i Prince Uuprrt Daily ratios Saturday. March 9, 1940 P.M. 12:uo Music We Love 12:30 To be announced 12:45 Organ Encores 1:00 Music in Three-quarter Time 1:30 Musical Comedy Favorites 2:C0 CBC Sunday Symphony Hour 3:00 Richard Crooks 3:30 Lud Gluskins Orch. 4:00 Rhythm and Romance 4:30 Nelson Eddy 5:00 Just Mary 5:15 Novelty Tunes 5:30 Classics for Today 6:00 Johnny Home Show. 0:30 Wayne King's Orch. i -CBC News 7:15 The Old Songs 1:30 Sunoay Night Show 8:00 BBC Newsreel . . vM V v . jiV . "ta. a-jjfcifc. Ktft 9 jOMPMHnLdMk t jf .SHb SkLLLHr. rCpp liatlio Dial I I I IV 1240 Kilocycles Subject to changei SATURDAY P-M. 4:00 London Pallidium Orch. 4:30 Tommy Dorsey's Orch. 5:00 Vocal Varieties 5:30 Polka Time C:00 CBC News 0:05 National Hockey League Broadcast 7:30 Organ Music 7:45 Sports College 8:00 The Workshop 8:30 La Plaza 9:00 Old Time Rnythm 10:00 CBC News 10:15 Dal Richards' Orchestra 10:30 Saturday Night Serenade SUNDAY A.M. 10:00 Music for Sunday 10:30 Sunday Serenade 11:00 CBC News 11:30 Gems from the Opera ASIHHADEUEF A Modern Inhalant Methxl for Relieving the Symptoms el Asthma el Nan-Cardiac Nature and Hay Fever CAUTION: Read literature Thoroughly and Use Only As Directed. CONSULT YOUR LOCAL DRUGGIST )' mm- . 1 ! SOLD IN RUPERT Rupert Becoming more popular every day 8:30 Roy Lockesly Conducts 9:CC Canadian Party 9:30 Vesper Hour 10: CO CBC News 10:15 Canadian Yarns MONDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock H:00- CBC News 8:15 Fred Waring 8:30 Music For Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 4 no - BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9 :3C Claude Sweeten 9:45 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Idea) Hints 10:05 Rippling Rhythm 10:30 Melody Round-up 10:45 Mirror for Women 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies: -11.15 Thoughts for Today 11 :31 Message Period 11:33 Weather Forecast 11:45 Personal Album 1:00 Hit Review ONLY AT mmh ...... Men nil Matll Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL 6:30 A.M. to 2:00 AM. Wc specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. STORK BRANDED AS GERMAN SPV JOHANNESBURG, S. A., (f -X chleftalncss, Mogjadje, known throughout the Transvaal as the Rain Queen, recently sent a messenger to the office of the native commissioner in Dulvclskloof, carrying a white stork in a dying condition. On one leg it carried a ring, with the words "Inform Vogelwarte Rossitten, Ger-mania No. B. 70573." The officials decided that the stork must have been ringed at the bird-watching station of Rcssittcn, on he Baltic Sea, operated by the German government. It was a "ine specimen, which had come down in Modjadje's location, bu; when the natives found it there they carried it to the chieftain-ess, who said that it was a German spy. She ordered it to be sent at once to the native Queen Mary Joins In Community Sing LONDON, f Queen Mary Joined in community singing when she visited headquarters of the Hyelm Movement for young employees starting professional and business careers. She was entertained " to tea by the prime minister of the Hyelm Parliament, Douglas Keith Turner, 19, and the Speaker. Ronald Harris, 21. a medical student. 75 to $100 Merit FOR $29.75 TO Merit there is to a suit keeps its trim. Merit in satisfying fit. Merit, indeed, in a suit that speaks expense At a price it's a comfort to pay. Bond will tailor you such a suit, Of the cloth you pick, through the reduction process. A part of the Surf Inlet catch Is going to the cold -storage plants In the city for frozen halibut bait. Five beam trawl vessels arc taking advantage of intermittent breaks in the weather to drag for flat-fish off the Islands. Weather during me last week has made continuous fishing difficult and unpleasant so cargoes are coming in only sporadically. Vessels flat-fishing out of this port are the Zenardi, Capt. Charles Hann; Finella, Capt. Alt Ritchie: Thclma S., Capt. Oie Skog; Western FLsher. Capt. v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v ::::::::: 'mm $34 .75 llli v.v.w.v.v V.V.V.V.!. which 9 fl ::::: t v.v.v .W.V v.v. .::: "..V.V.V. v.v.v. II ..v.v.v.v. . it f 4 I S3 V v.v. ICY. . IBM ::: JJ 9 Thinking of Gardening? Then sec us for jour GARDENING SUPPLIES . ItCtlllif's KrriK . r:-ir,lii T...1x Hose and Fence Netting Fertilizers Vigoro, Bone Meal, Sheep Manure, Sulphate of Ammonia, Sulphate of Potash, 4-8-12 Fertilizer, . Hardware Phdnc :M I To your chosen style Built to your measurements exactly. Bond makes the best in tailored-to-incasure clothes. wmmm f '.V.V.V.V. mmmm i:oyi " w''''sr i??z'?vzm?'s m mmmmmmwwM&mm s and Boys' Store ilV" n. xw Gordon's McBridc Street Waterfront Whiffs Steady Run of Herring Five Ream Trawlers Arc A steady, although not extremely large run of herring is being caught "at Surf Inlet and being brought to Port Edward and Prince Rupert for canning, processing and bait purposes. Seiners of Nelson Bros, are bringing moderate catches to the Port Edward cannery where portions are being canned and the smaller fish are put : Robert Hcbbs, and Seiner, Capt. Peter Hann. Three new fishermen in the Prince Rupert area have recently installed four cylinder, 52 h.p. Gray gasoline engines in their trolling and gillnet boats. They are James Anderson of Prince Rupert and H. H. Kay and W. Wilson of Sunnyslde. Many fishermen who have ordered new engines for recently constructed vessels are wondering if they will get them In time for the opening of the fishing season. Labor motive engine manufacturing troubles in the steel and auto-industries have thrown delivery schedules out of kilter. There are several recently built gill-netters and trollers moored here awaiting power. James Schubert, well known local fisherman, recently purchased the trollcr "Alp" frcm F. Mostad here. William Brooksbank, a well known figure In the fishhiT industry for many years during his association with Edward Llpsett Lid. here and in Vancouver, has recently opened his own busl-ncs. - ihc Brocksbank Marim-Sales and Service at Port Al-berni. The firm handles marine paint, hardware, chandlerly and navigation aids. The International Sockeye Commission, wlilch has Just taken over authority for the control of salmon fishing on the Fraser River,' is now in conference in Vancouver. Among the problems which face the commission Is that of equalizing the amount, of sockeye which can be taken out by Canadian and American fishermen. Under the previous agreement Canadian fishermen were allowed to take out 15 per cent more sockeye than were the Americans. Equalization may be achieved by raising the American share or lowering the Canadian. liilrrcstiiic Old Ship Plan Found Evidence that 20 or so years ago there might have been more enthusiasm than there Ls today i on the part of the Prince Rupert dry dock In planning for Canadian National Steamships coastal ship replacement has come to hand and it was a young boy rummaging around in an attic who was instrumental' in bringing the fact to light. The young boy is Peter Harvey, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Harvey, and the evidence Is a draftsman's drawing of an attractive 340-foot ship entitled "proposed new yessel for Canadian National Steamers." The drawing was found in the attic of the Harvey heme on Fourth Avenue East which was at one time owned and occupied by G. A. McMillan, now manager of Canadian National Steam-.shlps at Vancouver and one time manager of the kcal dry dock and former draftsman. The plan of the ship, which evidently died in the conception, ls an intriguing document. The vessel would have een a four-decker with main and shelter decks not unlike the old Prince Rupert with a promenade deck on which would have been a large lounge or observation room. The ship would have had one large stack. There is the same cruiser stem idea as possessed by the Prince Rupert but it would have been a beamier vessel 40 feet than the present veteran .ship. Evidently, the plan was drawn up at the time the company was considering a shipbuilding program which finally resulted In the construction, in the Old Country of the Princes David, Henry and Roberts. Union steamer Catala, Capt. Ernest Shcppard, arrived In port at 2 o'clock this morning from Vancouver and sailed again at 6 o'clock on her return to the J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic I If nerves --doubly sol Smith Block Green 095 STEERING OF SHOW PEOPLE Complicated Careers of Show People Steered by Former Band Leader NEW YORK Oi Are you in' a welter of worry, trying to steer your family through post-war problems? Then listen to the story of Jean Rose, who runs her own theatrical agency in New York andt tries to steer several dozen people through the complications of show business. Her Job is to match engagements for night club and radio performers with cafe managers' needs, and if possible to remain sane in the process. Here is a typical day: Jean, having worked until four the mcrnlng before, walks into her mldtown office at one p.m. and all seven telephones begin to ring: Somebody got the wrong bill ing . . . Somebody else's portable organ Is lost in a freight yard J somewhere ... A third some- boay's nrwiic has been misspelled In lights. ... A sister act due to open in New York tomorrow can't get hotel accommodations . . . A stage hand won't move a piano (necessary business In a singer's act) ... A cafe manager needs a snappy showy act for a Broadway commercial room. . . . It's Jean's Job to fix it all up. At seven o'clock fnur nlf.hU a week, she turns her back on the telephone and heads toward Broadway, to visit clubs wher" her clients are working, chc-tk upon their performances, fix up anything that may be wron anr confer with manager abou other acts. If she is lucky she gets home by five. "Tlie hardest problem in the south, The Catala 1 temporal Jy replacing the Cardrna, Capt Alex McLennan, which will :ake over the Queen Charlott Islam-' 1 run while the regular Islands i boat, the Casslar, is undergoing annual overhaul in Vancouver The Venture. Capt Eric Suffield, . will continue cn the Catala's regular run to the canneries and Stewart for the next few wefks. Relieve RHEUMATIC Pain Aciie all over? Stiff ami tor- i iointiand mim-li's? Get qui:k rdief ilh i 'tnplclon'i T-K-C 'n, a proyn rcmrdy yr;it !uilv uwl by llioiisands. Put your trmt In T K-C", Hieci.illy m;le to relieve Klicumalic I'ain mmirrV". L' 1 1: '.in e Ipy ufimltli". fant relict, you wiint. I ..-t a lx : tody 5lc. SI at (JrusiotJi everywhere. T-27 RADIO REPAIRS All Work fiuarantrrd ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOME APPLIANCES FLUORESCENT LIGHTING PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM Mall Orders shipped same day as received RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC , 313 Third Avenue West Phone 644 Box 1321 Fresh Local Raw arm Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN HAIRY PHONE 857 SAVOY H 0 TEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage for a trunk, radio, cedar chest, piano, or the entire furnishings of your home is convenient an Inexpensive. We own and operate the! warehouse where your goods are stored. For complete details about packing, crating, moving, storage and shipping, PnONE 00 & STORAGE LTD. Corner 2nd ana Park Avenue whole business is the cafe owner who thinks he knows everything about choosing a show. When it comes to food, service and lease, he know what he is doing. But when It cornea to selecting the right show, he's a layman. Generally he wants to choose something that pleases himself or hU niece Nellie instead of considering his customers." Among the performers MLsa Rose says she handles today is "Whispering Jack" Smith, Bcr-nle George, radio comedian, and Greta Keller, Eileen Uincen and Muriel Gaines, singers. Jean Rose grew up in show business, where her parents were vaudeville performers. She studied music, sang and danced In the Paramount Publlx The- InJ?n"c2 OTTAWA Canada's wem be made in carlv t;j ore , ,. " World fonrf k. ... tlnuationof rati.f h aires and .4u. c mchn ( a. i i9tl work in the Sr-Astinv is and , lrv.se If Her atnbii' package im fa-tin" prac ,r, , 'J Pcr.- m drcam Vni " gram w a hlrr - f'lvm: r whin li:' inio produc" m j: V ; , ,,, an artver :54 AND 9 P.M. AVI- i ..i... 'ii. mi.i); j,v "OIWLOXG CASSftl ''Y ELLISOJ CLAUA Kl.ill.iLL Tffll '(TLinr'p A 1 RAIL" (Wcsttm) at 1:00 - 3:00 - 5:00 n TONIGHT DANNY K SUNDAY MIDNIGHT0nJ TWO TKATUni'S I DICK I'KASnt in - - "SHADOW OF TERROR" Ifs Spooky) MON. TO WED. tnlirVL Tf ilLLlO I'roduchon . II A I XKT All IC . I I 'The Affairs of SvsM DENNIS O'KEEFE ALSO SSl'ORTSKEEL (Mon. - Tiics.) NEWS (Wed. Only) COLORE!) CARTOON Cupid TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE Who Suffer With Their Feet Vou will be Interested to know that there is wi town who has had a wide experience In the corrcfatl fallen arches, and can make Arch Supports uw -i llcve that painful and tired feeling t.iat only fooW can explain, J Mr. Pill Tnrrv teif.h manv vrnrs of :tudy oflWH nicnts, is now In Hill's Shoe Store, and will bcplw! take an impression of your feet and Jet you xno l can be done In your individual case. ..j Mr Mill Tnrrv Ic oUr. In rh-irrrf. nf the ShOC Wu I Dept. where your repairs are executed neatly anop I ly. Call around and see him for either reason. Watch for the Ntvvlw It's SMART - BIG - THRIFT TO OPERATE RELIABLE." ui ... t tU Kcf in rntr ttiiuii jruu want ing pleasure look to FORD r) Rfl J momr! "THERE'S A FORD l' YOUR FUTURE." S. E. PARKER' LIMITED P.O. llox 38 "The Home of Friendly Service vzoi44 mm 99 170 t 'Jrf