CSTAGE SOLVED FOR VETERAN- The housing -i Mi ;ivpd for Mr ana Mrs. rougas. An k.ua.k Qu?e:: University, Cpl. Tougas and his wife i ;imc5t completed apartment, one of 55 a LaSallc Barracks, Kingston. Ontario. T-uisas Inspect the plumbing of their new Oomlnion government, through Central . Corporation has provided more than . ;: of married university veteran students. onwards of 600 family units for Canada's rt!::h will absorb cost of administration and WEEK i Mrs. E. T. Applewhalte Is sail- 1 infr fnnlrrht. nn th Prlnrr Tin. SP1TAL pert for a trip to Vancouver and ne 41- Columbia j . mjspital j qmry iast t .1 monthly -j o) dire:-h-rr-r ' Gen- ' .? British : nation t. i) any t::?t fcquU1- m The 1 a an tn- - ijranl. . w :ught In I (t was ' c: :rptary r' :m rc-1 w- ascpr- -"3 Americo ' ; by -a) on wlirro thev "t Ct John Gib- f : Hi the Okan- picements ; " lull month ora. i. O OP I 1 "f! tea anc ... - h 113 b B Sep! F (achioD dls- r " it Masonic wpt 20. 8 15 209) F Oc' 23, Le ion Fall lr 20. IfoltrnU . i 'an sa;e. i xC'as Bazaar. ce frairiP Ram, tote?..?? L1" b i0Wpd ,or I B r' th Chirf trlrt Dc n IG A1LOR l6treet elsewhere In the south. Dr. J. D. Galbralth", medical superintendent of Miller Bay native hospital, Is sailing tonight on the Trlnce Rupert for a brief business trip to Vancouver. "Bulld B.C. Payrolls" BUILD UP BABY M Ilk Unsolicited testimonials continually tell us that babies thrive when fed with richly nourishing irradiated Pacific Milk. Get a handy, vacuum packed can today and prove this fact for yoursclfl PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed" We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL' KED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meals Roast Chicken Meat I'ics and Salads Dally ' RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West GYROS TO BE ACTIVE Trograni of Functions In Support of Community Service Work Apple Day and lloedown Highlights An active fall season In support of Its program of community .work Including substantial regular contribution to the recreational work for children conducted both summer and winter under the auspices of the Civic Centre organization U planned by the Prince Rupert Gyro Club. Highlight events will include an Apple Day sale at the end of October when luscious Macintosh Red apples will be offered to the public in quantities large and small, the plan being to catch the market Just ahead of the Hallowe'en demand. Then on Hallowe'en Itself tne club will be staging another cf Its traditional Hoedown dances which have been highly successful features of Gyro money-raising activity down througn the years. A committee consisting of David Allen, Lloyd Morris and Alf Rlvett was named on the Apple Day committee while V. F. Stone, who has directed . so many such events In the past, will marshal every Gyro for the planning and carrying out of the Super Hoedown. David Allen, Orme Stuart, Frank Skinner and Frank Dibb were named to a committee to consider further ways and means of raising funds for the revived program of public service. The Gyros will take active Interest In winter sports actlvl- tics by sponsoring a Junior ! League basketball team and en-! terlne the Bowline Leasuc. ' Thanks of the club were ten-'dercd by vote to Americo Doml- nato and his committee on the a mr-g Kellogg' i Bran Flakes art delicious. In a recent survey Canadian housewives voted Kellogg's 3tol favourite oier 9ny other brand? SAVE TIME. ..SAVE Ceo. J. Bawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday ai SELL EVERYTHING " G'ixls Sold On Commission iVjusehold Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Ktn Blue. Hf Hes. Red 127 Ask for George eseee """.eeie eBMse"" j Local News The Hollywood Cafe is now open for business from 11 a.m. to 8 a.m. (211) A Long trips or short, day or night, 99 Taxi at your service, (tf) Mrs. Ross Mansell, who has been visiting In the city for the past week, will sail tonight by the Prince Rupert on her return to Vancouver. Miss Peggy Pullen, who has been spending the summer at Qualicum Beach and Duncan on Vancouver Island, returned home yesterday. A Rex Bowling Alleys now open. Enter the names of your teams for the different leagues now. Phone 658 for reservation.-;. (209) Edward Llpsett, sr., after" a brief visit to his local business. Is sailing tonight by the Prince Rupert on his return to Vancouver. Prince Rupert District School Board decided last night to drop the $10 monthly tuition fee for children of the Department of Transport wireless station colony at Digby Island who attend school in Prince Rupert. Labor Day dance, which event netted upwards of $100, and to Gyros who had assisted In con nectlon with tlc annual Civic Centre carnival. G. A. Hunter was named of licial delegate to the lorthcom Ing International convention In Buffalo. President W. D. Lambie was In the chair at yesterday's regular monthly business luncheon of the club and there was a fair attendance of members. Make this 30-day test! 1. If you're really ill, see your doctor! But if you just feel dull and head-achey, you may only le suffering from incomplete elimination. Especially if you're over 35. Here's how one simple change of diet can help you keep fill 2. Start now to eat Kellogg's Bran Flakes every morning. If you want to keep feeling fit the natural way, get more of the "bulk" your system needs by eating delicious, gently-laxative Kellogg's Bran Flakes With .Other Parts Of Wheat. 3. Jutl thirty days should prove to you how grand it is to feel alert, to have the energy for all the extra things you'd like to do. You'll want to go on keeping fit the Kellogg wayl Bran Flakes, Pep, Corn Flakes, All-Bran, Rice Krispies, Krumbles and All-Wheat are all made by Kellogg's, the greatest name in cereals. FUEL.. .SAVE FOOD! FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired ' and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre SUPPLIES for School... Reopening Tuesday, Sept. 3 We have a complete stock of scribblers, loose leaf books-, drawing pads, pens, pencils, crayons, Reeve's poster paints, ink, erasers, rulers, compasses, set squares, protractors, etc. Your Inspection is Invited at VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" It ems A Legion WA meeting tonlgnt at 8 p.m., Club Rooms. 208j A Rheta H. Mead announces reopening of classes In pianoforte. Studio: 802 Borden Street. (209) Accounts totalling $2,342 for the month of August were approved for payment by the Prlnoe Rupert District School Board at Us monthly meeting last night. A Meeting of Job's Daughter Friday, Sept. 6 at 8 p.m. Reports of convention. Silver march and social. (209) A Attention Oddfellows! The Rebekah Lodge will be holding a meeting in the hall on Sept. 10, at 8 p.m. (212) s Mr. and Mrs. George Maharg are leaving tonight by the Prince Rupert on their return to Vancouver after having resided In the city for the past year during which time Mr. Maharg was manager of the Mussallem Economy Store which has now been renamed Superior Store. Get sweeter, tastier brcudl use Mr FULL-STRENGTH! Flcischmann's fresh active Yeast starts working right away! All the strength of the yeast brings out all the flavourful goodness of your bread. I3c sure of sweet taste light tcxtuic fragrant freshness every time! IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, insist on Fleischmann's full-strength, fresh active Yeast with the familiar yellow label. Dependable Canada's favourite yeast for over 70 years. MADE IN Advance Showing of Beautiful COME IN AND MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW . . . YOU'LL BE DOLLARS AHEAD! OUTSTANDING QUALITY AND LUXURIOUS HLAUTY FRENCH SEAL, HUDSON SEAL, MUSK RAT, CANADIAN SEAL. Take Full Advantage of Our BUDGET PLAN NO INTEREST - NO WE DELIVER DAILY REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE TRINCE RUPERT .HOTEL 4- Colleen Montcith Shower Honorce A delightful evening was spent last night when Miss Margaret McOuIrc and Miss Betty Allan were joint hostesses at a shower given In honor of Miss Colleen Montieth at the home of the former. The evening was spent playing games after which a, wagon decorated as a jeep wa;i drawn in bearing the gifts. Delicious refreshments were served in a tastefully decorated room. Those present were the Mes-dames Cookson, Plant, Kelfer, Graham, Wallace, Foster, Monte- sanond the Misses C. Montelth, M. MacGuire, B. Allan, S. Bou-vett, R. Croxford, J. Croxford, P.-Love. E. Bussey, V. MacGuire, M. MacGuire, M. Lovstad, P. Addi son, J. Jensen and Kallboor. Aid. and Mrs. C. G. Ham re turned to the city at the first of the week from a motor trip which took them as far as Rev clstoke. They turned back from there on hearing that the Big Bend Highway was in a rather poor state of repair. FLEISCHMANN S FRESH 1 ;pim1 II l CANADA Fur Coats CARRYING CHARGES "TIE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" COLD MEATS FOR WARM WEATHER BULKLEY MARKET THIRD AVENUE PHONE 178 Chop Sticy - Chow IMcin Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open S ajn. to 2 a.m. PHONE 173 jp.tincc Suuctt Dailii J3eUs . Thursday, September 5, 1945 Handsome Hats . . . For Fall By STETSON Come in now for your Fall Stetson. Many styles to select from . . , and a range of new shades including Chocolate, Sage, Beige, Holly and Cadet. TV15- "THE MEN'S SHOP' CLOTHING 532 THIRD AYINUE PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO UUY" I'hone 775 327 Thhd Avenue I'rlnce Rupert, B.C. See us for your Preserving Supplies Jars, Lids, Rubber Rings, Preserving Kettles, Boilers, Pressure Cookers. Gordon's McBtlde Street : General We do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE 610 and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 : PRINCE RUPERT GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block LIMITED P.O. BoX 1381 Phone GOit Evenings: Green 103 Fine Wood for Sale! NOW AVAILABLE FOR 100 Cords of Seasoned Scrap Lumber J First class 11-inch lengths, free of nails $10 per cord J Second class trimmings up to 11-Inch lengths, $8 per cord J Third class, various lengths uncut $6 per cotd FOR COURTEOUS HEMMONS Phone Black ISA Night Phone: Black 6C5 P.O. Box 1131 Station B 00 1MI FUimSHIXGS PHONE 34S NEWS CIRCULATION COUNTS mi Hardware : PHONE 311 Contractor IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AND RELIABLE SERVICE TRANSFER Office: J. II. Mair's Auction Rooms j Third Avenue East