JUNE 2, 1943 S? IS FOR i koala. .11 hour-like animal jj ujtralla. It Is about j,. Ion Han no tall, f hci.'y earfl' tnlc1' asny. Yui' and sharp claws. It mlnly on eucalyptus a are many indeed. i f -tune, to knowledge Ifpiuc . Miu ine one hi y to gliopplng Batla-,U your EATON''S ,ene It opens the door t rtore. stocked with Limine presented for ihoff: with Infinite care Ipiloii and illustration. I pieaant few minutes window - shopping wit ha Daees of vour BN'S ( italoKiie You will Hulc mug ana liiatnic- Irn EATON 3 CaUloorue- kt BETWEEN COVERS' EATON C fr.t': train, due from the 10:45. was reported this h 1 1 be on time. Mrs. Gurvich Is Dead In South Ssetf Thursday Night Vancouver r""'" ftopltal Where She Had Been a Patient for Some Time Many frlenr1 mm . lleafn of the death which took mursday night at the Vancouver Oeneral Hospital, where she had stoce February, of Mrs.Afary wne-oi aiair Sergeant Spiro Ourvich of thi remains are being brought home by rail and will arrive here Tuesday night. The daughter of the late D Mazzei and Mrs. Decirio of this city, deceased wis 32 years of age and was bom nnrf orii,t. in Prince Rupert. Besides her widower and mother, she Is survived by two daughters, Lor-rame. aged nine, and Patricia, Sweep Chimneys Now No Sweeping done in wet weather. Oil burners also cleaned serviced Phone Black J5 Handyman flome Service SAVOY H 0 TEL Carl ZaVelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O". Box 5 If PHASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT ii-k i-ti- r-i iPkk. iiti in r -rr A GOOD PLACE TO BUY JUST ARRIVED! Id PAIRS CKLANESE SUNNIWEB CURTAINS . . . re i5 The Ideal Next-to-the-glass Curtain fast: dust-free; cannot mildew; easy-to-wash; assures privacy; moderately priced. "Celanese Signifies Quality" 327 3rd" Avenue, Prince Rupert $1,000,000 orth of Talent- Irfytfurs to enjoy in a year of reading with COLLIER'S WEEKLY Only $3.00 for one year mailed to any address in Canada. .Place ALL your Magazine Subscriptions-with us prompt and dependable. All subscriptions taken at Publishers' Advertised Rates for Canada. LOCAL NEWS NOTES A EIlo's Pay cash for Furniture, Stoves, Tools, Musical Miss Tekla Fulton, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. W. 0. Fulton, left this morning for Vanc6uver. Thomas Mackenzie, Secretary-treasurer of the Boilermakers' Local No. 1, Vancouver, who has been spending & vacation in Prince Rupert, left this morning to return to Vancouver. A. p. Allison, wen known Queen Charlotte Island loecrln operator, arrived in the city yes terday morning from Cumshewa Inlet and left this morning for Vancouver". Mrs. Gordon II. Jolllffe of Queen Charlotte City, who has Ibeen on a trio to Vancouver. asea seven, Doth at present in returned to her home on the Vancouver. There are three ' Islands this Week. brothers-Louis, Pat and Rossi Mazzet and one sister, Mrs. I Miss Lucille Brooksbank, who PetaMEmily) Richards. recently graduated Horn Unlver- ,sity of Washington in Seattle and is now In Vancouver taking a summer qualifying course for this province, has been appointed to the staff of the home economics department of the Vancouver city schools.- As a result of the recent pres-enfatoon of the moving picture 'OJest Baardsen" by the local Son of Norway Lodge the substantial sum of $289.40 was realized for the Little Norway Fund, it is announced. Card of Thanks The Sons of Norway desires to exprei? thanks to D. G. Borland and the staff of the Capitol Theatre and all others who as sisted In connection with the recent presentation- of the film, "OJest Baardsen" for the "Little Norway" fund. WATCH THIS SPACE Hyde Transfer m ai ire tf itt mr mi i.i ituii ru I Pasteurized MILK I VALENTIN DAIRY il PITONE C57 I rtft I ra rf.a::i mmr mm tmrm CITY OF rRfXCE RUPERT Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to July 2nd for Fuel Wood delivered to residences within the City as required, in lengths' of 12", 14" and 16". Specify dates, quantities, and kinds of wood available, and price per cord including delivery'. II. D. THAIN, City Clerk. usa A RAD ACTOR I TcANPT LET TlLL'EKSHrml lOHt I'VE MERCY' OU ATE I ? l I'LL GET My U- WHEN THERE'S rJ I'LL SOT 4SUCH OME OF THST FOOD OHHH- )j FIRST-AID DOOki BE A SHOWER rf PAY A PAlKl Jl W 3 ,T'LL TELLNMHAlWi OR HER aJ I SICK -L-. YTpO50 THENtC6S16lir rg THE DAILY NEWS A Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Miss Jean Smith Is leaving on tonight's tram for Terrace on holidays. li. A. Burbank, divisional engineer of the Canadian National Railways, returned to the tity from Prince George on yesterday morning's train. ANttfltE Arryorie haylnff Claims agrfihst our Dry CWan-t Ingr Department, plea'se present tame at otrr office on or before July 3rd, 1913, or same will not be recoghWed". Pfimee7-Cana-dian Laundries. f 153) f Robert Gibson, supervisor of the auxiliary services of the Young Men's Christian Association here, returned to the citv yesterday morning from a trip to Prince George, Ilazelton and other inferior points' on official duties. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a lull month at 25e a word. W.A. coast Regt. Servicemen's Dance, July 5, Empress Club. Help Norway Committee Invitation Dance, July 9. First United Church Sale, July 24. GRAND CONCERT Featuring "ARMED SERVICES and ARTISTS" ht did of GREEK WAR RELIEF FUND Sunday Next June 27 CAPITOL THEATRE Starts 9 p.m. Doors Open at 8:30 p.m. General Admission, 50c Loges (Reserved) 75c Tickets' Now Selling at theatre VICTORY SHOE RENEW M Richards Street, Vancouver, K.C. Mail or Express your Shoe Repairs to us. We give you quick service, and the best job and material obtainable. We' P'ay The Rcturrf Charge's BURNING STRUCTURES SHOW TRAIL Advertising in this column is payable at the office In advance. Please do not phone orders. FOR SALE FOR SALE Furniture, including stove, radio, tables, chairs, bed. 1450 Plggot Avenue. (152) FOR SALE CONSTRUCTION CAMP BUILDINGS at Shames. B.C., six buildings 20' x 50' and eight buildings 16' x 36'. For particulars apply Dufferin Paving Company, Ltd., Shames, B.C. (151) FOR SALE Sewing machine baby carriage, gate-leg table, trilight. lamp, scalers, garden tools, rubber raincoat and boots. 528 8th Ave. East. (151) FOR SALE Seventh Avenue East, near Ridley Home, 7-room house with suite upstairs, fully modern, immediate possession. $2,600 cash or with complete furniture of upstairs suite, $2,800 cash. Suite rents $30 tier month. H. O. Hel'gerson Ltd. (149) FOR SALE Used furniture of all descriptions. Visit Elio's used department, Third Avenue, next to Daily News, Prince Rupert. HELP WANTED WANTED A local newspaper requires an assistant for its business office, good opportunity and good pay for right person.' Unemployment Insurance Commission No. AF 57. WANTED Stenographer for law office. Permanent position with o jf.ortunity for advancement. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 60. (tf) MACHINERY DEWALT SAWS AND WOOD-working machines. Newest types available from direct iactory representatives for Canada. Quotations gladly furnished on application. De-Walt Disher Corporation Ltd., 402 West Pender St., Vancouver, B.C. (tf) FOR RENT FOR RENT One furnished, two unfurnished rooms. Phone Blue 407. (150) FOR RENT Room for a girl who speaks Norwegian. J. Hall, 518, 6th Avenue East. (151) p- IP YOU ASK ME V4HAT YOU NEED IS SfiM5 I IHIM!3 lOMAKB OUR ACTING BETTER r : vf- - V I 3 A mm WANTED The trait of Yugoslavian rebels is easily followed by landmarks of burning structures such as the one pictured here. Captured villages, devastated by the partisans, have been repaired, according to the Axis caption write. Many brave patriots arc fighting a difficult battle behind the lines in south Croatia. Classified Ads WANTED Chesterfield or davenport by end of June. Box 513 Daily News. ( 151 1 WANTED Model A or B Ford engine in gc6d condition. Box' 517 Daily News. (150) WANTED For cash, "35 to '40 passenger or delivery car, good condition. Reply P.O. Box 38, city. (149) URGENTLY needed Furnished house, 2 or 3 bedrooms. Phone" 175, ask for Mre. Shannon, between 8 and 5. Good references. (151) WANTED 3 or 4 room sult4 or house, furnished or unfurnished by married couple, no children. Box 516 Daily News. (153) WANTED Apartment or housekeeping room for working couple. Apply Box 515 Daily News. (1521 Y.W.C.A. Rooms Registry. Rooms I urgently needed. Mrs. Garbutt. HANDYMAN available for part time work". Phone Green 880. (154) WANTED Typewriter for use of servicemen. Moderate price. Phone Green 511 after 1 p.m. (152 WANTED urgently Light housekeeping unfurnished rooms; one or two or house. .Adults. Box -510 Daily News. (157) PERSONAL PAINTING and DECORATING. Phone Red 738. (156) LADIES For the best in foundation garments see your Spirella Corsetlere. Individual service in the privacy of your home. Phone Mrs. Wright, Black 145. (156) PIANIST will play for Dance, Concerts, etc. Without sheet music. For estimates apply Box 511 Daily News. No charge for armed forces. (151) TURN your spare time into money sell PALCOSEEL, proven product, stops punctures, saves tires. Card brings proof. Agency proposition. Victory Mfg. Company, Cornwall, Ont. (149) STENOGRAPHERS and TYPISTS NEEDED badly by Government for war work. You can train at home for Job as Stenographer, Typist, Orflce Clerk, Letter Carrier, Mall Clerk, Customs Examiner, etc. Free advice and record of appointment of our students from M. C. C. Civil Service School Ltd., Winnipeg. The oldest In Canada. No Agents. C.N.R. Train For the East Dally except Sunday .... 8 p.m. For Terrace and Pacific-Dally except Sunday 4:15 p.m, From the East Daily except Mon 10:45 D.m. From Terrace and Pacific- Dally except Sun-... 11:20 p.m, t t NOW IS THE TIME TO I PAGE THRES STRIKE It's time to strike! For over three long years the Army has been training . . impatient . . . straining for action . . . now we're ready to fight like all-hell-broke loose. There's nothing "phoney" aboirf the Army's r6fe . . . tWe arSiy yivsi riNisif tie jobs DonTt fo'bl yourself that the enemy will simply fold up, . . we txpiii heavy casualties . . . well need reinforcement's. li take at year" (6 train A soldi. That's why your active hln is needed not next year , BUT RIGHT NOW! Men anil women, if you are of military ae and pn'ysicalfy tit, Yofun-teVr now! Be rerfdy tff play your part in order to hasten the glorious final showdown. For information regarding enlistment in the Canadian Active Army, apply to any Army Recruiting Office or your' 16af 6fvilari Recruiting Adviser. In Vancouver", apply to- Recrnltmg Offices' at Vancouver Barracks, Granville St. (Old Hotel Vancouver). THE ARMY NEEDS . . . MEN, 18 to 45 years of age, and physically fit, for the Canadian Active Army. YOUNG MEN of 17, with Grade VIII schooling, for special trade - training courses. WOMEN from' It and under 50 years of age, without dependents, for the CWAC. VETERANS of the last war, under 55 ye"ars of age, for the Veterans Guard. Canadian active army The younger generation prob ably won't know much about Mar Beer, who' dies irt London, but to those old in the Socialist iiat u. naa i aimcu aiuuiig tilt: greatest historians ever produced by th'e movement Among hii works Is "History of British' Socialism." The war Is saving money forf. a man irt southwest England' who has high blood pressure He ' ' used to pay $50 to a surgeon to;-' be bled, but nowadays he" fol(.; lows the mobile blood c6llectlng4 ; te"ams of the Army Blood Supplyj Dept. and has it done for noth, ing. f LADIES' 'Gionella' Dress Shoes tit Brown Suede, Brown Crush Kid, Brown Calf, Black Softie Calf, Black Suede m low, spike ami cuban heels. High' styled lines' tit 1 suit any taste and priced to suit any MEN'S "PALMER'S'1' MOOSE HEAD . WORKING BOOTS in G" and 8". Just arrived. Family Shoe Store Ltd. "The Home of Good Shoes" : Z PRESCRIPTIONS Througt the years, the physicians of this community and their patients have come to know that they can depend on us. Ormes Ltd. "Jiia Pioneer Drtu2$i s THE ItEXALL STORE PHONES 81 and" 82 K Open Dally from 9 a.m. till , 9 tf.rrt. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7 9 p.m. IROTfCE Due to difficulty in obtaining premiums hj give away.' in return' for coupons given from our store, we" have' cea< giving out" coupons. Coupons which are In our customers hands should be turned lri to us, without delay, for redemption. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE- "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones 18-19 P.0. Box fifr - ' ; -A. ' 1 ri - .: