J ItfJRED THEATERS" l t(1 ,. : m eyeglasses I6th-rM"iry. nee tnc middle Kitt.iu "'ilcd 011 'ne Bupr-- night for I Ill wut indite an ia r ot (he United Statc3 I 1)1 LI VI II Y Tomahawk, lAS Stan (lard Quality Aylmcr Choice, Shoe Siring L CEREAL Purity, Pure Raspberry, 18-oz. TIN 2 2 KOIJIN For Cakes, f-lb. HOOD I asry, Bread bag jf WAX Aero for Moors, chocoloU tqUorM AIAM TEA '.nJ50 PHONES IK - II) ilery r;:r;;- m 1HED CARROTS 2 roUN,,s 150 1IAT0ES Sc- HT,WM33g QUALITY GROCERIES 20-oz. TINS 20-oz. TINS IDIf IllirC '""'Shton's Choice 4 I8-0, I Lt JUILC Vilamizcd TIN I1KEX 2U-lb. PKG. 290 210 P TEA BAGS Z, 40 '"33f C0FFEE" Zm '-Nreds No Sugar iOCOLATE PUDDINGS 3 "K,iS 20f Robin flood Flour 3 "AUS 77 I'ACIAf, SOAP J LL. hare here to cheerfully serve you. Mahc us prove it! P General Construction Ste or Phone Us on a New Insulation IISUL Something New and the Host toe Estimates on Any Kind of Construction You Name It. and We Can Do It !1VE UR OWN SHOP WE CAN MAKE ANYTHING P Kl:ul 12G Day Phone Black 731 Evenings PRESTO COOKERS pASTER, AST1ER, PLTIIIER POKING ee Mioso now pressure cookers, now on display at J Street uon s Hardware " i'ost Office) ! PHONE 311 MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Homo Wiring and Repairs Phonq Black 5507 230 Second Avenue West Among the members of the western conference of newspape circulation managers who mri!: visit Prince Rupert on Monday while the Princess Adelade lsi in port are James P. Rae, president of the International Circulation Managers Association, St. Louis, and J. n. Casady, second vice-president of the association. HREE DAY SPECIALS MAY 18-20-21 lissallems Economy . Store ll I f I I'l I Local News It A For Quick Reliablp Tnvi Ice, Call 68 Taxi. nam Miss Jean McMiilen is on this evening's train for a busi ness trip to Smithers. A A. Dlcakley. former narfnpr Is no longer connected with the l'nnce Rupert Plumbing and Heating Co. ri 171 Mrs. K. L. Mclntnsh Is loouin on tonlgMit's train for Terrace wnerc she will soend thr? novt. few weeks at her summer home. A Frascr & Payne's entire hosi ery nuota for Mav will at their store at 11 a.m. Saturday. No phone calls. (115) Mr. and Mrs. Gordon n.il- laghan sailed last night on the I'rince Rupert for Vanvouver, Mr. Callaghan has resinned his nosl- tlon as Wartime Housing admin istrator ncre. NOTICE Applications will be received by the undersigned up to noon, May 22, for the nosltlon of rarp- 'akcr for the cemetery. Starting Hilary will be $1G0 ncr month. Duties to commence on or before June 1. (Sgd.) IS. A. PHILLIPS, City Engineer. Cily of Prince Rupert. NOTICE Notice Is herebv elvpn that, t am no longer a partner in the urm or Green & Corrins, i s and nainters. Datprl at ph npp Rupert, B.C.. this 14th dav nf May, 1946. (115) Signed. F. GREEN. Announcements Norwav Indpnpnripnpp rolphr-i- tion, May 17, Civic Centre. Every body welcome. Program fnllnwpH ' by dance. C. W. L. Bridie. Whist and Crlh. bace, May 23, KC. Hut. 8 n.m. Modern Dance. Oddfellows' Hall, Friday, May 31. Bobby j Wod,s Orchestra. 1 Eastern Star Tea. Mav 31. Mrs. j j Rochester's, Prince Rupert Hotel. I United Tea, Home Cooking, jjune 6, Mrs. George Rorle's, 220 4th Ave. West. i 1 Anglican W.A. Tea, Saturday, I June 1., Mrs. Parkin's. ems Benny Lee sailed last night on the Prince Rupert on a 10-day business trip to Vancouver. A Regimental Social, Armories, Saturday May 18, 8:30 p.m. 50c a couple. (tfS) Mrs. Louis Edgar Is leaving for a visit with her son and daughter In North Vancouver. jJe. Ormheim returned to the city on last nights train from a two weeks' trip to Burns Lake on fur buying business. A Annual meeting Progressive-Conservative Association, Civic Centre, May 21, 8 p.m. (119) Mrs. a. S. Weatherly sailed on the Prince Rupert last night for a trip to Vancouver. Moose meeting, I.O. D.E. Hall, Tuesday May 21, 8 p.m. (118) James Caldero'ne was a nassen- ger for Vancouver on the Prince Rupert last night. A SPORTSMEN Your mcetiiiz of the Rupert Rod & Gun Club will be held in the Civic Centre building on May 20 at 8 p.m. The business is important so come along and make It a bumper meeting. (fm) Mrs. Mary Gosal .sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver on her way to Cal gary to spend a six-week holiday. Miss Vera Holoka. who is em ployed in the office of War Assets here, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert on a trip to Vancouver. G. p. Lyons, who' went active with the old 102nd. Battery here at the first of the war and ob tained commissioned rank, serving as a training officer during tnc latter part of the war. has now joined the Consolidated Credit Corporation, a credit control organization of the salmon canners' operating committee. He arrived In the city this week and will be making his headquarters at Prince Rupert for the summer. Before the war Mr. Lyons was witli the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. herj. 1 Ltz I 1 A Mi CURVEX CHURCHIll 101c gold-fllltd cat 1 7.Jtwtl Prtclilen Movtmint . . $33.00 CURVEX HOSTESS 10k gold-fllltd can l7.Jtwl Prtclilen Movtmint . . $32.50 Hcurcsrnting WW TAKE PROPS TO JASPER Period Articles Are Being Assembled for "Emporor Waltz'' JASPER PARK At least two carloads of props will accompany mc vroupe oi about 150 coming by special train to the Jasner National Park location for Para-mount's "The Emperor Waltz," filming of which commences here May 29. Among the largcyt props are three - "plaettesn" 18-foot gondola-like boats used on lakes of the Tyrol In the early 1900's These are now In construction at the studio. Ding Crosby will row Joan Fontaine to the Island that provides one of the major location settings. Plaettes are difficult to handle because they are rowed with a single oar, with an action combining rowing arid sculling. Also under construction and to be brought to Jasper from Hollywood are three large sleighs of Austrian type. Other props which are unavail able at rental houses of Holly wood and New YorK and which have to be made are gun cases, pnonographs and tennis equipment, all period pieces from the early 1900's. Most of the rolling stock for the location scenes Is belni secured In Canada, Including six carriages, hay waeons and parts Arrangements to get four Victorias in Vancouver, Victoria and Edmonton are being completed. A 1905 "Mercedes" touring car will also make the trin tn .Taxnpr An exact duplicate of the model owncti by Emperor Franz Josef, the ancient auto comes from thp collection or Lindley Bothwell, North Hollywood resident whose hobby is collecting old cars, street cars and other vehicles. Studio researchers uncovered a photograph of Franz Josef motoring with King Edward the VII of England and discovered that Bothwell's model is Identical. Studio mechanics are placing the auto in perfect running order, rebuilding the Interior and repainting the body. Since many of Its parts are no longer available, they had to be made, and new lenses had to be g round for the broken headlights. Advertise- In The Dally News, GRUEN CURVE MIRACLE ! The beauty of a Grucn Curvex is evident to every discerning eye . . . but that's only half the story of Curvex excellence. Only a Gruen can be a. Curvex, a patented Gruen creation. In the Curvex, the patented curved movement curves to fit the wristform case. This provides room for large, sturdy working parts. Top flight fashion designers recently named Grucn Curvex "the world's best styled watch". 'm yam the.GRUEN DEALER has them THERE IS ONE IN YOUR DISTRICT Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. HOSK - IH3LTING TIKES .ami TUBUS and Accessories CARRIED IN STOCK PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Phone G32 Manufacturer's Agent P.O. Box 772 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box 195 KIN CAMP FUND IS NOW $600 With an objective of $1,500 set for their summer camp to be realized by their May 24 celebration, the Prince Rupert Kinsmen Club has now realized more than $600 from the sale of sports day and dance tickets. The sum has been taken In at the half way mark in the ticket campaign which closes on May 22. Details of the May 24 celebra tion were the topic of discussion at last night's meeting of the club In the Commodore Cafe. President Bill Jarmson was chairman and there was a good attendance of members. Capt. F. T. Edwards, who has been attached to the Roval Can adian Army Service Corns here for the last three years, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert lor Vancouver where he will ob tain his discharge. He was accompanied by Mrs. Edwards. After Capt. Ed wards receives his discharge the couple will return to their former home at Calgary. Buy War Savings Stamps MM, LAdV! Take Adders! When "Abbeys" she's tried, She will quickly decide And agree with the many who say That a dash now and then Is a right helpful thing When the system's upset or astray. You can't feel brisk or bright, cheery or chipper, if your system is upset or irregular. The. cleansing, regulating .actjon of Abbey's Effervescent Salt helps to neutralize the acid condition which often causes sour stomach, headache, indigestion. Wlicnevcr you don't feel right try a sparkling dash of Abbey's. It's a grand rcgulatorl When needed Sou 11 find Abbcv's . . . Geo. - - - - ii uawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Bus. Blue M." Res. Red 1J7 Ask for George BOX 13CC Oil Burners Installed Iptimc Rupett Dalle jQctos Friday, May 17, 1940 JACKETS For Sport and Outdoor Wear "Fairway" GAUAUOINE JACKET With contrasting trim $7.50 "Fairway" SPORT SWEATER Clipped rayon, zipper front $9.00 "Fairway" GOLF JACKET Hyrovlzcd, fawn shade $10.73 GAI'.ARDINE GOLF JACKETS $.. to $9.00 'THE MEN'S SHOP' PHONE 108 Serviced & Cleaned PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING J. II. Scliuman S. Julian REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ESTIMATES Night Calls: Blue 170 Green 787 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST. WEST "THE CREDIT HOUSE OF O.UALITY" The very latest in slack suits for These bright Summer Days Stylish --- Alluring ALSO New Wash Dresses budget plan-no Carrying Charge. No Interest Terms in accordance with W.P.T.B. Regulations. 3 We serve you nothing but the best Special Red Brand Beef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meals, Meat Tics, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips daily. Wc are ready to serve yon Chinese dishes Chow Mcin, Chop Suey, etc., to take out. Cooked with, delicate taste and quick servict. TRY US! RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West - Next Royal Hotel Plumlmijj and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 KWONG SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 ajn. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247