jllany of Quaint Corners in Financial District to be Sacrificed LONDON CAP) St. Paul's cathedral as the centre of a great traffic circle is now part of a 30-year plan for reconstruction of the old City of London district devastated by the "blitz." Sacrificing many of the quaint corners of the "City", oldest of greater London's boroughs, may Brieve sentimentalists but practical idealists foresee relief for traffic congestion in the new .plan. This district, only a mile quare, was founded by the Romans and 1U streets to some extent still follow the lines of the eld Roman walls. It Is the market place of the Empire. Within its gates are the Bank of England, Lloyd's and the stock exchange, the Fleet Street home of the greatest news : agtncles, and, rising above all, '. old St. Paul's. - It will be the first of the ; London.boroughs to oe reclaimed the devastation;" from wax's devastation) and city .' plsnnerf, Envisaging a new metropolitan area, say the more the : city ijjnodernized the more It ; will remain as a world centre of ; commerce and finance. ' Fjom.a traffic viewpoint, the "City" is referred to as a heart ' or lung, into which and out of ; which are pumped each day sime ! 580,000 workers and about 50,000 vehicles. It is planned to divide ' the program of relief into two stages, 4946-1955 and 1955-1975. The road system is planned for double the amount of traffic. Two new routes will run from ; Falcon Square to London Wall ' "oovr.nxMnxT lkjcor act" (Section 2BI NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER ; OF BEER LICENCE Notice Is hereby glyen that on the 10th day of September, AD. 194. the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board lor consent to transfer or Beer Licence No. 7350. , issued in respect of premises being part of the premises known as the , Commercial Hotel situate at the cor-, nerof First Avenue and Eighth Street, In the City of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia, upon the . lands described as Lou Thirteen (13) , and Fourteen (141 In Block Nine (9) Section One (1 Map 923. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, from Prince Hotel Limited to Panko Mlch-alczuk, of Prince Rupert, the Transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert. B C, this 2nd day of Auirust, A D. 1948. PANKO MICHALCZUK. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE . IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" I ' and ceased, imd all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to me on or before the 18th day of September. AD. 1948. and all parties Indebted to the Estate are .required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. DC, this -6th day of August. A D. 1948 GORDON F. FORBES, .Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. i and from the Guildhall to a new Junction at Cannon and Queen Victoria streets. A special route of two arms, 80 feet wide, will start at Halborn Circus and Aid-gale and meet at Liverpool St. A circuit or inner distributive reads, 64 feet wide, will be provided for mixed traffic. Old thrct"?h routes will be widened. Underground Parking Plan Underground parking space also is being plannea. The St. Paul's precinct feature of the program will be opened out to Carter Lane and Paternoster Row, the choir school rebuilt at the east end, with the top of Ludgate Hill becoming mainly a processional drive to the west front of the cathedral. The planners view the architectural glory of St. Paul's as the centre of a new square which would provide a site for a national memorial. They regard this feeling of spaciousness as "one of the most striking and most cherished inheritances of CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) THURSDAY P.M. 4:00 Radio Repertory 4:30 Accent on Music 4:45 Johnny Burt Trio 5:00 People Ask 5:15 All the World Sings 5:30 Young Artists 6:00 CBC News 6:15 They Lived to Tell the Tale 6:30 Eventide 7:00 Woman in White BBC 7:30 Concert of the Nations 8:00 Choral Program , 8:30 Gypsy Strings 9:00 CBC News 9:10 B.C. News 9:15 Eastwood Garden Orch. 9:30 Music by Shrednlk 9:55 Interlude 10:00 This Week's Composer -10:55 CBC News and Int. 11 ;00 Weather and Sign Off Ann. 11:05 Silent FRIDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 BBC News 8:15 Morning Song" 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Medley Time 8:59 Time Signal 9:00 Little Concert 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Wayne King's Orch. 9:45 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Music While You Work 10:15 Scandinavian Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time . 1 1J1K MATTEK Or THE ESTATE tfW Pimn Maetpr OP RAONAR N. FREDRIKSEN " Iz. U 7. ' V. ""w"" . . ; otherwise known as frederiksen ; 11:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast and fredrickson ll :25 Prograni Resume . Sft,,"-. intkste ! 11:30 CBC News t. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of l 11 .4e 45weauler w,nM,pr Forecast wecasl His Honor E. . D. Woodburn, Acting i-for and at request of His Honor 11:46 Message PeTlod ; W. E. Fisher, made on the 31st day 1I 11 4o UpmrAcii "ecoraea Tntprliirlp inieriuae : of July. a d. 1948. i was appointed j Administrator of the Estate of Rag- ! P.M. J nar N. Fredrlksen. otherwise known 12:00 Tunes for Today ' as Frederiksen and Fredrickson. do- ! ASTHMA? RAZ-MAH For quick relief from tlie wheezing, gasping, coughing, choking tnitery of Arthma. take RAZ-MAIII Pralw-d by thousands of uwri, KAZ-M All Is specially made to relieve Itching, streaming eyes, choled-up hnfiichial tube and exhausting coughs rausttd by Asthma, Chronic BrnndiitU and Hay Fever. Sue. St. l'.-li Learn To FLY! WITH THE TERRACE FLYING CLUB MEMBERSHIP FEE $25.00 Per Year DUAL INSTRUCTION $12.00 Per Hour SOLO FLYING $8.00 Per Hour TRIAL FLIGHTS for Non-Members i Rates: $18.00 Per Hour; $5.00 for 15 Minutes lrincc Utipcrt Daily J3rtus Thursday, September 5, 1946 Ka Independent dally newspaper devoted to the up-Building of Prince Rupert and all the communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. I Published every afternoon vP Sun hi Prince Ruoert .lly News Limited. Third Avenue, PrL.ce Rupert. uriusn toramois- O. A. HUNTER. Managing II a. PERRY. Managing Dli I rauor, 'lrector. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week Per Month Per Year By Mall, per month -Per YeJr MILITARY WING BEING OFFERED r.-nra! Hospital to Make Offer (o War Assets for Adjoining Structure Although not, apparently, 12:15 Music of Lower Basin St. 12:30 Musical Program 12:45 Recital, Winnipeg 1:00 From the Classics ' 1:15 Women's News Commentary and holiday entertainment 1:30 All About Glen Alan 1:45 Downbeat 2:00 Family Favourites MEMBER A .B .C. .15 BMjMr .40 $4 00 ' (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Office Department, Ottawa). RUSSIA WAGING WAR IT IS NATURAL ENOUGH, if, here I in strategically situated Prince Ru- I Q.f n-o mnv tVp1 iiisf n little nervous jci i. m j " - " when we hear so mucn uuk aooui the possibility of war in the Pacific and in the Arctic. Not so long ago we were thinking about Russia in this connection but were, not mentioning her by name. Now we are talking quite frankly about the Soviet Republic as our next enemy. Tf ic nnf. nf pmirsp. hpfnr.r.p we ' ARRIVED IN HALIFAX The Archbishop of Canterbury, centre, ( , mrtipular nuarrel ei with Willi U shown with the Rt. Rev. F O, Kingston and Dr A. Stanley Mle any paiUCUiar quail Walker on his arrival at Halifax. Front are Mrs, Walker, the Russia. God kllOWS We (10 110t want ; archbishop--; wife, and Mrs. Kingston. : any more wars with anybody but - " Russia herself seems to be doing her To Rebuild London in 30 YearsiSSX"JtSer,Uono' What the Moscow radio says notwithstanding, we know that no elaborate defence preparations are being made in this country, to say nothing of trying to pick a fight with Russia as some Soviet spokesmen and commentators are suggesting. We in Canada know the ridiculousness of such suggestion. Possibly many feel we are not even taking sensibly adequate precautions. The disturbing part of the thing is that the propaganda now being disseminated from the Mosco w radio, and the Soviet press organizations smacks so much of the nonsensical talk of aggression and warmongering which theJazis accused us of in the nervous days before the Second World War, propaganda which led to the undeclared war in Europe in 1939, propaganda similar to .that which emanated from Japan before Pearl Harbor. Maybe it is something more than just conjuring up in the imagination when an American congressional military affairs committee in the Orient makes hints of the possibility of another "Pearl Harbor" which, of course, wouldn't be a Japanese coup this time. Meantime, even if the Russians do not mean real war, they are at least inflicting a war of nerves upon the rest of the world. CANADA'S NEXT LOAN THERE WILL BE no great Victory I Loan campaign staged this fall such as marked the war years but thrifty and thoughtful Canadians will, no doubt, welcome the new opportunity for sound, investment which will come in October when the federal government floats its issue of Canada Savings Bonds. On this occasion there will not be exciting patriotic urge but the appeal will be principally in the conviction that continued thrift and saving on the part of citizens in all income brackets is highly desirable and that increased stakes in Canadian resources held by individuals in all walks of life are something to be encouraged. One thing which will apply as much to the buying of Canada Savings Bonds this October as applied to any of the Victory Loans is that, it is as much if not more to the personal interest of people to buy. There will be no great selling campaign this time. During the war the bonds were carried to the buyers. Now. for the most part the buyers will have to seek their own bonds. f f BUILDING ILLWILL DURING THE PERIOD of the war, there has grown a habit of being' discourteous. It has been like an epidemic sweeping the country. Many people seem to be convinced that they will always have all. the business they want. Many seem to be convinced that they are indisp'en-sible and won't get the sack. Memory is longer than shortages, whether of materials or of help. A lot of customers are still adding to their lists of -firms they are going to delight in avoiding. And some firms arQ, astutely building long future se-ouritv for themselves and their staffs by lavish use of that least costly commodity, courtesy. Financial Post. ; the .general hospital. 1 T I 11 I I.I iu a tuimiiumcuuuii nivum the hospital board to exercise Its first priority and offer a bid. War Assets suggested that the board take into consideration the permanent nature of the structure. The military hospital was built during the war with an understanding at ijie time that, after keenly interested in acquiring the war was over, it -would be the structure for which there Is turned over to the general hos-no keen need and which would pital. cost considerable to adapt to the i . requirements of general hospital purposes, the board of directors j of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, nevertheless, decided at its monthly meeting last night to submit a nominal bid for the former military hospital structure which has now been declared surplus to War Assets Corporation. The military hospital, of permanent construction, du plicates the general hospital in size and is on property immediately adjoining and owned by Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Itupert Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Bassoms, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. S. Wescott, Vancouver; J. Bowden, Vancouver; II. Singleton, Van couver; C. Mason, Edmonton; R. Reld, Vancouver; Mrs. O. Ekren, Seattle. no mpvmniiT I Hero of Alexander, an Inventor and author, Invented a whirling steam-actuated engine. Twenty-one centuries later It reappeared as the Parsons steam turbine, in 1883. Forty-Four Hour Week Is Asked Hospital board was requested f t its meeting last night by the 'ntemritlonal Steam and Operating Engineers' Union to put three engineers of Its 'team heating rlanf on the 44-hour week as, pqulred by provincial statute, -aying overtime for time over the M hours. The hospital engineers re now working 48 hours a week, tttln? overtime for th seventh 'ay. Chairman Frank Dibb was 'nt so sure that steam engineers -.ere covered under the Hours of Work Act. if the 44-hour week ere to be applied to thm, he suggested the possibility of changing the plant from steam to hot water nnd reducing the number of engineers. EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME .Local news Items, to ensure publication, should be In the office by 10 a.m. Contributors are asked to bear this In mind. Items of social and personal Interest are always welcome. JfiZf ' Z I Cliver Leaf will uguhi he uvull- C able from Coust to Coast. BOARD SEEKS TO EQUALIZE NEW CLASSES from Kin? Edward to . Borden Street, With 61 beginners, King Edward has the most cong?sted TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd Vancouver Bralorne 11.75 B. R. Consolidated 12'2 B. R. X j 11 Vz Cariboo Gold 2.90 Dentonla 402 Orull Wlhksne 13 Hedley Mascot 1.40 Minto .05'3 Pend Oreille 2.60 Pioneer 3.85 Premier Border 07 Premier 1.45 Privateer 60 Reeves M:Donald 1.35 Reno 14 Salmon dold 25 Sheep Creek . 1.15 Tnvlor Brld.sfc .66 Whitewater - 033 Vananda 34 Congress 10 Pacific Eastern .12 Ilfdlfy Amalgamattd 13 Spud Valley 20 Central Zeballos 11 Oils A. P. Consolidated 10 Calmont 23 C. and E.. X Div 1.75 Foothills 1.95 Home ... 2.70 Toronto Aumaque 92 Beattle 68 Boblo 16 Buffalo Canadian 22 Consolidated Smeiters....87.75 F.ldona 56i Elder New .-.y. 1.00 Giant YllovMUe' k-.. 650 Hard rock .72 .Tacknife , 17 Jo'let-Ouebec 80 LittTe Long Lfrc 2.00 Mateen Red take 3.20 McLeod Coekshutt 1.91 Moneta r 56 Orp7a 20 Pickle Crow 3.10 San Antonio 4.10 fenalor Rouyn 68 Sherritt Gordon 2.85 Steep Rock 2 40 Stnrseon River 27 Lynx 26 torasVa 62 Oods Lake 68 Neus 2..H Aubelle 52 Heva 81 Harricana .22M McKenzle Red Lake 1.00 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared 8ee U. E. MOKTIMKK 324 2nd Ave. - Phone 88 primary class while Borden i t t,.. Street is 19 pupils short of the G 1 required number for six teachers, 1 '; feels, a simple matter of sub-, t "5ma11 boa traction from one, and addition : ? ce'llng and tr 1 to me ouier. inrre are Prince Rupert school board Is : u would appear that the geo- YORK p ' ' wondering how it can equalize graphic areas surrounding the ; mm . the load of beginners at the two schools have never been ,ur ani city's three elementary schools divided Into zones from which 700 y ' without calling down on Itself the studens nearest each school in archive i the wrath of the parents who , would automatically send their Re might have to be asked to shift children to that Institution. A;; . from one school to another to a result, some children living adjust the sizes of classes. , nearer to Bordsn Street S:hool The situation revolves partlc- j are attending King Edward, pre-ularly around Borden Street i sumably as a result of parental school where the class of be-1 preference, ' ginners is smaller than at either Inspector of Schools E. E, King Edward or Conrad Street, j Hyndman suggested a possible The Board feels that some of the ; solution when he urged that new pupils will have to transfer , children from homes which are I the same distance from both schools be sent to Borden street. "We have an unusually large class cf beginners In all schools ; this year," he said. "This year' prima iy class has been called the 'first of the war aabies' and It has been noted in Vancouver too." The Board decided to follow Mr. Hyndman's suggestion as tactfully as possible. j Enrolment at the city's four schools stocd at 1,033 on Tues day, Schools Secretary Mrs. MM, Roper said. Enrolment for indi vidual schools was as follows. Conrad Street, 190. . King Edward, 260. Borden Street, 182. Booth High School, 441. DONCASTER, E:i!a:id W Schoolchildren are aelng allowed 10 days time off to mm, mm VjUCOUVBII 1 Hours Leave PRINCE GEORGE DAILY 5:30 A.M. (Lxcept Monday) Single $30 Return $54 Plus Ti Further Information from Mr. Boo Boehme Canadian Pacific Air Lines Prince George Hotel Prince George, B. C. COAL WOOD CKATINtt STORAGE HYDE TRANSFER Miotic SHU j COASTAL CHARTER SERVICE HY SUI'F.lttf AKINK FLYINO BOAT "'Haida Queen" - 18 passengers MONDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rupert Direct. TUESDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands. WEDNESDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rupert via Queen Charlotte Islands. THURSDAYS Prince Rupert to Stewart and Return via Anyox, Alice Arm and Request Points. FRIDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver Direct. SPECIAL CHARTERS ARRANGED FOR PASSENGERS AND FREIGHTING 3 Type and Sizes of AIRCRAFT lo Serve You From 3 to 18 Passengers, or 480 lbs. to 4,000 lbs Freight G. II. STANMIIDGE, Agent P.O. Bog 1249 Phones 521 or Red 878 STEEL Of all iron 10 wesm Steel fn Vancotl sailings i tuid Waj : Tuesda) 3Ci J DavY Si-1 1f r Friday -S5 Ct: (Dayi:;at Sid 9 pm Pi. :- E Sallir.cj (r If! Further lr'- ari E&-J FRA.NX Third Ave. MOT!' HLF.CTRICUCll Con:;rtiJ -I Uirtae Btl Home Wlrint a Phsne BUI 238 Seccnd i Phone t FRASERfl prise E GOOD! fuel!" able ers. Albert limit" 0f" photi" '