BUS. . . RUPERT mm I. i i w til uiu i i ill (1 THIRD AVENUK C 1 I Fresh Local Raw and j Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY I'HONE 657 BRAND . ,: ? FUlotQ At Your Local Hulchers WO. WASTE READY TO COOK id a i Fish & ro d Storage mVAvi'Ein CO. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA .. ' 1.1 JUST RECEIVED A Shipment of Camp Furniture 12 Only DECK CHAIRS, each $i "5 12 Only FOLDING CHAIRS, each $2.7.- 12 Only-CAMP STOOLS, each $1.50 12 Only FOLDING TABLES, each $:.()() 12 Only CAMP COTS, each j?..- 12 Only CAMP COTS, each jjw.ao ELIO'S FURNITURE PUINCI) RUPERT, B.C. TRAPPERS i Can t you see plain enough there's a trap laid for yoU at the waterfront? They are paying a man $50.00 a week and a bi commission to koep you from coming up town. Come up town and I'll advance you the money to send your furs to Little Bros., Vancouver. I'll always pay more than you can get at the waterfront. I'm In the market for everything W. G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable MSKJ J..M. S. Loubser i). a. b.a Chiropractor Wctncsa,y p. M. 4:00 Anytime Is String-time 4:30 Boyd's Cowboy" Ramblers 4:45 Novachord and Vibraharp 5:00 Shall we Dance? 5:30 For Boys and Girls 6:00 CBC News 6:05 London Palladium Orch. 6:30 Tommy Dorsey 7:00 Musical program 7:30 Red Skelton 8:00 Fred Waring 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Belle McBwen sings 8:45 Consumer Service 9:00 Kay Kyser 9:30- From the New World 10:00 CBC News, rebroadcast 10:05 Salon Music li 15 Yarns for Yanks :0 30 Dancing with, the King's Men l 00 Dinah Shorn M'15 flirry James' Orchestra '1:30 Silent ,' - ' ' ' ' Thursday i A. 51. 1 : 30 Strictly Informal 1: 15 CUC News ' no Strictly Informal 8:00 Musical Minutes 8:30 Morning Meditations 8:45 Composers' Corner 9:00 John Charles Thomas' 9:15 Novelty Parade 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Alvlno Rey and Four King Sisters 10:00 A Morning Visit 10M5 Barnabas Von Gcczy 10:30 An,ita Boyer's Tom Boys 10:45 They Tell Me U: 00 Wilt Carter 11 : 15 Broadcast of Messages H:17 Vernon Geyer, organist 11:30 Let's Go Modern P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 1 2 : $6 - Yo'uV Instrumentalist 12:50 CBC News 12:55 Today's Program Highlights 1:00 One o'clock Musicale 1 :30 B. C. School Broadcast .':p0- Silent I'i'S.SIAN PKIP.ILOF The Pribilof islands in the Ber-n' Sea. famed for their seals, were named for a Russian who hoovered them in 1786. 71 GARDENS A C Most for the Money Vegetables are easily the biggest yielding crop one can grow. Not only can most lines be grown close together but with some things like radish, spinach, lettuce and carrots, for Instance, a second crop can be harvested In a single season, Small vegetables ukt lettuce and radish-require rows only 15 Inches apart. Beets, bean's, carrots, peas and spinach need a little more space between, while potatoes, corn and staked tomatoes must have a couple of feet to thirty Inches. Space may be saved with the latter type If something quick-matur ing such as lettuce and spinach are planted In between. The bigger things will not need the full room at first, and by the time time they do the early crops will J be out of the way. If room Is extremely limited, then experts advise confining vesctablcs to such heavy ylclders as beans, lettuce, carrots, beets, cnions. etc A 20-foot row of any of these will supply many meals for a small family. The expert who appreciates garden freshness will alio include peasand corn. These things take up more room, and at lenst 25 feet of row Is needed for a worthwhile crop, but only from' the garden right at the door can really fresh corn and peas be Hot Beds A hot bed for starting garden seeds early is usually prepared In March In consists of a bed of manure, which supplies the heat, about 18 Inches deep. On this, two or three inches of fine soil Is placed and after the bed has heated up and then cooled down again (a matter of three or four days) the seed Is sown In rows a few Inches apart. The bed Is protected by rou;h boarding along the side and on (op, and sloping towards the south about 10 to 18 Inches above the bed Is placed a window plants are wanted, these' may be sash well glassed. If only a few Started from seeds sewn In flat boxes Indoors and placed In sunny windows. Lawn Work Early Grass; Is a cool-weather plant. Any work with lawns should be started just as quickly In ths spring as possible. This does not mean that the soil should be work- ed while It is still wet. That sort of thing never helps In any kind of gardening. But once one can ! walk over the ground without gct- the Chocolate Cocoa It answers the call for Nutrition and Flavor Neilson's has thai true choeolaty flavor thai men with vigorous appetites appreciate. They all love Neilson's Jersey Milk Chocolate and they will enjoy Neilson's Chocolate Cocoa for just the same reason itis satisfying and delicious. Better still, it is full of nourishment. NEILSON'S DELICIOUS COCOA BEVERAGE For each cup required, mix dry: 1 tip. cocoa, 1 hp. sugar. Stir into a smooth paste with a little cold milk. Fill cup with hot milk, stirring constantly; "CASABLANCA" IS SHOWING Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman in Film of Action, Drama and Intrigue Repletc with action, drama and Intrigues. "Carablanca," taking Its title from the Algerian city which has been so much in the war news of late, comes as the fea ture picture to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this Friday and Saturday. The story has to do with refugees from war-torn Europe and their attempts to secure exit visas to the Americas. Starred In the" film are Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, Paul Hen-reld, Claude Rains, Conrad Veldt, Sydney Greenstreet and Peter Lorre. . Although the film deals generally with illicit trade In visas, the love story of Bogart and Miss Ecrgman figures prominently and is responsible for much of the swift pace of the picture. Opcninu in then Vichy-controlled Casablanca, the picture goes back, in retrospect, to Tarls Just prior tt the Nazi occupation, where the principals meet and fall In love l iter they meet again In Caca-' nca. It Is a tender love story th tragic - overtones played "ainst a background of chaos ind rnnflict but ending on a new rote of hope. . La Medina., the mysterious vlce-tnfested section of Casablanca f iif criminal headquarters of Algiers, is one of the principal locales of the picture. ting shoes muddy, then the rake can be brought Into play. In both new lawns or In patching, the soil should be raked fine and level. Authorities advise sow-In? only the highest quality of seed mixtures, as thick as directions specify and, of course, when there Is no wind blowing. To get even results it is best to make a double sowing, one across and one lengthwise. S,mall patches can be protected from the birds by brush. Both new and old lawns benefit from rolling while thq ground is still soft. Grass, like any other plant, needs good soil and an an nual application of fertilizer Is advisable. This pushes growth so that many weeds are crowded out. Color, too, benefits from fertilizer. "What's that builfling?" asked i the stranger. "That's the asylum for the blind," said the native. ' "Gr on. you can't fool me," said the stranger. "What's all them windows for?" 4 Hilltii COCOA CLAUDE RAINS en CONRAD VEWJ GREENSTREET TO PE1ER LORRI i PAGE Sl THE DAILY NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 1 I Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Clias. Dodimcad Optometrist in Charce Watch, Clock, Jewelry , uepainng, nana Engraving VISIT OUIt BASKMENT STOKE for Fine China, Dinncrware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. ! MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant 5 ' .v 5 . V.VAV.VAW.V.VAVAVWWWWA'. Easter Togs For Children Coats Dresses .Underwear Hosiery Hats Mazers NiirJit Wear Sweaters Skirts ' ! . Mouses BABY'S WEAR, TOO MAIL OKDKKS PROMPTLY 1 1LLLU RUPERT PEOPLES STORE , n-t "In the Heart of Prince Kupert" TllIItn jvVENUK (Next to llcilbnmcr's) Photic MVL 907 CFPR (1240 Kilocycles) SCHEDULE iPvl A stonr as excitici the landing )Lmm J Casablanca! the ci that- rocked the worM! Donald Puck In ona,d Ijell By W'l Today Onlj! Complete Sbw TonHht 7:05 tl! Jaik Htnni "(If o. Washing I Slept Here" A' 7 38. 9:43 Complete Show3 at 1:00, i 45, 4 50. 7 00. 9t; Feature at 1:00, 3:05, 5:10, 7:20, 9:25 Mother: "Johnnie, dear.-1 wai . while for her dt hoping you would be unselfish Johnnie af:r w' enough to give your little sister the whu ncn ,or ,W largest piece of candy. Why, even , that old hen will give all the o '.ho -ame .hi. II i nicest dainties to her little chicks . nil take ony a IMPORTANT NOTKf Charge, Accounts beenme due and payable on the 25th of morrb (cl.oj'.j the month In which goods were purchased Th ) r.r that goods bought In February must be paid i r.oi L.' than 25th Match. This ru'.tng is by order of the DL" of Consumer Credit of the Wartime Price m:A Tr;S Board. Mussallem's Economy Store "Where dollars have more cents Phones 18 and 10 " P.O. Box S"5 EASTE SELECT YOUR R CARDS NOW! Profit by experience. Restrictions r.ake al most impossible to obtain an atlequatp quanta fif mprnhiinilien fn mnnt EASTER CARDS are no exception. We have on display a fine assortment of COUTT'S CANADIAN CARDS Get the benefit of the full selection by choosa. . your Cards Now. Prom 2 for He to 25c Each Homitiful and appropriate Cards for occasion at Dependable Subscription Service on all MalinC!r' Anywhere. iiiBai.iB.iB!xaxa3Ba:B3rBxaijirari7 t3IBESEBB IP