PAGE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE - S LADIES' e Chas. Dodimcad f Optometrist In Chargs ' Watch. Clock. Jewrlrr V.. J Repairing, Hand Enrravlnr VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE lor Fine China, Dinnerwaie, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Row After Row Of Pleasing Women's Shoes PRESENTING SUMMER FASHION LEADERS Numerous Pumps and Ties in the Season's NEWEST WHITES and SPECTATORS. Sizes from 4 through 9. See them today. They're New They're Smart ! " , ; Colorful Summer shoes. Reds, Biege and Multicolors. Leather or hop sack uppers. Leather or wood soles. Newest open heels, too. Mail Orders Promptly Filled RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Trince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd, A GOOD PLACE TO BUY JUST ARRIVED! 50 PAIRS CELANESE SUNNIWEB CURTAINS . . . The Ideal Next-to-the-glass Curtain ' Color fast; dust-free; cannot mildew; easy-to-wash; assures privacy; moderately priced. "Celanese Signifies Quality" ; Phone "775 327 3rd Avenue. Prince Runert VICTORY SHOE RENEW 503 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C. Mail or Express your Shoe Repairs to us. We give you quick service, and the best job arid material obtainable. We Pay The Return Charges 'Gionella' Dress Shoes In Brown Suede, Brown Crush Kid, Brown Calf, Black Softie Calf, Black Suede in low, spike and cuban heels. High styled lines to suit any taste and priced to suit any pocketbook. O - MEN'S "PALMERS" MOOSE HEAD WORKING BOOTS in 6" and 8". . Just arrived. Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" SHIPYARD SLO WDOWN (Continued from Page One) an offer of settlement similar to that offered on March 8 last which had been proven unsatisfactory. At that time a supervisor of cater ing had been offered which it had been expected would result in an Improvement This, however, was not brought about. Today what was considered exactly the same sort of a set-up was offered. The slowdown commencing to day was in compliance with the setting of a deadline a week ago last Saturday night that the slowdown would occur if there was not a satisfactory settlement. There will be another general meeting of the Union men tomorrow at noon. Mr. Dennison made it clear that there was no dispute with the dry dock management which was mere ly acting as, an intermediary with Wartime Housing with which the men had been unable to make ar rangements for a conference for negotiation. There was no disorder whatever in connection with the starting cf the slowdown and none was expected, Mr. Dennison said. Modification Of Ceiling On ish Demanded VANCOUVER, 'June 14 1 W. T. Burgess, secretary of the United Fishermen's Federal Union, left for Ottawa Sunday to press demands of the salmon fishermen for a modification of the salmon price ceilings. CLOGS IN LONDON LIVERPOOL. June 14 0 Lan cashire lassies have set a fashion the wearing of clogs which will be adopted In London, and even fashionable Mayfalr. The Board of Trade announced civilian leather supplies are being so restricted that in a few months wooden-soled shoes will be a familiar London sight. PARKING THEIR BABIES LONDON, June 14 CP) To facili tate things for mothers who1 come to collect new ration books, fofid offices In London are being equip ped with parking lots for baby carriages. Local Tides Tuesday, June 15 High 11:25 17.9 feet 23:21 21.1 feet Low 5:14 4.9 feet 17:00 7.0 feet. TBI DAILT HXWB Hi YANKEES ft' h Lost Two Games of Double-Header Yesterday to Philadelphia Athletics NEW YORK, June 14 O, New York Yankees had their margin of leadership In the American League pared to two full games yesterday as a result of losing both ends of a double-header to the Philadelphia Athletics while the second place Washington Senators were breaking even with the Boston Red Sox. The St. Louis Cardinals lost to the Pittsburgh Pirates and the Brooklyn Dodgers, by splitting with the Boston Bees, cut the Cards' lead in the National League to a single game. The week-end Big League scores were as follows: SATURDAY National League Philadelphia 3-4, New York 2-3. Cincinnati 6, Chicago 5. Pittsburgh 0, St. Louis 1. Boston 2, Brooklyn 1. American League Washington 1, Boston 0. Detroit 5, Chicago 3. New York 14, Philadelphia 5. St. Louis 7, Cleveland 6. (eleven Innings). SUNDAY American League Detroit 6-3, Chicago 4-2. St. Louis 3-1, Cleveland 1-2. (second ten innings). New York 3-2, Philadelphia 5-3. Washington 16-0, Boston 5-7. National League Boston 4-2, Brooklyn 3-3. New York 6-3, Philadelphia 2-6. Cincinnati 10-1, Chicago 6-4. Pittsburgh 10-4, St. Louis 3-4. (second game twelve innings, Baseball Standings National League W. L. Pet. St. Louis 29 15 .636 Brooklyn 31 19 .620 Cincinnati 24 20 .545 Pittsburgh 23 22 .511 Philadelphia 21 23 .477 Boston 19 21 .475 New York 17 30 .362 Chicago 16 30 .348 American League ' W. L. Pet. New York 26 17 .605 Washington 26 21 .553 Detroit 23 21 .523 Philadelphia 24 24 ,521 Boston 23 25 .479 Cleveland 21 26 .447 Chicago 19 21 .475 St. Louis 17 24 .415 250,000,000 TIMES In a normal lifetime, a person? eyelids open and close a quarter of a billion times. ALL DEALERS IN NEW OR USED MACHINE TOOLS MUST OBTAIN LICENCE FROM MACHINE TOOLS CONTROLLER TO assure Canadian war industry of the most equitable distribution and use of machine tools, the Machine Tools Controller has ordered that on and after July 1, 1913, except under permit, no person other than a machine tool dealer holding a licence issued by the Machine Tools Controller as provided by Order M.T.C. 3 may sell any new or used machine ' ' tool. The order also provides that ,the only free movement of machine tools after that date will be from a licenced dealer to a consumer. Except under permit from the Controller, there shall be no movement of machine tools: 1. Between dealers. 2. Between consumers. 3. From a consumer to a dealer. Only the power operated metal-working machine tools listed in the order are covered. Wood-working equipment and hand tools are not affected. Except under permit, orders for machine tools for expoit may not be accepted, nor may anyone in Canada place an order for machine tools outside of Canada. Applications for dealer licences should be forwarded to: Machine Tools Controller. 1020 Dominion Square Building, Montreal, Quebec , THE DEPARTMENT OF MUNITIONS AND SUPPLY Honourable C. D. HOWE Minister B.I. TALK IS ENJOYED Col. McCaffrey of Ottawa Speaks To Gathering Here A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mrs. L. W. Kergin pn Fourth Avenue East wheri a talk was given by Colonel McCaffrey of Ottawa to those Interested in British Israellsm. The colonel's talk took the form of a brief review of British history. 8 From the time of the division of the tribes into the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah the two kingdoms had remained separate with separate histories. After these events Israel was referred to as the northern kingdom, unless specifically stated to the contrary. The southern kingdom was always mentioned under trie name of the leading tribe in that kingdom which was Judah. So Ood made a series of natural events for which the rulers of the people were re sponsibleto d6 His will and ful fill His word which He had spoken unto King Solomon and before time to the patriarchs. After the overthrow of the northern kingdom Israel was carried away into Assyria. From there various migrations took place in periods of years and under different names through southern Europe until they came, to the isles of the sea north and west of k Assyria, the place appointed by Ood. their protector, ?a" place from out of which n6 'power on earth can ever remove us." Many attempts had been made, the speaker drawing attention to a number of Instances where deliverances have been effected and the enemy utterly confounded. A discussion followed and the gathering dispersed somewhat' reluctantly after Joining in absorbing study. About 18 were present. Cemetery Service Those wishing plots fixed at Falrvlew Cemetery, phone the caretaker at the Cemetery between 12:00 and 1:00 pjn. week days. For Income Tax RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 321 2nd Are. KWONG SANG IIING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to King Tl 612 7th AVE. WEST All jour patronage welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 ajn. Phone Red 247 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZAKELLI, PROP "A Home Away From Home" Kates 75e up 60 Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, n.C. rbone 281 P.O. Rox ill T;TB"i'i:;a,a:'::tB3'rTi:;;'i,3i "!" I GOLD SEAL! pi ni Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon 2 Herring In Tomato Saoct i P are both .on active service g but will be back on your n U grocer's shelf soon as condl- jjj ditlons permit. samsKisniaxazKiaznEsiB xvutx AMI TUESDAY , UUUM m 2:55, 5 00- - JFeature at 1:28, 3:33. 5:38, 7:43, q? 8:10 -T nun - - LnMnrllHIl-III 1111,1 flVi-v MwwuKyjfmft March of Time presents "Inside Fascist Spain" Merry .Melody Community Sing ma inenaiy relations Between south Sahara ...5? .JN A ,uunb WEN V CAPITOL COMING WED.-.T1IUBS. - "MY FRIEND FLICKV SOUTH AFRICAN AIR PLAN CAFE TOWN, June 14" W-Prlms Minister Smuts, presenting wings to R. A. F. pilots at a passlng-out parade, said the joint R. A. F.-South African a!? draining plan was providing a nursery of future NO RAISE FOIl LONDON, Jun 14 -i . CC. dCDUtV nr . the House of c tt. government do crease the nav 9 I British, soldicu The Africans and young men from all IslxDenrp rai J"'3?1 1 .1.1.,. .. I u."- VT.2T 1 w.ii.u fiiwuiio. i sniuings dally Join The ' Anti-Aircraft Company of the Prince Rupert Machine Gun Reserve Regiment n V P I o n i n. unaaian f isn & tola storage PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. BRITISH COIXMBU Biiiiniiiiiiiiniitiiiiii:r:Eriirii!i j:i:i'i in n I PRESCRIPTIONS 15 i-4 m Through the years, the physicians of this community and their patients have come to know that they can depend on us. Ormes Ltd. "Dii Ptonecr Druggists THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 tnd I! Open Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 2 p.m. and 7-9 P-m- !.: xm csTOixsixassisvssis sTzarMXiriTi rati i i i A A A A"' See the - - - ACK-ACK DEMONSTRATION Tonight at 7:30 Third Avenue in front of ! Post Office i Reserve recruiting Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday all day and each evening at The Army Recruiting Office, Third Avenue The Armory, Sixth Avenue I The Victory Loan Hut, near the Post Office The Capitol Theatre THIS SPACE DONATED BY I THE VARIETY STORE