PAGE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry . Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Rupert Peoples Store RUPERT PEOPLES STORE J WATER AH users, of water, re urgently requested to reduce ff the amount consumed to provide some small reserve in case of fire or other emergency. Remedial measures are in hand but the greatest economy in the use of water' will still be absolutely essential. Even a saving of one gallon per person per day will help to Improve the situation. Your fullest co-operation is earnestly requested. T. N. GOOD, City Engineer. A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY CO only, "MASTERCRAFT" HASSOCKS Round, Square and other shapes. Different Colors. Priced from .$;.30 Phone 775. 327 3rd Avenue "GALIVANT" SHOES IN BROWN AND BLACK BROGUES, GILLIES, TIES AND LOAFERETTES. Welted Soles and Genuine Calf Leathers. .iwi.LP,?ffcct Ftting Lasts in Fittings AA to ! . C Width. Priced $5.85 and $5.50 Family shoe store ltD. 'The Home of Good Shoes" Canada at War 25 Years Ago March 30, 1918 0' Germans captured Mczieres, but offensive in other areas on the Western Front was checked. Seventy-five killed and 90 injured at Good Friday service when shell from German gun hit a church in Paris area. Classified FOR SALE FOR SALE 1937 Ford DeLuxe. good tires. Call 1137 Seventh Ave. E. after 5 p.m. (75) FOR SALE All steel double bed, walnut bedroom suite, kitchen table and chairs. 1333 Overlook Street. (75) FOR SALE Boy's COM. Rambler, bicycle, good condition; electric! toaster: phonograph attach-1 rhent. Call at 1315 Piggott Ave. (75) FOR SALE Tenders will be re ceived by the undersigned up to noon of Wednesday April 7th. for purchase of gasboat "Flint River" belonging to Estate Philip Davis, deceased. Boat moored New Floats and dimensions 30x8x4 'i. Official Administrator. (82) FOR SALE Offers are invited for purchase of gasboat belonging to late John Thompson, deceased. Boat has been raised to Dry Dock wharf where it may be inspected. Powered by 6 H.P. Standard. Norman A. Watt, For Official Administrator, Vancouver, B. C. (83) FOR SALE Axminster Carpets, El- ios used department. FOR SALE Kitchen Ranges Elio's iised department. HELP WANTED WANTED Stenographer for i wholesale grocery house, perma nent position to satisfactory party. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 39. (tf) WANTED WANTED Suite, apartment or furnished room by married couple. Phone Red 617. (7S) WANTED Furnished or' unfur nished housekeeping room or rooms, suite or apartment. Reward. Box 462 Dally News. (79) WANTED Capable housekeeper for small family, sleep in. Red 879. WANTED Diesel Caterpillar to skid ten million feet near Terrace, already cut and stored, camp in. Send particulars to Box 462 Dally News. (78) WANTED Electric washing machine in good condition. Phone Red 665. (76) WANTED Room and board or furnished, room for lady. Urgent. Blue 419. (77) WANTED Three or four roomed house or suite, unfurnished; Im mediate possession. Apply Box 460 Daily News. (76) . MISCELLANEOUS WILL Trade six-room Wartime house for four room house. Apply 544 Seventh Avenue East. (75) BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room for men sharing. 718 Frascr Street. (75) LOST LOST - Lady's small gold" wrist watch, vicinity of King Edward School and Hospital. Reward. Phone Black 951 or Blue722. (75) LOST Will the person who picked up a Dalmation Puppy outside 99 Taxi, please return it to the Taxi Office. Do not feed the pup any raw meat. (75) NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PROP. "A Dome Away From flome" Rates 75c op 60 looms Hot & Cold Waver Prince Rupert, B.C. rhiine 2X1 P.O. Box Is THE DAILY NEWS TUESDAY, March, DRAMA IS -4 POIGNANT Story in Connection with Warplane .Manufacture in "Wings for The Eagle" A poignant drama in the lives of those who build the war planes comes this Wednesday and Thursday to the screen of the- Capitol Theatre' here In "Wings for the Eagle," starring Ann Sheridan and Dennis Morgan in the leading roles. Most! of the story is set in a vast aircraft manufacturing plant to which people have come from all over the country Here Morgan meets an old friend of his, playe-J by Jack Carson, and his wife, play ed by Miss Sheridan. Because Car son is cheated by a phony engineer ing school he has a falling out with both Ann and Dennis which cul minates, in Ann walking out on him and getting a Job at the plant. Dennis, who needed no encourage ment to make a play for Ann, goes fo It without pulling any punches. However, he realizes that her heart is still with Carson who also finds employment at the plant- It is only after Pearl Harbor that Dennis really awakens and shows hU un der standing by patching things up between Sheridan and Carson and Joining the Air Force himself. George Tobias and Russell Arms also have important- parts' in tho picture. Show Enjoyed At Little America Local Talent Featured In First Event of Its Kind in New Hall Featuring local talent. Little America had its first concert in the fine new hall. It was produced by John Cuntz and appreciated by a large crowd. The program was featured by Tony Gonzales with singing-by OTJell Young and John Woolfolk while Jokes by Selten Phillips, J. Smith and Pennington went over big. The show was repeated at the Empress Club. Shows are held Mondays and Wednesdays at Little America. STARTS WEDNESDAY FOR 3 DAYS She was the queen of "Kings Row" and the nickel-a-danco darling of "Juke Girl" . now she's a red-headed bomber in . . . ANN DENNIS SHERIDAN MORGAN JACK CARSON GEORGE TOBIAS A Warner bros. hit ON THE SAME PROGRAM ..... "Aviation Vacation" (A Looney Tune) Sportllght: "Sniffer Soldiers" CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Size 90x101. Each $11.25 JUST ARRIVED A shipment of Chests of Drawers, Drop Side Tables, Chairs, Ironing Boards, and Kitchen Sets. ELIO'S THIRD AVENUE "Ramous IJoners" World News CAPITOL PRINCE KUPEUT, n.C. VICTORY SHOE RENEW 503 RICHARD STREET, VANCOUVER, H.C. Let us do your Shoe Repairing. Mail Your Shoes We Pay Return Charges and give you 24 HOURS SERVICE High Class Workmanship Best Material-Reasonable Charges TRY THE VICTORY SERVICE! Prop. II. Van Berkel (formerly of Prince Rupert) BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE. RUPERT Co. Ltd. KKITISH COLUMBIA f n 4, r A vwinnn; iluauwo, i.vv, uu, i.uu, l ,uu, if.VJ XUUUlIlg lUUJgllb llUIIipiCLC OilQWS fit 7'flfi Iv Feature at 1:30, 2:33, 536, 7:40, 9:45 fi'nger KSers' 7:2138? "XEYM Local Tides Tuesday, March 30 High 8:14 18.2 feet 21:39 17.1 feet Low 1:49 9.0'feet 14:51 5.3 feet IS Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK S VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 i:.n'MTJm:nr3WS;B!irwJiB:3i'W:jt;rt'B;3j KWONG SANG IIING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to Kin; Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Opens S p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Phone Red 247 SHRIMPS HOAT W.S.L. Fresh every day, 5:00 p.m. First Float West of Imperial Oil Co. IT A lliniinnnJ namDUKli l 6th St., Hthind Royal M PHONE BLACK H ooooooooaeoeoooeooKRl ENJOY SPRIN.G ON A BUDGET! Somehow you HAVE to express that everythlng-new feti-l that Spring brings, but budgets and the times being what trl arc well, the whole affair seems somewhat damDcnei tl don't be downhearted. Come in and see our delightful dLj; I spring notions. Oh, so many things that will satisfy that S;t dress-up urge and yet all so Inexpensive, you can buy oo wunout the slightest qualm of conscience. DO COME! THE VARIETY ST PHONE RED 120 "Where your dimes are little dollars" ORE 518 3rd AVE. Iff! Show Your Colors USE PATRIOTIC STATIONERY UNION JACK WRITING TABLETS: Note size , M Letter size r...... W UNION JACK ENVELOPES: Package inf - 2 for 2.'( OVERSEAS PORTFOLIO: Note size pad and envelopes with Union Jack toPrlnl put in a- handy portfolio 20' SPECIAL ENVELOPES imprinted for the Canadian Army Overseas, pkg ioJ l3 OVERSEAS ADDRESS LABELS, package Use AIRMAIL for Speed: Air Mail Tablets, note and letter size, each i0J Air Mall Envelopes, package 15 - andf!; Air Mall Labels, package and . DENNISON'S PATRIOTIC SEALSrackage - J!! f DENNISON'S PATRIOTICiNAPKmB. of 40 FLAGS STREAMERS It you lose anything, advertise for it