J Sit .- ! ' .9 m i IDrintc Uiipcrt Duil ttclus; Friday, May 17, 1016 IW I T NE S S SOFTBALL BEGINS A meeting will be held Monday evening in the ladles lounge of the Civic Centre to lay out plans for the coming fastball i formerly known as Softball) season. An associa- tion will be set up and a president and secretary-treasurer elected. All players, coaches, man- . agers and sponsors are expected to attend this organizational meeting. The Civic Recreational Board has been given permission by the Parks Board to allot prac tices and organize activities at Gyro Park and one member of the Civic Centre staff will be represented on the executive of the Fastball Association, acting In an advisory capacity. In order to get this sport under way In the near future the Civic Recreational Board has purchased a gross of sqftballs and a gross of softball bats. This will provide fo rthe basic needs of fastball and assure that the various leagues get off to a good start. SWIMMING INSTRUCTION Dufing the summer months at McClymont Park Kup-Kec will conduct swimming classes for youngsters and every junior member who wishes to ieam to swim will be piven free instruc- tion under the leadership of competent swimming instructors. In order to be certain that the latest safety methods are employed, Rup-Rec will take advan- - tage of the offer made by Arnold it Flaten, local representative of fair Provence), Travlatl-Verdi, sung by Jchn Charles Thomas. Violin Solo "Cadenza (Emlle Ssuret) from Concerto No. 1 D. Major, Pairanlnl, Yehudl , hin with Paris Symph, Orch., cond. Pierre Monteux. Soprano Solo- -"An die Musik" SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert W HAT 5 DOING AT PRINCE RUPERT RECREATION COUNCIL GYMS by JIM NAST (T0 Music), Schubert, Op. 83, No. 4, sung by Lotte Lehmann. Ballet Music "Ballet Egyptian," Luiginl. played by Opera Comique Orch. Paris, cond. by G. Cloez. Ensemble Singing From Act 3, "Simon Boecanegra," Verdi; "Plebians and Patricians I weep for You," Lawrence Tibbett, Rose Bampton, Warren, Nicholson and CJiorus of Metropolitan Opera. Symphony No. 101 D. Major (Old B. & H. No. 4 Salomon No. ill "The Clock," Haydn, New York Philharmonic - Symphony Orch. Cond. Arturo Toscanini. Voices from the Past Caruso and Scotti (Duo, tenor and baritone), "Ah, Mlml tu piu non torn!," Act 4, La Boheme, Puc cini. Enrleo Caruso and Antonio Scottl. ' Symphonic Poem "Dance Macabre" (Dance of Death) Op. 40, Saint-Saens. Opera Comique Orch. of Paris, Cond. G. Cloez. Piano Solo Hungarian Rhap sody No. 12 Liszt, played by Karol Szretrr 'Cello Solo "None But The Weary Heart." Tsohaikiw.ky played by Grcjor Piatirjorsky 'cellist. Soprano Solo--"Tu n'est yx beau" (La Perlchole). Offenback Sung by Mine. Mapie Teyte. Minuet From "Berenice." Handel. Played by Hastin" Municipal Orch., Haslinfs England. Cond. by Julius Harri: on, SHORT SPORT Jess Willard, world heavyweight champion 1915-18, came out of retirement 23 years ago today to sign for the last fiht of his career with Luis Angel Firpo. Willard, who had lost his title to Jack Dempsey four years earlier, reached the end of the trail when Flrpo knocked him out. Man 0"War, rated by many experts as the greatest rai-ehorsc won the Preakne.ss Stakes at iPimlir) 20 years ago. In thai, year as a three-year old he created five records. Now 9.9, B! Red" was retired from stud three years ago. Buy more War Savings Stamps BACK AGAIN! Big Economy Pock Men, again make extra layings on Canada's favourite low-price blade. Dealers now feature MINORA's Economy Pack: 12 blades 23. MINORA ELADES give fast, easy shaves and last far bnger than ordinary blades. aflflPaEaVHalBBBBBMBBBK BULKLEY CAFE CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Our Specialty Open-Weekday 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday 8 ajn. to 9 p.m. Located at Hulkley Hotel SMITH ERS, B.C. ARE CANNING FOR BRITAIN Hundreds Flock to Canneries To Can Fruit Tor Britain SYDNEY. Australia, f Sydney women, many of them well over middle age, have made a splendid response to the appeal by canneries for labor to can fruit for Britain. Spontaneous sympathy for food-starved Britain was the main reason behind applications by hundreds to start work at fruit canning factories. Manpower and canning factory officials had been advertising for weeks for women to come forward and, help save the entir? crop from destruction. In one day more than GCO girls were employed and It too!; more than three hours for the staff to handle the applications. The new employees said that their reason for answering the. appeals so suddenly was because of the urgent need of food for Britain. An elderly woman said: "Wo shouldn't get publicity for dolns the right thing for Britain. Every woman should feel it Is her duty to help out." A director of a cannery said that his firm had received applications from all parts of New South Wales and 250 girls had 1 been employed at one factory and 300 at another. He added that the flow of new personnel had .saved the almost certain loss of between 1500 and 2000 tons of fruit. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. Will you please give a list of what part of the wedding expenses the groom should pay? A. The groom must pay for his bride's wedding ring, the marriage license, transportation for his family and his attendants, gloves, ties and bouton-nicres for his attendants, the minister's fee and the honeymoon trip. Q. When a business letter Is being written by an unmarried woman, should she use the prefix "Miss"? A. Yes. She should write Miss In parentheses before her signature. Q. What Is the minimum tip that one should give for having one's wraps checked7 A. Ten cents is sufficient when one Is alone. NEW INDUSTRY NEW DELHI, Pi The government of India is preparing the establishment of an aircraft Industry in India. A delegation of British experts has been dispatched to India to discuss technical aspects and advise on the necessary preparations. with half a ton of fat on board. The shipment is the first consignment of fat collected under the scheme sponsored by the N. S.W. division of the Meat and Allied Trade Federation. It was i a donation from master retail Another development recently ; butchers in response to the the departure of H M, S. clation's anneal. Another 100 tins C Sharp Minor, Urchin, for the United Kingdom are sealed and await shipment WHAT'S ON TODAY 10:30 tn 11:30 a.m. Jnvpnil the Canadian Red Cross and class and chlJd psychology Dis- manager of the Royal Bink, to pay the expense of a resident of Prince Rupert to a short refresh er course In swimming Instruction to, be given m Vancouver ne'xr'ht&nth by the Red Cross association. Swimming instruction In Prince Rupert will be under the supervision of Director George McGregor, former 'swimming instructor at the Sea-, view Pre-Fli'ht Training School 'for' aircrew in Vancouver. " MUSIC HOUR The musical fc c program, arranged by G. R. S. Clackaby, will be held, as usual tohieht. The program for this evening promises. to be unusually pleasing to music lovers, tj The program: i Overture "la Gazza Ladra" (the thieving magpie) Rossini, Milan Symphony Orch., cond. . by Anelo Albergonl. Baritone Solo "Di Provenza 11 mar, 11 suol" (From our home In cusslon Hour for mothers. 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Junior boys' 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Intermediate lacrowe? practice. 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. Senior lacrosse practice. ever foaled In Hip United State? I Life's Just a misery when your back acts up. And the cause of the trouble may be, likely as not, your kidneys. When the kidneys are not doing an efficient job of removing poisons and excess acids from your system, pain and aches are apt to develop. Nature n warning you to take action. Your kidneys may need help, the quick, soothing help that Gin Pills can give you. For mqre than 40 years this fine kidney remedy has brought relief to a host of people who suffered as you do. Read this extract from a testimonial letter recently received: Feels yean younger-"I bat e been troubled with back aches for the past 10 years. Nothing seemed to give me relief until I tried Gin Pills. After taking 4 boxes I am glad to say that I feel like I was 20 years younger.". C, Cape Hreton. (-ft Reliefer money back! That' the understanding on which Gin Pills are sold. Unless you are satisfied that Gin Pills have helped you, your druggist will return! the purchase prices Get a bottle of Gin Pills today.Take them as directed. Use proves their merit! Regular size, 40 Pills Economy size, 80 Pillt . (In tt I II ik Im Gfei Nil) National Drug A-Chomlcal Company of Canada, Llmltad Rex Bowling Alleys NOW OPEN TO EVERYONE EVERY NIGHT! ' HOURS : 6-11 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY 2-11 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 4-11 THURSDAY PHONE 658 for reservations (Members only on Sundays) JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Phone Blue 850 LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 - 220 Sixth Street P.O. Box 14C4 Green & Kermode All Interior and Exterior Work Builders and Painters Free Estimates and Prompt Service FOR SALE BY TENDER c rown Assets. BUILDINGS and FACILITIES At Prince Rupert, B.C. WAR ASSETS CORPORATION will receive offers to purchase all the Crown's right title and interest in the Crown-owned buildings and facilities described below. The pur-chaser shall remove the buildings amFor facilities, fill in excavations and restore the ground to its original elevation, leaving the site in a neat and tidy condition in a manner satisfactory to an authorized representative of the Corporation. GROUP "A" Ex-United States Army Buildings and Facilities located on Acropolis Hill in the City of Prince Rupert, B.C., as follows: 129 Buildings, frame. 2 Tanks, septic. Power Distribution Lines, Pole Hardware and Poles. Water and Sewage Distribution System. GROUP "C" Ex-Wartime Housing Buildings and Facilities located at Hay's Cove Circle in the City of Prince Rupert, B.C., as follows: 8 Buildings, frame. 1 Plant, heating. GROUP "E" Ex-Canadian Army Buildings and Facilities designated as "Mount Hays F.C.P. Camp" located approximately one -mile South 6f the City limits, "City of Prince Rupert, B.C., as follows: 6 Buildings, frame. 1 Building, loxstave. , - GROUP "G" Ex-Canadian Army Buildings and Facilities designated as "No. 1 Battalion Camp (Cy Peck No. 1)" located in blocks 36, 41, 45 and 46, Section 8, in City of Prince Rupert B.C., (corner 11th Avenue East and Pacific High-' way) as follows: 40 Buildings, frame and loxstave. Power Distribution Lines, Pole Hardware and Poles. Water and Sewage Distribution Systems. 2320 Lineal Feet (Approximately) of Plank Road. GROUP "H" Ex-United States Army Buildings located within the City of Prince Rupert, B.C., aa follows: 37 Buildings, frame. GROUP "D" Ex-Canadian Army Buildings designated as "Fairview Camp" located in South portion of Section 2, City of Prince Rupert, B.C., as follows: 17 Buildings, frame. Power Distribution Lines. Water and Sewage Distribution System. GROUP "F" Ex-Canadian Army Buildings and Facilities designated as "Area Camp" located at Mc-Bride Street and 6th Ave., City of Prince Rupert, B.C., a3 follows: V 1(5 Buildings,' frame. 6 Sheds, frame. ! Power Distribution Lines Water and Sewage Distribution System. 3 GROUP VII" Ex-Canadian Army Buildings and Facilities designated as "No. 2 Battalion Camp (Cy Peck No. 2)" located in blocks 39, 40, 41, 42 and 49 in Section 8, City of Prince Rupert, B.C., (Corner of 11th Avenue East and Kel-liher St.) as follows: 40 Buildings, frame and loxstave. 3 Structures, log. . Power Distribution Lines, Pole Hardware and Poles. ' Water and Sewage Distr.hu "I-. iinn Svstems. it -2500 Lineal Feet (Approximately) of Plank Road. All data given in this advertisement Is necessarily abreviated and subject to correction. A certified cheque or bank draft to the value of 10 of the tender price made payable to WAR ASSETS COR PORATION mutt be forwarded with the tender In a sealed envelope plainly marked: ' TENDER No. D-l-132 for Buildings and Facilities (Designated by Groups) at Prince Rupert, B.C. addressed to The Lands and Buildings Representative, WAR ASSETS corporation, r.u. box o, B.C. Tenders will close at 12 o'clock noon. Pacific StandardTlme, June 1, 1046. The tenderer must state the use to which the buildings andor facilities or materials contained therein, wl" be put, as this will be a determining factor in deciding the acceptance of any tender. - ' ' . . . . ... . ..arily b( lenders received alter rloslnf? time cannot, be cons rlered. The hlehcst or anv tenner may nu" -- accepted. Cheques or Bank Drafts will be returned to unsuccessful tenderers. rm, ,,, .u .j.. v ..i,oh tn furnish a cerfl flori fhonno nr honlr Aratt trr tVvo rsmilliilnir On. Vil nr Via- nJ In n4r1ftnn n fArtlflfin CheQUC "l draft for an nmnnnt. pnnnl tn tho Pst.lmntpH nnst nf rpstnrlnor 1h lfi nr slteo no n rrnarantee tnai ne . with all the terms and conditions of the tender. This cheque or bank draft guaranteeing restoration Interest and will be returned upon the satisfactory completion of the terms of the tender. Inspection of these properties may be arranged for upon application to: LANDS AND BUILDINGS REPRESENTATIVE War Assets Corporation P.O. BOX 969 iirllllj It J .