1 ,. - , fJWAW. W. W. W. WA Wk W. W. VA V. V . : r i il&Niiipin " IIBffnP I " 'of "ort diitinctto ! II ty'V JJ ... so. "' M I ADAMROYAL fcV s 56-00 fhH. I J5f J AOAMROyALj 5 m u m r m m u t. I, TAQZ FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimcad iH I Optometrist la Chare 5 ' Watch, Clock, Jewelry J ' Repairing, VISIT OUR BASEMENT ..ORE for Fine China, . Dlnnerware, Glasses, Baggage and NoTeltlei MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant SOLD IN PRINCE RUPERT ONLY BY RUPERT MEN'S & BOYS' STORE - 217 SIXTH STREET (Just around the corner) PAULSEN'S GROCERY CASH AND CARRY SIXTH AVENUE AND DRY DOCK ROAD (Beside Postal Station B) NW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Floor Covering SEAMLESS AXMINSTER CARPETS in the following sizes. 9x12, 9xlOV2, 9x9, 6-9x9, 4Vix7,6. 36x64, 27x51 CONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL RUGS 9x15, 9x12, 9x104, 9x9, 7x9 Linoleum by the yard, 6 feet wide. Marboleum Inlaid, New Plastic, Congollum. Elio Furniture Store Third Avenue (Next to the Daily News) Prince Rupert MEN'S Working Boots PALMERS "MOOSE HEAD BRAND" 8 inch and G inch. :: GREB & STERLING Chrome and Men- "nenite calf with double soles and solid I throughout. Priced from $5.50 Shoe findings and arch supports. Family Shoe Store Ltd. "The Home of Good Shoes" If you lose anything, advertise for. it, : A full line of Groceries. Produce, Meats and Confectionery. Your Patronage Solicited. 5 CO-OPS WIN METLAKATLA HOOP GAME Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative basketball team Journeyed over to Metlakatla and played against the best Metlakatla five and, after two overtime periods, the local fish slingers won out 44 to 36 in a hard fought contest. The game was fast from the opening whistle until the finish and the Co-op basketeers were lucky to win. Metlakatla led at the end of the first half, 26 to 20. The Metlakatla sharpshooters Lelghton, Prevost and Leighton did most of the damage. The second half started jus, as fast as the first and was neck and neck with the fish Jugglers tying to score in th; last few seconds. The first overtime period resulted in no score and It was half way through the second overtime session before the Coop snipers started to sink the necessary baskets to come out winners 44 to 36. Metlakatla H. Lelghton 10, P. Robinson, A. Prevost 8, H. Auchland 6, R, Nelson 2, A. Leighton 8, C. Leighton 2. Total. 36. Co-op J. Veheck 10, H. Astoria 10, J. Davis 12, T. Rysstad, P. Peterson 2, W. Smith 2, F. Parker. S. Alexander 4, J. Hus-ick 4. Total, 44. Metlakatla have a very strong team an in a short while should give any local team a run for their money. C. Ryan, the referee, handled the game in a very capable manner. At no time was the game out of control. Co-op turned in their bes. performance o far this season but are. still very ragged on their shooting, passing and combination. Alexander, at guard, and Slim Davis, at centre, were the stars although the wholS team fought hard. There was a dance and refreshments were served after the game. Oil and Tim FT MPIMI THE AMTISEPTIC LlMIMEMT yBji THZ DAILT HZViS YANKS WIN HOOP GAME Had Easy 47 to 16 Victory Over Navy Last Night Marking up their third successive victory of the Area Basketball League season, Yanks easily downed Navy 47 to 16, in a basketball game In the Naval Drill Hall last night. Scoring honors were well distributed for the winners with every player accounting for at least three points. The Americans' leading scorers were Lau-na, with 11 points, and d'Autre-mont with 10. Nine of the losers' 16 points were chalked up by Humber. Line-ups: Yanks Keiner . Launa ' 11. d'Autremont 10. Oarcoloni 3. Wallngford 8, Page 6, Barilet 4. Total, 47. Nan Martin 2. Humber 9. Wallace 3, Thorburn, Knutson, Prentice 2. Total 16. GREEKS USE CHEMICALS Use of chemicals In warfare was known as early as the fifth century B.C. when they were employed In the siege of the Greek cities of Megara and Plataea. BRITONS PLOW BY NIGHT The introduction of night plowing has enabled British ag riculture to go Into 24-hour pro duction. NOTICE TUNEFUL, ROMANTIC Judy Garland, in "Presenting Lily Mars," at Capitol Theatre Featuring a pretty romance and haunting song numbers. Presenting Lily Mars," with Judy Oarland and Van Heflln in the top roles, comes to thi screen of the Capitol Theatre here this week-end. Van Heflin plays a Broadway producer and Judy Oarland a girl who wants to 'go on the stage and sets out to ensnare him. The girl's trials and tribulations with comical complications provide human interest, drama and comedy. Beautiful song numbers and spectacular musical presentations run through the production. Miss Oarlftnd sings the old favorite. "Every Little Movement" and goes modern with Tom, Tom, the Piper's Song." Marta Eggerth plays an ex otic love rival for Miss Oarland and sings Russian nd gypsy numbers with spectacular effec Richard Carlson Is effectlv as the harassed young playwright of Booth Tarklngtons story. Fay Banter and Spring Byington play the mothers of the principals. MERCURY LIQUID METAL The only metal which is liquid in its natural state Is mercury BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKERS LTD, Vancouver, Canada Everyone in THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Who has Boarders, Lodgers, or Paying Guests or Who lets rooms or suites with light housekeeping privileges MUST REPORT ON THIS ACCOMMODATION BY NOVEMBER 29th, 1913 In compliance with the recent Order of the Rentals Administrator, everyone who has boarders, lodgers-or paying guests in his home, or who has let rooms or suites with light housekeeping or housekeeping privileges within the City of Prince Rupert, shall, not later than November 29th, 1943, complete and file, in duplicate, at the Registration Office established for this purpose at 313 3rd Avenue West, at Prince Rupert, the forms which have been provided by the Board as follows: FORM R.C. 34W Use this form to report furnished rented rooms for which you provide bedding and linen (and the laundering thereof) for each occupant. FORM R.C. 35W Use this form to report rooms, or suites of rooms, let with housekeeping or light housekeeping privileges. IMPORTANT The Information required must be entered on the proper form, copies of which are available at 313 3rd Avenue West, Prince Rupert, OR Th Wartime Prices and Trade Board, 2nd Floor, Ilesner Ruildlnir, Prince Rupert, B.C. PENALTIES ARE PROVIDED FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS REQUIREMENT. THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD T 1 BLUE GILLETTE BLADES StREEIOATTHROHGH AHBEARD WITH THE GREATESTOFEASE! GIVEYOUGOOD- 100KIUG SHAVES f EASTER, DO NT THEY? RIGHT flOHCER-iAS77HC k BlUE GIUETTE BLADES ARE TOPS AW WAY yOUEGURE ! Here'i why precJ- ilon-made Blue Gillette Dladesgive you easier, cleaner shave . . . and more of them per blade. Edges are the sharpest ever honed. The steel is diamond-tested for hardness. Result; Easier shaving, longer life. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed. PRCCISION-m4 lo lit fwr CHI. II RUfo tlf tnil mn4 lrrlnlin OIL BURNERS CLEANED HANDYMAN HOMi: SERVICE Black 73S Kl Seventh Ave. West TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVT I'OR SALE FRESH SHRIMPS I Dally 4 o'clock. Boat -Mars." IJ putt's Dock i CALL LEO OYER Win Clats Drcoratlnc and raperhanginc Bed 395 867 Borden St. U&ICAFE Will open on Sunday, Not, 7, under the old J l! J CIIK1STINA VIKTCII J TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Trappers Don't be foolish and sell j your Furs on the Water front to buyers who arc 2 Eettlnr hir Mimmiin A Goldbli oom can pay 30 per cent more than anyone else as a re- suit of finding the best markets when in Montreal and New York. SEE G0LDBL00M HKST IF ADDED Cartoon -Uninvited Pest-World News CompU-te Shows T"MiRht 7 15. 9 20 -rosi: Luiir at 7 n. 9 33i Wallace Block fhon THURSDAY. or a mow NOVEMBER 1 1 m nrn'X He ANOTHER GRAND suftVll R YOU AND Yo iid 1H.9W VAN lllilllN And wno a coif of tr-laintrt I for you anj yovr i- po if 'i a horny vM MT IICMAI8 RAinTiP fADItnu I SPRING BYINGTON ' MARTA EGGERTH CONNIE GILCHRIST . LEONID KINSKEY j Z DAYS -S STARTING ilQ Complete Shows at 1:00. 2 44, 4 4'.' ? ' c Feature at 1 00. 3 09. 5 10. 7 21 t J.M.S.Loubser D.C- B.A. Chiropractor Mutual Benefit Health and ArrUrat See JOHN L WRIGHT Thcne :il liontc r Hoenn St. t SEE OUR COP! EE TABLES they are a line t'.K' I'hone "75 317 3rd Atrt IS REAL WAR Thi U not a phoney war. The Caiur? Ai7 U In the thick ol the light. The only way e can win U on the field of battle It p'-.' - T fit and between IS and 45 you are elu 5'.? ' " the Active Army, which ta sUU ai c :i yoluntccr Army. Visit your nearest Army Itecrultlnt Office today. Don't delay. rmes Lid, Z7jm Ptonecr Druqgists THE II EX ALL STOIIE 4 A.MacKENZIE FURNITURE Lit "A Good IMace to Buv" BUY FURNITURi: M)lt CHRISTMAS DINETTE SUITB8 6 p4. natural nnuh MM DINETTE SUITBS- piece, wtilnut vne r Upholstered Chair. CHINA CABINET to match $IU I'HONKS 81 vA P Open Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7 P " A TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Wood Fuel Coal miners arc out on strike ani I vc have no idea when we can delivery of coal but we can maw! immediate delivery on wood. Phone your order for wood I" your regular fuel dealer. Wood orders must be paid ff before delivery is made. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LID. I'HONE 116 and 117 AAAAAAAA,AAAAAAAAAAMi 1 AAAA'AAA-AAA& AAAAAAA A.AAAAA'