store work. GORDONS HARDWARE WANTED Four men for steady work in oil warehouse. Good wages, 18-hour week, overtime, time and a half. Applicants must have lodging accommodation. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission, A.M. 30. WATER All users of water are urgently requested to reduce the amount consumed to provide some small reserve in case of fire or other emergency. Remedial measures arc in hand but the greatest economy in the use of water will still be absolutely essential. Even a saving of one gallon per person , per day will help to Improve the situation. Your fullest co-operation Is earnestly requested. F. N. GOOD, City Engineer. "PEOPLE OF RUSSIA' "WILD HONEY" At 7,nttt. ONCEVP0XA HONEYMuox CAPITA Feature at 12:30, 2:47, 5:04, 7:21, 9:3j I ENJOY SPUING ON A BUDGET! Somehow you HAVE to exriress that cvervthlnir. ., i-. that Spring brings, but budgets and the times faeint fc.t J are--well, the whole affair seems somewhat dampened J aont be downhearted. Come in and see our delightful di.- I Spring notions. Oh, so many thines that will satisfy thdl dress-up urge and yet. all so inexpensive, you can buy ail wunout tne slightest qualm of conscience. DO COME! THE VARIETY STORB "Where your dimes are little dollars" PHONE RED 120 SIR 3rd AVE. 1 CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Sie 00x101. Each $11.25 JUST ARRIVED A shipment of Chests Drawers Drop Side Tables, Chairs, Ironing Boards, and Kitchen Sets. THIRD AVENUE ELIO'S .PRINCE Kl'PERT. 1 Show Your Colors! USE PATRIOTIC STATIONERY UNION JACK WRITING TABLETS: Note size M Letter size W UNION JACK ENVELOPES: Package 'or IV 15f - - OVERSEAS PORTFOLIO: Note size pad and envelopes with Union Jack imprint put in a handy portfolio 20 SPECIAL ENVELOPES imprinted -for the Canadian Army Overseas, pkg l3' OVERSEAS ADDRESS LABELS, package Use AIR MAIL for Speed: Air Mail Tablets, note and letter size, each Air Mall Envelopes, package - 25 and 1 Air Mall Labels, package ond '''(. DENNISON'S PATRIOTIC SEALS, package -DENNISON'S PATRIOTIC NAPKINS' 40 l FLAGS SREEJS