I PAGE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE aooeoceasoeaeess i Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Charra ' Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Enrrarlnr VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE lor Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant IJ JmM' Your New SUMMER DRESS Linens, Seersuckers, Prints and Cottons. Blight colors and conservative dressy types, too. New ones arriving every day. PLEASINGLY PRICED Rupert Peoples Store it Jr.. ! l A,.VAVAWA,A,W.WJWAWAWMVJWJ,MVWV A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" WINDOW SHADES Complete with slats and tacks, without rollers. These shades can be placed on your .own roller easily. Colors Green and Cream. Size 36x72. Only. Cash price, each,-. .. QjC Phone 775. 327 3id Avenue ATTENTION LADIES! Cor. 6th Ave. and Fulton St. Violet Mah, always alert, and ever on the search for new techniques to make you lovelier, has returned from a tour of the east with the latest trends In Victory Coiffures. Hair Shaninc Por- ) manent Waving, Manicuring as well as many other phases of modern beauty f culture. Of course, you will want to know what is new . . . and you will want to avail yourself of the opportunity for up-to-the-minute beautv services. Whv not call today for consulation? SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON Phone Blue 943 GALIVANT SHOES IN BROWN AND BLACK BROGUES, GILLIES, TIES AND LOAFERETTES. Welted Soles and Genuine Calf Leathers. Perfect Fitting Lasts in Fittings A A to C Width. Priced $5.85 and $5.50 Family shoe store ltD. "The1 Home of Good Shoes" JR. CHAMBER IN SESSION Various Matters Taken Up at Final Meeting Before Summer VacationInterested in Blood Plasma Drive The Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce was in session last night. It was the fin al regular monthly meeting prior to the summer vacation season dur ing which the tegular meetings will be suspended, resuming, it Is expected, In September. In the mean time business such as arises will be transfusion handled by the executive, The meeting last night was a brief one and business, which was not of a very Important nature. took less than an hour to. transact. President Robert Parker was in the chair and there was only a fair turn-out of members. Reporting for the civic centre OUCH- MY BACK Stiff, achey back may be caused by sluggish kidneys. Gin Pills help the kidneys to do a full time job I Money back if not satisfied. f.gul.r slit, 40 Pills Larg. sits, (0 PI III tut U.S. ..kf.r "Gin. Pin." 1 I' TODAY scores of young airmen who are doing a grand job on the ground are eager to get into the air, to get their wings, to join a bomber crew o'rt man a fighter plane. But someone must carry on the ground jobs. Women can do this work. Will you come and serve so that another young Canadian can fly? There are forty different kinds of work women can do in the R.CA.F., arid every one is vital to victory. As an airwoman you may be asked to keep track of equipment, to keep weather records, to do photographic work, send teletype messages, help prepare meils, pack parachutes, repair wing fabrics. Some airman, somewhere, will thank you from the bottom of his heart, for helping him to get off the ground and into anion; The R.CA.F. needs girls, ages 18 to 45 with at least High School Entrance. Apply at your nearest R.CA.F. Recruiting Centre, bringing proof 0 education and birth certificate. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROMOTION. . 'SHE w u t&xt hck mky fly" fttcru'rting C.nfr.i aft Vancouvtr, Calgary, Edmonton, Satkatoon, R.glna, Winnip.g, North for, Windier, London, ' Hamilton, Toronto, Ottawa, Mon. tool, Qu.b.c, Mondon, HaMtji. THE DAILY NIWB WEDNESDAY, Jitx . carnival committee, President Parker stated that not much enthusiasm for this affair was being displayed this year and no plans had yet been made. It would be difficult to obtain goods and materials and a great deal of effort would be required from membes many of whom already had all the activities they could handle, particularly since the Reserve Army was taking up the spare time of many. The Junior Chamber, having had a communication from the Vancou ver Junior Board of Trade , on the subject, evinced considerable inter est in the idea of instituting a campaign for donors of blood for plasma purposes. It was decided to have a committee consisting of Robert Parker, Len Griffiths and Ray Adams consult with Dr. R. G. Large to discuss the possibilities of having a drive here for blood donors. Local postal service was again under discussion and It was re ported that speedy progress was now being made on the building, of the new post office in the east end of the city across Hays Creek. It was expected the building would soon be ready for the opening of the new postal station which is ex pected to materially relieve the present congestion In the downtown post office. There was correspondence from Hon. W. P. Mul-ock, Postmaster General, in regard to local postal matters, One sug-gestioru had been made that accommodation for a sub-post f'flce might be available in the O. and S. grocery" store tout this will not 'now be necessary. The matter of local playground developmrnt came up in a letter from the Housewives' League pro posing a joint action committe! representative or various oiganlza- tions. This had been referred by the executive to the Gyro Club. The Junior Chamber iof Commerce of Vancouver wrote in regard to a provincial conference to be held June 19 In Vancouver and a national conference to be held in Niagara Falls. It will be Impossible for the local chamber to be represented at either of these. The Dominion Glass Co. had a letter be ore the Junior Chamber agreeing to absorb a loss of $12.80 on a recent shipment of broken glass made to Albeita in connection with the salvage campaign. A communication from the Red Cross in Vancouver sought return of $15.89, the proceeds of a recent rubber salvage shipment to Van- had relinquished Its interest In salvage work. A letter of thanks was ordered sent to Hyde Transfer for having made quarters available for salvage goods storage. Acknowledgement is- also being made to the Canadian Legion for I permitting the use a room for the holding of Junior Chamber I meetings. Norton Youngs, a former member of the Junior Chamber, was wel comed back at last night's meeting , following his return from Victoria j to be relocated here. Mr. Youngs ! expressed his pleasure at being back in Prince Rupert. Airwomen are needed for Ihete and many other trades Clerks : : ; Fabric Workers 311 Stenographers ... Photographers i : . Transport Drivers . . . Cooks. Send for this free booklet about air-women in the R.CA.F. Write: Director of Manning, R.CA.F., Jackson Illdg., Ottawa, or the nearett Recruiting Centre listed below. PURE WHITE Rtcruiling Cntr Hovrsi Monday, and Thursdays 9 o.m. to 10 p.m.) Tutidayt, W.dnatdoyt and Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 ft.m.J Saturday, 9. o.m. to 4.30 p.m. Information moy alio b. obtalntd from any National Stl.ctW. S.nlc. offlc.t ROYAL CAN AD IAN Al R FORCE fell UNFORGETTABLY MOVING DHABI A... that unites the talents of 78 top-flight players... 7 brilliant direct 01 s... 21 famous writers! J. M. S. Loubser D.C., B.A. Chiropractor WnlUcr Block Pbon 4 Prtitmtimm IBflil -- nirr HUBERT AHERNE CUMMINGS CHARLES IDA LAUGHTON .'LUPINO HERBERT KAY MARSHALL MILLAND ANNA MIRLE NEAGLE OBERON o.rf 70 MORE Hollywood tonitti ... Ilic ILOVI . NIGfl liurv .-r.l.hvt MAm DONaid Cli'f . jumi Diwit! . uniri mnu 0,1 fOMWD GWINN.CtOHC MIDWICr.ICMID HAYON Nl wr,! HOMIJ 10WID l.tlttt HOITON . muc ncuii. ' ' " UNCHtJTU . ANNA Ul CINI IOCCHAM . m; MAtI VICTOI MUACUU UNA OCONNOI IIOINAID OWN . Capital rwyi'.i.iuwjujuiii'iiHTagwfci OH IHt S4M MOCA.,7" WOULD NEWS "PAMPAS r.MJDOCK- Complete Shows at 1:00, 2:44, 4:51. 7:00, 9:40 Feature at 1:00, 3:07, 5:14, 7:23, 9:33 Coming Fii.-Sat'TLir.HT LIEUTENANT' With rat OBrien Cemetery Service Those wishing plots fixed at Palrvlcw Cemetery, phone the caretaker at the Cemetery between 12:00 and 1:00 p.m. week days. Sweep Chimneys Now No Sweeping done In wet weather. Oil burners also cleaned and serviced Phone Mack 733 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Forincome Tax RETURNS SEE U. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 IZ 2nd KWONG SANO UIN0 HOP REE CHOP SUEY House Ntt to Rlni Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST All our patronage wtleoni Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Ontilit Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 uu Phone Red 21 FLOOR COVERINGS For your Floor Covering Requirements visit Ello's Furniture Store, next to the Dally News on Third Avenue. Ello's have a tremendously large stock of Seamless Axmlnster Carpets, Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs, Inlaid Marboleum, Congo-fcum, Feltol, Rexoleum, six feet wide. Ello's enormous turnover in Floor Coverings for years gives you better choice at money saving prices. Buy War Savings Stamps at Ello's. Saleslady to serve yon. Just say: "My change in War Savings Stamps." Elio Furniture Store Third Avenue (Next the Dally News) 9 HOtM MMITVI W Trlnce Rupt FIRST AIDS FOR SUMMER GROOMING! Don't wilt like the last Rose of Summer while it's still only May! Look fresh as a daisy all summer with personal necessities you'll always find in profusion at THE VARIETY STORE! They'll "keep your hair curly and your teeth peany" with practically no effort at all. Check the list of what you want. No doubt we have Jt. We've to many things I ! THE VARIETY STORE i; J "Where your dimes are llttie dollars" f PHONE RED 120 518 3rd AVE. WEST