DTiiiTS ON SPEED TitiAirfj- ner Majesty queen Enza-I V cj he World's biggest liner- Queen. El ha-, ) t I II 1 t trough tH(? water at the Firth of Clyde; i... r in Quo'en Elizabpth was underaolne her Qutun asked to be allowed to steer the shlo. nc the progress of the liner Queen Elizabeth ti-e diirhig the speed trials. uca I ion t: jr i .. ) In some Jucattunal r-v nape to find ! see of course, je in rural ..t..--ou: to men-i.2 c) the advan-u noal well : a! ional set-ural xhool Is .. ..'e and the .' ac:cratcd as mvnity. In-..) he oldest v anrteit child :ot "ed that t clr ted pre- B;-d of Trade "N of the adult s. n.rlod of twd t ramunlty was o i4 :elf as in i' indicated the he continual parents with -r ' 'he duty of :i) cpportunl- not practical r for every half in cur cities and r ""arable teacher r c ship to our ran, though, "i bv parents and t1"'' about more T:o often the . 0 1 ANNIVERSARY AT KITWANGA .Mr. and Mrs. Tony 'Ilobenschild Have Silver Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hoben-schild of Kilwahga entertained iheir many friends and relatives in the district at their homes on the occasion" of the celebration of their silver wedding anniversary. Bridge and dancing were en- Jdycd by the many guests. Prizes fbr bridge went to Mrs. Hoy Doll, Tony HebenSchlld, Miss Yvonne Wa'hbum and Marvin Rowe. ccmmunlty. Out of town guests were. Ous Chrlstensen, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Willand, Lawrence Willand, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bensen, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Spoontt. Carl ' . . . Swnnor Pill R'hooner nd Siz - nto he piace;-tr . ' . " v." ; Mrs. Charles Doumont, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ronsen and Mrs. E. Wright of Terrace, Mrs. N. Mlnteuko of Prince Rupert and Harold Box of Quesnel. teacher hesitates to visit the parent until a major crisis develops and too often the parent hesitates to visit the teacner dc-causc ' "Junior might feel embarrassed." Education Week with Its invitation to visit the schools Is an opDortunlty to discard these restrictive inhibitions. It should prove an inspiration that will lead each parent and each teacher to seek the ultimate In good-will and co-operation. Classified Advertising Pays! AO nun onninn nil O 1 11 iiu 1 if iui iiini v U U l U w II w 1 w Special Rates One Year 1 Gift ELAINE . . .. $1.00 "" aOKET 2.75 4m,-,;- N'S MAGAZINE . ... 2.00 ERS' DIGEST 2.75 ' E ft in 1 ZZZ 5.50 WoS 13 I .II I Demand . . Quality Drugs counter" drugs w 1 1 In "over the the makings of PfrtP.1?" branded merchandize is portant. It's your guaran itee or quality and perfection. Wefeat ure only the best brands-eacn one a promise of complete saus taction. Pioneer DrUqgiats Seasonable Ideas for Housekeepers ECONOMY IN MEAT COURSE IS UOUSEWimS PROBLEM TODAY BIO PttORLEMFbr a certain number cf homeiha::ers the meat course presents a big problem and even a headache. They fume against meat rationing, against the price of meat, e tc., but when asked whether they Have" tried the cheaper cuts, wnlch are also coupon" savers, the' answer Is, generally, no, and their question 13, "Are they arty good?" They ?.re good If properly cooked, say home economists: Ifie cheaper' and consequently ieSs tender cuts of meat require long" add slow cooking in moist I heat. In this category are' class ed the following cuts: blade, brisket, chuck, flank, heart. neck', nlate, round, rump; shank, short ribs' and shoulder. Proper seasoning plays an lm-pdrtant pdrt In making these cuts cf meat better fiavbrj If usTd with discretion", fresh or : dried he"rbs, spices and satices (add distinction to meat dishes. Parsley, bay leaf, thylrfe. Savory, garlic, majoram, celery leaves, pepper corns, chives, chill powder, curry powder are" sdme of the seasonings used. Nothing Is" quite as good as mint with larfib; mace" or paprika blend well with veal; sage with pork; cloves, horseradish or muSta'rd with beef. The following meat dUhes using less tender cuts of meat are suggested'. Meat Iyoaf 1 pound ground raw beef (chuck, hamburger, neck) 1 pound pork liver ' 1 medium onion 1 cup dry bread crumbs l'2 teaspoons salt Ve teaspoon pepper I egg Scald liver for 5 minutes, then drain and grind with onion and beef (unless hamburger). Add ntVior InirreHtrint anrt m!v wlU 4' whole cloves 'z teaspoon mixed pickling .', spice 2 teaspoons salt ',b teaspoon pepper Cut beef and kidney Jn 1-inch cubes. Brown onion in hot fat, Skim out. Dredge meats with' flour. Brown well and remove frbiri pan. Add water to pan In which meat was browned, stlr ring well. Add this" gravy, wilfi ijlces tied in cheesecloth bag, to meat and dnldrr. If necessary add more water to cover meat. Covei tightly and sfmmir slowly until meats are' tender HS td 2 hbuftf. removing spices at the end of the first hour. Season with salt Cover with biscuit dough or pastry: Cut slits in dough tb al low steam tb escape. Bake In a hot overt, 400 degrees P., for 25 tb 30 minutes, until crust is ctfoked. Sweet-Sour Beef' 4 pounds btef, chuck, shoul der, ttimp dr rourid 2 cups' vinegar 2 cups' water 1 teaspden whole black pep pers 3 bay leaves 3 tablespoons fiit 1 tablespoon salt During the evening the couple pack ,n a te;ised loa paili Bake ldumnlin?s. Eight tb 10 servings were presented with a sugar ana , in raj0,..i, moderate . 350 n Moorn degrees i i cream set on a iilver tray by W. Brakenbury on behalf of the a oven, F., for IV2 hours. Serves six to eight. Beefsteak and Kidney Tie (Chuck, flank, neck, plate, rump, round, shank, stewing beef) 1 to IV2 pounds beef 2 to 1 pound beef kidney (2 lbs. meat) .1 medium onion, chopped 2 tablespoons fat 'i cup flour 3 cups hot water TEXTILE MILLS FOR PtJNJAB LAHORE, India & Seventeen new textile mills will be set up in th Punlab when 437,000 spindles and 780 looms, which have been allotted to the province by the Indian government become available. Orders for spindles have already been placed with United Kingdom and American firms. A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED r "A GOOD PLACE TO BUYh We are taking orders for goods on our usual Christmas Policy pay a deposit, goods will be delivered when required. We have a large" stock of Spring-Filled Mattresses. A Christmas Present Deluxe. Itcstmore Supreme Mattress .$ll.."0 Itestmore Rip'iVan-Wlrikle Mattress $:K).7." Beautyrcst Mattress $ ll).."() Spring-Filled Mattresses NOW IN STOCK Bedroom Suites in walnut, in four pieces; Dinette Suites in six pieces, walnut and natural finish; Chrome Chairs; Dinette Tables and Kitchen Tables, singly; Chesterfield Suites; Cribs for baby, with panel and plain; La-Z-Boy Delux Chairs; large assortment of Tables, coffee and riovelr tv Satin Cushions; Hassocks in variety; Doll Carriages for the girl; Cedar Chests in beautiful walnut lined, Tenessee "aroma" cedar. Many other goods to choose from. Shop early. Our floor space is limited; but samples will be there for your choosing. The usual courteous, reliable service. MAIL YOUR ORDERS Phone "75 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. Still Talking Watches... If ever we were able to WATCH you to YOUR satisfaction ... it is 110AV. We won't say anything about the cheaper grades not this time. But starting at $17.50, and up to almost any price within reason this store is certainly in a position td talk watches. THE WORLD'S STANDARD MAKES ONLY-ONLY MOVEMENTS THAT WE WILL GUARANTEE. Beatuiful styles, accuracy checked by our electronic 'watchmaster'. Briefly that is our watch argument. COME IN AND HAVE A LOOK I HOW CAN 1 I I H? ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I make a cement fdr pipe' Joints? A. Mix 10 tjbuhdJ of yellow beher, four pounds of grburid litharge, four pounds of whiting, one-half pound of hemp, cut up fine. Mix together with linseed to about the consistency of putty. Q. How can I remove a rusty screw? A. Heat a poker or spike red- hot and apply it to the head of a screw that is rusty and obstinate. When the screw has become hot it can be removed very eas ily. Q. How can I take away all dampness of rooms? A. Place blocks of camphor arid pepper. Place iri casserbleJfflri all corners attd dn the shelves. replacing them as they evaporate. q. licw can the thirty pdrt$df a garment be removed? A. Sponge It with a solution of one teaspcrtJnful of ammonia to ne" quart of water. Then pf sss in the wrong side. Stewart Police Officer Changed ' " Constable itarold Johnston, formerly with the Prince Riipeft detachment of the provincial police, passed through the city ; last nieni on me uaiaia hji Remove excess fat from meat Stewart where he has been" and reserve. Soak meat 8 hours transferred frorrfhls former post or overnight m vinegar ana at uounenay. e suctetua un-water to which peppers and bay sablp J. Meredith-.To'Tte's who leaves "haVe been added. Turn has been on the Stewart de-meat once during soaking. Drala tachment for the last two years, very well, saving liquid. Heat fat Constable Meredith-Jones and from meat Iri heavy kettle, add Jnmlly are going fouth on the meat arid brown cri all sides. Add catala tomorrow bound for Ybu-saH and l'2 cups of the reserved tioit, Vancouver Islahd, where he liquid: Cover and cook slowly 2 has been transferred. to 2 Hours or until tender, add- - 'ng more liquid durln; cooking ! LONDON W-Lord Chorley has If rie'eefsary". Remove meat and succeeded Lrrd PakenHam as a serve .with gravy ana poiaio pcii-n waiung-io ie 1 mvM 1 WE'LL KEEP YOU WARM NEXT WINTER O re W you order your coal for next winter NOW. By ordering today you protect your family and yourself against being caught' without coal when winter comes. Philpott, Evitt & CO. LTD. Phone 651 and 652 PRESS APPEAL FdR AGED MEN'S CLOTHiNG NEED Art anoea't launched by Mrs. Ross Richardson of the WbiHfii of the Moose for clothing, dona tions for the city's pioneers has resulted in the contribution of a suit of clothes, several pairs of socks arid" two pairs of work boots, according tb ilrs. The need for clothing by the elderlv men. some of whom are so badiy off that they do not feel sufficiently presentable to go down town, was emphasized again by Mrs. Richardson. "We need clothing, both dress and work quality, and would be grateful for any further donations from the citizens of Prince Rupert," she said. Ari elegant toucK of shiny black Persian on 100 all wool makes such a coat one most likely to be desired by all. r tfffm, No Carrying Charges No Interest. Terms In accordance with W.P.T.B. Regulations. 'TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT1 I A World of Home Cleaning Helps I at the VARIETY STORE . . . Make your home shine . . . choose from our dozens of house -cleaning helps that will save you time arid work arid hiake thihgs cleaner. We've all kinds or cleaning powders, soap's, creams, polishes and gadgets to use with them. i THE VARIETY STORE ; "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS" Phone Red 400 518 Third Ave. W. P.O. Bos 1118 illhmiJdiTTlTEl We are here to serve yoil and guarantee you will be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" PHONE 547 : P.O. Bex 171 Prince Rupert pafip recto's . Monday, November 4, 1946 -f i U IT- SALADA TEA gabs Hollywood Cafe PltlNCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS " FROM' 11 AJvil T(J S AJtti ' Special Dinner Evgry Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 pirn. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE C AT E it TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY Bulkley McBride Street Market SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala 1:30 p.m. (Standard Time) Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. (Standard Time) Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 563 CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 11 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST ALWAYS . . . WE DELIVER DAILY i i 3ril Avenue Phone 178 For That Party ... PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edwafil, B.C. CHOP SliEY CIIOW MEIN 1:0d ain: To 11:00 pin; See Ui for Your WEATHERSTRIP, STOVE PIPE, ASBESTOS, FURNACE CEMENT, COAL SCUTTLES, FURNACE SCOOPS 1 PHONE 311 Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday 5 " im WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED' Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPER AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.j PHONES: Bvt. Blue 145 Res. Red 127 Ask for George Quick Frozen Cellotharie Wrapped "RUPERT BRAND" SOLE FILLETS GOD FILLETS SALMON FILLERS No bones . . . No waste . . : No fuss. Try them today from your butcher. Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. I Mi) E 1 n M til .41