KATION MUSKOX" READIES FOR' HISTORIC TREK-' 'Operation MUskox," a small contingent of the Cana- to Imcn ) if accompanied by u.b. Army technical experts, preset out from Churchill, Man., on one of the coldest hi .iHriArinirn 11 i i it- iii'k rr "inn rnrt rv f via Wlti " " ' -r - travelling through CO-below-zcro areas from a point hiilcs norm 01 mi-wv mut umi mj uuiuuiiujii, AiDcna. hv (! shown Lieui.-uoi. raincx .uaira, Montreal, "Com- BtlC MUSKO, uirauun "v 4 nc OUUVWUUUIK'3, in fell they will travel, 10 military auacnes 01 several countries, cited in the testing of newest Arctic clothing and navl- bn prODicnis umuk"- n.v.. ..... 'b"'i. juit. at icii, is i .....,t i-im nlnnps will drnn drums nf tn nnH rkiinn. oiiyirun" i- o fhutcs as the party moves to 13 bases In an area where many I ,hii mrii have died. print; nsFIELD. England tt itmen and police who res- L - A7ltinln,v fpim cp or a cu"":jf j ts use "strong gargieis i .ho,, rrforUs, Their victim Lffering from scarlet fever. LOVIN'S ABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Dpholstcry a Specialty rhone Green 974 2nd Ave W. Opp. YMCA Troller Drifts In Rough Harbor A small trolling boat, Its en gine apparently disabled, drift- j ed across the harbor to the mouth of McNlcholi Creek late this morning before a strong southwest wind which whipped the harbor into whltecaps. Occupants of the vessel managed to make the anchor catch In the shallow water off the creek mouth and the vessel rode the rough waves for several hours until another boat towed the tiny troller to safer moorage here. Classified Ads bring results. A. MacKcniic Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" LSkcp Like a Top on a Top Value Mattress! Simmons Bcautyrcst Mattress r..;..VY SI ".." Krslmore Supreme Mattress ... ............ $ I2.."0 Other Spring-filled Mnttresses at $28.50, $31.00 and $35.00 Felt Mattresses $11.50 and up All sizes in stock hiont 775 xep your hders Well head Jor our halily Coals! P.O. Box 25 PIipNES,, 11(5 - 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY mm. r Tniirii AGREEMENT ON GERMAN MARINE LONDON An agreement has been reached between Britain, the United States and Russia regarding the German merchant marine. The three powers have agreed to let Germany keep about one-seventh of its remaining merchant marine and spilt the balance three ways. The balance, almost two million gross tons, Is worth some e!,ght million dollars. TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene ' Welding SPECIALISTS Utf SAWMILL and. MINING MACHINERY Advertising in the ENABLES YOU TO:.. ' Reach the largest number of your potential customers. Tell your story to any or all members of the family. Build goodwill as well as sales. Tie your message to the news of the day. Illustrate your product and its uses. j Get quick results when you want them. ; And do all this at the lowest possible cost. THE ONLY MEDIUM THAT GIVES YOU. ALL THESE ADVANTAGES IS THE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS Covering seed, after it Is sown, is easy lo do, and important to do right. If the seed is covered too deeply, or with compact, wet 'oil, or soil containing so much r!ay that it will form a hard crust which sjedllngs cannot penetrate, then the sowing may be lost. In gardens which have heavy sail, it is a, good plan to save vour best loose, sandy loam to use in covering seed. Mix all the crmpost you can and lacking cotr.post use peat moss. Then af-rer the reed Is sown, cover with this sneclal soil, which will not form a crust and wit: a:;ow both water and air to penetrate for the benefit of your seedlings. This treatment Is .especially important In hot weather, when most soil is liable to bake Into a hard crust. j Soil must be firmed above the seeds, to" form close contact antf prevent air spaces from separat-i ins the roil and seed. This is especially ipmortant with 'beet and Swiss chard seeds, and others of large and irregular shape. By firming we do not mem Doundln!?. Press down with the hoe blade, pr use the side of a rake; and afterwards draw the rake lightly over the row to break up the crust and prevent baking. Experienced gardeners learn through trial and error to watch this point", and take precautions to avoid conditions which may prevent seeds from growing. A heavy rain falling .soon after seed is sown may pack the soil too hard, especially If It Is followed by sunshine. Until the seed has sprouted the soil surface over it should be moist and loose. When the ground dries out excessively in the spring It will pay to sprinkle the rows in which seed have been sown to prevent them lying dormant for lack of moisture. This Is the only time when the .garden should be sprinkled, rather than soaked. Buy more War Savings Stamps. . IN THE SUPREME COUKT OP BH1TIS1I COLUMBIA IN THE MATTEU OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES O. SVEDMARK, DECEASED, INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge Fisher, Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 27th day of February. A D. 1948. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Charles O. Svedmark who died on or about the 27th day of August. AD. 1045. All persons indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said Estate are required to Hie them with me properly verified on or before the 31st day of March, A.D 1946. falling which distribution will be made bavins: regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this 27th day of February. A.D. 1946. OORDON FRASF.R FORBES. Acting Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.9. GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 PAPER INVENTOR Paper was invented in China by Tsal Lun In 105 A.D. LONDON r Four unused Egyptian stamps, originally worth about 10s. ($2.25), were sold at Harmefs' in Bond Street for 90 ($405). FOR SALE Office desk, good condition, $15.00. Apply 1807 '7th Ave. East. Phone Green bib. (63) FOR SALE Piano. $75 or best offer. 1305 6th Ave East. Phone Red 821. (It) FOR SALEtp h.p. Westinghotise electric motor, excellent condition. Cill at, 205 5th Ave. West. (59) FOR SALE 32 -volt 850-watt Delco light plant. Also one -power dinghy. Apply Wllford Electric Co: (62) FOR SALE Six-roomed house. Ninth Ave. East; V'2 lots; in good condition. Full basement, oil-burning range, inlaid linoleum. All for $2700. Apply Collart & McCaffery. (61) FOR SALE Radio with record player attachment; also sewing machine. Phone 38. (60 IFOR SALE" Furniture. Apply ; T18 U.S. Army Barracks, SKU11K HOIIOW. (61) i FOR SALE One thousand used j bricks. Phone 547. (tf) FOR SALE Steel crib and mattress. Apply Suite 1, Short- ' ridge Apts., anytime before Monday. (58) FOR SALE Late model 14 h.p. Regal Marine, new condition. Complete with propcllor and shaft. Enquire 19, Cow Bay. (53) FOR SALE Large house on two lots with basement and furnace on 6th Ave. by Hays Creek Bridge. $100 revenue plus own living quarters. $5000 easy terms. Apply Collart and McCaffery Ltd. (58) FOR SALE 1930 Chrysler. Apply 324 7th Ave. East. (59) FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (62) FOR SALE Modern duplex apartment, stucco front. 327 2nd Ave. West. Phone Red 889. (tf) FOR SALE Immediate occupancyHouse, seven rooms, hot water heating, fireplace, modern. Splendid location. Price $3500 cash. G. P. Tinker Co. Phone 57. FOR SALE Five-room house, central location. Partly furnished. Vacant now. Phone Red 913 or call 736 6th Ave. West. (60.) FOR SALE Fully modern six-room house, with basement. H. E. Alton, 109 11th Street. (63) FOR SALE OR RENT Meat and grocery business. .For particulars phone Black 628. (60) FOR SALE New and used furniture. Chestertlelds in good condition; large stock to choose from. Three-quarter and double beds; easy chairs: office chairs of fine quality, new single hot plates. $4.75; new press Irons. Everything selling at low prices. Phone Black 324. B. C. Furniture. MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National i roriRDie sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, . B.C. (tf) LOAN IS DELAYED OTTAWA (W--Thc Canadian loan to Britain may not be brought up before either Canadian or British parliaments lor some time. A finance minister official ha3 announced that, should the United States Congress turn down the American loan to Britain, the terms of the Canadian loan will be drastically revised. Accordingly the Canadian and British parliaments are expected to put the agreement aside until the Washington Congress has taken some action on the American loan. Canada Is lending Britain one and one-quarter billion dollars of which one billion dollars will be spent in Canada during the next two years. However, the agreement makes no stipulation that the money must be spent in Canada. City's Brief Is Being Considered Mayor it. M. Daggett has been advised that the city's brief, seeking compensation for wartime damage of its streets, is being considered by, the government and tnat he will be duly advised -when a decision is made. Estimated cost of rehabilitating the city's streets is $344,000 of which the brief urges the government pay a share. - - Classified Advertising - - Classifieds: 2c per word per insertion, minimum charge. 50c. Elrth Notices: 60c; Cards or Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: (2. FOR SALE FOR SALE Garage on skids, and approximately 2,000 f.b.m. 3" planking in 10-ft. lengths. 1381 Overlook St. Phone 670 ring 23. George Bolton. (60) HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Woman or girl as housekeeper or help. Two in family. Sleep in preferred. Good wages and liberal time off. Phone Black 69. (61) HELP WANTED Woman wanted for housework, several hours weekly. Phone Black 805. (58) WANTED Woman to do housework; live in, good wages. Ap ply 722 5U1 Ave. W. (tf) HELP WANTED Woman wanted to do housework; part time. Phone Green 769. (58) WANTED Reliable, efficient housekeeper, 9 am. to 8:30 p.m. Sleep out. $60.00. Phone Blue 240. (58) WANTED Bookkeeper for part-time work, or qualified beginner with training In office accounting, general stenography, etc. Apply In writing, stating qualifications. Box 95 Daily News. (tf) FOR KENT FOR RENT Three-room cottage, partly furnished. Phone Green 626. IbUI FOR RENT Four-room furnished suite, steam heated. Box 94 Dally News. (61) FOR RENT Five-room furnish ed suite; immediate occupancy, 1529 Atlin Ave (corner Gra ham and Atlin). Phone Blue 516. (58) FOR RENT Furnished room. 1142 Park Avenue. (58) FOR RENT Two-room apart ment, $14 a month. APPly 221 5th Ave. East. (61) FOR RENT 7-room house, furniture for sale. Revenue $75 month. Apply 549 9th Ave. West. (63) ROOMS FOR RENT 622 Fraser Street. Phone 309. (591 FOR RENT Sleeping room, close in. Phone 38. (59) WANTED WANTED Furnished suite or light housekeeping rooms for two girls. Call Blue 989 after 5:30. (59) WANTED TO RENT Four-rooi n unfurnished house. Close In. Phone Red 328. (64) WANTED Coach or sedan In dependable running order, with reasonably good tires. Phone Black 322 after six. (58) uros. uin. PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS This Is a uosltlve and nerman ent release from drinking without cost or Inconvenience. It Is a personal and confidential service rendered by other alcoholics who have found freedom through Alcoholics An onymous. Box 78 Dally News. SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5. At all dugglsts. (58) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Spring and Fall examinations Letter Carrier. Postal Clerk, Clerk 1 and 11. Customs Clerk, etc. Full particulars upon request to M.C.C. Civil Service School, 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. 'Oldest In Canada. No Agents. RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction phone ft nnd an Associated Radio Technician will :all. McRae I Induce Uuucrt Daily J3ctos Saturday, March 9, 1948 BRACKEN URGES FARM PRODUCE Says Government Should Either Lift Ceiling or Increase Subsidies OTTAWA, tf Johr Bracken, Progressive-Conservative leader, today called on the government to lift arbitrary restrictions on the export price of wheat from Canada and to take steps to encourage greater butter and wheat production In the Dominion. Bracken's statement criticized 'the government's lack of leadership and direction at a time when there Is a world shortage of food rnd urged the government to Inaugurate a new production and prices policy for farm products. 1 The Opposition leader advocated higher ceiling limitations or increased subsidies to encourage butter production. TRUMAN CONFIDENT WASHINGTON President Truman is not fearful of the U.N.O. collapsing as a result of Russia's attitude. He was confident of Russia's co-op-etation in world organization. McCutcheons Pharmacy Ltd. Third Avenue at Sixth Street Under the Personal Supervision of George Samworth Pharmaceutical Chemist of B.C. I and Society of Apothecaries, London, England Prescriptions dispensed, with only the highest quality drugs and chemicals, at lowest possible prices. SEE OUR NEW STOCK OF EVERYDAY REQUIREMENTS COMll IN AND LOOK AROUND Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) The Newest For Spring . . Storage and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 5S0 DRESSMAKER SUITS TAILORED SUITS SHORTIE COATS FULL-LENGTH CASUALS Superior workmanship Superb Fabrics Up-to-the-minute style . Sure to Please! "WE CONTINUE TO. LEAD . . . OTHERS CONTINUE TO FOLLOW." Annette's Ladies' Wear Wc Have Done it; Seeing is Believing COME IN Look for the Red "TODAY'S SPECIAL" Cards with the black arrow indicating one of the Bargains of the Day! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 p-- Box 575 We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.