"enewal of unemployment INSURANCE BUUK.5 . All GtttfUoyeU: All Unemployment Insurance Books for the current fiscal year 1942-43 must be turned In for replacement by new books. Between , MARCH 29th and ARRILrd I New Insurance Hooks for the fiscal year 194.V44 '. ...i.nnunl lv flip I .oral Kmnlovment and Selective j, .piicii ; :t.r. .. t nTice in your area lor expired insurance nooks. 1 1(. not send in your Insurance Hooks without com- . ii-itli ,irfMi1nr loltf.r Mo. fl25. ..wm . . ..... . ,t: inruiaii"'"-111" 0 v-m have not received this circular letter, get in frllJi'l' 'I'll ' llUllllfl w v-.xv.- iflue immediately. Where it is necessary to quote the Employee's NumU'r, use the. number with the prefix letter tn die front cover of the book: example 'r-4'47, 4. 4 Do not quote the lHXk serial number printed i (fc: I-'K s oi.me imxk. Protect the benefit rights of your employees i " iv ing closely the procedure outlined in the letter, and prevent delays by acting now. Thrrr are erere prnalt'm far failing to mahr I arm nlo) went Inturanre ronlrihutioni far four inmrrtl em(.la;1m and fur failure to rrnew the lifutanre llmtht at mnired. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION (Il MKIlKEV MllCHEU. 1 I V I MttKA AM O.C, B.A. ' L uropratiur I'.lock Phone Ml -sf mi: t in in or iikitimi mm v. i mourn: uf Cir AiliulnUlratlon in i iur r.-tatr of Surrln' J -2 by Orefcr of H1 ji - ni Br ) Columbia, I J-i!-!i AD. 1943 - ;r f the Estate rl- rf Hinrter .jh : of Bella Bcl- a, Doctasfd, who 22-. it tl iy rf r.s Indebted to the 1 ' pav the M: xemxns to me ! oer.-aru having claims c tire rajulrrd to ' : c: petly verified on Cav f Anrll A. D ' ' ibutioii will bo ily shoh claims -vp been notified. : F i Rupert. VP this (943 .OPMAN A WATT Or: .J AdmJnWrntor Prince Rupert. B.C. CommhurmnK LOUIS J. TROTTIER R. J. TALLON ALLAN M. MITCHELL -..B"iiB.ll.,1IH:i!'liB!ii,SBT'ISH: i U and I CAFE f! On Waterfront WILL OI'EN APRIL 1 R Ml Mi IJ miBlKX JB.: SHRIMPS BOAT W.S.L. Fresh every day, 5:00 p.m. First Float West of Imperial Oil Co. savoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54 1 FRASER STREET PRINCE UUPEKT I Ii-m- rr nri if" 1 -M a mM m m mmm mm I J I r M IX I II II ri 1 1 hf 1 lt 1""" aurrtH NG S 1 '- iriHN tVtK ft'oicl a5s and Holidays from 13 3- GIVE as you never gave before DO NOT HOLD BACK! When the Red Cross ca'ls for your donation, remember this is your personal gesture toward 'the suffering and hungry ... the homeless and the imprisoned I It Is as if you reached out your hand . . and gave what you had! The Red Cross KNOWS it can count on YOU1 Ormes lid. Pioneer Druqgiats REXAI.I. crniiD nurture: Ri and 83 Sum "I'm uauy irom y a.m. un v p.- -Ma 2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. 29. 24. Miss K. Maclntyre Is leaving to night for a trip to Vancouver. LOCAL NEWS NOTES AEllo's Pay Cash for Furniture, Stoves. Tools, Musical Instruments. George Otto Is leaving tomorrow afternoon for Vancouver Mrs. I. Bennett Is leaving night for Massett. Orange Dance tonight, Hall, 9:30. Miss Mary Dyson and George and Henry Mayer are leaving tomorrow night for Port Clements. - A A. R. P. Workers and interested friends are invited to showing of motion pictures at Booth Memorlai School. Monday, March 29 at 8 pjn. Special A.R.P. picture is entitled "Ordinary People." W. C. Garbutt, assistant general manager of the Imperial OH Co for British Columbia, and F. H. Be- tait, construction engineer; arrived In the city on last Thursday night's train, from Vancouver and are here for the next few days on business. "Build B.C. Payrolls" PLEASE 1)0 NOT HE IMPATIENT WITH YOUR GROCER evapuiimf", ) For Several weeks past Pacific Milk has been required to make large shipments overseas for the British Ministry of Food. Plenty will be available here shortly. In the meantime we will try to see to It that your grocer will have sufficient for Infant feeding. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed Jnncuncemeh All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Oiange Invitation Dance March Sonja Home -Cooking Sale. April 20. Valhalla Invitation Dance, dfellows Hall, April 2. 33 V Od- Prcsbyterlan Spring Sale Apr. 15. C.C.F. Bridge, Valhalla Hall, April Queen Mary Easter Monday Tea, Mrs. A. T. Parkin. Cathedral Easter Sale, April 2D. C.C.F. Invitation Dance Oddfel lows' Hall, April 29. For Income Tax Heturns see . . R. E. Mortimer Phone 88 321 2nd Ave. FOR SALE SPF.CIAL PRICES New hand-made RAG RUGS. Artistic designs. 18x36. Special RADIOS In first, class playing condition. 7 to 10 tubes. Real Bargains- .... $20 up TYPEWRITERS Good condition. Remington, Underwood, L. C. Smith. Real bargains $'" One 3-plece CHESTERFIELD SET. High grade tapestry covering. Regular $200, for SiSO Odd Lines, Pots, Pans, etc. B.C. Furniture PHONE BLACK 32-1 THIRD AVENUE House Wives Attention: Meet ing, 1224 8tn Ave. u., Tuesday, 8:00 p.m. Mrs. Len Crlpps, who has been spending a couple of weeks visiting here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan, returned to Vancouver Saturday night. IF YOU HAVE SORE THROAT dm to a cold ..let some Vicks'VipEfRutf ' melt In your mouth. See how quickly It eases discomfort... relieves raspy throat lICKd irritation. Try It. f VapoRus E. after 5 p.m. (75) FOR SALE 182 acres good land, Vi light clearing In English Swiss settlement ajbout 8 miles from Smlthers, near Sealy ranch. 1 mile from, school, no building. good building and saw timber. $1200.00 any terms. R. W. Calder- wood, Smlthers, B.C. 74) u I FOR SALE Boy's C.CM. Rambler bicycle, good condition electric toaster;' phonograph tattajch-j ment. Call at 1315 Piggott Ave. . (75) FOR Immediate sale, modern white and black enamel range, all steel double bed, Westlnghouse 11- tube radio, walnut bedroom suite, kitchen table and chairs. 1333 Overlook Street. . (75) FOR SALE Furniture and floor coverings. 611 5th Ave. East; (74) FOR SALE Tenders will be re ceived by the undersigned' np-'td' noon of Wednesday April 7thfp.: purchase of gasboat "Flint River' FOR SALE Offers are Invited for purchasfi. of gasboat to late John Thompson, deceased. Boat has been raised to Dry Dack wharf where it may pe Inspected. Powered by 6 H.P. Standard. Norman A. Watt. For Official Administrator, Vancouver, B. C. - 183)- FOR SALE L. C. Smith & Corona adding, machine and. cash .register combined. Apply Box " .-459 ' Dally News. (741 FOR SALE Axmlnster Carpets, ,E1-lo's used department. FOR SALE Kitchen Ranges' Elio's used department. nELlMVANTED WANTED Stenographer for a wholesale grocery house, perma, nent position to satisfactory party. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 39. (tf) SHOES Mr. and Mrs. E. Eby left on Sat urday night for a trip to Vancouv er. Mrs. A. E. Thomas apd daughter. Norah, left on Saturday night for Vancouver. Sergeant Tony Ainsley, chief announcer and program director ol the local radio station CFPR, wll be the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rup ert Oyro Club this Wednesday. Ho will speak of radio in Britain with wAichuhe' wa idtntil lednaf tan -be lng invalided out of active service overseas with the Seaforth High landers. Classified Ads FOR SALE WANTED FOR SALE 1937 Ford DeLuxe, 1 WANTED Volunteer workers to cood tires. Call 1137 Seventh Ave. i assist today and tomorrow In loading salvaged bottles. Apply Bob Parker, Phone 83. WANTED Suite, apartment or furnished room by married couple. Phone Red 617. 7S) WANTED Furnished or unfur nished housekeeping room or rooms, suite or apartment. Reward. Box 462 Dally News. (79) WANTED Capable housekeeper for small family, sleep In. Red 879. WANTED Diesel Caterpillar to skid ten million feet near Terrace, already cut and stored, camp in. Send particulars to Box 462 Daily News. (78) WANTED Pair of roller skates for child of eight. Phone 231. (74) WANTED Electric washing machine In good condition. Phone Red 665. '(76) WANTED Room and board or furnished room for lady. Urgent. . Blue 419. (77) belonging to Estate PhilipDaYis,. WANTED Three or four roomed deceased. Boat moored' Newj 'house or suite, unfurnished; lm-Floats and dimensions 30x8x4V2,l -mediate possession. ' Apply Box Official Administrator. (82) 450 rjaiiy News. (76) .WANTED Light, housekeeping belonging! room or rooms tormidclle-aged couple. Phone 51, ask Frederlckson. for Mrs. (74) MISCELLANEOUS.. WILL Trade six-room Wartime house for four room house. Apply 544 Seventh Avenue East. (75) BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room for men sharing. 718 Fraser Street. "(75) LOST LOST Lady's small gold wrist watch, vicinity of King Edward School and Hospital. Reward. Phone Black 951 or Blue 722. (75) LOST FOUND C.N.R. Boat Ticket. Owner may have same by paying for this a'dvertisement and calling Blue 801. 01 SHOES SHOES " Closing out all Shoes from The Annette Ladies Wear and The Style Shoppe Some of these are New Shoes just.re-ceived today. Beaumonts, Wilmonts, Debs, Graceline, etc., are among well known makes. All shoes to be sold at greatly reduced prices. These For Sale TUESDAY, 9 A.M., MARCH. .U 19.13 . ' ' fs ) .fu,. Vl. V ..: "THE STYLE SHOPPE" (Next I)oor Bulklcy Market) SEE OUR WINDOWS Muths Login, Swift's fimed home economist, whose weekly wartime cookingcolumn is a tegular feature of this page. Look for these valuable hints each Monday PAGE TTCRE2 by Martha Logan Economical Baked Meat Roll A new and tasty way of making a mam dish out of meat and vegetable left-overs. Now that we all must make pur meats go further and yet serve properly balanced meals in accordance with Canada's Nutrition Program new, interesting ways of using left-over meat and vegetables are much in demand. Try this baked meat roll next time you have one or two cupfuls of meat left over. Make biscuit dough: 2 cups sifted flour, 4 tsp. baking powder, ViUp. salt, 4 tbsp.JfU f Shortening, Jj cup milk. Sift flour with baking powder and salt. Cut in Jewel finely. Add milk gradually. Put the meat through the grinder and combine with any left-over vegetables ot some ' CONSERVE FUEL When you ate biking pies, plin to economize by using your hot oven fot nuin.mealilishes.like he meat roll described above. D. T. Lutes, well known coast cannery man, left Saturday night on his return to Vancouver follow ing a brief business visit here. Alexander Hardy, for parking jjvgr.a foot from the curb, was fin ed jo m city ponce court at end of the week. the Latest recruits to the Royal Can adian Air Force Include Henry Eug ene Thomson, son of Mr. and Mrs W. R. .Thomson of Terrace, and Kim Vuen Lee, brother of Miss Y S. Lee of Prince Rupert. raw chopped cabbage or grated carrots. Add finely chopped onion, soft bread crumbs and an egg to bind; Season to taste. Moisten with a little meat stock or tomato juice and a dash of Worcester Sauce. Enclose In the dough, wet and seal ends and bake in a hot oven 30 minutes or until paste is done. Served with a green salad or leafy green vegetable, your family will love it. Don't forget to serve milk, tomato or citrus fruit and Canada Approved bread as welt as meat and vegetables each dayj 1 Economical planning of dietetically correct wartime meals is easy if you have Martha Logan tfamous men cookbook: " Meat Complete.' ' For this 5 4-page illus-. trated book, send 10i to Swifc Canadian Co. Ltd., Dept. NE11, Toronto. SWIFT CANADIAN CO., LIMITED . . a Dominion wide organization devoted to the conservation and efficient distribution of Canada's food resources. ; ;J W. N. Bruce of the Canadian Bank of Commerce staff left Satur day night for a vacation trip to Vancouver. John Dybhavn is leaving tonight for a business trip to Vancouver. Constable C. F. Oland, proclncial police, returned to the city lasi night from a trip to Vancouver. Bishop H. L. Foss of Seattle, having received word of the death of his father, Rev. Dr. L. C. Foss, left Saturday night on his return south. He had come north to conduct the dedication of the new St. Paul's Lutheran Church here but the proceedings were carried on In spite of his departure. The late Dr. Foss was for years bishop of Pacific district and was well known in Prince Rupert. VICTORY SHOE RENEW 503 RICHARD STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. Let us do your Shoe Repairing. Mail Your Shoes We Pay Return Charges and give you 24 HOURS SERVICE High Class Workmanship Best Material Reasonable Charges TRY THE VICTORY SERVICE! Prop. II. Van Berkel (formerly of Prince Rupert) We always carry a full assortment of Cooked Meats and $1 Use them for sandwiches lunches. Our refrigeration system always keeps them at their peak of flavor. Mussallem's ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars have more Cents" Phones 18-19 P.O. Box 573