Prince Rupert Da Hp J3cUis ? Friday, May 17, 194G Published every afternoon ncrpt 8un-rinv bv Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Tlih-d Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, a. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week 16 Per Month . . 65 Per Year . . . 7.0O By Mill, per ' month 40 Per Year $4.00 MEMBER A.B.C. (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Poet Office Department, Ottawa), HOT AIR AND RED TAPE "RLAIN " BILL" BRETT who likes to get down to brass tacks with-too . much beating around the ' "ifh, tells a Prince Rupert service ' that he thinks there is too much 1 tape and hot air at Victoria, is is what he says after his first -inn of the Legislature as mem-- for Prince Rupert. Red tape -nd the Parliament buildings de-s one in getting things done. M ical talk in the House becomes ery boring and no one really pays much attention to it except, of course, the. folks back home who read in the newspapers about how their representatives are protecting the interests of their ridings and saving the countiy'by their f ulminations in the august 'chamber. There are many things on which we may not agree with Bill Brett and his political group but we can be heartily in accord with the ideas about unnecessary red tape and hot air. And it' comes well from one of his political stripe who are quite as bad offenders as either the Liberal or the Conservative politicians when it comes to disseminating through the Legislature hot air, political tripe or anything one might choose to call it. COAL! Have you inquired about The Philpott, Evitt COAL BUDGET PLAN Be WISE now! Be WARM next winter! PHONE 651 or 652 Canadians spent $09,000 every day during 194& to keep abreast of the news in Canadian dally newspapers. A SORRY PICTURE IT IS A WORLD of disagreement. In the international scene, it seems impossible to reach common ground on disputes which have all the potentialities of future warfare. It seems impossible to reconcile national considerations with the ability to reach international understanding. Within the nations, and United States and Canada are as bad as any, sectional considerations are permitted to stand in the way of composing disputes with resultant strikes and other troubles which impede our progress, hamper us in giving help that we might accord to less fortunate peoples of the world and, what is as bad as anything, arouse animosities which disintegrate our unity. It is a sorry picture all around and the pity of it is that it all stems from the inability or unwillingness to look at things in mutual interest and to compromise with the other fellow so that we might all work together for common welfare. Sf rf "The freedom of the press Is an Instrument of the freedom of the people and the newspapers must guard it for the people," says Lt.-Gov. R. J. M. Parker of Saskatchewan. The Canadian Bank of Commerce has loaned millions of dollars to farmers through the years of expanding frontiers. Throughout Canada it has applied Banking in Action to help build this nation's thriving dairy and livestock industry. TnLOURISHING FIELDS OP GRAIN fat livestock, fruitful dairy herds and flocks cereals, meats, milk, cheese, butter, eggs; the food of a nation and the hopes of starving peoples abroad; thriving communities, dependent for their welfare on the farmer all these things flow from Canada's Agricultural Industry. That is Banking in Action. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Prince Rupert Branch . . . U. G. HOPKINS, Manager CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates For your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms Cafe In Connection LICENSED PREMISES. (Renovated) PIIONF. 51 Would Open ; Up Fishing Rod and Gun Club Tills Public Relations Council ot Potential Tourist Attraction Seeking co-operation In a move which would make lakes and streams In the vicinity of Prince Rupert more readily accessible not only to local sport fisher men but also to visitors, thus opening up a valuable tourist attraction in these parts, a delegation of the Prince Rupert Rod and Gun Club, consisting of B. J. Bacon and J. T. Langridge, visited the f rince Rupert Public Relations Council at its regular monthly meeting last night and won its co-operation. First move ! will be to prepare a brief fori submission to such departments, cf government as forestry, mines and trade and industry snowing where trails would be desirable not only from the standpoint cf opening up sport fishing lakes and streams but also in connec-1 tion with forest and mining ser-; vice. j 'There are many fine fishlns streams and lakes here, we all know," said Mr. Bacon, "but tne difficulty Is getting into them. If thee were trails and possibly cabins and sign posts, commer-, cial interests could establish transportation and guiding ser-1 vices. The Rod and Quri Club is anxious to do everything it can to open up not only the fishing resorts but also small and big. game areas." Harry Black told bow, in other parts of the province, junior for est wardens, under the aegis of the Forest Branch, built such trails as were suggested. The Council realized the value of opening up and making ac cessible of the resort swould be, and offered its co-operation In j assisting me uoa ana uun ujud in making representations. Hon E. T. Kenney, minister of lands, and Hon. E. C. Carson, minis ter of Public works, both of whom will be visiting Prince Rupert soon, will be contacted. The Rod and Gun Club war invited to be permanently represented on the Council and Mr. Bacon agreed to attend future meetings. Reopening of Museiml Here The question of reopening the local museum now that tourist traffic was. resuming, was discussed and Harry Black, for the mur.eum board, promised early action on the matter. There had been deterioration in some of the museum articles owing to inattention during thg war. There was also uncertainty yet a:: to quarters for the museum, There was a great deal of reorganization work to be done. The Council authorized the getting out of automobile wlnd-j shield stickers advertising Prince Rupert. A guide card for tourist; will also be prepared to show points of interest. The Council expects to have issued early in June some sort of local pamphlet for distribution in answer to Inquiries and for the benefit of visitors, supplementing a government booklet which has been published and will also be issued frorn here in large quantity. The reorganization of personally conducted major tourj around the city during the tour 1st season was reported to be In IN THE SUPREME COURT OF I BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE " IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP LEOMIE- MORIN, OTHERWISE KNOWN A3 LEONIF. MERRY, DECEASED TESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by Order at Ills Honor, Judge Fisher, made on the 10th day of May, A.D. 1946, I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Lconle Morln, otherwise known as Leonle Merry, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estato are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to ne on or before the 15th day of June. VD. 1946, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required, to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. l DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., tills 11th day of May, A.D. 1946. GORDON P. FORBES, Acting Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. 131 "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" NOTICE OP APPPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OP BEER LICENSE NOTICE Is herebv elver, that nn ! the 3rd day of June, next, the un-I derslgned I a tends to bddIv tn th Liquor Control Board for consent to I transfer of beer license No. 7404 Issued In respect of premises being jjuiv ui n uuuuing anown as Central Hotel, situate at the corner of lsi Avenue and 7th Street, Prince Rupert, DC, upon the lands described k iiots numbered Eleven (II) to Fourteen (14), Inclusive, In Block number Ten (10), Section One (1). Map No. 923, Prince Rupert Land RegUtery District, in the Province of British Columbia, from Albert Dixon, Harold Oarforth Dixon and Sidney Waterfleld to Central Holdings Ltd., having Its head office at 789 Pender Street West, Vancouver. B C.,.the transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 25th day of April, A.D 1946. CENTRAL IIOLDINOS LTD., Applicant and Transferee. (131) LETTERBOX I DOMINION DAY Editor, Daily News: : Let's keep Dominion Day. This snap vote isn't good enough. VV ought to have been consulted or Parliament should luive given the subject a decent debate. There are some people who keep wanting to break away from England and the British Commonwealth. Not me, I'm all for it and, as long as July 1 is Dominion Day I shall continue aa I've done this 40 years to put on my best glad rags on that day N. SHERWOOD. Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Breen have received word from their son John that he has passed his pre-dentlstry course at Victoria College with second class hsnors. John was on his first year of studies since being discharged from the Navy. 1 hand, local bus and taxi concerns having Interested themselves. The need of dressing up the city by Improvement of. premises and general cleaning up was again stressed. One eyesore which came in for special criticism was the library building which the government Is beng asked to have panted. David Henderson emphasized the necesity of air travel servicing facilities here and was told by Mayor Daggett that the city was going fully Into the matter at the present time. tfAuiaOIWuft 4-POINT GUARANTEE OF. G. f W GUARANTEE I '' insurance " V' ANO BRIDE,'! BOOK John Bulger Ltd. jewellers Third Ave., opp. Post Office General Contractor We do basements, reshlngllng, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen Demolish or move buildings 100 Satisfaction Guaranteed CAM. BLUE fill) and we will give an estimate P.O. Box 654 LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstering .- Slip Cavers Drapes Expert saw filing and gumming. Small band-saws brazed. Planer and jointer knives ground. Phone, Green 971 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre FOUR LOCAL VETERANS prince: rupkut decorators Let us hang your wallpaper or do that interior decorating. We do save you money. See our wallpaper samples. "Lest You Forget" Blue 285 - Box 1422 8tn. B. Allied Forces Exemption Act, 1946 NING operation of the Allied Forces Exemption Act, 1939, Is terminated. TTHE 'The Allied Forces Exemption Act, 1946, is in effect. It provides that Where a member of the Forces, entitled to protection under the 1939 Act: (1) Was discharged before commencement of the 1946 Act (April 11th, 1946) his claim or lease shall remain In good standing until its first anniversary (record) date after the 31st day of May, 1946. IMPORTANT Example: If June 1st is the anniversary (record) date of a claim or date of issure of a plarer-mlning lease, the. member must take out a free miner's certificate valid from June 1st, 1946, and work must be performed and recorded on or before June 1st, 1947. (2) Is discharged after April 11th, 1946, his claim or lease shall remain In good standing until its anniversary (record) date of claim or date of issue of placer-mining lease first occurring after the thirty-fint day of May, 1946, or the date of his discharge, whichever date is the later (3) Transfers to the Permanent Forces of Canada, his claim or lease shall remain In good1 standing until Its anniversary (record) date of claim or date of issue of placer-mlnlng lease first occurring after the thirty first day of May, 1946, or the date of his discharge, whichever date U the later. (2) and (3) mean, for example: If the anniversary date is July 1st, 1946, and the date of discharge is June 10th, 1946, the member must take out a free miner's certificate valid from July 1st, 1946, and work must be performed and recorded on or before' July 1st, 1947; If the anniversary date is June 10th, 1946, and the date of discharge or transfer is July 1st, 1946, the member is not required to take out a free miner's certificate until June ICth, 1947, and work need not be performed and recorded until on or before June 10th, 1948; If the anniversary date is July 1st, 1946, and the date of discharge or transfer Is also July 1st, 1946, then the member need not take out a free miner's certificate until July 1st, 1947, and work need not be performed and recorded until on or before July 1st, 1248. IMPORTANT Notification must be forwarded to the office of the Chief Gold Commissioner, Victoria, B.C., on or before the 31st day of December, 194C, of the member's desire to obtain the protection of the 1940 Act, including: , (a) Particulars of mineral claim, placer claim, or placer-mlnlng lease, or of interests In respect of which he claims protection, and, Oj) Sufficient evldenco ofHils qualifications for, protection. (Certificate from Commanding Officer giving date' of enlistment). Those members, discharged or still In the Forces, who have already provided a certificate of enlistment arc not required to furnish additional proof but must comply with the requlrments of (a). WARNING Failure of a member to forward this notice means forfelturs of title to his mineral or placer claim, or placer-mining lease, as the case may be, from the anniversary date preceding the 31st day of December, 1946. Any member of the Forces In doubt regarding the status of his claim or free miner's certificate should Immediately write to -the office of the Chief Gold Commissioner, Victoria, B.C., or to the nearest Gold Com-mssioner or Mining Recorder. DEPARTMENT OF MINES VICTORIA, H.C., CANADA HON. It. C. MacDONALD, Minister of Mines. IH.Mair Auctioneer SALES ARRANGED and Conducted at Yeur Convenience SALES ROOMS 171 Third Ave. E. Phone Mack 156 COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 676 Advertise In The Dally News. An Announcement To the Motoring Public . . . ...... . . . . n -t nif T r-ir i : a iNii. w nuurtj rurv jmu . - AT- - LONG MOTORS TO I A.M. WEEK DAYS - - - - T0t W SUNDAYS 1P.M. This" is a service for your convenience . J' . , 11 nt U are invited to take advantage m Operator-FRANK MORRISON A. Mackenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Warm Weather Accessories . rLAY PENS 36"x38"x24", assembled $7.; unassemuiru Di:CK CHAIRS, PORCH CIIAIKS,-KE-irrt hardwood rai with brleht strined canvass and forwarded at oi We appreciate Your Mail Orders-Goods i none n.i A&l iniru nitiiuc Prince NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE Third Avenue and First Street PRODUCTS STANDARD OIL f.PliPral Tlr on.1 ItH.rl. lllIlllUU Sal" and Sf