El . m m fci tf ( mi n WOE TWO Drink a Cup a Day-Diive fatigue away sons Chocolate Cocoa H lb. Tin 19 1 lb. Tin 29 mm THE DAILY NEWS PMNCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAOINO EDITOR DAILY EDITION TV T TTTTVVTTV V V V V V VW VTW VT V T WTVTTTT p 'i v OUR. TO . DEPT. I 44&K Thursday, NoTember 18. 1943 Protect The Children . . . Canada is talking about the need of greatly accelerated immigration after the war! Wouldn't babies, to be raised to citizenship in Canadian homes, be the best immigrants Canada could obtain? Thousands of babies die every year, the victims of communicable disease, whose lives could be saved by immunization. This is National Immunization Week in Canada. WE'RE ALIVE WITH THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS! The eurtain rises on our brand new Christmas season! JTe rything for a Perfect Gift for Christmas is here. THE Yi"f x ejiukb is a rallying ground for you who refuse Z lo stampeded Into random purchases. Here are things inai are ngnt lor gilt-givers. Right in quality . . . Right in value . . . Right in price! For years THE VARIETY STORE has brought happiness and cheer into the thousands of Prince Rupert's homes. Why not adopt us this year for your guiding spirit? You'll save money, save time, save wear and tear on your disposition! The Variety Store 4 I AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAtii j ill SAAAAA AA a a tlitAi.jLti,i For Thrifty Housewives WE FEATURE A full line of Swift's Premium Meats at all times. A complete and fresh stock of Fruit and Vegetables. You can get everything you want at this sGornmunity Shopping Centre Prices Right. b3 SEVENTH AVE. MARKET i ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT Writer Dick Blamey showed me a clipping from one of our Canadian magazines whkh explained very clearly and concisely how to teil his rank at n slance " It has to do with the Navy. It says There are two vnes as naval ratings '1 Men dressed as seamen these are ihv traditional sailor collar with ri'und hat outfits, knowa as the round rig and 2l Men not dressed as seamen. the square rieeers. sound Mke schooners, don't they? i These latter are dressed in bkie uniforms with single breasted coats and black buttons. Their cans are comparable to those worn by offi cers. Only the cap badge will tell Ute difference. This Is a red crown riding atop a small an- j chor. Men whe wear these uniforms are writers, supply ratings, cooks, stewards, sick berth attendants and innumerable others who farm a great and valuable portion of the navy The officers are the fellows who. during the winter months, wear dark blue double breasted Jackets with eight gHt button The cap badge bears an anchor and a crown on top. Around the whole is a gold-colored cluster of laurel leaves In summer thne the uniform can be either white or khaki. Rank is worn ; either oh the sleeve or on the 1 shoulder epaulettes. It is shown by gold colored braid rings. The rings are either wavy or straight. The straight rings Indicate men of the permanent During this week the public health authorities are;for" whU llltrirro- rmrtmtc ovorvu'lioro tr nrnfopt ilhoii Vi"lrlron I plain 3 0r or the wavy rln?s. criss-cross, point out the fact that the Officer against whooping cough, smallpox, diphtheria and! the r, Canadtan Nava, R. scarlet fever. This newspaper heartily commends the j serve or the Royal Canadian effort to arouse parents to their responsibility. It is Navai volunteer Reserve, and said that "a nation marches forward on the feet of 'or "duration- only, its little children." Surely, children are our most ta EreatMt nrWIftn 9CSPt Tot lie m-Va cnva tViof mnm rf tliom 1 -ni- t . " " ".""v. Ui - Lieut Philip Lee. rcnvr goes m me 10 inneru anacia. !on to ive further int.nM of how to tell at a glance Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 In hla very interesting, article in Chat- special pete, the Chief and Petty Officers. Perhaps he couldn't find words to describe them. , Sometimes I can't SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box Jit ERASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I THE REX CAFE f 2nd ow Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to Z a.m. Avenue (Across from AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A A A A AAA H B a HB'f Kt sn art. bli sn siwar's i Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK I I VALENTIN PHONE 657 DAIRY I rwT B i Bin rB.s:B.i.;B.imaua For Income Tay RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. VTTTTTVVVTVVVVVVTTYTTVTV Meet Me At . 3 JOHNNY'S Johnny's SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) AAAAAASAAAAAAAAAAfltj CHURCHNOTICE Naval Drum Head Church Service TUB DAILY NEWB PHYSICAL nttrrrrft COFFEE? mm uuiikk. IMPORTANT Zutf ike 8a f iv U kike ok a i m i 0 rnccFP BLUE RIBBON COUPONS ran x sxvmsr STAMP A better grasp of the lmport-;i:ice of physical training for the Hfch school student was j imparted to parents by Miss K. .Meredith in an address before ! the well-attended Prince Rupert i Parent - Teachers' Association ; meeting in Booth Memorial School test night Rev. E. W. Scott was In the chair. Miss Meredith, who U In Mrge of the physical training branch at the Booth Memorial HWh School, outlined what U behiB done fr the youag people and the methods which are used An attempt is made, said the speaker, to allow the pupil to exprec himself as a measa of devtloplog personality and Unchallenged RED CROSS SHIPMENT The following supplies havi His: been shipped by tfce loeof 3ed Cross workroom to head-luatten In Vancouver: HMpital supplies Seventeen bed Juckets. ten pair of puja nas. twelve comfort bag, one onvale'ent jacket, six ampu , tatlon covers, five dozen face cloh. KMtted goods Two long eeved sweaters, wo pairs scr-vke gloves, three slmele sweaters, two bertta. s4x Baia rlava helmets, two paiis of TUTrtrane mrtta. five parrs of seamen's a'.eekbtgA 7S pairs of service socks, Women's arUefes Three pair-women's ktickew, nhx- pairs ankle seclu. feur kn-g-Jleeve aweaters. Riift elotldng 22 baby self confidence. An apt ltlustra-, gowru. b4w g4rtt pa.alir. two tion of her own methods of to- j is die' nixhtfowm. fifteen structlon was given by Miss sweaters, three children mitts, Meredith. one toque, three baby sweaters. Other items of business com- one bonnet, two soakers, one ing before last night's meeting j pair boot tees, fouiteen pairs of iuded a discussion on lockers: children's pajamas, thirteen and a bicycle shed for the pu-1 pairs combinations, five girls' nils of the High school. The ; ctn ssev right children's sweaters association decided to approach ! Refugee garments, donated 'he school trtuteea on the mat- ten crtb quMta, nine slmrie :er and a committee eonUUa j quilts, one afghan. five pairs of T Norton Youngs, chalttnan. J bcy bootteea. four pairs cMW-W W C O'NeHl. A. llardwlck ' rett's sock; six dresses. a.nr FleUher Hemmona, was appointed. The value of clubs In the school brought out considerable d!5cuslon. W. W. C. OWelH. principal of the High school, outlined the system at present n use and asked for comment and opinions from the parents present. Final arrangement for the tag day to be herd December 13 , were made by the meeting and a committee consUtmg of Mrs. i Haines. Mrs. T. W. Boulter. Mrs. ' Bishop. ?nss E. A. Mercer. ,tlv 'To inaugurate Navy Week, a EUeen Oibson, W. W. C. O'Neill Naval Drum--Head Church Ser- and S. A. Cheeseman was ap-vice will be held In the Drill Hall, pointed to carry out the plans H.M.C.S. "CHATHAM," comer The tag day is for purchase of Mc Bride and First Avenue, at reference books for the school 10:30 a.m. on Sunday. 31st No- ' brarten for the use by stu-vember. H.M.C5. "CHATHAM" aeaU. Band, HAI.CS. "CHATHAM" Mlas K. Meredith ws personnel and the Prince Ro- Ported program convener. " a UUl rppOTlfG PnrfpU HH rvnrfU-l. I"-- " ' " IKo tmrii n ml In h..llk ielalne. The only thing he seems paie- inc 3U01lc are corowuy (onduum. i to lert out is a description of my invited to attend. ; The campaign for members for the association which had been eendtieted In the local schools resulted in 227 new names being added to the P.T. regMry. At the conclusion of pie meeting refreshments were served in the . horse economic room by a committee under the conven erhiy of Mi R Urauji Mer30,40,50! Want Nonnaf Pep, Ytm, Yijor? ANNOUNCEMENT The NritUr Vice (.'mutate hM now taken ver h DR. .H YTIIK, Room IS it. ii IS, Reiner Black. Supremacy You can He assured, of the utmost enjoyment from every drop of Nabob coffee. Fresh, fragrant and flavorful Nabob Is sure to satisfy with Its mellow' rich goodness. Make the most of your ration coupon) t . . buy Nabob Irradiated Coffee, it goes further, j Tune to the new trid tnterlammg radio show t . Nabob Party Time BBBBBBBTlBBBBBBBBw A.mAMIr'Baaaa(.M BflflflflflflVf.A. S 1 JELLY. DOUOLAI & CO. LTD. I NABOB FOOD PnODUCTB LTD? VAMcAUvtH,' BAKATd" i been 4 JKN J r ifnn Wmmm rjrvM in - BBH W I SrBBBSf -BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSK' L lARRY wiw a normnl, ntuet rfiso until quite rrrrnlly. Tlun, Mi.lterJf, he contractnl Iamc TimtH'-Ili. Nv him tonguo in vnpinR cmtnntl ,s. pning on orrytliinc 1" luai. llaf &ou Iktii rifHnl to tiii ilanprn.ut wartime dicne? Svniptotn i an un controllable rioirc to tell i:erjtltin you know. Pnrtirulnrly iotct altadi occur when you learn Mime i tul in-formation alxmt trmip iiioverornls war pnMluction, fliip unilitips etr If you arc n victim, don't despair . . tlure if a sure cure that you can Mart tiiMnf right nvay. As wmiii hh jou feci ll" urge to reveal miiiir vital information coming on, Mart haying to vmirM-lft "What have I done today to help the war?" Keep repeating tliioer.uil over to yourx iriintil theattark jkhn lliis trcntmcnt in guaranteed to rurr anyone of Iooc-Tnguc-Iti. BREWING C O M P A N y LlMlHP MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Wiere dollars have more c?nt lVe have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vejfi- Tohaeeox and Confectioner) FllEE DEXIVERY throuRhout the city three times v& (Tnesdnys, Tlurdays and Saturd-r-' Opposite Canadian Legion 332 Dibb Printing Company CHRISTMAS CARDS Now on Display Make Selections NOW for Otrrsf HI KT II DAY AND E V E It Y V A V CAJ WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN ' Bcsncr Block, 3rd Street Phone If you lose anything1, advertise for it 0i s