fashions Mirrorl . their style- in- dons. Canadian to v . . . Men with ion s pvcijr - only clothing for . ,Vor Of Uie iillll- ,it to ;.imos"' chold need as welL an picntlv and y nem rately described by ..i.hin. .minv be- ana illustrated in cioseiy-.yns aatural colors purchasing irom aVS catalogue i a ndable as shopping over counter and selecting-u.ii. nprsonallv at llllllM"- ol the great chain or ... rf fill. ny aroblems bother Consul! EATON'S Cat- . Jm ttr 11 n V fill IT list. drop In at our Prince I r 3rd Av. west, Tei. Biue . .i - I elttt mil and oiscuaa .if 'v from EATON'S Catal- .1 fcJW COVERS' I ... . v St JAW nmnnLm rimu uiair m or jv in 'lie iviiAjos nun :( the Canadian Legion plan o help men and ho have seen active ser ine prsent war and to rpni rii nr urn men -itlie harvest fields-In jaw zone has beerr 3T lie: .lis. ol inp iviuose Mcsse Jaw was- married m puot George R. con-Moase Jaw Is listed as loliowlng air operations w ww w'mq vvr n ut u bj hU parents, Mr. and L Connor, Kingsway iuiiu ri pii'i mil ttti i rr HANDYMAN (IMP CflAriric --. f IV. 1J m l "i oe CLOSED FOR until nug, Income Tay RETURNS SEE E. MORTIMER 321 2nd Ave; f.C. Furniture Company Doors With Tfirlfo pnd Hinges at a low Fice. Sets of flows. naier gallons. Wash Al Win- er Tanks. Tank, GO "asms ai F-rn -r0 each. pone Mack 32-1 Thlrd Avenue LOCAL NEWS NOTES M. O. McKay arrived Thurs day f:om Kltselas for a visit. returning home today. A Chinese War Relief Fund donations should be left at anv bank or the Victory Ihit. (202) l As there will Dr no house to house canvass, leave Chlnesp War Relief Fund donations at any bank or Victory Hut. (202) Mrs, A. Gladding and Mrs. E. Tower, formerly of the B.C. Bridge motor pool, have left for Watson Island and points east on an extended vacation. NOTICE EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS wish to announce that, begin - , -ihvr Monday, August 30th, they will again start to pick up and deliver dry cleaning. PHONE 858 Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Orange Invitation Dance Mon-Jay, Aug. 3a, l.O.O.F. Hall. Contact members for Invitations. Orange- Ladte.V Meeting, Odd fellows? Hall, Scpr. 9, 8 p.m. W. A. Coast Regiment Service Men's Dance, Empress "Y" Club.. September 20. Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Miss Blanche Curtln left this morning for Vancouver on a holiday trip. A A meeting of Local 510 International Union of Stea,m and Operating Engineers will be held at 8 pjn., Friday, Aug. 27: In the Carpenters' Hall. Attention cranemen. S. L. Peachey. Rec. Secty. lt) Arnold Leighton, a native appeared bf-fore Magistrate Vance In city police court thl3 morning, charged with being publicly Intoxicated, and was fined $25 or seven days. WAS INDIAN VILLAGE Milwaukee was once an Indian village called by the natives "Menewaukee," cr "good lands." t Notice to J P I ! auDscnoers Subscribers of the Daily News are requested, If at all possible, to pay their subscriptions direct to the office. Of course, in the event of It being impossible to do this, payments may be made to the boys. When paying, please bring vour last recelDt. AS TANKMEN PULLED IN "JULIUS CEASAR" 9 1 Geh. Glullo Caesar Gotti-Porcinarl, commander of the 54th Napoll division, sits with an aide atop a Sherman tank of the British Eighth Army after Its crew had captured him. The tommies passed the word back to headquarters "We've just pulled In Julius Caesar." General Gottl-Porcinarl first fought the British In Libya and was one of the big shots who got out of Tunisia before the Allies closed In. LAST COATS DRESSES WAISTS SKIRTS HOUSECOATS OF THE GRAND THE DAILY- NEWS MODEL NOW FILM STAR Elevator Meeting Started Glam orous Marguerite Chapman On- Way to Hollywood Career NEW YORK, Aug. 28 O) When a movie company invests $2,000,000 in a pretty girl that1? news. And when it gives the ?ame pretty &lrl the leading role, in three class A picture? and 'eleases them in as many months, that's even bigger news. But Marguerite Chapman, for whom all these bills toll, takefl It all very candidly. It all very camly. Those blue- eyes of hers may spell romance-; under the Klleg lights-, but off the set she's Just a gal who knows where she' going and knows how to get tthere.. A couple of years back, the' twenty-two year old star of "Destroyer" got tired of saying "White Pla-yuns, long distance" earphones, and invested the savings from her $18 a-week in a modelling course. 'The school wanted me to model in wholesale houses," she says. "But I wanted commercial work. So I saw Mr. Powers." It would be more accurate to CONCERT FEATURING "Armed Services and Civilian Artists" IN AID CHINESE WAR RELIEF FUND SUNDAY, AUG. 2, AT 9 P.M. Capitol Theatre General Admission 50c Loges (Reserved) 5c Tickets on Sale -Starting Friday Theatre Box Office From 1 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Daily WEEK STYLE SHOPPE Entire Stock to Clear at Astonishingly Low Price?. Come and Re Convinced. ' HATS SHOES HOSE LINGERIE WE CLOSE OUK POOH ON THE 28lli DAY OF AUGUST THIS IS FINAL fiIM,S AND WOMEN BETWEEN 18 AND 15! You are needed for real full time service in the C W A C The smartest uniform ever designed awaits you.Visi't your nearest Amy Recruiting Office with out delay. THE STYLE SHOPPE N.! noor llulkl,, Market. II1D AVENUE say that Mr. Powers saw her. Marguerite met him in an elevator, and by the- time they had walked down the hall to his office she was a Power girl 1 making more than $100 a week. On To Hollywood That satalsfied her for about eight months. "Then I realized," she says, "that X couldn't go any higher -in modelling. So I decided to go to Hollywood." Thousands of pretty youn? things decide to go to Hollywood, and thousands get there The thing that's dlf terent about Marguerite Is that she didn't ?et tsymied taking orders in a drive-in, or serving the celebri ties in a restaurant. She entered Hollywood with a bang. "At first I did everything wrong," she laughs. "The first oarty I went -to at Jack Warner's house, I fell down a flight of stairs and landed right on my face in the middle- of a bunch of stars. Then I told one actor that I had enjoyed pictures as a child." fore she graduated to top bi'l ing, but she- made- It. In 18 months, she's filmed "Destroyer," "Appointment to Berlin," and "My Kingdom for a Cook." INCENSE TO- BURN Italian Scmalilan'd Is the source of half the world's supply of incense. Try a CiassineG Ad In the Dally News for Quick Results. The Markets Fruit Grapefruit, Calif., 2 for . .30 and 4 for .251 Lemons, doz .35 and A5 Oranges, Navel, doz .35 to .60 Peary, doz 75 Grapes, Seedless 50 Apples, Transparent, lb. J20t Blue Grapes, lb. 60 Cooking Apples, 2 lbs 25 Plums, Blue, lb .30 Cherries, lb . AO Canteloupe JO and .35 Peaohes, doz. 90 Apricots, lb JO Watermelon .14 Butter First Grade .43 Lard Pure, 2 lbs 40 Vegetables B.C. Carrots, per bunch .05 Tomatoes, 2 lbs 25 Fresh Peas, lb . .15 Sweet Potatoes, lb 25' Cucumbers, ea;h .. 15 Turnips, yellow, lb 10 Turnips, white, local, lb 03 his Potatoes, 5 lbs 22 Garlic, imported, lb.. 20 i IE . C Marguerite doesn't have to m " worry about, the star's room any .Lettuce, each 10 more, for it's hers. It took four Celery, lb, .20 Flour Flour. 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 1.95 Second Patent 1.8a Flour, 24's - 1.05 Pastry Flour, 10 ids od Sutrar White, lb - .09 Golden Yellow, lb us Brown, lb - 09 Meats Bacon, side, best erade. sliced. Tagging For China Fpd packaae .54, slab 50 1 murine Ham. first erade. lb 45- Cottage Roll, lb 44 j Pork, dry salt, lb .30' I Veal, loin. lb. ' 33 ; Veal Chaos, lb 25 and .40:, Beef, pot joast, lb. .... .25 and .30 j Classified Ads FOR- SALE FOR SALE Four room house: Phone' Blue 739. 206 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE' Saanen Buck Goat, 6 months old. P. O. Box 273 Prince Rupert. 206 FOR SALE Hall carpet runner, 43,4 yards length; small rug; kitchen' utensils; modern Encyclopedia, 12 volumes. 101 7th Avenue East. FOR SALE Furnished 3 room house. New, vacant. Possession. Good residential district. Terms.. McCIymont Agencies. 307 Third Avenue. (202) FOR SALE Twenty foot cabin cruiser, ready to go 1120 6th Ave. East. (202) FOR SALE Karn reed organ, power blower, two manuals. In first class condition. Apply Catholic Church. (tf) . . , . FOR SALE Acreage at Woodcock, Skeena River, 10 acres cleared, log cabin arid barn. Suitable for chicken farm. $600 cash. Apply Official Administrator, Cour,t House. Prince Rupert. (209) WANTED TO RENT $25 REWARD Wanted to rent, furnished house, excellent re-ferences,r will pay up . to $75 monthly; willing to sign lease for one year. Red 562. (204) FOR RENT FOR RENT House for month, commencing Sept. 8. Everything found. 1480" 6th Avenue East. (203) MISCELLANEOUS- LAUNDRY taken, 1336 Overlook Street- (202) HELP WANTED WANTED Woman or girl to assist with housework. Apply Box 550 Dally News. (tP WANTED Truck Driver. Apply Unemployment insurance Commission, A.M. 71. (tf j FOR SALE Arm chair. 132 8thWANTED Jor locai Sundry, six Ave. East. (202) FOR SALE Cabin and contents. Apply 32 Taxi. (204) TOR SALE Male Pekinese dog, two years old. 1031 Ninth Ave. East. (205) j FOR SALE 35 foot trailer, complete with fishing gear. bel, Lipjsett's Floats. (202) FOR SALE Old established and ONLY Men's Wear business in McBride. Well bought .stok. and one of the best propositions in the Interior. Small fixtures and small rent. Owner retiring: Write forpartiu-lars, McBride Trading Co., McBride, B C. FOR SALE Thoro electric Iron-er; two plate coat-wood annex for electric stove. Phone Blue 826 between 5:30 and 7 ' o'clock. (202) FOR SALE Tent, 12 by 14 and 10 oz; Kitchen Kook, 3 burner gas stove; Oil Heater stove; Sport 'Light Alladln. $100 cash. Apply J. R. Glngrest Miller Bay. (215) girls to work In laundry and cleaning department. Apply National Selective Service AF 80. (203) WANTED Reliable boys arid eirls for Province carriers. Phone Green 877. (203) WANTED WANTED Three room suite or small house-. Apply Box 559 Daily News. (205) Y.W.OA. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. Garbutt. WOULD pay about $50 for Model A Ford engine complete with, radiator, transmission and clutch. Must be in working order. Apply Box 561 Dally News. (204) WANTED . Reward $25, light housekeeping rooms or small furnished house, reliablp couple, two well-behaved children. Pay well, good care. Box 551 Dally News. (203 WANTED Furnished apartment for physician and wife Reward. Apply Box 557 Daily News. (203) TO BUY A rifle, 30-30, second hand, good condition. Write Box 560 Daily News. LOST LOST Man's pocket watch between Post Office and Borden St. School, Thursday morning. Finder please return to Daily News. (202) PERSONAL DAY NURSERY Best of care assured your children. Reasonable rates. 441 7th East. (204) STENOGRAPHERS and TYPISTS NEEDED badly by Government for war work. Ybu can train at home for Job a Stenographer, Typist, Office Clerk, Letter Carrier, Mall Clerk, Customs Examiner, etc. Free advice and record of appointment of our students from M. C. C. Civil Service School Ltd., Winnipeg. The oldest In Canada. No Agents. ROOM AND BOARD1 ROOM and Board for single Man. 742 7th Ave. West. (203 RATTLERS IN MOUNTAINS Ratlesnakes have been found three miles above sea level. J. M. S. Loubser D.C., B.A. Chiropractor Wallace Block rbone 619 Street Canvass is Beimr Carried Out Here Today" With headquarters at .the Canadian Legion building and with Mrs. D. C, Stuart In general charge, the tag day for Chinese- War Relief Is In progress today. Queen Mary Chapter, I O. D. E. Is responsible for tagging and those assisting are: Mrs. D. C Stuart, Mrs. Dodl-mead, Mrs. E. T. Applewaite. Mrs. Whiting, Mrs. W. Bras.. Mrs. Plnnlger, Mrs. WWrathalL Mrs. W. Rothwell, Mrs. D. Par ent, Deshka PenoM, Lorraine, Youngman, Nina Youngman, Ruth Walton, Betty Pullen. ET-speth Mackenzie, Res a line Thain, Helen Htbbard, Maty-Strachan, Anne Whiting, Barbara Teng Mary Addison, Gor don Rothwell, Ronnie Rothwell, i Dorothy Johnson, Larry More. Bruce Mills, George Glllls. Donald Berthelet, Robert Berthelet, Dorothy Edgar, Dick Edgar, Gall McRae, Bernlce Starr, Lorna Donaldson, Bernice Clarke, Joan Adcock, Maxine Morse, Janet Wong, Audrey Morse, Betty Wong, Bessie Lee, Tessa Wong, Anna Pavich, Kathleen Hills, Everett Pierce, Joan Thaln, Lillian Sylvester and Beinice Skal- J.L f Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Westholme Rooms BUY... RUPERT PAGE THREBi v & CESTUS WAS 1WE WAMt OP THt BCWINKi 6LOVt OF' AHCKMT POf-lt - lTCOMSTtO Or LrTHtB4 TV40Kr LOADED WITH IROM - AMO UMtMsOll wtKrMrrvJiTM it7WJ staved kit .1 Your dollars work harder for you when- you come to Watts & Nickerson's. Have a well-dressed appearance at low cost. CHECKED BY SCIENCE Tuberculosis was the leading cause of death prior to the First Great War. Daily News Advertising Brings Results. THE ARMY NEEDS Men and Women j, Don't wait for a call BE A VOLUNTEERl DELIVERY SCHEDULE..- TUESDAYS' THURSDAYS' SATURDAYS" are Delivery Days-. Orders taken for delivery must be left: with, us not later than 4:00 p.m. on day before. Co-operation will assist us greatly In giving better delivery service throughout the city. MUSSAUEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" Phones 18-19. P.O. Box 575 BRAND Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers " NO WASTE READY TO COQK J Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT COr-Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA The KIT BOOK For Soldiers; Sailors and Airmen Novelettes, Stories, Verses and Gay Cartoons 336' pages, boxed ready to mail, $1.35 NOTE Store Closed from 12 tot 1 p.m. dally except Thursday) If you lose anything, advertise for it