I 'i I a trip to Vancouver, lTldllldye tJI ! i l l October 13, 1843 kc ibll ia perfect condition' m. a 1 - home irom uiv auuui . -i-tMA T3i-Aif Hon. morning from a brief .... I art, rgiiHvi i nflrnti' TnhnaTnM .vftll ist . nr nrr ufn in "IV; my own boss mW'"- Joan Squire Former Local Girl Bride in Vancouver Becomes Shimmering white satin, cut on torso lines and misted In the tolds of a full-length veil was the choice, of Joan Dorothy i Squire, when, at a pretty cere mony taking place Tuesday In the West Point Grey United Church, Vancouver, she" became the bride of PO Garnet Hopper, R.C.A.F. The daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Squire, and the son of Mr. .and Mrs. William Hopper were married by Douglas Telfer, after which a reception was held In the White j Rose Ballroom. I The bride, who carried red roses and white carnations, was attended by her sister. Miss Norma Squire, wearing a toe-touching model oof turquoise sheer. . . .. . .. I ...lit. V 1 J ...II L 1 ' Willi suuuiuei veil cuugiit uy a r w)th an autumn brown fur-lined llama topcoat and matching accessories. PO. and Mrs. Hopper will reside in Vancouver. The bride was born and jalsed in Prince Rupert and lived here until three years ago when the family moved to Vancouver. , headdress of white gardenias j J When at Terrace Stay at . . - jv.w.. ... ........ - t3f"l AIUA. TI...1.U.. IU. the PO, Albert Buckley was groomsman, and Sgt. Gordor. Dixon ushered the guests with on hi? way back to po. Douglas Arthur. at Nanalmo. He will For the wedding trip to Tor- wmgnt oy train lor onto, the Bride donned a tailored irock of acquamarine blue. J KWONG SANG IIING UOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to. 1:30 a.m. TuesdaylO pnj. to 1:30 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. 1:30 ajti. Phone Red 247 Philbert Hotel But make advance Reservations Box 5 Terrace I. ' t-r ss? ik aB i aaaawvaaaau E'V.ry business started as an idea in the mind of some individual. Every shop every farm every factory every Worthwhile enterprise from banks tq movie theatres, came into being because some individual had faith in an idea and the courage to back it. Every Canadian has this right . . . the right to build his future in his own way t0 go into business for himself if he chooses -and to reap the . reward of his enterprise. So it has always.been. That is the very essence- of our free way of life, the solid foundation of our greatness as a hation, What is PRIVATE F.NTKRI'RISK? It is the natural desire to make your own way, as far as your ability will take you; an instinct that has brought to this continent the highest standard of life enjoyed by any people. on earth. It is the spirit of de mocracy on the march. A ITT?. nnvAT n a. TV if nx? PANADA iV 1 iJj V x.-- Art Murray left yesterday on trip to Vancouver. Canadian Legion, . B.E.S.L., half yearly meeting and election of officers tonight, 8 o'clock. (It) Kenneth Rayner returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Tor j or Rysstad returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver. W A, Oswald, fire marshal for the province of British Columbia, arrived In the city this morning from Vancouver on official business. Mr. ;and Mrs. Sven 8kog and son, Dick, left yesterday on- a trip to Vancouver. A Don't forget Presbyterian Tea tomorrow, Mrs. Lakie's. (It) COUGHS, HEAP and FOR SALE FOR SALE 5 toom house with furnace. Price $3030. Immediate possession. 424 Dunsmulr St. Green 390. (249) FOR SALE 5 room modern house, immediate possession Apply '990 Ambrose Ave. Phone Red 480. 242 FOR SALE Four roomed housed partly furnished with basement. Two. lots fenced. $1100 cash or $i250 on terms. Immediate possession. 1840 7th Ave. East. Phone Blue 482. (239) FOR SALE Centrally located five roomed furnished house. Immediaie pgss.esslons,. Phone Green. 278. (240) FOR SALE One Black Opossum Jacket, almost new, size 14 years. Price $27. Apply Box 601 Dally News. (241) FOR SALE Cook stove. Apply 733 Thomoson St. after 6 p.m. (241) FOR SALE Fully equipped trai ler. 33'. For particulars apply Boat "Arlington," Fishermen's Floats. 244) FOR SALE 2 houes and lot, all fenced In'. For further Information apply 736 Fraser 6t. between 5 and 9 p-m. or Phone Blue 243. (244) FOR QUICK SALE Bungalow, four rooms and bath, modern1, concrete foundation, large woodshed. Close in and near schools. Apply 317, Seventh Avenue East, or phone Black 922 after 5 pjn. (239) FOR SALE Toys and novelties made in B.C. Apply. F. Hossell, Box 203, WelLs, B.C. , (239) FOR SALE English baby pram with good springs. $15. Phone Black 620. (240? FOR SALE Trumpet. Good i condition. Apply Box 600, Daily News. (243) FOR SALE 6-room house close to Dry Dock and Schools. Occupancy Oct. 25. Apply 625 8th Ave. East. Green 930. (243) WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Single room for couple. Write Box 599 Daily News. (239) WANTED TO RENT Small house or 2 or 3 room suite by married couple, two children. 5 and 3. Wtlte Box 597 Daily News. (249) WANTED TO RENT Two-room apartment or cabin, furnished, by reliable couple, c-o Box 75, Room 44. Phone U.S.E.D. ,25. "Mac." 244) Auction Sale October 16, 1913 BURNS LAKE, fc.C. 20 Head of Young PEACE RIVER HORSES, Suitable foT farm work, bush work and heavy hauling. Time, 2 o'clock, p.m. Terms, Cash Owner REX IRELAND Auctioneer M. F. NOURSE Mrs. B. Graham left yesterday on a trip to Victoria. Mrs. Paul Allen and son left yesterday for Vancouver. Jack Rae, formerly .of the staff of Mussallem's, left yesterday for Vancouver. Mrs. T. McCIymonf left last night for a two weeks' visit to Winnipeg. Jack McNulty, who has been on a trip south, returned to the city this morning Irom Meeting of Prince .Rupert In dustrial Workers Union ,C.CL. will be heia .in Valhalla Hall at 8 pjnHonlght. All members are urged to attend. (It? Engagement Dr.tfind Mrs. toward Geddes. Ste. 7 Leicester Court, Vancou ver, B.C.. announce the engagement of their der .daughter. Edith Vira, to Mr. rnomas Wm. King, son of .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. j King of Pilnce Rupert, B.C. The ! wedding will take .place on Wednesday. October 27 at 3 pm. In Mount Pleasant Baptist Church. Rev. W Arnold Bennett officl- atlng. Interior News please copy Iber 2nd. HELP WANTED WANTED Reliable boys for Province paper carriers. Routes open are: 6th and 7th West 9th and 10th East Ambrose Ave. and 6th East Phone Green 877. (242) WANTED Experienced woman for housSwork in Whltehorse, Y.T. Good wages and transportation paid. Phone Red 103 and. ask for Mrs. Dennl-son. (243) JANITOR Wanted for local hotel, room and board and wages. Apply Selective Service Office AM 84. (tf) WANTED I ROOM wanted, centrally located semi-furnishe.d. Phone -Blue 893. (239) $25 REWARD for house or large apartment, close in, furnished i or will buy your furniture. Call ; 'personal FOR your Splrella Foundation Garment, Phone Black 145. (245) SARDIS NURSERIES R.R. No. 2 Sardls, B.C. Order your requirements In fruit trees and ornamental shrubs and trees direct from us. Last year's catalogue and prices still prevail. Catalogue on request. DAY NURSERY, reasonable rates. Apply 441 7th Avenue East. (250) "JET" for polishing hot stoves is a boon. Winter months mean hot stoves always. "JET" is safe, handy. Sold FURRIER ALTERATIONS and any kind of- repair work. Be patriotic. No pick-ups or deliveries. Work done in private home. 929 Tenth Ave. East. . 245) L. C. OYER, Interior Decorating paper hanging. Phone Black 810. (239) LOST LOST Four keys on ring be tween Ridley Home and Overlook Street. Finder please leave at Dally News. (240) LOST Wallet containing regis tration card, driver's license, small sum of money. Finder please return to Dally News (240) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman only. Phone Red 976. (240) ROOM'and BOARD 718 Fraser Street. (241) TIMIIKK SVI.K X 3 1 000 Sealed tenders ' will be ,recelved by the Minister of Lands at Victoria; B.C.. not iai'er ihan 11 m. on the SOtih day dr November. .1943. for the purchase of Licence X31600, to cut 28,000.000 feet of Spruce on tux area ltnwted -rvi Mawwtt Inlet near Buckley Bay, Queen Charlotte Islands Land Dlstrtat. Five (5) years will be allowed for removal of timber. FurKher; 'particulars of .the Ohlef Forester, Victoria. B.C.. or District I Forester, trine Rupetit, B.C, Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. Lakie's October 14. 8. . O. N. Invitation .Dance. Oddfellows' Hall Oct. 15 Orange Ladies Dance Oct 14 Oddfellows' Hall. Jean De- Cailo's Orchestra. Refreshments. Red Cross Tea October 21st Home of Mrs. Kergln, 430 4th Ave." West. (Eastern Star Ball, October 22 W. A. Coast Regiment Service Men's Dance. Oct. 25, Empress Club. "Help Norway" Invitation Dance Oddfellows Hall, Oct.29. Drawing for raffle. Hear Tim Buck, Capitol The atre, 12 noon, October 31. Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov, Little Norway Tea, Nov. Canadian Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, Nov. 12, Oddfellows' Hall nesday THE DAILY NEWS PAQE THREB LOCAL NEWS NOTES Announcements , moment! of "briefing", how 10 airman seek-s -the gentle -solace Li Cap' H he,P him to.Uke Jt easy, te his tery This is SweetXap.' to &U service. And they do it o ally that tney are the anott popular u ' ... tlina nurr her, nuf.r thirt SWEET m m m mm m UKUKML . b - ' CIGARETTES ,.. lm whu-h tobacco can h amoked' ir.illl at to taaU a Caaadiaa tmskt i . ?l!-hl i.raot ol lh K.C.A.F. . Tkaiaih that narcei nia 10 lotiow .. r amuAU ins woriu 'WnkO ik niian wbV It lOOH CISUI -r. wiih him- -he rcDorUkl lAJl M mi' mmm I Cathedral Pall Bazaar Nov. 18. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Nov, 25. United Church Bazaar Decem- CLASSIFIED ADS BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE I,. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 387 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 4th St. "STAR'S'STYLEWEAR Ladies' & Children's Ready - to - Wear 625 Third Ave. W. Black 780 B. M. LAMB, TAILOR t Ladles' " & Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes. 302 Third Ave. W. Black SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers. Mione 174 ' P.O. Box 274 NOTICE We wish to announce that we are now open for ladles' and men's suit alterations of all sorts. Quick and efficient service. MODERN TAILORS 318 5th St. Behind Royal Bank Phone Blk. 84 International Correspondence Schools Canadian Limited B. F. Lovin, Representative Box 526 1315 Piggot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. FRATERNAL ORDERS Trince Rupert I.O.O.F. LODGE NO. 63 meets 2nd and ) 4th Tuesdays every month at 8 p.m. TIMtll;lt SALE X 129.19 Scaled tenders will be re.ee! red by the Mlnl5t:r of Lands at VVitorla, B.C.. not later than 11 o'clock In the forenoon on the 7th dav of December, 1043, tfor the purohase of Licence X12939, .to cut 8.851,000 fecit of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlrck on an area oamprlstnj? parts f Sections 13, 14, 23 and 34, TcwiisUtp 2, Queen OlvarloMe Islands Land Dis trict, Thr (3) years will be allowed for removal of tunber. 'Further particulars of .the Chief Forester, Victoria. B.C.. or District Foreater, prince Rupert, B.C. Dally News Advertising Brlnga Results. wm Tea, Colfee' lPLf the lincot H ntpaf M Hlirla plateau of Oylon H aaaaatraaaaal nreatifyinB In flavor. H Bll Try HMk AS aaaaaaaaaal Q HIZMHH more tlelicious H BflVaaaaaaaaal every tea H BJf IP1 JM Mrs. Clarence Martin arrived from Massett tor a ten -day visit In the city yesterday morning to town. Raa.a...................VJni VHHWP Loan Bonds to $Slslaaaaaaaal Vf. tO Unhh the job 'ijftV.wiiBBB Buy and t fighters. They're 11 boxes and clear-Buy 5th Victory ;tve them the tools . They're counting don't let them down, speed their Victory l ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW Colourful Canada CALENDAR New 1911 Edition Now Ready Boxed Ready to Mail Only $1.50 This new edition is superb a full size 12x11 Inch cover plate and'brlght red, neatly decorated mailer, add to the general attractiveness. Twelve new color plates, reproductions from natural color Koda-chrme photographs beauty spots In all parts of Canada. Splrex bound cord hanger. Makes' a Complete Gift or Souvenir Item. Third and final printing Now In stock. SHOr EARLY 1