ocal News Items... .1 v. ;:d:.. Mi A''-- i W' lrh i.s sailing on Tiii .day on a trip to f llrn! Is sailing to-:, , m an the Oatala i ip to Vancouver . i I.iand. of Schools R. R. ,ied Sunday night ; on a period In-j to Stewart. . a Moose Meeting i?f Mi uday, June 17, i.OD.E. Hall, 3 p.m. K McLeod and daugh-..id Judy, sail Catala for Vancou- j weeks holiday trip. Bavister of the ruiadlan Co. here i in the Princess i two weeks holiday uvci'- :t Fnday, June 14, W. D. v. lunger a partner of T - fei and Messenger. 142) Yv ane Schaeffer will sail ' ..ila iiiesday for New lei- where she will Join t .id who was recently 3 uom the navy after merchant marine Li; the war. Mr. and . it will make their w Westminster. Announcements (i . in I.-1 :n thH column ,r -,.f fnr full month at 25c a word. ft- v an Church Tea, Mrs. Poor's, 805 Summit J ic 20. of Norway Pioneers' t i :e Friday, June 21, Hall. Orange tea, Oddf el-Hi..: July 10, 2:30-5:30. Marxi una current R om 8, St live i C en evenin' 7 to 9. Dr. and Mrs. John A. Mac-doo&ld and family left yesterday morning bymotor car for a leisurely month's holiday aj far as Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilkinson left by car Saturday morning for Smllhers where they will spend a two-week TiWiday Visiting Mrs. Wilkinson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob "Hanson. Aid. and Mrs. C. G. Ham left the city by motor yesterday morning for Hums Lake. Mr. Ham will entrain at Burns Lake for Edmonton to attend a convention of Junior chambers of Commerce of Canada. Mrs. Ham will return from' Burns Lake on tomorrow night's train. Dr. H. O. Large returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide this afternoon from Vancouver where he went lo'attend a Convention of the Progressive-Con-srrvatlve Association of British Columbia. J. T. Harvey, who want rMith for the same purpose, will return on the. Prince' nupert Wdnsday morning and two other local delegates, Alex Mackenzie and (leorje J. Dawes, will bp b.irl: lotrr. Hotel... Millions in War-torn Lands Need Clothing, Blankets, Boots MILLIONS in Europe and Asia are wearing the same few garments day in, day out the only clodiing they have. They give each other what help they can . . , but you can give so much more. For a while longer the ordinary people, those w ho caught the brunt of the war, depend on you. in hospitals the sick are lying on straw. Every single garment, each pair of shoes, each blank'.-t or sheet that you can spare means hope for them. Go through your cupboards now. Give every bit of clothing you don't really need. VJHM K Overcoats Topcoats Suits Jackets jaiRc Pants Shoes presses skirts Sweaters Gloves Underwear arrivals Piince Rupert A. Heatherill, Vancouver; A. E. Collins. Victoria; H. A. White, Bella Bella. NOTICE From this date on, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name, except by myself personally. signed George W. Cook, 629 Eighth Ave. W P O. Box 431 Pi ar Itupe t B C J 15, 1946. (141) rWBMHBWW-ln. 4 -f I , L , ., fa fl i I11.A Pv'iatnas cap1 , ..Viocs rrV atw - CATHOLIC AVA. TfASALE, .'CAMS Enjoyable Affair Held at K. of C. Hut On Saturday Afternoon and Evening highly enjoyable socially and. successful financially was a tea,' and sale of home cooking heldj Saturday afternoon by'lhe Cath-1 ollc Women's League, the card party in the evening which topped off the day's proceedings being also a very happy affair. A large number of ladies called during the afternoon and found the hall beautifully adorned with baskets of flowers. They were received by the president, Mrs. W. Lahtl. The serving table was covered with a handsome lace cloth and centred with a silver vase containing bright early summer flowers. Mrs. J. L. Blain and Mrs. E. J. Fitzpatrlck poured. The tea room was in charge of Mrs. J. A. Smith who was assisted by "Mrs. W. Pierce, Mrs. Harry Ward, Mrs. a. P. Lyons and Mrs. E. Tilseth. Cashier was Miss Frances Moore. The home cooxlng sale was in charge of Mrs. C. Schaeffer, assisted by Mrs. Sam' Dumas, Mrs. Leo Dloron and Mrs. II. F. Glas-sey. Interest was taken in the raffles. Winners, were: Nylon stockings, donated by Mrs. Schaeffer won by Mrs. S. Dickens with No. 275. Groceries, donated ,by Catholic Women's League with Mrs. J. Bouzek in charge, won by Olav Husvik, No. 551. Ir6n, doiTated ' by Mrs. J. L, McLaren won by Miss Piilmlra Astoria. The card party In the evening was In change of 'Mrs. Sul Dickens, Mrs. ' Pierre LeHoss aftd Mrs. Oscar Wlngham with Mrs. Fred Hall as cashier. Miss Piilmlra Artoria was in charge of brldw. Mr J. Murray, the whist, ON!! .; j . - VOU . bundle HA 1 ;M-V and nd UunWs. aper iViroug" uah yoo' i C anct d noes- raP r heck bo0,s 1 NC-B4A JJNE 10 (o 24 . . Sponsored by CANADIAN ALLIED RELIEF PRINCE GEORGE .Terrace Licence Prince George was en fete JBylaW Is RdvisSd from. Thursday to Saturday . jcE-The vmdse Cor. paying host to 125 delegates tion has -passed' a hew'tra'de to a regional conference of the,fren b , which will steD ud Junior Chambers 'of Commerce rfe(.eipts under that heading. 'it of Canada. Delegates came all the way from Prince Rupert to taahy points In the southern In terior, lower mainland and, Vancouver Island. Borne thirty autos 'arriv'dd over the cariboo Highway in caravan. Ed O'Connor of Calgary, ' national president, was in attendance and Archie Cater of Vancouver, regional chairman, 'presided oyer the sessions. Alf'lllvett was Prince Hubert's delegate. George Haddon, president of the local Junior Chamber, took a leading part in the reception to visiting dele- gates. Northern Interior Lumber men's Association met in Prince i Qeorge' on Saturday to hear re-1 ports from a delegation which went to Vancouver last week to confer with delegates of the southern Interior. Those attend ing the meeting on the coast were Roy McGillivray, Len Proppe, Charies Carlson, Harry Morrison, Martin S. Calne, Clint Geddes, W. E. Kirsehke, Sinclair McLean and Howard Alexander. Clint Bremner of Telkwa is a patient in the Prince George Hospital suffering from a fractured pelvis sustained When a steel door fell on Mm as he was riding a gondola near Bednestl. Mrs. Thomas R. Richardson has been elected president of the Prince George Parent-TeaCh-ers' Association succeeding Mrs. R. A. Harlow who has retired after term of highly successful leadership. Other officers are: Honorary President, Roy Stlbbs; vice-president, Mrs. Robert Checkley; second vice-president, Jack Beech; recording secretary, Mrs. Harold Moffatt; corresponding secretary, Mrs. W. H. and Mrs. E. J. Fitzpatrlck, crtb-bage. Prize winners at sixteen tables were: Bridge Mrs. J. L. Blain and Mr Peterson. Whist Mrs. R. Bolan and A, Murray. Crlbbage Mrs. A. Astoria and Larry Moore (on tut with Emil Blain). The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S luistiij FINEST SALMON KWONQ SANO HINO HOP KEE CHOP S UEY HOD S E '612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 th. folic. Traffic Sol.ly Clock tpontcrvd by littmallo.vil At-toIurwi f Chlafl t folkti RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED CHRYSLER DISTRIBUTORS was felt the old list of licence fee,s was unfair since ibusiriess conditions generally have'eharig-ed. "Small one'-man places wire paying Just t he same as store.; tarrying several department and employing numbers of James; Knight. teasurer, Mrs. Lyle F. H. G. Perry' and; C. A. Wdrner returned to Prince George Sunday night from a week's' motor trip to Prince "Rupert. Children last week tried 6ut lhc new wading pbol established by the' Rotary Club across fr6m Princess Thaatre arid were highly delighted. The club is also installing playground ecrtrlpment such as slides, ' horizontal ladders and ocean wave. ClOVKKXMKXT tlQtoa ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO. TRANSFER OF BEER LICENCE NOTICE Is herebv El ven that on! 2nd day of July hxt the undersigned Intends to apply to.lihe Liquor Control Board lor consent to transfer of ' Beer Licence No. 7364 Issued In respect to the premises Jselng a part of a bulldlhe know nas Terrace Hotel, tltuate On Kalum Street In the VIM lage of Terrace. B C. Upon lands de-i Rrrlhwl as tits Twelve J121 Thirteen I (13) arm i 'ouri.ee n (it) 01 iiiocki Twelve (12) of District Lot Three Hundred and Sixty-hfne (3691'Range Five (S) Coast District. "Map 972 Prfnee. Rupert Land Registry District, in the Priivlhce' of British Columbia. from Emllle Willie to Terrace HoteUl Limited, having Its head office at the village or Terrace, B.C. the irans- DATED at Terrace. B.C., this '28th t day of May 1946, AD. . TERRACE HOTELS LIMITED, Transferee. 149 I Ate 'Yoti ti Probable Then we want your ear just for a moment or so. We want to tell you that this store is fixed to exactly suit you, no matter, how much 'you wish to spend. i WE WANT TO TELL YOU OUR STOCK IS VERY CAREFULLY CHOSEN SO THERE ARE NO FLAWS OR SPOTS IN THE DIAMONDS. And our prices are within reason compared with city Stores. But after all, showing you is better than telling. JOHN BULGER JEWELLER GIVE SPARE CLOTHES TO U.N.K.A. kWW rWWVVWVYWWW VVOTV W, r Red Gillis has taken 3 Over Rbbertson Bottle .Buyers arid the business will q be known as the I'KIJNUK KUrUKT HJOTTI1E COLLECTORS r rhone Blue "37 - we have: nirch W6od, 14", per cord $13:50 Jackpine, 14", per cord $12.50 Slabs, 14", per cord $10.00 .Lump, Egg Nut and Slack Coal in any' quantity. Fill up now for winter. HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Phone Green 971 117 Second Avenue 'West OppdsUe Civic, cttitte I.WA. WA-'AND SftllE-TftRCE TERRACE A successful tea and sale" was held on Saturday afternoon In the Oddfellows' Hall by the Women's Auxiliary to the I. W. A. Refreshments were Excellent and articles for sale went quickly. Proceeds are to ibe uSed lor the Junior I.WJV. ball team. TERR AdE PLANS DOMINION DAY TERRACE The Board of Trade and the Progress Club have joined in a committee to make arrangements for the proper celebration of Dominion Day. It is expected Terrace will be a lively place on July 1. WELL EQUIPPED A dog has 42 permanent teeth, Wm. H. FRANCKS Optometrist of Vancouver is how in Prince Rupert Wm. H. Francks is visiting this city until, May 20. Mr. Francks is at "the Prince Rupert Hotel ana open for appointments. Appointments can be made at the hotel. LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing! while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street HOUSE REPAIRS For General House Repairs, Interior and Exterior Painting, Concrete Basements and Sidewalks. Work done by the hour or contract. Call us for an estimate. McLedd, Pitt-Cross &Gibb Phone Red 924, after 6 p.m, Idzimc Rupert Daflp J3ctos Mbftday, June 17, 1946 X V. - . tCt Mil "Now children let's remember we are all ladieXand gehtlemenl'1 "Pleaae, please don't rush mel There's plenty of malty-rich, "nut sweet Post's drape-Nuts flakes for everybody, and then some, In tills giant economy package. And there's plenty of nourishment, too for Grape-Nuts Flakes give you carbohydrates for energy; proteins for muscle; phosphorus for teeth and H:nes; Iron for the blood;' and 'other FOR EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR ALIKE we have quality paint, enamel anil .varnish that stand the test of time and weather, a 1 1 food essentials. "And it you're good, I'll make some delicious Crape-Nuts Flakes cookies later on, from, one "of these recipes on the Trackage. . "drape-Nuts Flakes aro the two grain cereal made, of wheat'. and malted barley. That's why they're twice as good to eatttrice as good for ybul" "THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" BE SMART About pyRS The best time to purchase' fur coats and neckwear is right now! Why? Because during this season furs are pi iced low, our furriers 1 have tirne ' to give you individual atten tion, the new, 'fresh, 'pilnie skins are just 'arriving. Select your fur coat today fii6m"our collection of 1917 styles and furs. Fresh Local Raw' and , M but on budget plan Pasteurized MILK U f KST fuSIt ;i J j W.P.T.B. Regulations. "VALENTIN DAIRY , " 1 i PHONE 657 BUtKLEY CAFE Qiji&0 ' tiibr suey chow siein V''nW'" ' Our Specialty " ' l wv li Weekday 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. mr HIXP NATIONAL CLOTHING COLLECTION j Sunday a m. to 8 p.m. Located at Biilkley Hotel - Mill KMllllfcltS. U.U. I I J TOR EVERY HI seasons. Small. quantities for tdd jobs, bulk for contractors. HANDSOME, SERVICEABLE PAINTED SURFACES : ARE PROTECTION FOR YOUR HOME. GIVE YOUR RESIDENCE THE BENEFIT OF OUR i QUALITY PAINT, FOR APPEARANCE AND EN- 4 DURANCE. Gordon's Hardware 'McBride Street : P1IONE 311 Announcement . . . W. M. MARTIN Has taken over arid is now operating the SEVENTH AVENUE MARKET FULL LINE OF CHOICE MEATS AND GROCERIES Your patronage would be appreciated t 536 Seventh Avenue East PHONE"4l A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" CONVERTO LOUNGES By simmons with matching chairs , DANITE LOUNGES By restmore with matching chairs ,k These lounges can be converted into full-sized beds with one easy motion and have an ' easily accessible bedding, com- CQ TA anc up 1 parimeni. ju,ju Phone 775 327 Third Avenue