v VfARHTT fl. 1043 siTiinuni ... TIIE DAILY NEWS PAOE THREE FOR SALE SPECIAL PRICES Vow c nd made RAO RUGS. S; : i UADIOS i a first class playing an 7 io iu luces. R( Bargains. SHO Up TYPEWRITERS - Good con dition Remington, unuer-wood L C Smith. Real bar .ir, One (...tc CHESTERFIELD SET Hf"h srade tapestry covert:"' Regular $200, Odd Line . Pots, Pans. etc. B.C. Furniture PHONE IILACK ')2 THIRD AVENUE . r rL i.j. ' ... ......... LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for old gold, Bulger's. J. E. Boddle left on last night's train for a trip to Smlthers. William Knight and A. Nordan were pasengers leaving last night for Vancouver. Col. Wilson, Col. Evitt and Col. Gerrard left on last night's train for Nova Scotia. Tonight's train, due to arrive from the East at 6:30, was reported .us morning to be six and one half hours late. C.N.R. Trains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6:00 p.m. Wednesdays and ' Fridays 10:30 a.m. From the' East-Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays 11:00 p.m. Thursday and Saturdays 7:00 p.m. C. C. Mills .is confined to his home and will not be around for the coming week. Dan McVlcar is leaving tonight for Vancouver where he exoects to spend the next three months tak ing special medical treatment. A Special meeting Carpenters' Union, Sunday, Union Hall, Eraser St., at 1:30 p.m. Important. Dock workers attend. NATION OF COOKS Dry LONDON, March 6 O) Continental dishes may 'go by the boards' from now on as more than 100,000 British men and women have been trained as cooks for the services since war started and can do an excellent Job for the gourmets. QUISLING FOLDING UP? NEW YORK, March 6 0) News from Norway says there are sign3 in Oslo, Norwegian capital of decay In Quisling's national (Nazi) party and' uniformed party members become fewer and fewer on the strerts HIT CATHOLIC CHURCHES LONDON, March 6 Four Catholic churches in Great Britain had been destroyed in air raids up to autumn, 1942, and 158 damaged, according to Universe, Catholic periodical. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Card party, Catholic Hall, March 17. Contract and Whist; good prizes. Admission 50c. 19. Entries Queen Mary Bridge Tournament close March 17. Registered Nurses' Association Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, March 18. S. O. N. Invitation Dance, March St. Peter's Spring Sale, March 25. Eastern Star Dance, March 26. Valhalla Invitation Dance, Oddfellows .Hall, April 2. Cathedral Easter Sale. April 29. iav r 1 1 r i r mmmumtw iintrmrw ! m MHivvnui . r.jezi, ..' : ,.m,:4WZitf-- it7tt'vw'VBHMHUE;,v mmkw .... i .A&yAZ&VBsmmmTmmmmmmmwmmmmmV" ' .sMHhil w-- w r mss a &t m;:-: . pvr.x .. i'it'v' t vthb musv,wHV iB'- ' S7 vu j mi. .f.ji. jih ic."ctBr: ru . .mArf jmmrfv... - - i 'M AHW.w.v.s-mmmmmmumBiammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmvr' ..im 1 . j.- 1 tr BKiaSfeii : .... --4HKHEBK5a r ..i. .-v. i ii mmm-k mmm mmwkmn mmmwmm mmm mum oi vmwsr- tbBbBbbbbbkcv : : '.v.-...Bi; need your help! EVERY DAY fearless seamen' are snatched from the cold clutches Of the sea. Their sole possessions are on their backs. Personal belongings and clothing have gone down with their torpedoed ship. On board the vessels of the R.C.N, and the Merchant Navy, the warm, friendly hand of the Red Cross reaches Aid, food and shelter are First out to each one of them. provided. Each man receives a new dunnage bag com-plete The Red Cross with the things a seaman needs. thar morale. heals their bodies, revives thcirspirits.rcncws in this mission of mercy? Will Will you take your part to our boys in enemy you help to send food parcels prisons ? Will you reach out a helping hand to suffering Today the need is Russia? humanity in Greece. China, great and growing.' Give generously. rilONE 88 HEADQUARTERS: 1'. O. Box 203, Princo Rupert, B.C. 321 SECOND AVE CANADIAN RED CROSS " , . -'T-x ...-: CHLNA-SOVIET RELATIONS MOSCOW, March 6 tfi The Chi nese government nas appointed Foo Ping Chang Ambassador to Russia to replace Shao LI Tse, who returned to Chungking a short' time ago. 64,000 MORE WOMEN STOCKHOLM, March 6 R The population of the Swedish capital rose by over 14,000 during 1942 to 616,000. The surplus of women over men, which has shown a growing tendency in recent years, rose to about 64,000. CUssjniD FOR SALE FOR SALE One coal and wood range, white front. Suite 4, Sea- view. Phone Red 845. (55) FOR SALE 3V4 x 44 Reflex Cam era, also .22 calibre Mossberg clip repeater. Apply Box 445 Daily News. (56) FOR SALE Electric Stove. Phone Black 187. WANTED ?TED To rent or lease fur-'shed or unfurnished house or niite by April 15. References fur-n'rhed. Box 448 Dally News. (60) ANTED Folding bed-type baby sri-rlaT in good condition. Boj: T, aiilv News. i57) WV.C.A. Rooms Registry. Rooms 'nntlv needed. Mrs. Oarbutt. VANTED Room by gentleman, light housekeeping preferred. Aoly Box 439 Dally News. (56) WANTED To Rent or Buy: Two or three room house. Apply Box 446, .'Dally News. (57 VANTED--To tent or lease, 5 or 6 room house, unfurnished. Clarence Thomson, Phone 423 or 53. " " (tf WANTED To buy rowboat, 12 to 16 feet, good condition. Phono ' Blue 976. (55) WANTED Sin.spr sewin? machine Ph-np Rd 337 (55) , WANTED Room and board in family home for woman with 4 months' old baby. Urgent. Phon Blue 419 (Mrs. Martin). (58) LOST TOST Gold brooch with red and Black South American bean in claw setting. Finder please leave at Dally News. Keepsake. Reward LOST Man's gold Phone Red 198. PERSONAL wristwatch. 55i HOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room for men sharing. 718 Fraser Street. HELP WANTED MEN Wanted for Co-operative Fish Camps by April 15. Job Involves handling of rish and stores, Apply Selective Service Office. WANTED Woman for companion-shin nnd -lisht housekeeoine duties. Service man's wife might be suitable, Phone Blue 709 or apply Madam Rajaut at Tlell. TIME," "Liberty" and "Newsweek." Inquire Green 59. (59) IISCELLANEOUS: WILL, purchase Home with larsie grounds or small acreage. State fullest particulars to Box 507, Penticton, B C. (60) PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric, and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL AND MINING MACHINERY All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled Local Tides Sunday, March 7 High 2:00 22.6 feet 14:09 22.9 feet Low 8:11 2.9 feet 20:31 1.6 feet Monday, March 8 High 2:39 22.8 feet 14:51 22.2 feet Low 8:53 2.8 feet 21:08 25 feet Tuesday, March 9 High 3:16 22.1 feet' 15:34 20.9 feet Low 9:34 3.0 feet 21:45 3.9 feet Wednesday, March 10 High 3:53 215 feet 16:16 19.4 feet Low 10:16 3.9 feci 22:22 9.6 feet Thursday, March 11 High 4:30 20.1 feet 17:04 17.8 feet Low . 11:01 4.9 feet 23:01 7.1 feet Friday, March 12 High 5:14 18.9 feet 18:02 16.2 feet Low 11:51 6.1 feet 23:46 8.9 feet Saturday, March 13 High 6:06 17.7 feot 19:19 15.1 feet Low 12:49 7.0 feet WatU(U(c()tkkmci fcSIfU WAS INVENTCD IN 1891 Rf A GYM. IMSIKUCIOK. W SPRIM6FIEI.D, MS. -to BREAK TMI MONOrtOMV Of lOlt TIME 6TVHEM BASEBALL SEAKWf -TVIE. IDEA IC TO t HOW MAtf-f TIMES -Hsu CAM THRbW A Bl& bau lJTo THIS The idea in coming to Watts & Nickerson's is to look your best economically! Miss Violet Mah wishes to notify the patrons of the S unnse Beauty S alon that the shop will be closed for the next few weeks during her absence on a business trip to the east. Appointments will not be taken in during this time and your co-operation will be fully appreciated. Also expressing sincere thanks for your loyal patronage of the past year and hoping to serve ybu better still with the latest fashions upon her return. WORK BOOTS Out Stock of Working Roots is second to none. Sizes from 6 to 12. Arch-King, Valentine. Greb, Til-sonburg and Sterling makes. Guaranteed solid throughout Priced to fit any pocket. Come in and let us show you. Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" ENJOY SPRING ON A BUDGET! Somehow you HAVE to express that everything new feeling that Spring brings, but budgets and the times being what they are well, the whole affair seems somewhat dampened. But don't be downhearted. Come In and see our delightful display of Spring notions. Oh, so many things that will satisfy that Spring dress-up urge and yet all so Inexpensive, you can buy oodles without the slightest qualm of conscience. DO COME! THE VARIETY STORE "Where your dimes are little dollars" PHONE RED 120 518 3rd AVE. WEST