BDAY APRIL 24. 1043 IURCH NOTICES ! (Informal Gospel Hour I (Undenominational) g service 7:30 p.m. Sunday, II 25 in the East End Hall, ijplock, Seventh Avenue East.j k- -'Three Easter Morning, mn: easier ioaay. 5. Andrew's Cathedral pi, Very Kcv. J. IS. Gibson t and Choirmaster, I'. Lien School Supt., F. J. Skinner EASTER DAY .m. iioiy communion. m. Morning Prayer and Communion. Anthem: "Why Ye the Living Among the " Preacher: The Dean. jn. -cniiuren s service, ao- will be given by Miss N. i.m. Evening prayer ana on Anthem: "Hall Risen Preacher: Captain W. R. it Baptist Church fd'iftli and Young) C A. Wright Minister IAL EASTElt SERVICES : Worship, 11:00 a.m. "A A Redeemer." Special by the Junior Choir, School, 12:15 p.m. Worship, 7:30 p.m.-J"Be- Place." Special music Senior Choir. I weUowshlp Hour following wning service, welcome! the Lamb of God, which away the sins of the Friendly Church" where crs iind visitors are especl- 'clcome tst Presbyterian Church fourth Avenue East) F. MacSween, B.A, Minister J. Smith, Choir Leader ISTEK SUNDAY, 1913 i.-Mornlng Worship. ns by Junior Choir: "Beau- ster " "The Sqng of the Soloists: Misses Bar- iTeng, viola Prendcrgast, Meu fells. fes. He Lives. The Church School. -Evening Worship. Cantata, Senior Choir, t Triumphant." Soloists: I'm Martin. Mr. J. A, Tcng, hn E, Davey, LAC. J. Gor- fggatt The Sunday Evening pand Men In the Services IQi diallv ncifiimn Jation Army tH SUNDAY SERVICES Jwld in the Salvation Army, H by Brieadlpr nnri Mrs. Dillingham, -Morning Service. -Sunday School. riff Rarvloo I A)l are welcome. Raul's Lutheran Church "lh and McBrlde fsnus n. Anderson. Pastor Holy Communion. '-"If Christ Be Not Music st Paul's Church 11. -Fvnin n Di-ivice, ! Paul's Jnnlnr Phnlr Prdial welcome to alll United Chi . Avenue Wpt ool at io, i 11:00 a.m. and J"1 worship With us. lLE('S IIENVA : ... . fin ra" n."" S AhA " lJ'i"a 'es of the feet. WTT WDM A COMMUNITY GARDEN nvtjiin,iy a nc oi people are and distributions will be made according to the amount of hours they have put into this effort. People, who have their own gar dens can and should by all means make the best of the home loti but they In no way be excluded from the benefits of the Community Oarden as long as they could manage to work at this as others would do. There is no reason to Kt-,!ta- the ity garden! shou,d the average home lot .fto enjoy now; Future the II prophetic one. Do you know t it? stone, "the carpenter," tfs the message. Eever will come and take of ie water of Hie freely." Peter s Anglican Church (Seal Cove) tor-Kev. E. V. Scott EASTER SUNI1AY m. Easter Communion. her and celebranU- Canon Rushbrook. m. -Special Service for the iy School and Bible Class. i.m. Evening Service. idea and what It means Maybe it be sufficiently large to pro-would be a good Idea to give out duCe everythln8 ln the vegetable some suggestion of what It really toe that ls necessarv their stands for. i needs throughout the following In the first nlapp thi. i .'vear but there might well be a thought that Is hclng Introduced. ?reat many thlngs that could not On other occasions when the unir we community country and Its people were in!. wherea they might be able distress .this kind nf n ! w lve these plants the extra tlve effort made it possible for l(re needed ,n their own home lo thoct that Joined it to take care' A community garden meeting of their dependents In a much 1 be held Wednesday evening, better way than would have been otherwise possible. Naturally the only beneficiaries . ...III I- A ORIENTAL PHILOSOPHY juc.u w piuuuce me nnai results been ln existence since 386 A.D, THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE Hot Cross Buns On Dining Cars Breakfastrtime Repartee Appropriate to Season VANCOUVER, April 24 "Hot Cross buns, please." "Toasted or Just slightly warmed sir?" "IH have mine toasted with marmalade and a pat of butter." This ls the breakfast -time repartee on dining and buffet cars of the Canadian National Railways these Easter days. Following an old British custom Hot Cross buns were featured during Good Fiiday. LACTIC IN POUNDS A quart of milk weighs approximately two pounds. TIS AN OLD CUSTOM Cosmetics have been found Egypt dating back to 3,500 B.C. in " tomorrow the Farmer will Harness It! BUN SALE SUCCESS Sum of $70 Raised by Parent-Teachers Association Nearly three thousand hot cross bun3 covered the tables in the clas3 rooms, the corridors and the play rooms, of the city schools on Thurs day morning prior to a sale In ths afternoon. The Prince Rupert Par ent-Teachers' Association realized over $70. Their tantalizing, fragrant aro ma drifted through the building and hundreds of little noses sniffed the air as ther voices rose excited ly at the prospect of enjoying tha delicacies. The Borden Street School re- Industry is helping win the war... industry must help build a peacetime world strictly maintained and, from the ' ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS four city schools, over $670 was taken In. Conveners of the bun sale were Mrs. M. Braun for Kinsr Edward. Mrs. Haines for Borden Street, Mrs. Eastwood for" Booth School and Ti IC P. (X ihann frit- CTon 1 Pw, nrViA., were assisted by Mrs. Oeorge Hill, I Mrs. Weber, Mrs. Oeorge Howe, Mrs. O. R. S. Blackaby, Mrs. T. Boulter and. Miss Norma Smith. Women of Moose Are In Session The Prince Rupert Chapter No. 211, Women of the Moose, held their regular meeting Wednesday evening In the Oddfellows' Hall. In the absence of the senior regent Mrs. W. H. Tolln. Mrs. Amv Kasoer took the chair. A class of candl- ceived so many donations they were dates was initiated, this class being able to send 250 buns to one of the called the publicity class. The lnl-other schools where the demand, f'rt'-n leremony was fallowed by a exceeded the supply. The celling round of whist and the serving of price of two buns for a nickel was refreshments. Toddy, all industries must produce as never before . must speed the output of food, tanks, planes, guns, ships and other instruments of war must conserve vital supplies that we may win quickly a decisive victory. ' 1 Tomorrow, all industries must continue to produce beatingswords into plowshares to prevent world-wide unemployment leading to ultimate economic collapse. If the world is to prosper, there must he the same cohesion among: the United Nations during tie transition period and thereafter as now exists during the world , wide conflict. Internal stability here and in other nations can be gained and maintained only by'ifus-; w tained industrial production and by interdependence The people of this country, in common with the people j of other lands, will prosper materially and spiritually 7 when this war is ended but only if plans world-wide in scope are formulated promptly for A JUST AND DURABLE PEACE. I IGOLD SEAL! 1 i N 8 r ti--i r rancy uea J Salmon Herring In Tomato Sane. are both on active service but will be back on your lj grocer's shelf soon as condl- riifflAtia nnvi1t ' 8 i