ISriiicc Utipcrt Dailis) rSctos Monday, November 4, 1946 OOOHOOOOHtoOOOO0OHKKH) Whifflets From The Waterfront oaoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaisoocKi Northbound on a regularly scheduled voyage to Alaska. CPU. steamer Princess Louise arrived In port shortly before 8 o'clock Sunday morning and sailed at 11 ajn. for Skagway and other northern points whence she Is due back here Friday afternoon southbound. Due to the continued strike cf maritime workers which is paralyzing movement of American vessels northward from Seattle to Alaska, the Princess Louise Is still carrying goodly numbers of passengers north in spite of the lateness of the season. Union steamer Catala, Capt. Ernest Sheppard, arrived in port at 11:30 last night from the south and sailed at 4 this morning for Stewart and other northern, points whence she is due back" here tomorrow southbound. Next week the Catala will be replaced on the Vancouver- a n H n Complimenting your Outfit PURSES from Prepare for Winter Driving! WINTER GRADE LUBRICANTS CAR HEATERS DEFROSTERS ANTI'FREEZE S. E. PARKER LIMITED "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" Third Avenue Cold Wealk ter ) s Around the Corner... Get the most -out of your coal thls winter by putting your furnace in shipshape condition. And get the most heat out of your furnace by filling your bins with our coal. Order now and fill up for winter. Our clean quick service is well known. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phones 116 and 117 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Steamship Sailings For.Vancouvi Monday ss Princess Adelaide, 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Catala 12:30 p.m. 11:15 p.m. Friday ss Cardena, 9:00 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert, Princess Louise, p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss Catala, 4 p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide, Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 10:00 a.m. For Alaska Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnight. From Alaska ss Prince Rupert, 7 p.m. LONDON 0) James Sumner, 26, who lost both legs in action, ha.s been presented with a motor chair by a Wood Green baker. Pripce Rupert-Stewart route by the new steamer Coqultlam, making her maiden voyage following her reconversion from a Castle Class corvette. The Catala will go on the Vancou- vcr-Skeena River-Prince Rupert route in place of the Cardena which will go off for her over haul. ! U'J. I J j I WALLACE'S: SEAT COVERS ! STORAGE BATTERIES FAN BELTS RADIATOR CLEANERS Phone &.t Quality Repairs Economy Pricei at PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) CHARGE JAPS " (Continued irom Page 1) prisoners. All of these acts, It is said, caused the death' of many of the Drlsoners In his camp. VICTIMS LISTED BV LEGAL SECTION Prosecuting the four alleged war criminals Is Capt. John D. C. Boland of Ottawa. His associate is Vincent O. Esp"bslta of Tantalus, Honolulu, Hawal. The S.C.A.P. Legal Section lists the following Canadians as included among victims of the four Japanese now on trial: , Takahashl E. C.Harrison (deceased), Bury, Que.; Benwell Marren (deceased), Gaspe, Que.; Joseph E. Maloney (deceased), Barrachois, Que.; and Ernest Heuft (deceased), 473 Warsaw Ave., Winnipeg. Yoshida, Masato L. Sausen (deceased), Shlgawake, Que.; D. L. Sword (deceased), Toronto; Rfn. Angus J. Jacquard (deceased), Little River, Harbor, N.S.; Pte. R. J. Colvln (deceased), Carman, Man.; Pte. Joseph Fu-rey (deceased), Sidney, Man.; Pte. H. B. Jones (deceased), Win nipeg; Pte. B. P. Olafseh (deceased), Portage la Prairie, Man.; Rfn. Emllle Mazerolle (deceased), Petersvllle, N.B.; Pte. Frederick Charles Ryman, Winipeg; Sgt. James Martin (deceased), Quebec; Rfn. Harold Gibbons (de ceased), Owen Sound, Ont.; Rfn. Leo J. Bottle (deceased), West L'Ardoise, N.S.; Pte. George R. McLaughlin (deceased),- Ha-miota, Man.; Rfn. Gerald Sned- dln (deceased). Toronto; Rfn. James G, Court, Toronto; Sgt. Roland D'Amours, Ottawa; Rfn. Reginald Haley (deceased), Ma- (deceased), Cochrane, Ont.; Pte. Caruso, Winipeg; Rfn. Law- ranee Flrlotte, Campellton, N.B.; Rfn William Harvey Gagne, Erighton, Ont.; Rfn. Arthur Hil- ton Hunter, Winnipeg; Pte. Wil liam Rankine Maltman, Miniota, Man.; Sgt. Gordon Douglas Mc-Lellan, Winnipeg; Pte. Thomas I Jarvie, Keewatin, Ont.; Sgt. Victor Joseph Myatt, Verdun, Que.: Pte. Thomas A. McBride, Win- nlpeg; Rfn. Levi J. Poirer, River Crossing, N.B.; Rfn. David Syv-ret (deceased), Belle Ange, Que.; Sgt. Ernest Robert James Neal, Fort Frances, Ont.; Pte. Clifford i Edwin Settee, Winnipeg; Cpl. I John L. Campbell, Elmvale, Ont.; Rfn. James Mortimer (deceased), Durward, Ont.; Rfn. Harold A. Smith, St. Catherines, Ont. Sato Sgt. Calvin Pope (deceased), Cookshlre, Que.; Rfn. Oabriol Gultard (deceased), Nash Creek, N.B.; Pte. Albert Boulding (deceased), Pilot Butte, Sask.; Cpl. John Moffat Gee (deceased), Birch Ridge, N.B.; Sgt. Edward Philips (deceased), Sawyerville, Que.; Pte. Mike Katchen, Angus, Man.; Cpl. Thomas P. McCarron, Benjamin River, N.B.; Rfn. George Chan- ell, Entry Island, Que.; R. R. Wheeler, Runnymede, Que.; Robert Manchester. WlnnlDes: Lloyd C. Doull, Drummondville, Que.; G. H. Doucette, Bottwood, Nfld.; Ernest Arthur Dayton, Chilliwack, B.C.; William Harvey Gagne, Brighton, Ont.; J. A. Hunt, Chandler, Que.; Arthur Hilton Hunter, Winnipeg; Herbert Wallace, Kingsbury, Que.; Frederick Joseph Lavallc, St Laurent, Man.; Pte. McLaughlin, Campbcllton, N.B.; F. T. Caruso (deceased), Winnipeg; CS. Woodward, Winnipeg; S. C. Street. Toronto: Alfred William Spcir, West KUdonan, Man.; 1 Joscnh . John Wnlrziilt. Winnlnpn' ! ' I - "-o, Joseph Axel Wlnbcrg, Chatham, Ont.; and Thomas Lome Ward, Fortage la Prairie, Man. Okuda F red W i 1 1 c t, Cross Point, Que.; Joseph Parcntcau, Shcrbrooke, Que.; G. F. Young, Wallaceburg, Ont.; Allan H. Mac-Rae (deceased), Scotstown, Que.; Robert McLeod (deceased), Winnipeg; W. E. Clarke, Kamsack, Sask.; James G. Cour;, Toronto; Frank Hicks, Kingsvlllc, Ont.; Paul J. Hlckcy, Nash Creek, N.B.; Joseph Marsolals, Cornwall, Ont.; John Smith, Saskatoon; Clarence Stewart, Winnipeg; Glen-ford Mann, Matapedia, Que.; and B. C, Moore (deceased;, Cochrane, Ont. Advertise In The Dally News. NOTICE The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising Is payable In advance at the office at time of presenting cdpy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this' manner in the Dally News are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified Timely Topics CANADIAN LEGION IS IN SESSION- WINTER SHOWING ALTHO' NO SNOW Terrace Branch, Canadian Legion, had a good turnout at their monthly meeting Thursday last. President M. Dubeau was in the chair and presided over the installation of three new members. Com. J. A. Barman, old timers! committee, brought to the meeting several of the-old soldiers who live too far away from the village to easily attend meetings. Some impor tant business was put through. New club by-laws were passed, which had become necessary since the branch has been conducting a club with its beer licence. The club has been In operation for some months and the house rules required for Its paper conduct are now in order. Secretary Miss Elliot Head hav ing resigned. Com. R. M. Dubeau was eieciea secretary m her place. The' financial statement showed a healthy state of affairs and the steward, Com. van Male was confirmed in his position as steward of the club. Cars arriving at Terrace from the west on Saturday carried a load of snow on their roofs, testifying to the approach of win- ter, 1946-1947. There is no snow at Terrace. P. M. Monckton paid Terrace a visit during the week, looking up old friends. Visitors to Terrace may rer member the unsightly slough, overgrown with brush, that ran through the centre of the village. This has now been filled in and Greig venue has become one of the best looking streets in town. Mr. and Mrs. D G, Lltt'e left on Wednesday for Edmonton to visit George Little who is . confined to hospital there. The Teen Age party held Thursday evening in the Oddfellows' Hall was a complete success. Miss Jean Klrkaldy, president of the club, had charge of the program which consisted of games such as ping-pong, checkers and crokinale and dancing, R. Beecher operated ( the public address system. Prizes were given( for various contests A delicious variety of refreshments, Including "cokes" donated by Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Brookes, were served to the teenagers at midnight. Those in charge were congratulated uson the tidiness of the hall after the departure of the guests. :r Miss E. Kinnaird of the Social Welfare Service Is spending a few days In town. R. W. Riley, local druggist, suf fered a relapse on Wednesday TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY HELP WANTED Housekeeper for elderly couple. Apply Hsil-broncr's Jewelry Store, Third Ave. (263) WANTED Wood and coal range. Phone Green 136. (260) Steamship 4. Service from PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE We Serve You Nothing But the Best ... SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily ' RUPERT i BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West from Terrace evening and Is receiving medical attention in his home. Today is visitors' day at the Terrace Elementary School and an Invitation has been extended to parents and friends to come out and see pupils and teachers at work during the course of an average school day. This is part of Education week observance , nere, A son was born to Rev and Mrs. J. McAllister of Knox United Church on Friday afternoon. A very enjoyable Hallowe'en party was held on Friday night in the Anglican Hall by the "Kits-Kats Club" (formerly the C.G.I.T.). A good crowd was in I . clc. , ' " '77 took Mrs. McAllister's place as leader for the evening. She was assisted by Mrs. B. A. Barr. Mr. and Mrs. Dickens and party of Prince Rupert passed through Terrace on Friday night. W. T. Hickmore of Smlthcrs is back with Kelly-Douglas after six weeks leave of absence. Hallowe'en damage at Terrace was slight. The younger children went from door to door In costume and most of the older ones were in attendance at parties. Whtlhtt you'rt buyin$ or telling home, you'll find that t Gtnuint Duroid Roof iddi srtttly lo lt vtluc. There's rcttont A Genuine Duroid Roof li built to sin yeen of bctuty end protection. It's still medc with beie of the belt nj-felt, the Ion j fibre! of which give ( Genuine Duroid Roof its eiceptiontlly long life. Beceuse of Its durability, more home-owneri, end builders, ire EDUCATION WEEK PLANS COMPLETE Teachers' Executive in Session Municipal Union Attitude Resented The executive of the Prince Rupert and District Teachers' Association mot In regular session en Saturday forenoon when the chief business was to consider the report of the public relations committee on arrangements for Education Week. The Senior Chamber of Commerce will be provided with a speaker for a short address at the regular meeting this evening and J. M. Clark, president of the local association and vice-principal of Booth Memorial High School, will be the speaker. Radio talks will be given with Mr. Clark opening the series this evening, Mayor Daggett on Tuesday, Rev. R. A. Wilson on Wednesday, Dr. R. O. Large, chairman of the School Board, on Thursday, J. C. Gilker, president of the Parent-Teacher Association on Friday, and Rev. J. A. Carroll, O.MJ. on Saturday. Arrangements for a public meeting on Thursday evening In the Civic Centre were approved. The attitude of the Union of British Columbia Municipalities In Its recent convention towards a resolution urging the rights of teachers to hold public office was condemned, It was felt Incredible that the Union would refuse to allow teachers to holdjnunlclpal office. Teachers, it seemed, were sood enough to train citizens but were not good enough in the eyes of the Union, to enjoy the full rights of citizenship. This resolution when presented to the PrWe Rupert City Council over a year ago had been en-doried. The president, J. Mi Clark, was in the chair and others present were Miss E. M. Moxley, and Mersrs. A. Vogt, R. G. Moore, K. Pugsley and J. S. Wilson. specifying Genuine Duroid Roofs then ever before. In spite of greatly incretsed output, temporary shortages occur. So you may have to wait a little longer for a Genuine Duroid Roof. Don't accept a substitute. Look for the Sidney Seal of Quality on every bundle. cARlOTTE . rtVH Y HE COASTAL CHARTER SERVICE BY SUPERMARINE FLYING BOAT '"Haida Queen" is passengers MONDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rupert Direct. TUESDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands. WEDNESDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rupert via Queen Charlotte Islands. THURSDAYS Prince Rupert to Stewart and Return via' Anyox, Alice Arm and Request Points. FRIDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver Direct. SPECIAL CHARTERS . ARRANGED FOR PASSENGERS AND FREIGHTING 3 Types and Sizes of AIRCRAFT to Serve You From 3 to 18 Passengers, or 480 lbs. to 4,000 lbs Freight G. II. STANBRIDGE, Agent P.O. Box 1249 phones 534 or Hed 878 Mayor Deplores Damage Wrought On Hallowe'en In spite of publicly sponsored recreation facilities and programs for young people, "something is definitely lacking in Prince Rupert," Mayor 11. u. Daggett said Saturday night in a radio broadcast In which he deplored the "senseless and wilful" property damage done on Hallowe'en. Mayor. Daggett appealed to parents to "inculcate in our children something of the lessons taught to us in our own vonth - He appealed for a return to re-1 liglous training. j ' "I am firmly convinced that If this is done, we shall see a marked change in our city. We way not see its encct this year, or the next, but U will ultimately come "and you will be proud of the city In which you live." Mayor Daggett thanked the mayor and council 0f Teen Town for their co-operation in helping to combat a repitltlon of last year's destructive tendencies. "I met the mayor and council of Teen Town and they cooperated with me in endeavoring, to prevent a repetition of last years' incidents, yet their was not enough. However, I do desire to thank them for their co-operation," he said. GINUINI ASPIRIN ISJ t)) MARKID THIS WAY mQM D D . n ..i r rnnce isuperr Dottle uiiecl ALSO MESSENGER SERVICE pnonc J 11 - " ALL SIZ! Perfcx Beer Whiskey, Gin Bottles Bottles Wine Bott! PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICK Drastic Discount U Substantial discounts on entire made-up stock lor m only. Must raise cash for raw fur bujinit season Iw November 1. We now have fur trimmings fur hats, coals, c W. GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable" Ice Cream Hazelwood Ice Gear NOW AVAILABLE IN BRICKS McCUTCHEON PHARMACY M (E. C. Wallace Mgr 3rd Ave. at Cth St. MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repairs Phono Black .107 236 Second Avenue West TODAY China SkJ Continuous shonJ TUES. and 0 p.m, POWER -F0 Jesse h Dirstftd by HENW t GENE TIERNEY FC EDAVF I 41 for Dim . . . at "new ro! HOTEI A Home AwayRoa Bates 75c op Hot and! so Rooms, water PRINCE RUPff General Contractor We do basements, wshingling, Jjjf sidewalks, remodel your i rJ iiu mmm hill ding- 100 SATISFACTION u-P AT.T. RLUE CIO f.u. box est Hi ,z, n-ivfi an estima- --t!M BRIN'S .1 ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS