4 i 3LEMBER OF THE CANADIAN rliESS . The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use for publlca- 55" tion of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated if Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. m A11i rights of republication of special despatches therein are P: also reserved. p LOCAL ADVERTISING. Transient, per inch $1.00 f Contract, per inch - - 50 Readers, per line 25 , ;BlacklFace Readers, per line ! 40 1 JJt; . V If implemented unless pres- That seems to be the nosi-i fall- rtf AlliPrI inv.neinn nf!b "Tell Me the Old Old Story." noiis blows: to their prestige in federal by-elections. The-: Liberals have not forgotten that in Winnipeg THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue G. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR DAILY EDITION JjJ Saturday, June 26, 1943 Invasion of Europe... There has been so much propaganda and talk ifrorn pur side about the impending invasion of fm,, JjUIUpc llliJl C ttlll lulling this line is not the real intention and that it will not V A come d t an early date. True it is a war of nerves but ' X even' in a war of nerves threats can be carried to a : : 4i 4. i point where they must be tiee and face is to be lost. rtW'nhw ?n vrrnrrl tn th Europe. One of these days very soon, we again venture to suggest, we will be hearing the stirring news of this great phase of the war being on. Then we will be having the second front. It may be a costly business but ve may have confidence that the outcome will be favorable to our side. Federal Political Situation . . . In these days of unrest, diversive movements, and changing conditions, the major political parties in Canada must offer vigorous policies to keep pace witrr the times and to reflect all p'hases of public opinion. In other words, no longer can the major political parties travel ahead on familiar roads even if it may seem to "old school politicians" that the riey elements are trying wild-cat theories or to use, as it has been said, "deceptive short-cuts to paradise, across flowery meads that may turn out to be bottomless morasses" instead of so-called stable, steady and ; strong alternative monopoly of governmental power by these major political parties. In tests of public opinion since the last general election of 1940 both major iurui centre oy-eieciion in ueeemDer, lviz, tneir official candidate was not only badly defeated by a 34-year-old opponent but he lost his deposit- though three federal ministers, Howe, Crerar and Macdon-ald,; supported him in the campaign-. The Conservative have not forgotten that an almost unknown candidate was able to administer a crushing defeat in Toronto South York by-election to a former Prime Minister, Rt Hon. Arthur Meighen. Four forthcoming by-elections will be extremely serious tests of public opinion which may influence the King government's decision for or against a general; election, even if there is now an outward pre- & tense that there is no immediate prospect of it. ' WANTED IMMEDIATELY Truck Driver For Local Oil Company. Good wages, overtime. APPLY: National Selective Service, Number AM G2 parties have suffered se- Rugs, inlaid Marboleum Coneo- ieet wiae. In Floor Coverings for vears trivia News) Prince Rupert uumng rcoom THE PUBLIC .... 6:30 to 9:00 11:30 to 2:00 5:00 to 8:00 1st Avenue and 7th Street FLOOR COVERINGS For your Floor Covering Requirements visit Elio's Furniture Store, next to the Daily News on Third Avenue. Elio's have a tremendously large stock of Seamless Axmlnster Carpets, Congoleum Gold Seal mm. k?um F rciwi, nexoieum, six s enormous turnover you.better choice at money saving prices. Uuy War Savings Stamps at Elio's. Saleslady to serve you Just say: "My change in War Savings Stamps." Elio Furniture Store Thltd Avenue (Next the Dally Miiriiiim,!) 11 ; central notei OPEN TO ft! BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER ;A11 White Help. MM) Ml Mt Ml MX Ml MSM1 Ml I1M3 ucwcc mak a inut tuunt, Ml Ml Ml MIM1M1 Ml 1111 MtMl MIS CHURCH First United Church 636 Sixth Avenue West Rev. J. A. Donnell, MX Minister Miss Edna McLellan, Deaconess. J. S. Wilson, Sr. Choir Leader. H. C. Higgins, Jr Choir Leader Miss Swanna Olafson, A.T.C.M, Organist. Church School at 10 ajn. Public Worship at 11 ajn. and 7:30 pjn. Evening Soloist: Sgt. Glen Scar-vie. Young people meet in the Manse at the close of evening service. Come and Worship. St. Paul's Lutheran Church 5th and McRride Rev. Magnus II. Anderson, Pastor 11:00 a.m. Family Worship. No Sunday School at the regular hour, but the children will worship together with the congregation. Music by Junior Choir, Harold C. Normann conducting. (a) "Twenty-third psalm." Monday Beginning two week vacation Bible School. St. Andrew's Cathedral Dean, Very Rev. J. B. Gibson Organist andChoIrcaster, P. Lien ! SJS. Supt, F. J. Skinner 10:00 ajn. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. 7:30 pjri. Evening Prayer and Sermon. WHY DID JESUS CHRIST DIE ON CALVARY'S CROSS? to taki: Tin: ihmmiment for voir m now can vor m: saved? 1. REPENT Luke 13.3. 2. BELIEVE 1 Corinthians 15.3 and 4. (a) That Jesus Christ died on Calvary .to take the punishment for your sin. (b) That He rose from the dead. 3. SIMPLY iy "THANK YOU", to the uora for shedding HU precious BLOOD on CUvary (to take tlte pun&hxnent tcr your sin. Matthew 26.28; 1 John 1:7-10. Confess Ovist Before Men. Ma.t 10:32 and 33. Romans 10:9 and 10. Terrace The commissioners of tMs vil lage held a meeting on Wednes day evening to meet Dr. R. P. Knipe, medical health officer of the Prince Rupert and District Medical Health 'Jrilt. Dr. Knipe gave a full explanation of the unit; how It Is being organized and its purposes, which are designed to safeguard the public health. Especial emphasis Is being placed upon the children attending local schools and upon the subject of communicable diseases. Terrace village will assist in the appointment of a member of the Health Board, who will represent both the village arid the school district. The Canadian Legion will hold regular monthly meetings on the last Wednesday In each month In their new hall on Lakelso Avenue. ine lennis ciud advertised a meeting for Monday last In order to do something about the tennis court which is seriously In need or repairs. However, only two people arrived at the meeting so nothing can be done In the mat ter at the present. Married Here Last Evening At a quiet wedding which was solemnized at 8 p.m. Friday eve ning at the United Church Manse, Anna Margaret, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. S Traqualr, was united In marriage to James N. McKeown by Rev. J, A. Donnell. The bridesmaid was attended by Miss D. Porter while D. Thorn son supported the groom. After the ceremony the couple returned to the home of the bride where a party of friends showered them with confetti and good wishes. The couple will reside In Prince Rupert. NOTICES First Baptist Church Fifth and Young Rev. C. A. Wright, Minister. Morning Worship 11:00 ajn. "The Vision of Great Things." Sunday School, 12:15. Evening Worship 7:30 pJn. "The Wage of Sin." Social Fellowship Hour following the evening service. Welcome! Text: "Draw nigh to God and" He wlU draw nigh to you." The "Friendly Church" where strangers and Visitors are especially welcome. You'll feel at home here. , First Presbyterian Church Rev. A. F. .MaeSween, B.A., Minister Mrs E. J. Smith, Choir Leader. SUNDAY, JUNE 27 11:00 ajn. Morning Worship. Anthem: Junior Choir. 12U5 pjn. Church School. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. Anthem: "Come Unto Me," Senior Choir The L.O.B.A. will worship with 1 the congregation. The Minister will preach at both services. Strangers and Men in the Services are cordially welcome. Malcolm Campbell, 49-year-old ship's carpenter, of Campbel town, Argyllshire, can tell children that he slept in the room in which Napoleon died. It hap pened at St. Helena when he spent four months after being torpedoed. HOW ro YOI KNOW YOl ARE ,savi:i? JOHN 1:12. "But as many as received Him to them gave He power to become tt sons of God, even to them ttwt believe on His name." YOOR PART 'Whomever BELIEV-ETH IN Him." OOD-3 WORD "SHALL NOT PERISH but bas'e everlasting life." John 3:16. NOTE: There Is oitfy one wy Into 'heaven tbroutfi Uie nbd bleed of Jems Cbruat ititt. 26:28. There Is no other WAY John 14:6. Inserted by a tertvr of the Oopel. Five Little Girls Raise Money For Red Cross Fund Raise Money for Red Cross Fund Five little girls Eileen Weir. Yvonne Robinson, Ruth Payne: Marjorie Way and Margaret Jo-hansen turned over the sum of 4.25, proceeds from the Junior Red Cross concert held last Sat urday at the home of Marjorie Way. 301 7th Avenue West. This Included proceeds irom the sale of little wool doll novelties which the girls had made. Phones 8 and 118 ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT The Hostess "I hare a new map for the Hut. this time it's a world map. Mr. Scadden has mounted It and varnished the surface In the tame manner as he fixed up the map of Canada and the map of the United States. The boys and girls get a great deal of pleasure out of -theje maps and there are nearly always one or two in front of them comparing notes as to where their respective homes are. Mr. Scadden said he had quite a Job getting enough hree-ply to mount It. Every day something else seems to be gone off the market and yet we get ninnir Inst the same. It's not that hard times are comrng but that easy times are going. And tonight It's a thank you to Mrs. Johnson for a table lamp she gave us. And a box full of playing cards, and did we need them! I think the boys must eat them they disappear at such a rate. The dances are over for June and I'd like to thank the Women of the Moose who took over the duties of chaperones for the month. It was a very heavy month, contrary to expectations, and they served us very faithfully. July Is taken over by the Queen Mary Chapter of the Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire. Bob Gibson Is back with U again. He looks brown and the better for his trip east. Now with Breen home In a week we'IT have the whole family togethei once again. Well It seems as how the C.W AC.'s are settling down nicely and my spies tell me they al' seem to have their own particular boy friends. Contrary to popular opinion tHey aren't all Navy, the Army seems to have done right well for Itself. Summer Is here, calendar or no calendar. The Navy boys are wearing their white dickeys. Greek Relief Concert To Be Held Sunday Instead of the usual enter tainment for the armed forces, i concert will be held for the general public In the Capitol Theatre tomorrow night In sup port of the Greek Relief Fund. The concert has been arranged by a committee consisting ofi Rev. A. F. MaeSween, D. G. Bor land and Sergeant Cleaver Wil son and the program will include some of the best to be ob tained both from the armed services and civlHan talent. j GOLDIE HAS - : 2J. THERE IS NO OTHER TOBACCO JUST LIK?OLD Miss Myra Watson Shower Honoree Delightful Affair Held at Home Uf Miss tats Comer In honor of a bride-elect, Miss Myra Watson, a dellghlfdl miscellaneous shower was given by" Miss Lois Corner at the home of hot parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. it lomer. Immediately upon entering; '.he honoree was presented with corsage of tea roses. Mrs Thomas Kelsey entertained with piano selections. Later In thi .renlng a' prettily decorated pink nd.white wagon was drawn into he room by little Miss Beverly 'orner and the gifts presented to he bride-to-be. The serving of dainty refresh ents brought a happy evening to a close. GOOD NEIGHBORS IX AFRICA British troops on the North African spring-board waltln to invade southern Europe are on friendly terms with the natives of the district Here a British field security officer In Tunisia whose outfit supplies a daily news service to the people shakes hand3 with the corporal of the village, head man In the absence of the Sheikh. RETURNED! Mr. Hugo Kraupner has severed his connection with us. Our Dry Cleaning Department is now under the management of Mr. W. E. Goldfinch. This assures our patrons of excellent and efficient service. Pioneer-Canadian Laundries 112 "Our regiment has smoking Old Cnum tho Boot-and-Saddle OLD CHUM The tobacco of Quality Briefs From Britain Major Sir Jocelyn Lucas, Conservative membef of Parliament for Portsmouth, has resigned at a part time fireman in the National Fire Service. He went through all the London raids as an ordinary fire-fighter and was twice wounded. frigates, the Royal Navy's latest vfarshlps, carry 125 ttf 140 men, compared with 78 to 85 in a corvette. Many of the new ships are being bunt In Canada. Split second decisions oy "Jim Crows," men trained In hair breadth accuracy in recognizing enemy planes, have saved thou sands of lives and millions of East 3rd Ave. CHU! been ince dayj" man hoars hi war m are roor spotty, thl(l main ... t.iV i.i .a .r-.i. "1 w i,ii3n i i sage to worker when A red, white-and HbcmwJ quilt with maoie tiA m 1 w'ofked In, product of thefctl qc i iii-men i tita Crass. p .uuonnik, iioj uvea aonaWkl the Queen to Mrs;, LEla-j dJ ley. Birmingham, crippled d i"B a raia in 1940. "i mi.iuwi if ncaim, was ine IUI of ft memDers oi me Ministry to 1 1 dergo a miniature X-ray aa fnatlon' as part of a in .1 "catch and cure fuberenltulf J an early stage. The Pores arid Scots haw iJ versed a long tradition , friendship since waf starKlil 1640 there were 39.000 Scoti i Poland, but In 1940 there ts u,uvu ruies in scoiiana, ai Sir John Anderson, Lord fcal den of the Council. KWONO SANG HRG irOT Rf.E CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to Klnj Til 612 7th AVL WEST AH jour pafroftate Imiw Open 5 p.m. to 1:30 im. Tuesdary ID p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 f t 1:30 a.m. Phone Red ZfJ NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PROP. A riome Away From nornr" Ifatfs 73c up 50 Rooms. Hot and Cold Prince Rupert, BC Phone 281 P.O. BorBl Cemetery Service Those wishing plots flJ at Falrvlew Cemewtf, phone the caretaker at the rvmpfprv between 1M and 1:00 p.m week day Special Karains iSi New and tsfd FURNITURE t. in nrtftiitv Coffee ilVW liiiv v,-. mei " nhl. New Occasional Chairs, ,.ftrt icrtrfment, reg. to $15.95, nowJRJS jsed Beds, first class $.V5I shape tTsed" Springs $5. tfsed Wash Basins, enainrf good shape Kitchen Chairs, seats onfc new B.C. Furniture Phone niacff 321 THIRD AVENl'E"