i 4 NOVEMBER 18, 1943 JHI-R8DAY THE DA1XT NEWS PAGE TlClK). READY CUT MACARONI EASY TO PREPARE -) H I ': r: rcr-3 of the Lu- lowing a trip to Alaska on ec-whn ha heett clesiastlcal bu.sine.-w. leaves U- xst few days fel 1 ttrn Wflfl mm SSi night on hta return to Vancou ver. XMAS PERM n... DCDkiC L ... J iA RC AT nncttc Powell Beauty Shoppe . . I m t nt.. llt-. n rrr L l m u-vv I M & f a at a k v m m a w . mm i J i LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. R. s. Sargent arrived in the city on last night's train from Hazelton enroute to Vancouver for a holiday trln. Capt. Oeorge Black, MP. for Yukon, and Mrs. Black, after spending the season In the north, were here this morning KOlng through to Vaneeuver for the winter. Gyro Luncheon Musical Quiz A team consisting of Oeorge Rorie. Richard Burnett and Len luriintns vu tne winner of a ' musical quiz vhich featured the program yesterday at the weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club, W. F. Stone being in charge The losing team consis ted of Dr. J. J. Olbson. CP. Ba'agno and C. O. Ham. President W J. Scott acted as time keeper and storekeeper. Andy 1 Ml 1 I 1 II CONTROL HOME TEMPERATURES i m mnii An c inrrpnipn r - iiiuiiiiu i iiiiiu u i VWUI VWIItinr'ii--i . I . s? jldw ..i.-ij ai ft usiii jrrrt n m i ? k r mctt A i, iiaik inai n nn nn i npnnnwr. i A.I. ...... J s I I I yuui UWVlwi t l L I III II mm M . G your It copy of IhU avinglmtruction from your "UL- '. ft 4m riflhl awoy. J ' Control l.mp.rolur.i P'PW iflnJ ihod, and will yoi by glvlnfl your furnot. r.9ulor on,nrt.n. X .ov. a tubUanhol p.r- ctntogo of your f wtl. Put on cloth Initoad of moro futl. It'( htalthUrl H' wlittl Sate oh tvtt infilte R. M. Wlnslow Is leaving tonight for a business trip to Vancouver. A plan for combining their efforts with the Moose ladies' MirNaughton had the important ' hold a Joint Christmas roie or pianw, pwying tne num- icuiuuh iur uie tnnuicu - , bers which the contestanU were tn members of both lodges. J IHQia HaS 15lfif to name. Iwaj developed at a meeting of i 5 C. C. Mills was delegated tOithe Moose Lodge on Tuesday represent the ehib at a meeting 1 n,ht Christmas tree will last nlht of the local hranrh of . be held in the Moose Han short- II 1 Illil A WW Im J A W a& t I ml 1 . . . i . t I The members of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club, instead of meeting uptown as usual, had their weekly luncheon at the Prince Rupert dry dock today and, as the guests of Manager Bernard Allen, visited some in teresting points in the shipyard. The luncheon was In the banquet hall at the commissary. President A. S. Nickerson being in the chair with a good attendance of members. Moose Lodges to Have Joint Party .Men's and Women's Lodges Will Join to Put on Children's. ChriMmas Tree. forthcoming provincial member-, members and the meeting de-ship drive and treasure chest parted from Its routine bust-drawing, iness for the ceremony of inltfcj- Ouests at yesterday's lunch- t,nK sit new members, eon. at which there was another Chairman of the meeting was 100 per cent attendance of Oilhs Royer. members, were Andy McNaugh ton and Capt. Lewlsohn. Winner of the weekly raffle for a war savings certificate was C. G. Ham. , Birth Notice MOORE To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meere. of Prlnee George ami formerly of Prince Rupert, a son. in Prince George Hospital on November 14. Mrs. Moore is the former Belly Boston of Prinee George iNavv Leaerue Women Meet R. M. Wlnslow, president of the local branch of the Navy League of Canada, and Mrs. Cree, wife of Commander Charles Cree, naval officer in charge at Prince Rupert, were psakers at the regular meeting this week in the Canadian National Railways waiting, room jf the Women's Auxiliary of the Navy League. Mr. Wlnslow told if the tecent visit here of Tom, Howarth and Lome Brown of Vancouver who were organizing the Navy League membership drive and Sea Chest drawing. Mrs. Cree 'told of women's auxiliary work in Vancouver Mrs. C. H. Elkins was named delegate to a meeting of the Navy League last night when plans were made for the membership drive here. Mrs. J. R. Elfert. president of the airxlUarty. was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members. Plans were made for the tag day this Saturday in which Sea Cadets and school child: en will assist. Fighting Force the Navy League of Canada to ly before the holiday. I LONDON, Nov 18 T Up to make arrangements for the I There was a good turn out of i last June India's fighting forces TO EASE MISERY OF CHILD'S COLD RUB ON WICKS W VapoRub had incurred 103.880 casualties Maj.-Gen. O. N. Moesworth. mflrtary secretary. India office, has disclosed. Killed were 5,618: wounded, 13.034; missing and prisoners, 85 J 73. I He added that India's defence 1 forces totalled nearly 2JWO.OOO , men and that almost 500,000 ' troops had served overseas since the war started. SECOND CEXTURT INVENTION5 Parchment was invented about 190 B.C E. A. Thompson, secretary for young peoples' work in th Presbyterian Ctrureh In Canada, spoke to the Prince Rupert Min isterial Association today a noon in the Presbyterian Ctrareh. This evening, before leaving by train for the east, he wfll speak before a meeting of Sunday School teachers of the Presbyterian Church. Last night he spoke to a young peoples' meeting in the church. NEAR 2,000 MARK fieatlons in Canada. OFFICIAL RULING WARTIME PRICES and TRADE BOARD 3 D' COUPONS Entitle you to buy the 3 lb. BOTTLE of CROWN BRAND SYRUP Today, riiioa -coopooi ire almotc si important if moaty. Make them bay the bett tbe beat ioCarour the beat in quality CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Advertisements are payable in advance at the Office No telephone orders Kate 2c per word per Insertion. FOR SALE TRUNKS FOR 10GO 9th Ave. Oreen 509 SALE. East. FOUND Apply Phone i272 FOR SALE (New Breakfast suKe, natural finish, red leather seats. $90. 401 Gth Ave. East. 269) FOR SALE 1938 Dodge Sedan in good condition. Phone Black 878. (269) FOR SALE 2-piece Krohler chesterfield suite, one Axmln-ster rug. 9x12. 416 6th Ave. West. (273) FOR SALE Two-room house on two lots, 10th Ave. East. Im mediate possession. $600 cash. Section 8, Lot 2. Lots 23 and 24. Apply Box 619 Daily News. FOR SALE 8-tube console ra dio. General Electric, five bands. 146 Fourth Avenue East Phone Red 127. FOR SALE Furniture and household effects. Suite 2 Levlne Apts.. 6th and Fulton. (2691 'WANTED "TO RENT WANTER TO RENT Furnished room for lady. Box 623 Dally News. (271) FOUND Man's gold wrlstwatch at Seal Cove. Initials on back. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. LOST LOST Man's wrist watch with initials HJJj. on back. Finder Valued as keepsake. Reward. KWONG SANCi IIING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Tuesday II p.m. to 1:30 sun. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. 1:30 a.m. Phone Red 217 iiiBiBaasv wmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmm HELP WANTED WANTED The Dally News Is open to receive the names of bright and honest boys or girls who are desirous of obtaining delivery routes, (tf) RELIALE person to care for baby. Days only. 1009 3rd Ave. West. (270) WANTED Chambermaids for Knox Hotel. Room, board and wages. Apply National Selective Service. A.F. 99 (tf) WANTED DESPERATELY NEEDED Housekeeping room for young couple with 10-day-old baby. Nowhere to go. Please phone Mrs. J. CalL co General WANTED House or suite, two rooms or more. Reward If suit able. Phone Green 285, Jones, lifter 6. (269) WANTED Apartment or small house, furnished or unfurn ished. close In. Civilians, no children. Room 15, Bayvlew Hotel. (272) $25 REWARD for finder of small furnished or unfurnished house. Civilians. No children Apply Box 605 Dally News. PERSONAL (280) 'JET' for polishing hot stoves is a boon. Winter months mean hot stoves always. "JET" Is safe, handy. Sold DAY NURSERY Reasonable rates. Apply 441, 7th Avenue East. (280) When at Terrace Stay at iphiib ert Hotel But make advance Reservations Box 5 Terrace J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Wcstholme Rooms BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL I Mil. M stMisI Tat CANAOI. STARCH C0MPINT, Limited GEORGE L. R0RD2 Public Accountant, Auditor, etcj Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 387' IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEX FORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty We Pick Up and Deliver PHONE 858 Mail Orders Box 99 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 4th St. Phone 655 B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladles' & Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes. 302 Third Ave. W. Black 787 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating rhone 174 Engineers. P.O. Box 274 International Correspondence Schools Canadian Limited B. F. Lovln, Representative Box 526 1315 Plggot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. FRATERNAL ORDERS Prince Rupert I.O.O.F. LODCiE NO. 63 meets 2nd and ,l-j)4thTnesdays every month at JB p.m. Advertise m the Dally News I Canada's first Choice! FRY'S COCOA. for nourishment and Flavour Music Club's First Meeting Varied anal Interests!): Program Yesterday at Home of Mrs. E. ). Smith A brief but deUghtlul program , of varied nature marked the jpening meeting of the season jf the Ladies' Music Club yesterday at the home of Mrs. E. J. Smith, 831 Summit Avenue. There was a paper by Mrs. G. R S. Blacfcaby and other items Included the following: Voal solo, "Little Blue Bird of My Heart," Mrs. W. Martin. Piano solo, "May Night" iPalmgren), Mrs. E. J. Smith, Vocal solo, "Dawn," t Pearl 1 Curran), Mrs. R. G. Large. Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh presented ; onall trophy cups to winners of the presentation cups for last year, these being Gwendolyn McRae of the senior cla and , George Gfflts of the Junior chtss. ! The former then played Slater's. ' 'Jfoctu.e" and the latter "Boc- Icherlno's "Minuet." I A vote of thanks was tendered ! to Mrs. Smith, or motion of ,Mrs. Melntosh. for the use of her home and for her unfaElng interest In the dub. In Memoriam In loving memory of our be loved husband and father, Clar ence Harvey Flnley. who passed away Nov. 18, 1942. It's but a year ago today since God called you away, and we who love you most of all miss you more each day. Inserted by his Wife and Family. DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS 3i WabJngtB Block, 2nd Ave., Apartment 2 7 NEW "NICKEL" COPPERs Canada's new 5-cent cola. Is 1 88 per cent copper, 12 per cent j-zinc 4 Announcements ATI advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Dry Dock Employees' Association Dance, Friday Nov. 19. Aristocrat's 12-plece orchestra. 18. Cathedral Tea and Sale, Nov. Job's Daughters' Dance. November 19, Masonic Temple. 4 L.O-LAI. 2 L.O.L. 2310 Orange ' Dance Mon. Nov. 22, 9:30 sharp, Oddfellows' Hall, Jean de Carlo's Orchestra. St. Peter's Pall Bazaar, NcryJS L.O.B.A. Dance. Nov. 25, ,Qdd- ifellows' Hall, 9:30-l:fl0, Jean de. Carlo's Orchestra. Refreshmenis.. Valhalla Invitation Dance,- November 28, Oddfellows' HaW Dancing from 9:30 to 2. United Church bazaar Decem ber 2nd. Nurses' Fall Dance Oddfellow's Hall. Dec. Lutheran Tea and Sale --ot Home Cooking, Saturday, Dec. 4 CCJ. Dance Oddfellows' HalR Dec. 10. DeCario's Orchestra. Harold Winch. C.CT.. MJA-i Capitol Theatre. Sunday, Dec: 15. Meeting 12 noon. i SHRIMPS FRESH EVERT DAY Boat -W-S-L." First Float west of Imperial Oil Cw. daily after 4 p.m. The Answer to the Coal Shortage IS WOOD FUEL Arrange to see your Dealer today. Deliveries may be delayed by snow, so order early. Wood must be paid for before Delivery. PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. .j UlFT Writing Paper SELECT YOUR XMAS PAPETRIES NOW1 We'have a beautiful line including the highest quality Old English Vellum, and Linen Finish Boxed Stationery. Come in and see them they are very attractively packaged plain and fancy. Reasonably priced according to W.P.TTB. ruling at 35c, 60c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.05 and $2.25 each ' - Y aVWaMHaWaBaSflaVM si 'I a! 4