PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS TBTO Expert OPTICAL SERVICE CFPR Waterfront Chas. Dodimcad J Optometrist in Charge (1240 Kilocycles) Whiffs 0 ' Watch, Clock, Jewelry SCHEDULE y ikcyamiij;, nana r-UEraviug VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. Conference on Shipyard Working Condi- lintic nn Iirrtiii tf Wont." T.vtilncinn IIUIIO till 1JT l-lli J ff -Vll UAIUJIUU MAX HEILBRONER And Fire on Fishing Vessel Jeweler Diamond Merchant lw.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.vv...v.WAWJWAiV; P Public Notice Due to the uncertainty of receiving pre-i miums, the Rupert Peoples Store, Cut Hate ' Shoe Store and Rupert Men's and lioys' Store are discontinuing the issuance of gift tokens until further notice. THE TOKENS YOU HAVE ARE WORTH MONEY We will redeem all tokens which have been issued on a 2' t basis. Thus $50.00 in tokens, which you have received free, are now worth $1.00 in store merchandise. The next time you make a purchase at the Rupert People's Store, Cut Rate Shoe Store or Rupert Men's and Roys' Store bring in all vour tokens with vou and receive a cash credit. jj FURNITURE SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES with foundations. Sizes 4-6, 3-3. COTTON FELT FILLED MATTRESSES in sizes 4-6, 4-0, 3-3. UNTAINTED FURNITURE: Drop-side Tables and Chairs. BEDROOM SUITES: Dressers in Walnut Finish. FLOOR COVERING: Congoleum Rugs and Congoleum by the yard, 6 feet and 9 feet wide. AXMINSTER RUGS. All sizes. WE HAVE THE GOODS SEE THEM AT ELIO'S FURNITURE THIRD AVENUE RED CROSS Git'o HUMAN SUFFERING IS GREATER THAN EVER Note! PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SUPPORT THE GIVE - as you never gave before DO NOT HOLD BACK! When the Red Cross ca'ls for your donation, remember this, is your personal gesture toward the suffering and hungry ... the homeless and the imprisoned! It is as if you reached out your hand . . . and gave what you had! The Red Cross KNOWS it can count on YOU! ruies Ltd. Tfut Pioneer Drtxqgists THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. i 33 TONIGHT'S HIGHLIGHTS 9:00 to 9:40 p.m. Madame Chiang Kai Shek. By popular request, we are rebroadcasting the address by the wife of the famous Chinese Generalissimo which was heard over this station two weeks ago. Madame Chiang, who was educated in the United States, is well known as a public speaker. Saturday rM. 4:00 Afternoon Concert 4:30 Dick Todd 4:45 Marek Weber's Orchestra 5:00-Shall We Dance? 5:30 Stan Kenton's Orchestra 6:00--CBC News 6:03 Top Tunes of Yesterday 6:30 Cubano Rhythms 6:45 Salon, Group 7:00 National Barn Dance 7:30-Jubllee " 8:00 Command performance 8:30 Hit Parade 9:00 Madam Chiang Kai Shck 10:00 CBC News 10:05 Anita Boyer and Ivan Dit- mars 10:30 Aristocrats' Orchestra 11:00 Saturday Dance Party 12:00 Silent Sunday AM. 10:00 Hymns lor Sunday 10:15 Down South 10:30 The Choristers 11:00 Recorded Interlude it :oo cbc News 11:10 The CBC Sunday Morning Concert I'M. 12:00 Mart Kenny's :Orchestra 12:30 Old Country Mall 12:45 Marching With the Band 1:00 Nat Shllkret's Salon Orchestra 1:30 Shall we Romance? 1:45 Novelette 2:00 Symphony Hour 4:00 Jack Benny 4:30 Fitch Bandwagon 5:00 Etchings in Ivory -5:15 Just Mary 5:30 Dramas from the Bible 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Singing Strings ' 6:30 The Army Show 7:00 Personal Album 7:15 Jesse Crawford 7:30 Mail Call 8:00 Front Line Theatre-. 8:30 Fred Allen 9:00 Classics for Today 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC News 10:05 Organ Reveries 10:30 Silent m HUMAN SUFFERING IS GREATER THAN EYERMwJ The need was great last year. It's infinitely greater today. YOUR Red Cross dollars mint keep up the work. Give fully! Canadian Red Cross $10,000,000 needed March 1-20, 1913 HOTEL PRINCE RUPERT PIANO TUNER .Piano Tuning, Organ Tuning, Piano Accordion Tuning and Repairing. GEORGE TAYLOR Phone was reached on the matter of future procedure. The first step settled upon. was that of making a joint application employer and employee to the National War Labor Board with a view to reclass- posed in findings of the Richards Commission in Vancouver in order, to establish a uniformity of wages for the same work carried out in HERE'S WHAT TO DO 1 3 You can laVe your fat drip- your meat dealer, He will pay you the established price Rrrn fat vmi wish, vou can turn this money over to your local Voluntary Salvage Com-nittee or Registered Local War Charity, or You can donate your fat dripping, scrap fat and bones to your local Voluntary Salvage Committee ii they collect them in your community, or You can continue to place out your Fats and Bones for collection by your Street Cleaning Department where such a system is in effect. DEPARTMENT Of N1TI0NAI WAR SIRVICIS M5- m An important event of the past week in connection with the local waterfront and its activities was the conference of Mr. Justice S. E. Richards of Manitoba, Royal Commissioner on shipyard conditions, with the management and employees of the -local dry dock. Sessions were in progress on Wednesday and Thursday at the local Court House and evidently, the get- together was of benefit in harmoniously discussing a variety of tion as their part of the war effort, matters of mutual Interest. In anv Among others who submitted rep- case, a satisfactory understanding resentations were At Walters, dock and shipyard workers, J. M. Rae, puncher and sheermcn; II. Varncr and Gordon Brock, riveters and reamers; J. Lofthouse, moulders; J. Lewis, riggers, and W. Lawrence. painters. M. L. Otto, of the per-' ification of rates of wages as pro- sonnel department of B.C. Bridge & Dredging Co.. was also heard and consideration was also give to employer-employee management t matters. various coast yards, this to pro- vide for an immediate Increase in A fishing boat owned by Hugh wages for some of the lower paid McKenzie sustained a badly burn men In the local yard. Then will follow an application for a 15c per hour Increase all around for the local shipyard employees in view of the high cost of living here. Numerous briefs on various subjects relating to conditions in Prince Rupert were presented and one of the most impressive of these was thaV. of Harold Ponder, vice-president of the Boilermakers' Union, who stressed the sincerity of purpose of the local shipyard workers with a view to doing their part in bringing about the utmost produc- THAT ed fo'c'sle one afternoon this week when fire broke out as a result of an overheated stove, explosion resulting. Hugh McAuley and J. Kilby promptly turned In a flro alarm and themselves assisting in extinguishing the fire. For a time the blaze caused considerable The launching of another freighter took place under favorable auspices this afternoon. Mrs. H. G. Christiansen, wife of a shipwright, acted as sponsor in the ceremonies which were of brief and simple character. Rev. A. F. MacSween blessed the vessel which is named Fort Turtle. LEAD IN BOWLING People's Store Tops Mixed League With Toilers, Sav-Mor and Chinese Youth Tied for Second Place People's Store won two games to one over Sav-Mqr In the Mixed Bowling' League this week and stayed In the lead- with Sav-Mor, ToWers and Chinese Youth now tied for runnerAup position. The results were as follows: Stones 2, Pushovers 1. Twerps 0, Midgets 3. People's 2, Sav-Mor 1. Toilers 2, Chinese Youth 1. Mixed League Standing W. L. P. People's 18 9 13 Tollers 16 11 15 Sav-Mor 16 11 16 C. Y. A. 16 11 16 Stone's 14 13 11 Midgets 13 14 13 Pushovers 10 17 10 Twerps 4 23 1 I KWONO SANG HINT. iior KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Phone iled 217 TO THE ) iTcZT n r- II ' 1 . "7 ARMY SHOW Every Swafay Mqff Early Ad. Copy is Appreciated Green lil." g 6 O'CLOCK P. I). S. T. Over CBR Station AS 4 ooaaoaaoooooooaooottooooooa t HUMPHREY" 0 r ANP HIS 'MALTESE FALCON" TEAM-MATES! -A JAP -SLAPPING STORY" SENSATION! CIRISI V0U1L mi A THRIUS THAI jmcic WHIN Mjft HAM . AilUK! "3-v TW l A 4fti n t ' JSW "IllI I I I III" l H V, 'Win Complete Shows Tonight 7:00, 9:10 "FOR .ME AM) MY GAL" At 7:20, 9:30 Starts .MONDAY FOR 2 DAYS SB MARY ASTOR SYDNEYftaGREENSia I ON THE SAME PROCRAlTl "SOUTH AMERICAN SPcH Merry Melodic "CASE OF THE MISSING J Complete Shows at 1:00, 3:00, 5:00. 1:V i.r Featun at 1:20, 3:20, 5:20, 7 20. j CAPlTd SUNDAY MIONITE Ann .Miller "PRIORITIES ON PARADE" Gerry trl SHRIMPS IIOAT W.S.L. Fresh every day, 5:00 p.pi. First Float West of Imperial Oil Co. For Income 1 Returns see R. E. Mortii Phone fig IMPORTANT KlOTId w Ha msv m mm m m -m m . l. Charge Accounts become duo and payable on the 25th of month (cOsr. ; the month in which goods were purchased Th r that goods bought in February must be paid foi cot I than 25th Match, This ru'.ing Is by order of the DL: of Consumer Credit of the Wartime Prices aud Mussalh lussallem s economy 'THE MAN FROM TEXAS ..'. u.... GOD'S COUNTRY AND THE WOMAN THE GOOD EARTH THE EXILE NIGHT FLIGHT THE DEVIL'S PAW PAGEANT Hull ijUNl-ir lLiU .....-i.i RAMONA CALL OF THE NORTH CAKES AND ALE , YUKON TRAIL .. RIVER SUPREME ... ocuuwu HAND WIFE m A YANK IN THE R.A.F. RUGGED WATERS Store m "Where dollars have more cents" Phones 18 and 19 , P.O. Boil i ' i ' i 1 1 mn rmi ri ri i i r-jrzj m ' ' ' ' a ili ivi i-s r. r a ii hAKllA N IN Kl m I 11 f l I I 1 . V 1 . V 1 I 1 Popular Titles at Low Price SPAWN OF THE NORTH Wlllou K: THE GLORIOUS ADVENTURE .: Hallibl THE PRIVATE LIFE OP ItF.I.F.N np TROY EX: TRIANGLE BOOKS - full, size, cloth bound, coW Jacket. Hundreds of titles, each Mar cur'i$ But Buck Exupcl OppcnhcW LancastC SM JacW Vhlt" MauB1"" Nor Thorns Lincol" fl Jlfryh O Ci i i mi m -mw m i m ' i i ii mm a. m m m m rw m r m w m i mv m N I f iT M I I l r I W