The city tax rate for the year 1943 will be llfty mills on one hundred percent of land and fifty percent of improvements as compared with last year's rate of 47 2 mills on one hundred percent of the land and 35 percent of Improvements. The fifty mill rate is made up of 22 for schools, 15 for money debts and 18 for general expenditure. The rate for the year was de cided upon by the city council last night following the passage of a motion that the recommendation of the committee of the whole be 'ac cepted, showing estimated expenditures for 1943 of $506,493.25' against- estimated revenue of $329,- I 4C8.00 leaving a balance .of $177,-085.25 to be ralied by taxation for general, loan and school purposes and furthct that a bylaw be prepared levying taxes for the year 1943 on the basis of a rate of 53 mills in tfli tun assessed value of land ind on 50 percent of the assessed value of Improvements, within the city Aid, W. II. Brett, chairman" of the finance committee, made the following explanation: As tne members of the council are wch aware these estimates have been cut to the bone and allow for very minor additions to existing sc v;,:ci and oniy for bare necessities in the way of upkeep. Despite thci; economies it has been found r.ccca.ary not only to Increase the lax raie but to levy the Increased taxes on 50 percent of the improvements rather than on 35 per-ceni as heretofore. Consequently I (eel that an explanation is due the ratepayers of the need for this increase. "Ihe auditor's statement con cerning operations for the year 1942 show an actual deficit of $48, 406.77 in other words the rate levl cd tor that year fell short by over $48,000 of paying for the year's expenditures. In addition we find that the previous administration towards the close of the year ordered a fire truck to the value ol $10,700. an Iron fireman to the value of $000, a garbage truck body io the value of $2600 and a new weigh 5Caie at a price as yet unknown, with no provision made for the payment of these items, In the 1912 estimates. This council Is therefore faced with meeting these payments, of an extraordinary nature oui of the 1943 oeneral revenue. These are circumstances over which this council had no control and explain the necessity for the in crease in taxation. Assessment Higher Taxable land in the city this year s Placed at $1,730,085 as compared with $1,619,250 last vear and tax able Improvements at $3,623,240 as against $3517366 In 1942. The tax atlon this year, therefore, is raised orl an assesxmpnt nf !ta 451.7(15 (one hundred percent of land and fifty Percent of improvements) as com pared with last year's assessment of $2,850,328 fnnp hunrirrd nereent f land and thirty-five percent of "''yrovements). Ban Is Put On Septic Tanks No further Installations will be permltted In City of Prince Rupert The city council has decided that ' iurtho r We In Hon r,f n)U tor,V. Wthln the ,h permits will be granted FLYING FORTRESSES BOMB JAPS IN SOLOMONS of obtaining draft deferment by posing as an essential war worker. Orlando was freed under a $2,000 bond to await grand jury action on his case. Waterfront Lot Leased by City Site is Voted lo Armour Salvage Co. Instead of United States Engineering Department The city council has agreed to lease the easterly 100 feet of waterfront block D and westerly 100 feet of Block E to the Armour Salvage Co. The United States Engineering Dept. had also sought to lease the property which Is located near the elevator but the Armour Co. was consisting of favored. A committee ai w it. nrett and Aid. T. H. Sorensen reported that this loca coninci w . m. tion would not required for the construction of a fishermen's float. The United States Engineering Department has also applied for a waterfront Block B the lease on referred to the aDDllcatlon being pPePclaf committee of Aid. Brett and investigate i whether Aid. Sorensen to interfere with the proposed it would fishermen's floats site. heavy damage. Twenty-one bombers were lost In this attack includ ing two Canadian craft. Bochum and other centres of the Ruhr were targets from which eight Canadian planes failed to return. Yesterday squadrons of bombers and fighters crossed and rccrossed' the southeast coast, hinting at a continuation of intensive blows directed at the continent during the week-end, today's announcement confirming the fact. Sunday night the Royal Air Force and the Royal Canadian Air Force had struck at St. Nazalre in a concentrated attack which cost two bombers, one of them Cana dian. This raid was carried out in considerable strength and added new damage to the U-boat haven which has been attacked often and heavily in the past. Clean-up Of Cow Bay Is To Be Made There Is to be another clean-up of old hulks which have been ac cumulating in Cow Bay. The city engineer has been instructed by the board of works to notify the owners of such hulks to have same remov cd from Cow Bay within a limited period- Otherwise, the city will re move them and bill the owners with the cost of such removal. 439 KIRKS HIT EDINBURGH, March 29 O) Ene my action has damaged 439 Presbyterian churches and other properties H was reported at the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. 10,000 TIN CANS The tin used to solder parts In a medium army tank would make 10,000 tin cans. PROVINCIAL LIBRARY !0 Local Temperature Tonight's Dim-oat mm (Halt an hour aftr sunset to . .. Maximum 52.5 halt an hour before sunrise.) Minimum v$ Jo. Q, 8:41 p.m. to 6:49 ajn. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL RR1TISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER VOL, XXXII, -No. 75 V PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1943 PRICE: FIVE CENTS V MOHE CUV TAXES TAX RATE FOR YEAR IS DECIDED Levy to be Fifty .Mills on One Hundred Percent of lana anu Thirty-Five Percent of Improvements Sweep Forward In Tun isia Leaving fire and destruction in their wake. LJ3. army Flying Fortresses carried out a bombing sortie on Jap Installations on Gizo Island in the Solomons. The raid -was part of a triple-pronged aerial thrust against the enemy durin the fight for Guadalcanal, he starboard wing or the Flying Fortress from which a VS. navy photographer snapped this picture is visible at the extreme right. Berlin Is Hit Hard Again; Tempo of Air Attacks Is Mounting Heavy Damage Inflicted on Rcicli Capital as Elsewhere R.C.A.F. Piayinp Part LONDON, March 30, 1913 The Royal Canadian Air Force joined the Royal Air Force in a great two-pronged aerial offensive against Berlin and objectives in the Ruhr last night, it was announced today. Heavy attacks cost thirty-two bombers, ten of them Canadian. .Sweeping over Berlin for the second time in three nights, British HE DODGED U.S. DRAFT Montreal Hockey Hay" Admits Guilt and Remanded to Grand Jury DETROIT, March 30 ttPi-Jlmmy Orlando of Montreal, aged 28, dc- fenccman for the Detroit Red Wings, National Hockey League team, pleaded guilty to a cnarge arid Canadian niers lnincieo. C.N.R. DOES VERY WELL Revenues Reach New All Time High And Over $25,000,000 is Cleared OTTAWA, March 30 0 The Canadian-National Railways had a most profitable year's operation during 1042 and Was able to turn over $25,063568 to the government after payment of taxes arid interest to the public and the government, it was shown yesterday when the annual i eport was tabled in thr House of Commons. Gross revenues reached $375,654,- 543 more than a million dollars a "day and an all time hifch. The report said that Canadian National traffic this year on the basis of present Indications will bj greater still. BULLETINS TUCK SCRIES DEADLOCKED CALGARY Victoria Army defeated Calgary Army four to three to deadlock the western senior hockey semi-final series at two wins c&ch. The deciding game will be played Wednesday at Calgary. Calgary Army had defeated Victoria Army Saturday 9 to 6 to take a two game to one lead in the best of five Allan Cup playdowns. STRIKE IS STILL ON MONTREAL This footsore city set out a;ain today to hoof it to work with little sign of settlement in the crippling ramways strike that has' knocked the city's tempo out of kilter. However, the t.tage has been set for federal government mediation with the arrival line of Dr. II. Cart Gold-cnberg, appointed special commissioner under the Industrial Disputes Investigation Act. EDEN IN OTTAWA OTTAWA Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden of Great Britain arrived today and will be here until Friday. NAZI SHU SUNK LONDON A Nazi troopship is reported to have been sunk at Trondhcim by loyal Norwegians. BERLIN ADMITS DEFEAT MADRID A dispatch received here from Berlin admits that the Axis days in Tunisia appear to be numbered in view of overwhelming Allied strength. BRAZIL JUMPING IN RIO DE JANEIRO A Brazilian expeditionary force is to be sent overseas to aid the Allies but the size and destination is not British and American Keep Up Pursuit of Nazis; Gabes and El Hamma Are Already Passed MOVING ON -SMOLENSK Russians Continuing Their Steady Advance Nazis Smashed on Donets LONDON, March 30 (CP) Violent fighting rages on the muddy approaches to Smolensk with the Russians making slow but stubborn new advances toward that powerful German stronghold while Soviet lines alon; the Donets are holding firm under minor German attack, Moscow reported Monday ight. Russian thrusts toward Smolensk burst into a number of Nazi strongholds with particularly severe fighting at- a-trongly fortified German centre of resistance south of Bely on one of the main directional roads to Smolensk. was smashed back with two hundred Germans killed. Jap Strength In Air Grows ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN The finance committee has advised the city council that the city is not financially able to subsidize anv fuel operations at this tlme. The committee reported to the council last night that a communication from the Wartime Prices and Trade Board regarding fuel wood had been discussed and the mayor was delegated to interview 'j. V. Scrivener, local representative of the board, In this connec tion. AUSSIE SHII'-BUILDLNG SYDNEY, N.S.W., -March 29 'CD A merchant vessel of B.000 tells, ona of 60 to be constructed at Austra lian dockyards under a five-year urogram, was launched In Nev South Wales and named after an Australian river. Tho pitv council last nleht. on re commendation of the board of orni-ws mvp nermlsslon to G. T. Hlbbert to construct on lot 5 and nriP-hnlf of lot 6. block 5. Section 1 a building which will be used for a wnrkshon and for storage pur poses, no water connection being required. New Zealand Troops Are Playing Prominent Part, Prime Minister Churchill Tells House of Commons ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, March 30 (CP) A junction between the British Eighth Army and American forces appeared imminent today as British troops stormed through Gabes and El Hamma in pursuit of the fleeing Nazi Africa Corps. Occupation of Gabes an El Hamma on opposite sides of the Gabes Wartime Housing On Sand Pit Is Reported Upon Mayor W. M. Watts advised the city council at last night's meeting bottleneck between sea ana salt lakes was announced by an Allied communique. The New Zealand Second division continued the chase of Marshal Er-win Rommel along the coastal road towards Sfax, seventy miles to the north. German armor withdrew from Gabes under terrific Allied air bombardment as well as punish- that Wartime Housing Ltd. wa3jinent from the sea delivered from too far advanced with the con-! salvoes of shells from Allied war-structlon of houses on the Sand ships. Pit on Conrad Street to Interfere I Announcing the passage of New with the work .at this time or the Zealand troops through Gabes houses moved .tnls morning,. Prime Minister Wln- Port Edward. .. ii uj i -Rtirr rhiirrhlir tnlri the ITmiw nf (Termaii plunge io' cross the Vu- m ,u,u WCB s " " .7h HonpU Rlvir south of Kharkov m-e un jjiupcjr wuicii au --- -- - - AUSTRALIA, March 30 f Japanese bombers slashed on Monday at the Allied base of Orobay In New Guinea, the Allied command reported. The second successive attack on Orobay In two days gave more point to recent warnings of increasing enemy strength In the air. A communique report- ed that the Monday raid caus- ed slight damage and no casu- allies. Fuel Situation Before Council Finance Committee Says City is in No Position to Finance .been used as a community play- .ground. It had been, suggested that the houses were being built on property that had been conveyed to the city by the late John P. Ersch for playground pur poses. .However, the finance committee now. reports that the houses mentioned are being built on lots 1 and 4, block 40, section 7, where as the Ersch property Is lots 6 and 7, block 41, section 7. Crushed Rock and Asphalt Supply City Council Looking Into Supplies of Materials for Street Work The city engineer has been Instructed by the Board of Works of the city council to ascertain whether crushed rock can be ob tained from the United States En gineering Department ciusher at The oil controller will also be asked how much asphalt will, be available for the city this year. The crushed rock and asphalt would be used on street malnten ance work in the city. Centenary Of Victoria City One Hundredth Anniversary of Capital City Greetings From Trince Rupert The local city council last night formally extended Its greetings to the city of Victoria on attaining its one hundredth anniversary recently. The message was ordered sent to Victoria In-view of the receiving of an illuminated scroll heralding the event of the anniversary. SHARK LIVER OIL CAIRO, March 29 B There is a proposal In Mauritius (Indian Ocean Island) for the commercial production of shark liver oil- Shark liver oil is rich in vitamins. 37,000 DAYS LOST LONDON, March 29 ) Trade disputes during January Involved the loss of 37,000 work days, the Labor Ministry Gazette announced. (retreating enemy forces north of Gabe3. Abandoned Nazi tanks and guns ate being used by the Allies against the ertemy. POLICY ON LOT SALE Aim of City Council is to Stick to Assessed Values as Far as Tossible In future all offers to purchase. tax sale lots will be referred direct to the finance committee of the city council which will have power lo dispose of such lots at a pried equivalent to the assessed value of the property in question. Where any conditions exist which in the opinion of the committee render such lots less valuable, the commit tee shall have the power to dispose of the property at a price not less than two-thlrd3 of assessed value . but shall not have power to accept offers at less than this figure without approval of the council. This will be the future policy In regard to the disposal of tax sale-lots as set down in a recommendation from the finance committee which was adopted at last night's council meeting. Traffic Bylaw Going Through Third Reading Given to Measure Which Completely Overhauls Regulations The new traffic bylaw received Its third reading at last night's meeting of the city council, it was left to the finance committee to have Mpiei pf epafed. for sale" to the public. The new bylaw, which has been in course of preparation for a long time, completely overhauls the city's traffic regulations. MERGING ELECTRICS LONDON, March 29 W Proposals for (bring the 75 electrical undertakings around London' under the ownership of one authority have been approved by the Joint Electrical Authority for the Area.