Big Parade For Sunday Bands,. Floats and the Largest display of Equipment Kver Seen Here Will March Rain or shine, the largest parade of the year has been arranged for Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock when forces of the Allied Nations are combining efforts to launch the Fourth Victory Loan campaign. All the armed services with bands, bugles and mechanized equipment will paitlcipate. War Industries will contribute allegorical floats as a special feature. Three or four bands will provide music plus a public address system which will play martial airs for one-half hour preceding the par ade. The saluting base will be directly in front of the Federal building. There will be a March Past there. Tlio n.irartp will form un at the and to lay charges against offenders. As a huge crowd Is expected, citizens are being advised to be on the streets early to obtain a good view and to keep to the sidewalks. TakesTime to App loint Consul Arthur Brooksbank Acting as Norwegian Government Representative Here In Meantime II will be come time before ap- Military Age Men Are To Be Checked Upon OTTAWA, April 24-Urider new service regula- Ing new lobs will have that they have been called up for service They will be required to present discharge, rejection or postponement military service. UNIVERSAL PROVIDER Palm trees nrovlde food, shelter, clothlnc. timber, naperi starch, sugar and tannin. C J Norrlngton returned to the city Thursday after spending a few days at Terrace. Mrs, n. Walker of Booth Mem wla) School teaching staff left Thursday night for Vancouver. Capt. Robert E. Dovle, well '"'own construction offl 1 Ulllll-au Juneau tUUauut.iw" STRANGLES BODYFOUND ORGANIZED 1 ' Fred Mullock, 41 Years of Age, Be- lievrd to Have Come From Brockville, Ontario The body of a stranger, papers upon whose person gave the name of Frd Bullock, showing his age as 41 and Indicating that he had arrived here April 16, possibly from Brockville, Ontario, was found thl3 morning at 8:30 on the stairs of the Empress Club. He had been dead three hours. It appears to have been a case of natural death Dry Dock Workers Line Up to Work For Victory Loan Court House and will proceed up' Arrangements are now finally Third Avenue to the Junction of completed for a large and effici-Third and Second Avenues, return- cn organization to handle Can-, omn Rrrnnd Avn.iP to thn ada'a Fourth Victory Loan cam- Court House for dispersal. Thesa Pal&n at the Prince Rupert Dry will be closed between 2 and 4 p.m. Dock fnd Shipyards. In the last the dock achieved No person will be permitted to campaign dry take Sinographs of the parade eUent res"lts- This year the slghU have been nrsed and an unless issued with a special permit. better Is expected. A even showing Police have been advised to confls- Great deal of effort and organiza- cate cameras and films being used null nils uue uiiu uic iiciinuiiai work and a large and enthusiastic voluntary staff has been built up. Bernard Allen, general manager, announces the following as the canvassers for the forthcoming campaign, under the chairmanship of T. J. Boulter, who successfully organized the previous Internal ' - ' ' ' cahra.-iSr- Chairman, T. Boulter, superintendent. Group leaders J. Laurie, T. O. Morgan, Chas, Harris, II. Harrison. J. Jerome, E. White, W. T. Lee, J. Nicoll, W. Martin and Mrs. J. Cook. Blacksmiths H. Bagriall. , Electricians H. B. Wallace. Foundry Wm. Martlndale. Machine Shop C. J. craig. v. pointment of the new Norwegian jlng, S. F. Corbett, L. Nelson. vice-consul here to succeed me iaic Jolners and Pattern Shop Oor-John Dybhavn can be announced. dQn Blank C- Raabc. said Hercules Worsoc, Norwegian Ukq Cranes ana Towers Wm. con: ul for British Columbia, who McChesney, W. Gardner, left Thursday night for Vancouver painters M. Horyn, J. L. Hitch-after soendlnz a couple of days in ,n. t the city on official business. The shipwrights A. E. Taylor, W. procc-s of appointment will have Davidson, Ellis Mogg, F. M. Chap-to ro through the Norwclglan min- peij Wm Teows, W. Nelson, L. Hel-lster to Canada and will be finally cher made by the Norwegian govern- j Rivctters R. Judge, C. Baptie, is ment in Britain. Mieanwhiie Artnur Brooksbank carries on as acting vice -consul. This was the first visit t6 Prince Rupert of Consul Worsoc. He was impressed with the activity of the city Burv. M. Vanderhelde, E. Becker. Platers E. Archer, a. t'onoer, u. Dennlson, K. Llneham. Slab H. Vanderhelde. Punchers J. A. McRae. Shectmetal-C. Hogarth. Dockmen J. Kurolok. Welders P. Smegliskl, J. Lok- ken, A. A. Bird. A. Murray, A. McNeil, H. W. Clarke. Comp. Layers-Chas. uourgei. Engineer Fitters E. Doolan, E. Janze, J. L. Murray. H. J. Creak. FlpeflUers Ross Cummlnr.s, J. E. Bouvette, A. C. Lewis. A. Schaf- Power Hous J. Kolbus. Repair Gang (carpcnters)-J. J tlon now going into effect au" I , Z,ir (machinists)- G. Repair Gang uang April 30, men of military age seek- to prove ... . , Ktggcrs . "v...- Construction Gang-S. Trequalrc . , t r irpthprt. Staff Robert Rennle, W. Davics t o Wllcnn 'm'oU Electric-N. Hallatt, Robert Parsons. Eight Thousand Ton Jap Vessel Sunk by Bomb . . , rn UF.ADOUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA; April 24-Allled air-craft scored, a direct hit with a 500-pound 1 Bulletin JAPS DENOUNCE EXECUTIONS SAN FRANCISCO Officers of the Japanese-American Citizens' League have denounced the action of the Japanese government in. executing United Stales airmen who were prisoners of war. The "barbarous violation" of the Geneva convention was not unexpected, however, fiom the present militaristic Tojo government. ALARM IN SPOKANE SPOKANE Air raid sirens sounded in Spokane Thursday night hut it was announced there was no emergency of any kind. NORAH'IIADLY DAMAGED VICTORIA The steamer Fiincess Norah, after being ishors off Cordova Bay for 48 hours, has been refloated and taken to dry dock. The vessel has been tadly damaged and will be out o' service for several weeks for repairs. War News FIEKCE UUSSIAN FIGHTING MOSCOW Continued fierce fighting is reported from the Kuban Peninsula and Smolensk areas of the Russo-German front. Increasingly heavy charges continue tobe repulsed by thCltUSiians 'at KubaTi with severe logics to the enemy in men and equipment. The Red Army has penetrated German lines in the Smolensk are where the ground is now commencing to dry up, for the summer. BRITISH IN ADVANCE ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA The British Eighth Army has advanced three miles north and west of captured EnfidaviHe in fierce hand-to-hand fighting with bayonets, grenades, knives and even fists. The town of Sacruna has been First Army, from the north, has advanced six miles in a new offensive. Skies over Tunis are clearing, making possible a resumption of British air support for the ground forces. BANG KOK-RANGOON BOMBED NEW DELHI Bangkok, capi-tol of Slam, and Rangoon, principal" port of Burma, both new in Japanese hands, have been subjected to heavy bombing by Allied planes, it is reported. United States planes raided a bay ten miles south of Salamaua on New Guinea. UNITED STATES APPROVES WASHINGTON It was announced Thursday night officially that United States would approve of Great Britain undertaking gas warfare against Germany if Germany resorts to such warfare against Russia. ENEMY OVER BRITAIN , LONDON A single enemy plane approached liondon last nleht but was driven off. A lone Nazi plane also bombed a 'West Midlands town but did liittle damage. LOTS WE DONT KNOW Reputable words in the English language total pbout 700,000. STRIKE AT WINDSOR WINDSOR Five thousand workers of ' the Ford Motor Co. went on a sildown strike against the enemy's speed-up program. The union later claimed the company had made a lock-out after the sitdown ended. B.C. LI Q I) OR RATIONING noncnrchln Viae Hppn Inn M Axmv LIIV. MHnu 1 IS MOVING Resident Mining Engineer for Pro vincial Government Transferred to Vancouver Announcement Is made of the transfer of Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident mining engineer here for the provincial department of mines, to Vancouver to take charge of the Vancouver office of the department. Dr. Mandy will be leaving here the early " part of V May, " the recognition by him of several down on all military news from there. Tim Brown of Essington Dies Young Man of Skrena River Village Succumbs to Meningitis crnoo'n. There was a service additional Important discoveries of the Port Essington Band Hall, mercury de.posi.ts and ine develop Capt. Ben Brown cf the local Sal vation Army Corps officiated. Following the service lnteiment was made in the local cemetery, the Port Essington Band leading the procession and playing the funeral inarches "Veritas," "Silent com- ades" and "Dead March in Saul." important mineral deposits which has led to their development into producing mines. Included in these are the Surf Point gold mine on Porcher Island near Prince Rupert, the Polaris Taku gold mine on Taku River and several placer-gold properties in the Atlin section. An important contribution to the war effort by Dr. Mandy was the immediate recognition for the nrisinal stakers bv him of the lm ' nnrtant mprcurv denoslts of PlncMi British and Americans Advance Toward Tunis andpzerte In Africa Indications arc That Axis is Plannng to Slake General Evacuation Headquarters Moved to Sicily ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, April 21 (CP) The British First Army has taken Long . . .... i. m rr fii0;0ni,oa 1! r f VIUTUKirt-uetaiis or a new . . . : Y" . ' en tT:ii oo Ihuor rationing plan for British accompanied oy mjs. jwanay anu oiup m ) uuiw vi ui. x u.u , u.ojmvo Columbia which win go into ef- Manc,y win continue to front said today, and it was also stated that United States feet May i, will be announced supervise outside field work in tM troops have advanced six miles toward Mateur, 18 miles nt Wednesday, w f. Kennedy northern ad iJ I southwest ofi-Bizerte. Armored units of the First Army rha rman of the Manor Control province irom Vancouver wnue a. r . - - . . i 4,,1 iiaiiiiiiCitu uuu' Kaiir.ut ua . - . Board of BjLitish Columbia KELOWNA John Bracken, norion xoungs. lurnieny lucaitru , here and for the past year at Vic- muefs " fine toria. Is returning .to Prince Ru- " "r'T " " while a United States unit hacked " Its wav for " seven miles throueh nfll.p e and ana nrp ore vanm Inrr n ant. Conservative, Progressive leader, P. 5tlff enemy fire northeast of Beja spent Ihursday in the Okanagan Iqc rpcldpnf mtmnor llTJlZ pnrlrippr slnpft north of the Beja-Mateur Valley, visiting Vernon, Keiowna, Summerland, Teachland and Penticton. He visited a military camp at Vernon and conferred with fruit growers. LEGATION REMOVED 'norf.- tn falrp rlljroil nt thp K3V ' 1929. At first he was in charge of ro!d;. Although . Allied .... . aerial , , sorties ... the northwestern mineral survey yesterday numbered 1,500, only district but later this was- extend- H in filro In tho tinrth ppnfral nnr. six Allied unci ait. were iu&i Balnst diminishing Axis oppdsl- itlon of the province. He has been f tlon. la trusted and efficient official .whose expert advice and assistance m It was announced that convoys had reached Malta i . . . nnA and Tripoli, bearing vital supplies others Interested in the mining and war materials for Allied forces. There are continued signs that Long 'before becoming resident ! Axls making hurried plans tmL - iu-.nrt ,a, for a general evacuation. Make- . . ... ;;7Jrf .h.lllt mbarkatlon points ate being Almost all American uipiomauc ". nrenared under Incessant aerial Representatives Leave Helsinki nortnern and coasiai portion oi I r: n4il. r . 1... ha AIIIao .,. the province. Among other organ- WASHINGTON-. APrll -Leav-l" he --ngln cerjx ln5 only Robt Mcdlntock be- Sl"mg".Cleady moved to Sicily. war .hind as charge d'affaires, the en- MU " " An entire fleet of twenty large Nad 'tire Unlted'Statef legation has Axis transport planes andten es. left HelsinklT.JhapJtaXt J" nn-"-! WOClSrauSSSS TmTln. over the Gulf of Tunis yesterday. There is a crisis In foreign re-' " " Each of the transports was capable monts in connection with . the de- latlons with Finland and a strict of , 120 soldiers or ten tons clamped veiupmwu oi uie i.mvu . taken and the British are now r.akP ami the existence of a con- EDMONTON, April 24 only 31 miles from Tunis. The . " " " n..n. mercury belt In that L. Ilsley. minister of finance, will ine iuhw "c". l-"" " " .hJ.. Hinannsi. m this arrive, here Monday to open the Brown, took olace last Sunday af-i regard has resulted in several ad- ment of the most Important mer cury producer in the British Empire at the time of a critical need for this metal. Dr. Mandy's advice In connection with mining matters -Is continuously sought and valued by pros pectors and mining operators ana "God Be With You Till We Meet, he has earned a reputation for ain" was played at the grave- sound Judgment, technical skill and side. Integrity that is a oy-worn in me Alter having' been 111 for twenty- north. ven days with spinal, meningitis, Dr. and Mrs. Mandy will both be deceased passed away at noon last greatly missed in Prince Rupert Thursday at the home of his par-'where they have made themselves ents. The next day the remains valuable members of the commu- were taken to the Band Hall where niv in various ways. Their actlv- they lay In state until the 'funeral, itles have Included work among Jn Saturday night the Band gatn- the children, in the church, as -;rcd to play hymns. 'lecturers and elocutionists and In Those sending flowers were: The ! horticulture. Excelsior and Ladies' Excelsior I Mr antl Mrs. Young, on arrival Club, the Church Army of Kltkat-here eariy in M).iy, will reside on la, Essington. Ctoncert Band, Mr. Market Square In the residence and Mrs. Ed Bolton, Brown's Gen-! connectcd with the assay office. eral Store, Mr. and Mrs. Wing and i family, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Collin-' . Til son and family, Mrs. Margaret KaA llOSS 1 OiaL JWWCll, Vll. CllLAA IVUd. 1 ttVClU (UU family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roberts, Mrs. G. Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. John Wesley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Starr and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lockerby, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Spalding, Mr. Ed Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McRae are .( Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bolton, Mr. and leaving tonight for a trip to Ocean Mrs. J. Gray, Mae and Peter Brown, T?aiu and Vancouver. ) Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wesley. and fam ily, Mrs. R. BOiton ann iamuy, Mrs. , Stands at $19,600 Latest Figure in Trlnce Rupert For National Campaign Announced By Treasurer and Organizer The total of $19,600 has now been reached as a result of the .i ,..., lurorcrnrpt. nnWr hn pnQhtvvi McLean and famllv. Dor- recent Red Cross national cam dVUM Jviai, o" - . .,. n,m It , nr.. " . ' ' i. ..j i tr,o r v from Opan nthv Mn.Kiv. Mrs. Aene.i McKav. caun m niuw uu. . . Anrt tno In pnnVflV tllliVt-U "v -J ' " J - ' I - ... . n . . 1 i I rlol . i shin OI ,. . .A .,i,, ..lit, n. tv,U Mirv nnH Tlnnrv Rn-ilH- nounced toaav DV K. ."viuruiner, ". Was nPTP VPSLPfUllV UUlltb Cti. tl Tnir anrr H'nilS in SUCUU aOJ. w.i... .w. uuiimi ..v.... j - , thrmmh p.itni from of three destroyers o" .h Mrs. Jack Bulorer. Untr. lng, Bettv Betty and and Fanny Fanny Brooks. Brooks. treasurer and campaign organizer. c " rrPiand. and sank tne vessel. ,., I1 llCW i . . TO VISIT EDMONTON Federal Minister of Finance to Open Victory Loan Campaign in Ontario Capital i 1, i:-nn Reds Stage t Large Raid LONDON, April 24 0h Two, .' hundred Russian planes bomb- ed Insterburg In East Prussia Thursday night, Moscow an- nounced Friday night. At the end of the two-hour raid, the entire city was enveloped In flames, a communique said. One plane failed to return. CHURCHILL INDIGNANT Royal Air Force Looking Forward i . T Day. When IMVill i -r 'Bomb Japan LONDON, April 21 (CP) Prime Minister Winston C"iurchill today denounced the "cold blooded" execution of American airmen by the Japanese and declared that the Royal Air Force "earnestly looks forward to the day when they will be able to fly side by side with American comrades to attack Tokyo and . other cities of Japan." Tonight's train, due to arrive, from the East at 7 o'clock, was re- ; ported this morning to be three Hon. J. hours late. There was a chimney fire at the Victory Loan campaign. He will Grand Cafe at 10:25 last night, participate in a large parade in the fire department being called downtown section of Edmonton. 'out. No damage was done. i PROCLAMATION The Municipal Council of the City of Prince Rupert, acting in accordance with the wishes of the Hon. J. L. Ilsley, Minister of Finance, requests that all citizens and merchants in the City of Prince Rupert display the Union Jack and decorate their buildings and homes during Canada's Fourth Victory Loan campaign. It .is also urged that they support this worthy cause to their fullest extent. (Signed) W. M. WATTS, Mayor, - City of Prince Rupert. Local Temperature Tonight's Dim-out (Half an hour aftw sunset to Maximum 49-5 ball an hour before sunrise.) Minimum 32 9i29 pm. to 5:51 a.m. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL.BRITISn COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER VOL. XXXII, No. 96 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1943 PRICE:' FIVE CENTS Allies XMfake Headway In Tunisia Jii5 Jt; iij Mr'. if