Oft I!" PAGE TWO A.C Cameron PHYSIti THERAPIST STEAM ELECTRIC TREATMENTS for Lumbago, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Neuritis and Sciatica Hours 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Room 38 NEW ROYAL "HOTEL savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box SI4 FRASER STREET PRINCE RDPEKT FOR SALE SPECIAL PRICES New hand-made RAG RUGS. Artistic designs. 18x36. Special SI. 25 RADIOS in first class playing condition. 7 to 10 tubes. Real Bargains. $110 up TYPEWRITERS Good condition. Remington, Underwood, L. C. Smith. Real bargains $15 One 3-piece CHESTERFIELD SET. High grade tapestry covering. Regular $200, for $150 Odd Lines, Pots, Pans, etc. B.C. Furniture PHONE BLACK 321 THIRD AVENUE 3 t LETTERBOX BUY BEER AND SAVE Editor, Daily News: This letter Is written as an idea to contribute to the war effort of 'the Dominion government in accordance with the desire of the working class those who pro duce the wealth of the world but enjoy only a small portion of that which their labor creates. This class also constitutes a large percentage of the military forces that are active today in defence of the freedom of the world and the liberty of mankind. This class is foreign in the most of foreign circles where the elite assemble and great schemes are consummated. To a large extent the worker today occupies the position of the "ancient lowly" whose habits were plain and simple. Hence the request today that restriction placed on the sale of beer and spirits be abolished. Now I suggest that proprietors of beer parlors be supplied with coupon books, each book to contain ten coupons and each coupon to be good for one glass of beer where the coupon book is pur chased. No person, however, would be allowed to purchase a coupon book for beer without, in addition, purchasing at the same time war savings stamps to an amount of not less than fifty percent of the cost of the beer coupons purchased. The same conditions might be ap plied to all purchases made at any government liquor store. If the products of the Liquor Control Board were disposed of on such a basis it would mean millions and millions of revenue for the war effort and a contented working class. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, GEORGE B. CASEY. J. M. S. Loubser D.C.. B.A. Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone (41 J V '' 4 v- fa ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY OARBUTT The Hostess Breen asks me to put in a plea for more magazines. We're getting a bit short on them. All you need to do is to take your magazines to the nearest school and they will be picked up there as soon as a reasonable enough number are collected to warrant using the gas to call for them. We have to watch our gas rationing these days. I am getting a great many calls for rooms just for overnight. People are beginning to realize they need not come to Prince Rupert unless they have rooms but there are still quite a few who need a 100m just for the night girls goin? to Join their husbands on the Islands or coming in ahead of schedule. So far Mrs Petersen has been a tower of strength to me in this respect but I hate calling unon her continually because I know it is not always convenient. So think it over and when I come back in about ten days time let me know. And talking about going awav. I'm taking "Dutch" with me this time. He had a very important wire the other day asking him to attend YJW.C.A. conference in Victoria. GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon and nerrlni In TAinitA wirrtng JA Sane m Li are both on active service p but will be back on your pi grocer's shelf soon as condi-g ditions permit. a mm THE DAILY NEWS When I protested that he was not entitled to .go he said he was because Y.M.C-A. in his case stood for Young Meouw-Cats Conference. And what is more he Intimated that none of us would be at all welcome at it, so there! Well here's news, the "Y" dances will continue at the Empress while we axe away at the conference. We weren't sure last week what the policy was going to be. Mrs. Keil-back will be chaperoning for me tomorrow nieht and the next week two of the ladles from the Cana-. dlan Legion Women's Auxiliary On 1 Monday there will be an army unu dance at the Empress to which all hostesses are invited. Legion ladies will be acting as Y.W.C.A. chaper-anes that night as well. The boys have got everything ready for a rand dance so give them your best support! On recommendation of the finance committee, the city council last night accepted an offer of D. Scherk of $150 cash for lot 15, block 41, section 5, which has an assessment value of $180. An "offer of $'70. being the assessed value of the lots, from Frank Warne for lots 1 and 2, block 23, section 8, was accepted. An offer of $50 from Henry M. Lindseth for lot 10. block 31. section 6. was re'ected but Mr. Lindseth is beln offered the lot at a price of $200- 'n:Hrji:a!ig;aiiaKr,BiLiiH:ti:iii;a!THB3r, I U and I CAFE I WILL OPtfN APRIL 1 ItlSIXIlBUKKKXIUJtl RXI3 Ml U For Income Tax Returns see R. E. Mortimer Phone 88 ( so 324 2nd Ave. MILLIONTHS COUNT Some of the parts of a torpedo must be accurate within a limii of 25 millionth of an inch. PURE WHITE iriTirrim TO r SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations 0 FRANK J. SKINNER l'rince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 5G8 We always carry a full assortment of A Cooked Meats Use them for sandwiches and lunches. Our refrigeration system always keeps them at their peak of flavor. Mussallem's ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars have more Cents"1 Phones 18-19 P.O. Box 575 1 KMrrtKS i I am paying 30 more than they are paying at the . j front. I don't give blanket to get your furs, if not satlifa? g I will advance you the money to send to Little Bros, in Van-- " !! ver. Remember, I am here to protect you. W. G0LDBL00M RED CROSS Civti HUMAN SUFFERING IS GREATER THAN EVER Note! CO-OPERATIVE INSTITUTE SPONSORED BY Extension Department of the University of B. C. m IN THE EAGLES HALL, 5th AVENUE EAST; i w Wednesday, 8 p.m., Thursday, 2 p.m., and 8 p.m., Friday 8 p.m. Of This Week Address, Discussions and Motion Pictures will deal with the Co-operative Movement in B.C.; in Canada and in the World. CONSUMER AND PRODUCER CO-OPERATIVES JAMES McCAIG, President Sask. Go-operative Wholesale DAVID SM EATON, Manager Alberta Co-operative Wholesale CREDIT UNIONS MARKETING FISH CO-OPERATIVELY LEADERS AND SPEAKERS WILL HE: W. T. BURGESS, Secretary United Fishermen's Federal Union United Fishermen's Co-operative A. J. WIRICK Extension Dept., U.B.C. TRADE UNIONS AND CO-OPERATIVES - L. II. C. PHILLIPS, Manager Co-operative Wholesale of B.C. J. DEANE, Manager Prince, Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association. Tliis will he the opportunity for the people of Prince Rupert to hear about the Co-operative Movement, the sane way v today for a better tomorrow. Everybody Welcome of GIVE - as you never gave before DO NOT HOLD BACK! tJ When the Red Cross ci'ls dl for your donation, remeic- 'l Km VI. 1. ....... . gesture toward the suffering and hungry . the homeless and the imprisoned! It Is as if you reached out your hand . and gave what you had! The Red Cross KNOWS it can count on YOU! Ormes Ltd. tt Pioneer Drw&tets THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. I The Old Reliable mrt ram worn umxuiuxmtmxuTsmjmmiuiws kmtbti ri,rl SUPPORT THE