page two THE DAILY NEWS TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 19 ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A, By DOROTHY GARBUTT The Hostess It was a grand party I mean the dinner and dance '.he sergeants of one of our western units gave last Saturday night They went to so much trouble and put so much care and thought into the arrangements that I'd like to thank them right here and now for everything I ' discovered, afl.old classmate in'MaJ. or Hinch ana we spent most of the evening talking about old friends 'all right, Reg", I shan't say how long ago, it's my secret as well as yours). Sergeant Major Murphy challenged me to an arter dinner darts match and I later learned 1 that betting on the odds was the j order of the day. For results "phone Sergeant Major Murphy! Those of you who remember Bob Terry 'of the Scottles will be interested to hear that on Satuiday of this week he is to be married to Margaret Garrison of Vancouver at the Vancouver Heights United Church. Remember, It was Bob and his pal, Pte. Woods (Woody), who decorated the Presbyterian Church while they were here. They made many friends while in Prince Rupert. Two bay boys to report in this week's "Hatched - Matched - and- Dispatched" department to Mr and Mrs. A. B. Aylesworth on April 6, a son named David Leslie. He j was an eight-pounder. And to. Mr. and Mrs. Macmurchie on April 8, a husky eight-pound nine-ounce booy named Joseph Robert! How do you dike that for a good fighting Irish name young Joe Macmurchie? This is the story of two tired sailor boys. They were all in from a strenuous game of ping pong and I made the tactical error of asking them to bring me a magazine and parcel which I nad forgotten and left below In the lower hall. As I said before they were very tired, oh terribly, dreadfully tired! I really should have known better. I hope next time they need a ping pong ball I shan't be feeling too utterly exhausted to unlock the cupboard door to get them one. I hope. Minor repairs to the city lockup and isolation hospital have been authorized by the cty council on recommendation of the health committee Mrs. Dorothy M. Wallace has t been appointed to fill the position on the City Hall staff of Miss Nor-een Gibson who has enlisted for war service. A twenty-ton set of platform scales for the public weigh station Is to be purchased from Canadian Fairbanks-Morse Ltd. by the city. This was decided upon by the city council last night on recommendation of the board of works. :m6m WEAR THIS EMBLEM where others can see it! When you buy bonds, you will be given this emblem to wear. Make a special point of wearing it all the time, as long as the Victory Loan drive lasts. This way you can help sell more Victory Bonds. The "Sipn of Four" is somctipn g to be proud of a sign that you have don? yrmr bit-a silent reminder to others to do theirs 'Th National War Flnant Commirtr T 8-4 5 for CUTS, BURKS BRUSE5 liYUBEUE the Antiseptic Lihimeht Mayor W. M Walts will be tbi sneaker at tomorrow , ...... weekly luncheon of the Prm-e Run! Art rit.r. rl.l TT- ...... . uj'u kiuu, jie wuj rrive a review of the civic situation. The. city engineer hos been in. structed to put up notices at th? valve at the fishermen's floats and other public places warning that water service will be cut off if r,,i vileges in connection therewith are aousea. Aia. KODcrt McKay, chairman of the Hoard of W0IIJ' suggested at last night - counci meeting that automatic closing faucets be installed. M iiitf, , R Frpsli'jil l?m. 1 I'astcurizcd MILK VALENTIN DAIRY I I'll ONE 6'.7 13 KI'KrKrBS:lKIKim?.l3 VZf.tJ J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Westholme Rooms HAMBURGERS Clh St., Behind Royal Hotel PHONE HLACK 53 OOOOOOOOOOOaOOOOOOOOOOOCKKJ 'I B.JKIBS UZUmi MIIil.:iTI:ll I GOLD SEAL .nd Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon KWONO SANG ItlNQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 Jn. Phone Red 247 A.C. C ameron PHYSIO THERAPIST STEAM ELECTRIC TREATMENTS for Lumbago, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Neuritis and Sciatica Hours 10 a.m. to 1 pm 0 p.m. to 8 p m. Room 1 NEW ROYAL HOTEL NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, ZAKELLI, PRO "A Home Away From Home" Kates 75c up 60 Kooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box W HerrlDf 5 In Tomato ? " Saoci I are both on ctlie ifrrlce but will be back on your g erocerVshelf soon as condl- g (Jitions permit. jj tu mwxmira hwebem trntrnvm ra an