IHURCH NOTICES 1 LOCAL NEWS NOTES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (5th Avenue and Young Street) Rev. C. A. Wright Past9r. Worship, 11:00 a.m. The World's Call: "A Christian Home Revival." ' Worship, 7:30 p.m. "Keaemption." .:' Fellowship Hour following the evening service. Welcome! tie who cometh to Me I will In no wise cast out." SHOE SALE Hijf Clearance Sale of Ladies' and Children's SHOES AND SLIPPERS For the early shoppers we have 200 pairs of Shoes and Slippers at the Clear-ins Price t 99c .j the national language ' The rickshaw was invented by a Philippines, was taught with U. S. Marine who visited Japan in Ji before the Japanese lnva- 1854 with Commodore Perry. FIXF.K AND FINER x ;:ken who assemble elec- NFw RfiYAl nun iv vy x i tu HOTEL ) ZAKELLI, PROP. Home Away From Home" Rates 75c up I Rooms Hot tt Cold Waver Prince Itupert, B.C. tout 281 P.O. Box 158 SERVICES TO Tjncouver, VlctorU and Way- Mints. Stewart and North, Charlotte Islands. full Information, Tickets na Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Pflnce Kunert Arent N Ave. Phone 58S J. L. Curry 'Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Westholme Rooms . S. Loubser B.C., B.A. Chiropractor i . Lor Income Ta Returns see . . u E. Mortimer Bone 88 324 2nd Are. LADIES! Here's a real opportunity to buy a good pair of Shoes. hearing 'of odds and ends in our Murray Shoes. Regular price, IMP to $9.50. CM CA ;LE PRICE JJtl.dU Come in and look around, there are many other Bargains on Sale at the FASHION FOOTWEAR ktxt to Variety Store 9 v Phone lied 321 YUGO FOREST ube-i work with filaments haif tne land is cultivated '..iii human hair. i NAMELESS ISLANDS There are 7,080 Philippine group; names. A Cash for old gold, Bulger's. A Annual Meeting St. John's Ambulance Ass'n, Sunday, 2 p.m. A.H.P. Station, 4th Street and Second Avenue. (19) W. G. MacKenzie of the B.C. Bridge and Dredge Co. left on last night's train for Vancouver. The Prince Rupert branch of the Red Cross Society, at Its annual meeting Thursday night, passed a vote of thanks to the Canadian Legion for its courtesy In making the hall there available for the holding of the meeting. Glamor Goes To the Head By BETTY CLARKE Associated Press Beauty Editor No need to Iet.last year's evening dress dim this year's glamor. Party coiffures of 1943 are really something. Enough to turn any man's head in your direction. , It doesn't matter much what you entwine in your hair, as long as It's decorative. A feather or two, a string of pearls will do, a bunch I f fruit 'artificial recommended) a B.:rig of mistletoe, ermine tails, Perhaps you have a false hair piece that you haven't bothered with because of lack of time for ordinary wear. Formal parties are special occasions, and since every girls spends more than the usual time on "fixln' up fori them," it's a good opportunity for you to get your money's worth out of your switch. I You can design a really original coiffure with a little extra fixing time. Wear a braided coronet, entwined with ribbon, or make a topknot coll with your false piece, Nearly one-third of the land of spnnKie n wun Deans, ana onng Li Yugoslavia is forest; more than yur own hair up in side pompa- 15 aours. FOR VITAMIN A Fish liver oil, kidney, green and islands in the yellow vegetables, butter, cream, "YOU HELP TO MAKE BOMBERS ASpeclal Major C. K. Nlcoll, Chaplain, Eighth Division, Preacher tomorrow evening at First Presbyterian Church. STONE'S ARE SHOWING WAY But People's Store Creeping In Mixed Bowling League Standing rhht in your KITCHEN" REW SAYS: "Every ounce of our strength, our savins every renny re needed for victory. Buy War Savings Certificates." Up Stone's Clothiers, by scoring a two games to one victory over Toilers this week, retained leadership of the Mixed League with People's Store pushing up into, second place only one point below by winning a clean sweep over Twerps. The results of this week's t play were as follows: Sav-Mors 3, Midgets 0. Stone's Clothiers 2, Tollers 1. Pushovers 2, Chinese Youth Association 1. People's Store 3, Twerps 0. vari-colored bows, sequin butter-1 flies or flowers those are a few I Cambral Snowball Frolic, Jan. 22, uggestions. Just a case of letting oddfellows' Hall. our imagination wofk. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month, at 25c a word. Dance by the Prince Rupert Dry Dock Sports and Welfare Ass'n, Staff Dining Hall, Saturday, Jan. 23, 9 to 12. Admission $1.00 on presentation of red or yellow pass. Ladles free. Proceeds will ,be donated to Aid to Russia Fund. 25. Presbyterian Burns' Banquet Jan, A Help Norway Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Jan. 29. O. B. A. Invitation Dance, Feb. Valhalla Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Feb. 19. Filipinos are mainly of Malay only 2,441 have eggs, milk and commeal are strong descent, with some admixture of In Vitamin A. Spanish and Chinese, SAYS REDVy KILOWATT Preventable illness alone cost Canadian industry enough man-hours in 19i2 to make 2,000 bombers. And a large part of it was due to inadequate diet. That's why it's so important to niakc sure that your family gets the. right kind of food, and that ir& properly cooked to retain the health-guarding vitamins and minerals our bodies need, and country's sake, observe Canada's Food for your family's your Rules . . . and the following rules of Electric Cooking: 1. Cook with little or no water. 3. Avoid violent boiling. 2. Start ,fast, cook quickly. 4. Cover utensils and don't stir. Funeral Notice The funeral service of the late Barbara W. Hooey will, take place tomorrow, Sunday, at 8:45 p.m. at the B. C. Undertakers Chapel, Second Street. The remains will be shipped to Vancouver for ,A TIES FOR STEEL A campaign for reconditlorims and re-using old cotton bale ties !n the United States Is expected to save 10,000 tons of steel. CUEO (Classified advertising is payable cash in advance. No charges. ' FOR SALE FOR SALE Chesterfield suite. 536 Seventh Ave. East. (21) FOR SALE Radio, 7-tube RCA Victor battery set, long and short wave, Al 'condition, almost like new: Snap. For further particulars Phone Red 769. (23) FOR SALE Four roomed house. 1353 Frederick Street. (20) HELP WANTED WANTED Lady to do light washing and mending. Please write Mr. J. E. Robertson, Prince Rupert Shipyard. (21) WANTED Reliable woman, light housekeeping and care of 3'i-year-old girl during day. Salary open. U.S. Staff House 14, C.N. Park, or Phone Street, 646. (23) WANTED by dry goods store, experienced salesgirl. Apply Employment Office, AF 31. (22) APPLICATIONS will be received by the Unemployment Insurance Commission for the position of City Clerk for the Corporation ol the City of Prince Rupert. Ap plicants must possess necessary qualifications as to education and knowledge of Municipal procedure. Preference will be given to those having legal training. Must be exempt from Military Service. Apply stating age, qualifications. experience and salary expected to Unemployment Insurance Commission No. AM 19. (19) WANTED Y.W.C.A. Room Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. Oarbutt. WANTED Electric radio and iron. Apply Box 425 Dally News. (20) WANTED $15 Reward. Young couple, no children, desire housekeeping room, close in. Apply Box 24 Dally News. (25)' ROOM AND BOARD BOARD and room for men shar ing. 718 Fraser Street. LOST LOST Parcel containing slacks. Would finder please Phone Blue 821. (23, PERSONAL STENOGRAPHERS and TYPISTS NEEDED badly by Government for war work. You can train at home for Job as Stenographer, Typist, Office Clerk, Letter Carrier, Mall Clerk. Customs Exam-lnr, etc. Free advice and record of appointment of our students from M.C.C. Civil Service School Ltd., Winnipeg. The oldest In Canada. No Agents. criiR iiKcanrmwii mm I GOLD SEAL s o W "'0GC1V1 Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon and Herring In Tomato Sauce l are both on active service m hut will hn hark on Your H grocer's shelf soon as condl- 5 M rlillnn. nrrmit. H i uum:m "m in : ma i mia CANADA MILITARY CALL-UP Attentiat! SINGLE MEN A proclamation recently Issued by Ills Excellency, the Governor-General, quires that every single man, born In any year from 1902 to 1923, both years inclusive, who has not already received a notice or order to report for medical examination under compulsory military service, must fill out a special form at the office of at Postmaster, a Registrar of a Mobilization Board or an Employment and Selective Service Officer not later than February 1st, 1943. For this purpose the term "single man" also Includes any male person who was a widower, or legally separated or divorced, and without a child or children dependent on him at July 15, 1940, or any such male person who has suffered the loss of his dependent child or children after that date; and any male person who, though married at July 15th, 1940, since that date became a widower, legally separated or divorced, and Is now without a child or children dependent on him. (Please observe that single men who have received notices to report for medical examination under the military call-up and who have been examined as required, or men who are now in the Armed Forces, are NOT Included In those to register by February 1st. Penalties are provided for failure to register. A. MocNAMARA Director, National Selective Service, Ottawa !( '1 SPEED VICTORY-- Do Your Utmost in Giving to the Canadian Aid to Russia Fund SEAL COVE)TRUCKING & TRANSPORTATION CO; THREE TWO TAXI BE PREPARED ..t 1)301 John Gurvich CONTRACTOR Hum nnrl T Inrlprcranil Hnw tn IIqp ul V 1111 UUU UIW11U vri! .vr Your Respirator (Gas Mask) j INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO GET ONE . . $1.25 EACH Applicants MUST produce their National Registration Certificate. An official receipt for $1.25 for each Respirator must be obtained. Registration Certificates must be endorsed on the back with the A.R.P. stamp. Respirators will not be Issued tp minors. Parents or Guardians are responsible for their children and can obtain one for each member of the family. Read carefully the directions that come with each Respirator. Wear it and try it out. If you are not then fully satisfied go to the Fire Hall for further Instruction. Always co-operate fully with your A.R.P. They are on the h Job to safeguard you. ' NOTE Applicants for Free Respirators must make their application direct at the Fire. Hall. S S lyHHHHHHBE : . It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the same.