II, N - 202 - p; pcnea uuui i ura te ..ams time ML r WlUlam Lyon ij Ki 1 of Canada may ," -,p from Ottawa i 1 hr :r an lmuriuai Wl' , lit- PhiirrKUl. untbatten To Post .v no fw. Mcuntbatten, new c;rjr.andcr-in-chlef In Eu." area, has left . i f . 3Wlng important . . .hi i j I! ! expected he will ' i.i Chungking with t i Huang Kal Shek ;;'. SUlwcll will be T.and to Mount- K R.flOO r i tl Ration Certificates w ounr in iurrii u ii in frinre Rupert ..' ' 7,648 new ra-bcrn issued In TV,, is the final : J cvnnlng for the T books at the de .5 have been tak- C.hool 1 S;:hool ;ol w V AAA 111 mi V Aaam n 5T0N Aug, 28 0)-Thir-f-.-r'-'in German Drls- ''ho t :aDed from camD f back i.i custody. 1 ar.iiy eight from Fort Prison while a concert 1 -j held They escaped by a tvxzr line running to wswrem River. i...,rj prisoners were ignation Of itr ii ill - m buva .l.n. . i "ays Ago ed Army rchill, oseveii Wi. i Cnurcniii w a .. Viovn Onpbnc, J; J I. '... -rj - Wasningion new r.u!! Ws confer-) prc.ldent Franklin biwcast or rame Cljr hul, which was hr - r.ade on Sunday. . -i .. 111 rTiAa 3,042 2,786 .1,595 225 viviM ui;.. Aue. 28 ucen no off clai " m reeard tn Under Secretary of State resigned, W V 'Q. 'A Bad Wiring Fire Cause An amateur Job of light wir ing was the cause of a lire which broke out In the attic of the residence of Mrs. Veltcn, 220 Seventh Avenue East, at 1:20 yesterday afternoon. Owing to poor woriunansnip m the wiring of the house, which is rented by Mrs. Veltch, a wire burned through, igniting wis wallboard, which in turn Ignited the underside of the roof. The blaze was -put out by the fire department oeiore any great amount of damage was rinne. but It was the opinion of Fire Chief Lock that oniy me most prompt action on the part f his dpnartment had saved the house from greater damage. Chief Lock praised highly the new fire truck which carries a quantity of water along with It. and which enabled the fire men to play a stream of water on the first as soon as they had got a hose line to it, instead of having to wait to connect a line to i hydrant. "It was one oi mose iu where a split second migi" change the result, and the advantage was largely because of the new truck," he sam. HEAT IN HEAVENS The temperature of the sun on its surface has been estimated at about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Carnival Queen CORONATION AT 8:30 TONIGHT, CONDITIONS PERMITTING finite An rwii -it fi'r0!i '"volutin, UTtl V i.,,,ur of "linost" Army in Burma Awarded Second Bar To D S.O. NEW DELHI, Aug. 28 O Brig adier Charles Wingate, leader of the expedition which penetrated manv miles behind the Japan- c lines in Burma eany mis tov .- - vear. has been awarded a sec (CnH har to the Distinguished Kerviee Order. Brigadier Wingate, 40, formed a "ghost" army which he led for 1,000 miles around the Japanese nosltions. His men de- ..o,i hrldces. railways and ammunition' dumps and collect ed valuable Information. G.000 YEARS AGO ThP Great Deluge mentioned main Italy's Entire Southern Railway System Has Been Disorganized by Bombing ALLIED RICA, Aug. - . "raati I In full marching order. Canadian lnianuymen nop pnoioj iue aooaru a iiugc iryuy transoort at a West Coast Canadian port. They are starting out on the first leg or a journey which took them to Klska in the Aleutians. Lower photo shows a sturdy sergeant-major and one of the officers of a Western Canadian bat ullon sitting on their packs as they awaited their turn to board a transport at a West Co ast port - Canadian Army Photos.) HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AF-28 fCP). Southern Italy's entire rail way system has been disorganized by relentless Allied combings with train traffic almost at a standstill, it was disclosed today. The railroads are the kingpin in Italy's defences. The announcement followed a heavy : 1 blast by United States bombers Bolivian Government Resigns LEPAZ, Bolivia, Aug. 28 The Bolivian government has resisted, it was announced today Arrangements are being made to form a new cabinet. British Officer Again Decorated i yesterday at the railway yards at Sulmona, nearly one hundred miles each of Rome, for the first time and other attacks on congested freight yards and lo comotive works at Benevento near Naples. The Admiralty announced that British naval losses In the Sicilian campaign were two submarines, three motor torpedo boats and one motor gunboat. Halibut Sales Kodiak, 56,000, 17.5 and 16, Storage and Booth. . Portlock, 47,000, 17.5 and 16. Whiz and Royal. MODERN OBSTETRICS Ninety percent of the babies born in the United States are born in hospitals. LOFTY CATARACT Kalteur Falls In British Gui ana is four and a half times as high as Niagara. Coronation Postponed Coronation parade and cere monies and other Civic Centre Carnival proceedings were closed down last night but will go on in the Bible is believed to have tonight lf conditions are favor occurred around 4,000 B.C. able. Japs Quit Solomons ATT TtTTl tirAtVMTAOTmC UT SOUTH PACIFIC, Aug. 28 0 The, Japanese have abandoned their posltloons on New Georgia island to the Americans. DemanShips In Lessened Fewer Cargo Vessels Needed Now Concentrating; on Aircraft Carriers VANCOUVER, Aus. 28 (CP) The demand for cargo ves-fctls has eased somewhat, Hon. Clarence D. Howe, minister of munitions, said Friday in a (telegram to the executive of a 'conference protesting at layoffs in Vancouver shipyards. Mr. Howe said that the highest priority had Deen given alteration work on aircraft ; carriers and diversion oi expert workers may cause some (eduction in the output of icargo vessels. Vancouver Conference VANCOUVER, Aug. 28 Van couver shipyard unions are hav ing a- conference with Wartime '?hlnn!ntr tvlav In rilsmisx the slowdown .in merchant ship construction and the laying off of men; Over Million Words Handled-. Quebec Conference Provided More Than One Million Words MONTREAL, Aug. 2S More than one million words of news were filed over the wires of the Canadian National Telegraphs by 200 press correspondents covering the Quebec conference stated John O. Sullivan, superintendent, Montreal. This special service was provided under J ' the direction of Mr. O. Sullivan assisted by D. McWllliams, Que bec manager of the telegraph company. "The heaviest day's file was on the 24th when approximately 100,000 words were transmitted. One dispatch from Quebec to London, England, was completed In the record time of four minutes. Most of the cable business was handled to London with New York, Washington and Chicago receiving the heaviest American file in that order. For 'Canadian consumption, Montreal and Toronto received the largest portion of the wired I news flashes but all cities coast to coast were well represented In the number of messages "In addition, the Canadian National Telegtaphs Installed eight loops In two CBC studios for special news bVoadcasts over Canadian and American net works. Tuesday, also, was the heaviest day for these broad casts when twenty programs or iglnated to keep the public ln formed of events." Mr. Sullivan said. NUTRITION SUBSTITUTES Meat vitamins and proteins can be replaced with flour made from cotton, peanut and Mrs. Roosevelt In Wellington Wife of United States President Arrives in New Zealand Capital Tonight's Dim-out (Hall an hour after sunset to half an hour before sunrise). 9:14 pjn. to 6:11 ajn. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS .1 Making More Great Gains CANADIANS ON KISKA 1. 1 r . WELLINGTON, New Zealand, Aug. 28 Mrs. Franklin D BECOMES SPOUTS OFFICER Captain Ian Eisenhardt, of Vancouver (above), has been appointed Sports Officer of the Canadian Army. He was formerly Director of Physical Education for British Columbia where he launched Canada's first program of physical recreation centres. He Is now on a national toiir of military centres to discuss policy and future plans for sport Bruce Deildal Is Instructor A fine picture of Sergeant Bruce Edwin Deildal of Prince Rupert, who graduated as a fly- ing instructor nt Pearce, Alberta, i has arrived at the Dally News i Office. Bruce drove a United States Army transport before i joining the Royal Canadian Air Forcelff:erved-h wings at jthe Macleod, Alberta, training school; He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Deildal of Prince Ru pert. His father is a lieutenant in the Reserve Army and brother. Robert, is a lieutenant at Currle Barracks Calgary. Henry Armstrong Quitting Ring Announces His Permanent Re tirement Following Defeat By Ray Robinson Last Night NEW YORK, Aug. 28 Ray Robinson outpointed Henry Armstrong in a ten-round wel terweight fight here last night. After the bout Armstrong announced his permanent retirement from the flng. Nurnberg Is Raided LONDON, Aug. 28 One of the greatest bombing forces yet to be sent over Reich territory delivered a very heavy attack on the Important industrial centre of Nurnberg last night. The raid was on devastating scale. Nurn berg was the principal objective of widespread operations last night. Local Regiment Preparing For Governor Visit Officers and other ranks of th& Prince Rupert Machine Gun Regiment who have been selected for the vice-regal guard of honor during the forthcoming visit of the Earl of Athlone and Princess Alice paraded last night at he Armory for special drill and displayed considerable enthusiasm. It Is expected the names of the guard will be announced soon. Drill order of uniform will be Roosevelt arrived in Wellington used for both the guard of non-today, from Auckland and was or and the battalion parade met by Premier Peter Fraser. follows, it has been announced. t Passing Of King Boris, I Of Bulgaria LONDON, Aug. 28 The German rdlo announced tonight that King Boris of Bulgaria died, succumb- ing to a heart complaint which became more serious after a recent Interview with Chancellor Adolf Hit- ler. Chinese Relief Concert Coming Special Event to be Held at Capitol Theatre Tomorrow Night Through the courtesy of Col. D. B. Martyn and the Yt.CA. War Services the weekly Sun- armed services nas Deen given over to the Local Chinese War Relief Committee who will stage concert at the Capitol Thea-j tre, the program consisting of. Previously reported Murdo MacCarthur Anonymous T. J. Slomlnski G. B. Casey J. G. Steen Atlln Fisheries Ltd. Georgetown Lumber Co." S. E. Sunbury ' W. R. McAfee M. L. Clark Victor Simmons A. A. McCrea Wong Bing Eugene and Carol Nelson Barney Amundson $4,724.51 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 25.00 ', 25.00 10.00 10.00 New Front 10.00 i 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crosby 5.00 George Ferguson Jr. 5.00 Jim Doherty 5.00 Miss B. Curtin 5.00 Ralph Coch 5.00 A. Brooksbank 5.00 Mah Tan 10.00 Mrs. II. S. Parker 5.Q0 Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Long 5.00 C. J. Norrlngton 5.00 Harry Lee 5.00 Vic Menzies 5-00 H. V. Tattersall 6.00 Toy Wan 5.00 West End Chop Suey House 25.00 S. L. Peachey George E. Stone Delight Confectionery (V. Rowe) S. K. L. A Friend. Mrs. Wlnslow Miss Lorraine Smith iCavenalle Grocery T. W. E. Henry J. M. Campbell Miss Violet Mah Is Opened 5.00 5.00 30.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5000 Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hutchinson 5.00 Mrs. Fanny White 5.00 W. II. Malkln & Co. Ltd. 25.00 William Hogg 10.00 A. M. J. Sinclair 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Teng 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Currle 5.00 A. Anderson 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. E. Greenstrand 5.00 Miss Dorothy Peachey 5.00 A. King 5.00 22 donations under $5 43.00 $5,228.51 INLAND L FINLAND Lakes and rivers are more numerous In Finland than In any other European country, Russians Break Through South of Bryansk and Overrun Important New Localities LCNDON, Aug. 28 O) The Russians opened a fourth bat-tlefront Friday by breaking through south of Bryansk and overrunning Sevsk and twenty other localities, Moscow announced. The new blow can led th Russians to within twenty mllea of the railway line linking Bryansk with Kiev, the key to German defences along the Dnieper River. Recaptured Sevsk is eighty miles south of Bryansk. West of Kharkov the Russians gained three to five miles The Russian army's westward drive across the Ukraine has pushed the Germans back another 15 miles and reached the Psel River, a tributary of the day night concert time for nniener . ion mile west of rniar- kov, the Army newspaper Red Star disclosed today. The new advance places the Soviet troops 15 miles west of Zenkov, fur thest point previously announced taient oi armea services ana as gameci Dy the Russians civilians. The program for tneUhe westward nnsh. concert is being arranged by Sgt. Cleaver Wilson and Dave Borland of the Capitol Theatre and a splendid variety program can be expected: Among the highlights will be Terry Lynne, acrobatic dancer from Vancou ver Bob Herrick of the VS. Red Cross and' some: of his minstrel acts, Ray Proverbs and his or chestral DONORS TO RELIEF OF CHINA FUND In Another Important point to be recaptured Is Katelva, 63 miles west of Kharkov, this marking a further advance In the Donets Basin. The Red Army, since the pre sent offensive cvommenced, has won its way more than half way back from Stalingrad to the Polish border, it is now 500 miles west of Stalingrad. Day of War Prayer to Be Observed Rt. Rev. G. A. Rix, Bishp of Caledonia, has been notified by the Acting Undersecretary of State, W. P. J. OMeara, of a proclamation setting apart Sunday, September 5, as a day of humble prayer and intercession for divine guidance in the prosecution of the war. Arrangements are being made for co operation In this diocese In observance of the day. ITALIANS IN REVOLT Demand for Return of Mussolini and Fascist Regime Said To be Growing MADRID, Aug. 28 According to reports received here from Rome, a pro-Fascist movement is increasing In Italy with the demand for the release of Ben ito Mussolini. Many Italian people, it Is declared here, blame Marshal Badogllo for the bombing of Italy. Local Tides Sunday, August 29 High u:i5 12:55 Low 6:50 18:59 19.7 feet 18.9 feet 4.0 feel 7.0 feev 3aseball Scores American League Cleveland 8, Chicago 2. St. Louis 3, Detroit 1. National League Cincinnati 3, St. Louis 2. . Chicago 3, Pittsburgh 2. Coast League Los Angeles 4-11, Hollywood 3-3. San Francisco 7, Oakland 0. Seattle 2, Portland 0. San Diego 8, Sacramento 2. American Association Kansas City 9-1, Louisville 2- 0. St. Paul 8, Columbus 2. Toledo 2, Minneapolis 1. Milwaukee 4, Indianapolis 3. International League 'Syracuse 8, Baltimore 2. 1 hi V ft r" ' : r. V: U ;