PAGE FOUR COCOA Leads in Quality LOCAL NEWS NOTES ACommunity Sunday Schodl, East End Hall, March 21, 2:30 p.m. (67) the city has granted the Bacon Fisheries a water connection to Its new fish processing premise.3 on' the waterfront, it being merely a replacement of the former connection. Tonight's train, due to arrive from the East at 7 o'clock was reported this morning to be flv! hours and thirty minutes late j which would bring it in at 12:30 midnight. 4 Capt. J. M. James of local military headquarters was the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club tbday, his subject having to do with the current "Zip Your Lip" internal security campaign. President Geo. Mitchell was in the chair and there was a good attendance of Rotary members with a few guests. Herbert Morgan is home from his duties with the Royal Canadian Air Force in Quebec for a few days' visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan, Fourth Avenue West He arrived yesterday, accompanied from Vancouver by his sister. Mrs Le'n Cripps. Both will be here until next Monday when the former will return East and the latter south. LOSE ONE SHOE EACH , Americans bought, an average of three and a half palr.s of shoes a Jierson in 1942 but must get by with three pairs a year now. SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way- t points, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 KWOXG SANG niNG HOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to King Tat 612 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to(2 ajn. Phone Red 247 SHRIMPS BOAT W.S.L. Fresh every day, 5:00 p.m. First Float West of Imperial on C6. savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT AEllo's Pay Cash for Furniture, Stoves, Tools, Musical In6trument3. Elmore Hankinson, son of Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Hankinson, and William Wilson, son of Mr, and night's train for Edmonton, having received their calls from the Mrs. George Wilson, left on last Royal Canadian Air Force. W. T. Moodie, general superintendent of the Canadian National Railways for British Columbia with headquarters in Vancouver, is paying one of his periodical visits to the city on inspection duties? He arrived yesterday morning, his party also including Sam Morrison, district engineer. O. J. Wheatley, chief of the investigation department for British Columbia, and Ken Matheson of Prince George. DOESyourNOSE CLOG AT NIGHT? DO THIS Put 3-purpose Va-tro-nol up each nostril ... (1) It shrinks swollen membranes; (2) Soothes irritation; (3) Helps flush nasal passages, clearing mucus, relieving transient congestion. VICKS VA-TRO-NOL ARAB'S LUTE The lute, stringed musical instrument, derived its form as well as its name from the Arabs. SEAL MIGRATION t iMore than 2,000,000 seals annually navigate 3,000 miles from the southern California coast to the Bering Sea. OR HITLER'S WATERLOO The Brenner Pass, between Italy and Germany, has been called the 'Thermopylae of the Tyrol," rfnncuncernentJ All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Registered Nurses' Association Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, March 1C. i S. O. N. Invitation Dance, March 19. Orange Invitation Dance March 29. Sonja Home Cooking Sale. April 24. Eastern Star Dance, March 21. Valhalla Invitation Dance, Oddfellows Hall, April 2. Presbyterian Spring Sale Apr, 15. Cathedral Easter Sale, April 29. FOR SALE SPECIAL PRICES New hand-made RAG RUGS. Artistic designs. 18x36. Special $1.2: RADIOS in first class playing condition. 7 to 10 tubes. Real Bargains. $20 up TYPEWRITERS Good con- ditlon. Remington, Underwood, L. C. Smith. Real bargains Sl.t One 3-piece CHESTERFIELD SET. High grade tapestry covering. Regular $200, for SI 50 Odd Lines, Pots, Pans, etc. B.C. Furniture PHONE BLACK :J2 1 THIRD AVENUE it Briefs From Britain Michele de Lys, 19-year old en-artalner, spends her spare time vrlflng love letters to English girls or Free Frenchman. Her letters lave brought about three mar riages and perhaps more. The fireman was killed when a oassenger train from Saltburn to arlington crashed lntoM-he wing it an airplane which had crashed into a fence on the railway em-oankment. Eleven members of a family with the equivalent "of 173 years' military service went on special parade at the War Office to receiye the congratulations of Sir James Grlgg, secretary for war. They were Mr. and Mrs. William Horlock, their s?ven sons, two daughters and one grandson. Beachcomber, one of two pigeons 0 THE DAILY NEWS Starting Friday Morning at 9 o'clock, we are selling Complete Stock and Fixtures of the "Style Shoppe." Fine line of ladies' coats, dresses, suits, hats, lingerie, hose, housedresses, children's wear, etc. All Merchandise Remember Friday, March TYLE SHOPPE 3rd Avenue, next door to B u 1 1 I c y Market CANADIAN 3 GitE-human Auftfj&unq Id quedtek tfuut euek liberated from Dieppe beach, carrying In duplicate the first oper ational message of the Canadian-British landing arrived safely at headquarters after flying throngh heavy anti-aircraft fire at about 50 miles an hour. The other pigeon was shot down. A club for gins married .or engaged to Canadian soldiers has been opened at Brighton by the mayoress, Mrs. B. Dutton Brlant She Is arranging informal socials, lectures and film shows to teach the girls something of the conditions they will find when they make their homes in Canada, Pigeons at Nottingham didn't bite when police set up a wire cage as a trap and sprinkled food inside. Police Intend to try again when the birds are hungry. Iris Taylor, nine-year old evacuee from Lodon to Towbridge, Wiltshire, received her calling-up papers. Somebody at the call-up office thought she was born In 1923 Instead of 1933. Cash No C.O.D. Oerieral Bernard Law Montgomery is shown LEFT with f"" reconnaissance patrol as final plans for the can-tureof P Tripoli were laid. Radio photo. WHERE MALE TOPS The skin of a three-year-old THURSDAY, MARCH No Refund! 19th, at 9 A.M. RED CROSS , male seal ls the most fur. Send Your Copy Ei r snouiu uc , office by 10 a.m n j following '-ne ably the nignv iu. Iry the 0001 ... .one Cm mere io r, . ,$ news ,n.0t IV It W the risK oi $ "shed. We pref news contriDU"-'-- , neatly and dou "(( possible. Hoer- writing win a- :. . v SHE! A boosts ...... one pounu, (i ful, of waste cookM' duce the glycerin, an explosive, require" 37 mm. antl-aircra"