trf r X r ISWiifc Utiuert Dailp jftcfos Thursday September 5, 1946 Hospital Having Fewer Patients There has been a sharp de-- crease ;of late in hospitalization ' ffirattlc'. according to figures pre-3?sented to the horoltal board at .TVlts meeting last night by Arnold -r-Flaten. chairman of the finance . - committee, there were 1898 hos- pital days In July as compared SJth 2282 in June. Inpatients were 197 in July compared with 165 In June and 226 in July last . year. Outpatients were 123 in - July &f against 151 In July and i i 516 in July last year. inimnTh D , . : The parents cf the Port Ed- A!raT Hi . ?,uh ,r8eM i war children feel that the nine- -tZZL Z?,m ""la" trip to school and return Tiounced reductions averaging i .... i u. clmost 14 per cent In fare in its African and Middle East services. I 1RY THIS TONIGHTI Life is much brighter if you can stan the day with a smile. If you waken tired .and listless why not do as thousands today are doing-just drink a cup of Ovaltine at bedtime each night. For Ovaltine acts in three ways, to help make you alen and glad to be alive. Tirst, taken warm at bedtime, it fosters sound, refreshing sleep, without irugs. StamJ, it supplies essential food .elements to rebuild vitality while you sleep! Tttrt, it also furnishes important vitamins and minerals in a delicious, more natural way for all-round health and vigour. So why not try Ovaltine beginning tonight and get off to a good start in the morning. ute- 13 Ormes Lid. 2tfu Pioneer Drvu&tats Prescription Chemists Rexall Agents for Prince Rupert and District In Drugs If it's Rexall it's Right PHONE 81 STORE HOURS: Dally Sundays and Holidays and 7 pjn. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 MAY RE-OPEN PORT EDWARD SCHOOL HOUSE Transporting Port Edward school children to Prince RuDert schools is proving unsatisfactory to the parents of the suburban youngsters and an effort will be made by the Prince Rupert district School Board to re-opec " the elementary school at the nearby cannery centre. small children who leave home shortly after eight o'clock In the morning and do not return until 5 pjn. They also fear winter road conditions. Decision by the school board ,"o try and re-open the Port Edward school, which functioned '.ast year, was made on the basis f an offer by Nelson Bros. Can- .ery Manager Harry Robins that ? wou!d make a building arail-bie for classroom purposes. In addition, the board was la eceipt of an application from' ii teacher In Edmonson, seekin? u post in the Prince Rupert dis-'trict, Schools Secretary Mrs. ii. M, Roper wired the applicant t the conclusion of last night's meeting that the position was pen. In the meantime, Mrs. Bayn-ion, who taught atPort Edward last year, and is now living there, will be approached to act as substitute teacher until a permanent one can be found. Attending the elementary yhools here are ten Port Edward children while four more attend the Catholic parochial school and two others attend Booth Memorial high schwji. Since the two High School students will continue to attend in Prince Rupert, it is felt that an ele- Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue from 9 ajn. till 9 p.m. from 12 pan. till 2 p.m. till 9 p.m. Quality Repairs Economy Prices at PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St (Near the Post Office) Prince Rupert Bottle Collector also m essex (I M smvicE Phone Blue 737 Webuy... ALL SIZES Perfex Keer Whiskey, Gin and Bottles Bottles Wine Bottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE Announcement... JOHN HARRIS and M. PARKINSON have resumed proprietorship of ATLAS BOILER WORKS Boilers, Tanks and General Ironwork HOW CAN 1111 By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I get rid of bats? ! A. Hie only satisfactory way i ever discovered to eliminate bats I I. J-. ... of the.r ! is to drive them out haunts and then close their means of entry. A characteris-! tic of the bat is that it takes ! its food on the wing, and there fore cannot be poisoned. Q. What is a remedy for removing warts? A. Dissolve a quantity of wash ing soda in a pari of water. Wash the hands in this solution and then allow them to dry without wiping. Q. How "can I clean a granite-ware vessel that has been burned? A. Let boiled water and a tablespoonful of soda set In it for an hour or more. mentary enrolment of from 10 to 14 pupils Is available at Port Edward. Minimum enrolment required by Uie Department of Education Is eight pupils. BRENTWOOD, England Q Food ministry officials denied extra soap rations to Brentwood, which has hard water, but offered to send extra supplies of foda for softening purposes. Advertise in the Dally News. Km FRIGATE IS DUE HERE SATURDAY On Its third training cruise visit to the port this year. TUf f! nUr, vti t .. ....... wn Wolfenden. u Is h due . to arrive . here J this Saturday for a stay whh will extend untU Tuesday. With University students on board (or naval training, Charlottetcwn is coming from Esquimau and will return there from here. THE WEATHER Synopsis Cool and cloudy weather is general over British Columbia this morning. Fog banks are extensive on the west coast and some drizzle has been reported during the early morning. A gradual clearing of clouds over most of the province will follow '-.xf the next 48 hours but the fc cn the west coast is likely to persist. Temperatures will be sosrtewliat higher today and to-inorrpw. Forecast Prince Rupert, Queen Charlottes and North Coast Over- cas., becoming cloudy this after-coon. Overcast tonight and early Friday with seme clearing Fri day afternoon. Fog banks on shore during the night and early morning Httln.? by noon on Fri day. Light winds. Little change In temperatures. MInlmums to nightPort Hardy, 46; Maisett, 49; Prince Rupert, 49. Maximums cn Friday Port Hardy. 66; Mas- 'sett, 62; Prince Rupert, 64. US Htni THE PRINCE nurwi AREA -aM&n&'5 IARGBT BLEACHING, CLEANING, CONCENTRMt DOES A litde Javex in the washing machine makes linen, and cottons snowy white. Use every wash day for a whiter wash. Javex will melt wflv ttiikknrn f ain on link. drainboard, refrigerator. stove and kitchen KINSMEN HEAR CAMP REPORT Two Hundred and Fifty Gal-Ions of Milk Was Consumed i Two hundred and fifty gallons I of milk contain a lot at vitamins and muscle-building food and i that Is the amount that Prince 'Rupert bays who attended the Kinsmen's summer camp at Lake Lakelse drank during the first 25 days of August Details of the summer camp, which ran for six weeks during July and August, were unfolded to a meeting of the Kinsmen's Club at the Commodore Cafe by Leonard Casey of Terrace, camp supervisor. Altogether 60 boys attended the three two-week sessions, and, in spite of the fact that the chib spent slightly more than they had ahotedi for it, the members plan to repeat it next year. As a final gesture to the boys, the club plans to hold a banquet for them in the Commodore cafe tonight, after which they will be taken to the theatre. All 60 boys who attended the" camp have been invited to the dinner and theatre party which, the club feels, is Justified by the ,ood conduct and co-operative spirit of the boys during the camp period. "We spent the $2,000 which we collected on the May 24 celebration bUt it was worth it," Kin President R. E. Montador said. BLEACHING, CLEANING, WASHING CONCENTRATE JAVEX MANY JOBS A few drop of Javex does a iiffy-iob of cleaning, deodor izing and disinfecting toilet bowls. Use to whiten bath? basin and tiles. utensils. s MEN LEAVING PREMIER NOW With the strike of hard rock miners continuing and little Indication of an early' settlement, employees of the Silbak-Premler in the Portland Canal district are tradually pulling out of the camp, according to report f'Tu the north. Several of them came jwuth. n the Catala this week, some disembarking here and others going through to Vancouver. RETAINS LIGHT TITLE CARDIFF, V.'ales Ike Williams successfully defended his wcild lightweight 'title last night by knocking out the Welsh challenger, Ronnie Janes, in the ninth rouud. "In fact, wc spent about $203 more than we had but we plan to repeat the camp next year." Camp equipment is being stored at Lake Lakelse under the eye of a Lakesldi resident who Is acting as caretaker. Present at the meeting was Miss Marjorle Wilson, fuocessful Pott Queen candidate sponsored by the Kinsmen Club. Miss Wilson thanked the membsrs for their suppart during the campaign. The club appointed William Noble and William Bremner delegates to the Civic Centre Association and named Danny McDonald as bulletin editor. IT'S TWICE ' CONGRESS PLANS 4RE Salvation Army Extension t.i Be Considered by Commission The Salvation Army concluded its Summer Congress mr Ings with three conference & slons on Monday, concerted b Colonel and Mrs. A Lu nan c Toronto. Various phase- if sa vation Array work and iervicr were discussed by the varim. divisional workers ami p!a. submitted for extension of t!. work will be submittal to th territorial cammistiwifr. The Salvation Army work a first commenced along the SMITHERS MAN WINS SWEEP TELKWA Winners of the bar rel sweep, held as a feature of the Labor Day b&rbeque here actual time of which w;s 9 hour 16 seconds, were: C. F. Nordln, Smtthe-9-15-59. J. B. Stea, Tlkwa Si-2C. Miss M. Oragorson. Bwlyr. 9-15-20. . E. R. Treftskr, Sralthlrs-!) 15-17. Art Simpaon, Smither 9-!s-12. L. Hldber, Telkw---ll. S. Lyeh. Paclfic--15-4. Mrs. F. Rcsberg. Telkwa 9-1'. MORE THAN AS EFFECTIVE... DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK , GUARANTEE! JAVEX is so highly concentrated that it makes twice as much bleaching, cleaning, washing fluid as ordinary concentrates. If you do not find JAVEX twice as satisfactory, twice as effective as the ordinary Javel or bleach concentrate you are now using, the makers of JAVEX will gladly refund double the price of the bottle of Javex. Simply return the unused portion ofthe, bottle to your grocer who will refund double the purchase price. At Your .Grocer's 0 !,. 5i OR WOOl uiX VV, it ' I 4i USING Q