PAGE TWO DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE KUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAQINQ EDITOR EDITORIAL Easier Greetings . Why ike lp. Saturday, April 24, 1943 Easter brintrs us hard-boiled eetrs. rabbits, flnwprs. hot cross buns and Easter cards. Strangely enough, .most 01 tnese present-clay objects and customs had their birth so oar DacK in antiquity that digging into records for origins and birthplaces is like trying to dig a well in qujck-sand. The name Easter itself comes from the name of the pagan Saxon goddess of spring Ostara, or Eostre. In their springtime celebrations each year, the early Saxons denied me lowiy rabbit winch, because ot its conjugal habits, was considered to be the symbol of fecundity. Thus the little chocolate rabbits one sees in the candy store windows at Easter. . The egg goes much further back in the annals of human history. Ancient Egyptians'' first started the custom of painting eggs at Easter. In "Chinaheregg has always been the symbol of life eternal. Even tb"day,nhe Chinese venerate the egg, and the older the egg the more, thev venerate it which might be considered as carrying ancestor-worship a little too far. Easter lilies were originally Egyptian and had a major part in all springtime religious celebrations. It is known that in the excavations at Herculaneum in Rome two fossilised hot cross buns were found complete and intact in a buried oven. Their remarkable state of preservation is not verv flattering to the skill of the Roman housewife who baked them. Even the Easter greeting card, which might justly have been called an, .English invention, is found to have its origin in the mlilti-qqlored eggs; which the Russian peasants passed arduiid; at Ea'ster., Each eo-g had painted on it a few words of greeting 'and good wishes. Truly, there is nothing new. under the sun. Perhaps even the astounding has yorn by the modern Miss at Easter had their cqUrite'rpaiM; in Ancient Rome or 'far Cathay! ,' !. : ' You Should VICTORY Loan Bonds They Help You Save They Help Win the War They Earn Money for You They Provide Cash in Emergency They Will Buy Post-War Goods Victory Bonds are just like money. They are issued by your Government to you in exchange for a loan. When you buy a Victory Bond you are simply exchanging one form of money for another. Ordinary money is the kind you get when you sell things you raise on your farm, and pay out when you buy things need. you Victory Bonds are a form of bills intended to be saved. And a Victory Bond earns money for you every day you have it. A $100.00 Bond earns $3.00 for you every year. Money invested in Victory Bonds will provide the money we need to buy the things we need when the war is over. T. " " EATON C WESTERN LIU aesM UMITID ft . CARPETS AND CONGOLEUMS IN SIOCK Seamless Axminster Rugs, sizes 9x12, 8x10, 6'9x9, 4'6x7'6, 36x63, 27x54. Congoleum Rugs, 9x15, 9x12, 9x10, 9x9, 7y2x9, 6x9. Floor Covering sold by yards. Dominion "A" Quality Brown Battleship Linoleum, 6 feet wide. Dominion Marboleum Felt Base, 6 feet wide. Dominion Feltol, 6 feet wide. Congoleum Gold Seal, 6 feet wide. Baroleum Felt Base, 6 feet wide. Dominion Rexoleum, 6 feet wide. EASY TO CHOOSE A RUG FROM LARGE STOCK Elio Furniture Store Third Avenue, Next the Daily News, Prince Rupert ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. V By . DOROTHY GARBUTT ' The Hostess The Service Wives held their weekly meeting Thursday afternoon in the ladies' lounge at the "Y." They reported that another parcel and letter had gone off to Geordie' French, their "adopted' British tar now in, Tranqullle. It was decided to set aside a small amount for the purchase of fruit for the Seal Cove Hospital patients. Mrs. Girardet won the raffle do-( V . THE DAILY NEWS nated by Mrs. Qarbutt. Refresh-1 derwood scored 274 points against menis were .served dv Airs, wuai-nc. nw idet and Mrs. Kimmel. While the j club was in session they were visit-!cd for a brief morrtent by Olof Hansen, M.P.; who expressed great j Interest In their acuities. j Thanks to all the Junior hostesses who . turned out in " full strength for the meeting called for Thursday evening! .The girls were given a talk on the "TSlue of "zipping their Hps" by a member of the field security staff. Wednesday evening a quiz program was held at the Hut with , Ivan Mallett as qulzrmaster. Two , teams, of three men each com-i peted, The' winning team consist- 1 Ing 6l O. D. MJke Johnson, Cpl. Walt Cooper and LAC. Jack Un- fflH phy and Supply Assistant Gordon Redhead whose score was 215 points. This quiz will be a weekly Wednesday feature at the Hut. To everyone, a Happy Easter! And because Easter directs our thoughts to new life and spring and gardens I can So no better than to offer you this charming BUY THE NEW Victory Bonds H. E, MORTIMER Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. 4 'old Elizabethan poem called "MYGARDEN" A garden is a lof eome thing, God wot! Rose plot. Fringed pool, Ferned grot, The veriest school f f riAO m ori4 uf fh fiv1 jCfdntfndj that Cod is not woi;uoa Jn .gftraens! wnen tne , Nay,' but I have a sign; eve is cool Tls Very Hire God walks fn mine. Thomas Bdward Brown. W. D. Gordon, manager of the river livision of the White Pass and Yukon route', and ' M. Gordon were here yesterday going through to Whitehorse to spend the . The Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada olTcrs for public stihscription 1 $1,100,000,000 1 mm r o u r t It VICTORY LOAN Dated and bcarinc interest from 1st M II V 101.1. nCCtrtA til I Lk inattiritit the choice of vhicli is. optional with tjie suhseriher, us follows: i.Vls' iSii. WitlOiii! Fourlwii-year. 't$!S Three nn.I ono-lialf year , ,J' 'nlBL Interest aynbV Ut May ami November r- ,'WHearsrUeiioniinalions, i $"0, $100, ?300;- $1,000, $5,000, $25,000 .' ? lssmi VvUo: 00 BASEBALLSCORES THURSDAY American Learn. New York 5, Washing, , Boston 1, Philadelpi , Detroit 4, Cleveland 0 National Leajut Cincinnati l, st. Lou- o Brooklyn 5, New York 2 Chicago 4, Pittsbur g 3 FRIDAY American Utue Boston 0, Phlladelpiia 5 W. F. Shcardown, waltea manager, left ut the oMh. week on a mp Don MUlerd; local ranncMtoi ator. returned to the (i.y yeT'' day from a trip to Vancouver i f Jf'l':;j;i . 'n-rallatilr to ntuliirhjv 4',' . . '. Mft '' ' ; Interesl j)U)ul)l(; 1h May and .NSnenilicr . ' ' $1,000, $5,000, $23,000, $l(K),(H)0 v I, Issue Price: 1100 s. "ncipal and interest payable in lawful money of Canada; the principal at any ::,: ; ' " Yijt'-: $L?!$?Y -Y? of t,,c ,lank of Canada and the interest . uv semi-annually, T , without IMIIIIMIKiiUli;, charge, ' iViv - , I Wfr.i1! 4t V - ot any branch in Canada ol any Chartered Hank.. 'Wjv IS&ljonds njay le registered as to principal or a'to 'principal and intcrcit , as clelailcd in the UHicial rrospectus, through any agcimy of the Hank of Canada. Siiliscrlplions for cHlicr or holli nmdirill.vs of Hie Ioiin mny lie paid In full ( thr llnir of niilicnflonal tlielssuepricc In each case without nccriied InlercNf. Hearer IioimIk w llli couohm will heavailahl for prom pi delivery. Siihsrrlpf lon may also lie maricpavahli. by liislalinents, plus accrueil I uteres!, as follows: ' 10 on applicaf ion: V on f si .lime l I.I; u ist .v on 2nl Aiigiisl I?) l:; m st Sepleiuher Ifl f ; IIUI on Hie 11 I.oimIs or :M on I he lg liouils. on Isl lc(olier l l.'l. The last paviiieut on Isl Ocloher eovers flic final of pavuieuf prheipl. plus .(I I of 1 In the case of Ih,. hoiuls ami .:7 of in I he ,se of the I34 Uoiiils represenllii accrued interest to the due dates of the respective luslaliuents. The Minister5 of Finance reserves the right to accept or to allot the whole or uny pari of the umount of this loan subscribed for either or both maturities if total subscriptions are in excess of $1,100,000,000. The proceeds of tins loan will be used by the Government to finance expenditures for war purposes. Subscriptions may be made through any Victory Loan Salesman, the National Wur Finance Committee or uny representative thereof, any branch in Canada f any C1;1"1 1Ja,,, r authorized ,.( r ay Savings Hunk, Trust or Ian Company, from whom may be obtained application forms and conies iiiu uuiciai irospecius containing complete deluils of the loan. The lists will open on 26lh April 1913, and will close on or about 15th Muy 1913, with or without notice, at the discretion of the Depurtmrnt of Finance, Ottumi, 26lh April 1913.. Minister of Finance. lite tit' 1