V PAGE TWO fWs HOUR -FOR CANADA'S WAR PLANTS EDISON MAZDA FLUORESCENT LIGHTING I N Canadian war plants everywhere work is being speeded, output increased by Edi son Mazda Fluorescent Lamps. This new lamp gives glare-free, shadowless, coo light. It makes seeing easier, reduces fatigue, prevents spoilage. EDISON MAZDA FLUORESCENT Roderick Booner, inspector, arrived in LAMPS fntm Vi.nnnn.in U ! . Keeping open the lifelines of democracy, the British ind Canadian Navies axe helping to bring closer the dy when, once again, youH enjoy Peek, Frean's famous English Biscuits ana crisp, cru ncny, healthful, Vita.Weat Cxispbread. BISCUITS OM LONDON, INCIANO ' " ! CENTRAL HOTEL FINING ROOM Under new management. MEALS ntOM 35c UP. Breakfast 6:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Lunch 12:00 to 2 p.m. Supper . 5:00 p.m. to 8 p.m. WE AIM TO PLEASE MADl IN CANADA mm steamboat IT J f the city 1 ivingdom 01 being here on official duties. He cronl TTnrloi had stODDed ofi at Ocean Falls 1M aCl UlIUCl aa tfce way north. 1 s I Discussion Not since the day of Pente cost when the Holy Spirit rested upon the Apostles did they discuss the setting up of a Kingdom of Israel in Palestine nor did they again mention the Holy City as a special centre for such : a kingdom, asserted Evangelist j Balmer Sunday evening in the j Oddfellows' Hall. ' Continuing, he said the many promises of Jeremiah and other prophets regarding the restoration of Israel to Palestine were fulfilled in their return from j Babylonian captivity under the , , decrees of Cyrus and others. There will be no other restoration of the Hebrew nation to Palestine in this world notwithstanding the Balfour declaration in which the British government viewed with favor the establishment of Palestine as a national home for them. Their city in d temple was destroyed in AD 70 and, according to Luke 21:24, would be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled which, according to the speaker, would not be until the second coming of Christ, yTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTyyTTVV Meet Me At JOHNNY'S Johnny's SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. ' "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" BUY VICTORY BONDS Place your Dollar to fight, It will place the Hun in flight. ' Phone 775 327 3rd Ave. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We hae a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the city three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT A word about the Wednesday night dances at the "Y" press Hall. Until now we have given out tlckstj at the door of the Empress but the crush has been altogether too great and there Is a very definite fire hazard when entrances are so blocked. So a nev policy is now ln force. Each Wednesday night I prior to the dance tickets will 4 . N be given out at the Red Triangle Club or the "Hut" as most of you call it. on Third Avenue, Also, once you .leave the dance there are no so-called "rain checks" that U, once you go, you're gone. And another thing, I do want the girls to come early. The boys are all there in good time and it Is your duty as war services junior hostesses to come on time. I think a lot of you forget this is -a war- Job you have taken on and put your own :onvenience away ahead of your duty. I -don't know, whether the movie "Stage Door Canteen" has been heje while I was on leave but, if not, I hope all you hostesses get to see it. You will find that our rules are very mild compared tew MA I c WAR WORKER "Our port in building Victory," soy the tens of thousands of men and women in war work, "is to make sure there'll be no shortage of weapons. We are making sure in two ways. We are working full shifts full time -and we are helping to provide the money by turning as much of our earnings as we can into Victory Bonds." w 5 ml THE DAILY NEWS Wedtv to the rules set out for those girls. So try to conform to the few we have. ! And while I'm in this sort of a mood ,1 may as well get another grouse .out of my system. That Is, I should like to ask j those who come to the concerts at the Capitol, Theatre Sunday evenings to display a little more I courtesy to the performers. I know that in a movie you can walk out if you have- another appointment, or the cafeteria calls and the actors and actresses In the film, being but mechanical images, are entirely unaware of That you do. But flesh and blood performers are highly sensitive to audience reaction and lve their best performances only h" the audience r yhe RAILWAYMAN "Moving food to market, raw material to factories, and finished products to win Victory is taxing our time and equipment to the limit," says the railroader. "But you can count on us both for vital transport and for our dollars to buy Victory Bonds." 5i PS3: Is with them. You want shows, you ask for "real live" actors, I that is the cry continually. Try jthen, and it's not so very hard, to display a modicum of good ('manner when you do get what you ask for. I speak, I realise, only to a minority of the audience. All the rest of you will know It's not for you. Old Church Is Improved TERRACE, Oct. 13 Considerable Improvements have recently toaen completed to historic St. Matthew's Anglican Church here ns a result of which the 35- Ue MERCHANT SEAMAN "We take a lot of pnde in beating the U-boats and delivering vital war cargoes safely," says the merchant navy seo-man. "Besides, we hove a personal interest in the goods we carry because they are paid for with our money invested in Victory Bonds." 1 4 yiCTORY ISN'T JUST HAPPENING. It is being built . . bv countless builders. mane your meat ration J built Victory is being built not alone by the armed services. Victory is being built by the farmer who grows food for our fighters and our workers ... by the men and women in war industry . ... by the railwaymen and truckers who provide the means of transport . . . ... by the braveness of daring merchant seamen in delivering the goods . . . ... by the whole-souled of willingness men and women everywhere to make Victory the primary job. Yes, Victory won't just happen. It will come because all of us have willed it worked for it saved for it. It will come sooner as each one of us redoubles our effort. And that means getting ready to buy more Victory Bondsmore than you bought last time more than you think you can afford. 56 go Tanner with BOVRIL "pepper-upper" for "left overs". , kaofu Anvniir 4n (mini rU. i j ana gravid year old Diace of 'worshlD Is thp ror-v,. . - ftructurally maintained in the work. New f T ' : best of shaDe. Shinellne of th tha n .,.. roof of chuich anrl rectnrv hn recently been completed and a of work that have bf 1 Members of the forces assisted paint the Church." i .1 .41 mm Ue FARMER . "J" ,l,e fflrm. 'is to produce more food tfioi .ever before. In spite of help shortoge we're "sending ejtx. mous quantities of food overseas as well ns keeping home pantries suppt.J. I'm work'ng harder, than ever and sov'mg' more than ever to buy Victory Bonds." w- "I Ue HOUSEWIFE "Mine is a war job, too," : says the Canadian homemoWf- "If is up ,to me to keep my , family well fed and heolthy- and to save as much as I con u-j toward another Victory Bond. '" "''T-'." f .. -nMMITT