(JiWlil""" . . inoflnn fit himself in lail to- .'.,hi he cam! 31. B1IVH .j f thrrp kill- Jjrll assaults ields Office ..n.. i:.. airs loninim ,,ill-hrlsuii -Prim Minlst ; last night- ap- - - t, HA Of e(:ry if Etaf for ......... iu ..' n held by Mr St Laurent wtl) Li j ' U4.i... i- nnouncccl ap Norm::? Robcx' tai'uj ;iin-. sjisn. sur-eea- tent Mat 'Cy J assoeiat'! under ilf Is annolnted I 4. T T 1 1 I ngL B. Peaujn Canada as. under iid iki ii u ur e m narv sinns iiuve non-proiit Robert Kelsey, 'icpuciis. 'luiui Unable ti at l:'.ivc . intcres' wre Harry As- Kergm and Nell It ?t for Kpn. i meantime ef- lildllP jn Anun no --V i.iii.ucia 3 f rl a - tu tLs men. 3 lVPrO MrtWIft! H - -v.v ilOIHVU III fred Jensen as uglas Stewart ao inp next ri.iitc will W! : with the Brit-too Club, Royal n? Club at Ottawa nl. t Prince Rupert inn a view baxp anA u ilP.i will also be u yuiciir.sing 1,1 regard to fin- !f Kn . . . ttMcmoica meeting V "CISCO n,r"fs report- on nf ll . - us trans- in flames UI1l.i. A. PUw. New Yrk "UI1(l, was I ivl,.- , ",,'"'rl .. ' " " II II fr 1 mm ' S'H Oil es 10:39 J .A. 6. 1916 15.4 fcf 17.4 fet 7.1 feet 10.5 feet ruMlslicr Ralph Ingcrsoll Critical of British ..nf was hanging NKtV vnnK ih Pnhiuhrr fash onca cruui- o un inzersoil lodav icnncd i Thn friiarn CUli ni!n1r Uncshnl MnliirrAmorii'. ..mtth innr. . i. i l. it campaign of 1944 "another set f fn kill him nt oUK1e oinirirnlnrT tile cViMf NORTHERN AND CENTRAL .BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER TOP phone TAXI TAXI .i,tNTYBE Until 537 r DAY and NIGHT SERVICE k. from Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific' Port-'Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Bill and Ken Nesbitt ,1 VOL. XXXV, No. 208. , PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. THURSDAY. KRPTEMRft? s ioi umrw wot rvwa m L mciDt OKIUtK Was r r FIyir?j Boat D isaster Evidence Mounts t Did Not we Ilnlr - w, . . J .Inin hie Mfl ..mlnn-a in TpMnno Mf1 n cnot'P t)J .l slfwj . nf nrr.m-totr.f-cViln nunr General Omar Bradley's victories at St. Lo and thereafter." Lord Montgomery, In a report "MONTY" NOW AT JASPER famous Soldier (o Spend Three Days at Mountain Kcv-ort VANCOUVER Tho British! Empire's 'No. 1 soldier, Field Marshall, The Viscount Mont- EOmcry, boarded a Canadian irain iur me sccuuu nine un m preSent tour as he left here Wednesday night for Jasper. He win iiflv :i i. .innipr 1'iiric i Jittsr for three days. Hundreds of admirers thronged mc uanaman ixauonai itanwava Many of them chatted with him as he concluded his Pacific coast visit of eight hours in Vlrl.nrln nnH Vanrnuver and .it r 1 1 iu. n platform of his special car on the Continental Limited. nnikirc nnncnT & r k t u m inwjirri r no ortrnnizniinn i'rineo Kiipert Aero iun. Douglas Stewart, Cetlric rimuy iiiHi r it'll ijciibuii, ON GUAM) IN HAIFA released by the British War Of fice, said hw df laying action at ! Caen on the cast flank or the Allied line drew Gorman reserves away from positions opposite the United States First Army under General Bradley and materially assisted the American breakthrough from, the Argentan peninsula. Canadian and! British troops fought one of the bloodie-t actions on the western front In and around Caen shortly aft.er D-Day. calLs for him to leave Jasper on Saturday for Edmonton where he again takes, to the air for the cast. Field Marshal Montgomery got cheers wherever lie stopped in Victoria and Vancouver yesterday. A tire l)low-oul slowed his fast-travelling rar dangerously close to a ditch at Victoria but the Lieutenant (inventor's chauffeur cooly kept it on the road lo tiring it to a slop. i Donald Montgomery, Vanrou-1 ver lawyer, met his famous sol-1 dlcr brother at Patricia Bay and unmutu u uuvi-iiuueiii, iiuuir JEWS DECLINE TO JOIN TALKS LONDON C An puthnrltalive source said today that the Jew-Agency for Palestine has declined an invitation to participate in the Arab-Jewish conference on the future of the Holy Land. .chrdulcci,iWi:g,iiit.ifafe auspices of the British government. The agency is reported to have-left the door open for additional negotiations. Th? Arab higher executive in Palestine also had declined to participate in the conversations. HENPECKED MAYBE Oame cocks have been known to sit and hatch chicks. MOTING! IN INDIA, SultetiHA JEWS Kt'JLCT BID LONDON The Jewish Agency has turned down the British invitation to a conference called for next Monday to discuss the future of Palestine but has left the way open to reverse the decision. Some time ago the Arab League announced it would not attend. ATHENS CHEEKS rYKAEllS Thousands cheered the arrival today of the United States aircraft carrier Franklin I). Roosevelt and a cruiser and three destroyers at this port of Athens, MEETING I KKMIDK OTTAWA Prime Minhtrr W. I,. Mackenzie Kimr Is meeting this afternoon -.v:th C. II. Millard and Pat Conrry, leaders of the United Steel Workers of America, In connection, it is supposrd, with a settlement of the Hamilton steel strike. WOMAN MUKDKKI.I) VANCOUVER In a Chinese rooming house the body of 17-year-old Lillian Lee was found Tuesday. Police say she was murdered. Two men are held for questioning. The body was found on a bed in a blood -spattered room and she is believed to have been strangled to death. THEFT OF BONDS VANCOUVER Thieves climbed .through a transom last nit lit and took $3,700 in . rminU Trivi a -slrofltbox t?Uie Badwalrr Towing Co. MINING MAN SHOT VANCOUVER Frank E. Ma-Cii he, 55, president of Hazel-ton Star Mines, died in hospital Tuesday night. He had been found wounded on a bench in Stanley Park earlier In the day with' a revolver beside him. PARADES IN LONDON British troops guard the barbed-wired streets of Haifa, Palestine, during the outbreak which followed when Immigrants from Europe, seek ng entrance Into Palestine, were transferred to British ships and transported to the Island of Cyprus and detention camps. Three Jews were killed and many injured during the demonstration. . shown demonstrating In London for "Pakistan Mpmhor. Members of p the AU-Indtan aii Tnrttan Moslem Moslem league .uu are following day bloody riots broke out in -an all-Moslem independent state Jg", test rep0?ts indicate the rioting Is still In $5 iff B1Ush s' tr0PVnta amAfi liSifSoti som mobs of looters, but street, battles seem to go on unchecked. U.S. SERGEANTS FREED BELGRADE Three United States Army sergeants who had brcii held in connection with the shooting of a Russian soldier have been released. SOCKEYE PACK MOUNTS ' VANCOUVER The British Columbia sock eye pack Is mounting to a figure more comparable with last year. During the week 62,000 cases were packed, bringing the tola! to 280,000, as compared with 321,500 at a corresponding date last year. The total salmon pack Is, however, still 50 -per cent below last year owing to the smaller catch of robocs and pinks. CANOL "DEAD HORSE" WASHINGTON President Truman said today that it would serve no useful purpose to "rail Admiral E. J. King in connection with the investigation of the Canol project which the president dubbed a "dead horse." GREEN HITS RUSSIA NEW YORK President William Green of the American Federation of Labor said bluntly today that the time had come for United Stales to call a halt to aggressive tactics of Russia and her satellites. He referred to the "sharp Heavage" which had developed between Russia and the western democracies. r.YRNES'S BIG SPEECH STUTTG ART, Germa ny - Speaking here tomorrow -nlhiBEtouiAlbort Bleak- United Slates Secretary of State James Byrnes will make an important declaration on United States pclicy in Europe. A spokesman says it will give the people at home a "lift." PAPER TYCOON DIES VICTORIA Sheldon Dwight (Sam) Brooks, 67, chairman of the board of the Powell River Cois dead. Death closed a colorful career front logging engineer to. chief executive of one of the largest pulp and paper mills in the world. BUSINESS MAN'S PLUNGE VANCOUVER Lyon Light -stone, 45, plunged to his death Tuesday from the roof of the Hotel Georgia.'Lightstone formerly travelled extensively in British Columbia and was well known in Piince Rupert. NURSES' HOME IT RE VANCOUVER Fire broke out in the new nurses' home of Vancouver General Hospital last night. An alert student nurse turned in the alarm and nurses did good work in fighting the flames pending arrival of the fire department. One room was damaged and a fire man was injured. Two More Bodies From, 'Skeena Queen7 Yielded Remains of Pilot Ken Wilson of Skeena Queen and Little Bcrnice Dempsey Picked Up Yesterday But Little More Wreckage From Flying Boat Disaster Sullen waters of Chatham Sound yesterday yielded two more bodies those of Pilot Ken Wilson and three-and-a-half year old Bernice Dempsey of Stewart but, 'otherwise, withheld all but fragmentary evidence of the now apparent violent end of the Queen Charlotte Airlines flying boat Skeena Queen's Ill-fated mercy flight to Stewart last Saturday night. Three bodies have now been found, including that of Mrs. Margaret Dempsey. which was picked up Tuesday morning. Surface craft, manned largely by local volunteers, are continuing the minute and dill-gent search today for four other persons Co-Pilot George Hatch, engineers JensMadsen and Lloyd Douglas and another passenger, Nick Killas of Prince Rupert who were aboard the Skeena Queen as well as for further wreckage which so far consists of five life belts, two cushions, an oil tank and a lubricating tank. Inquest Jnto the tragedy was commenced at 2 o'clock this afternoon by Coroner M. M. Stephens. Bodies of two victims were viewed by the Jury prior to a start being made on the hearing of evidence. Tne jury consists of Gus Stromdahl, Frederick Dannhauer, George Rowe, 'Harry Norman, Fred Hardy and Frank 'Skinner. It was at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon that Searchers Rey- ley found the body of Pilot Wll- son afloat between Mud Bay and Jap Point, a considerable distance to the south of Flnlay-son Island below where the body of Mrs. Dempsey and first evidence of the crash had been located. Floating only about six feet away was another of the Sketna Queen's life belts. The body was brought into the city last evening by the police boat PML. 15 and removed to the morgue of the B.C. Undnrtakers Preparatory to the inquest, a postmortem examination was undertaken by Autopslst Dr. R. E. Coleman. There was evidence of considerable injury to Wilson's head. The pilot's watch had stopped at 9:20. It was at 8:50 p.m. Saturday that the Skeena Queen had circled over Prince Rupert above harbor fog. Later last evening communication was received from Hudson Bay Co. manager and Stipendiary Magistrate Cuthlll of Port' Simpson that still another body had been picked up that of little Bernice Dempsey- -off Flnlayson Island and not far from where that of her mother had been found. The police Crowds line the streets as the bodies of three Jews, killed by British troops when they tried to break Into the port area In violation of the curfew, are borne on a single lorry during funeral procession. The riots took place when crowds surged down Mt. Carmel on the tightly blockaded port area, where two Royal Navy transports sailed for Cyprus with about 1,300 would-be Immigrants for Palestine. are due In with the child's body today.. It was to bring this child to the Prince Rupert General Hospital that the ill-fated mercy flight had been essayed. Two more life belts and another cushion were also picked up from Chatham Sound in the course of yesterday's search. Fog dropping over Chatham Sound last evening brought to a close a day of intensive searching but volunteer workers who had been but yesterday willing ly continued their task today, I loined by more local citizens and boats. There was momentary concern for a short time last night for three of the searchers Ken Johnson. C. R. Vauxhall and Bud Hemmons who had been unaccounted for at dusk but who soon were located In their row- boat Inside Tugwell Island. ' Intensive Search Continues Today This mornlns lor the second straight day. search parties left to scour the .coastline between Digby.'IslancL and Canoe Jass; at the entrance to wark canai. i Four boats cruising offshore are directing the search with the Thelma S.t Capt. Ole Skog, as control boat. ' The Thelma S. Is using her depth sounding gear to probe Hodgson Reef, off Port Simpson, In the hope of locating the missing plane. With the Thelma S. Is Cecil Morrison's utility boat Phlppen, which Is patrolling between Port Simpson and Canoe Pass, the seiner Wamega, patrolling off Dlgby Island; the packer B.R., and the seiner Carlisle S., the latter' acting as contact boat be- tween the searching vessels. Spread out along the coastline are the 60 searchers, recruited from, Prince Rupert this atorning. They are patrolling the rocky coastline In the hope that more of the bodies from the wrecked aircraft may be found. With them 'are scores of row-boats and motor boats In which the men will reach otherwise In- iiccesslble portions of the coast line. The flying boat Halda Queen, sister ship of the lost plane, left this morning on a flight to stcwart and tne McKay mining . .,.,m ... Tr,11lk nlver carrvin2 cargo. It will keep a look-out for fog banks, whlcu yesterday afternoon closed In without warning, making it difficult for the patrol ships to find the searchers along the shore. RUSSIA HITS ITALY'S TRIESTE CLAIM Is Supporting Free Port Only Out of Political Consideration PARIS 9t Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Vlshlnsky called on the peace conference today to "reject emphatically" Italian claims to the disputed port of Trieste. RIOTS SUBSIDE IN BOMBAY BOMBAY Scattered police i and military gunfire still echoed today in troubled Bombay, but order appeared to be returning slowly after four days of bitter communal strife In which, officials said, 189 persons were killed and 527 wounded. A government communique said stray stabblngs were still being reported In scattered sections of the city. CANADIAN DELEGATE Dr. Lawrence E. Kirk, Canadian delegate to the foreign agrl cultural organization comer ence, Is shown as he sailed on the Queen Mary for Copenhagen, Denmark. Dr. Kirk Is connected with the University of Saskatchewan at Saskatoon. U.S. Seamen Go On Strike Major Maritime lie-up in United States Looms . NEW YORK 0 The. Ameri can' Federation of Labor sea men, seeking a reversal of a Wage Stabilization Bpard de-cisicn through a country-wide strike, bejan walkirg off ships in ail United States harbors today, a union spokesman announced. Union officials at Seattle said the strike would be continued "until this thing Is settled." The strike Involves 100,000 A:F.L. seamen and 10Q.0OO AJ"Ii. union members and the C.I.O. National Maritime Union, which has announced it wcVd bserve the picket lines. New York longshoremen promised to respect the picket lines when they are established tomorrow. The strike follows failure of the government's W&se Stabilisation Board to approve wage Increases for seamen, which .had been agreed upon between companies and rrnlons. President Truman has indicated that he V,m Intervene directly. Mrs. Earl Vinton of Minneapolis and Mrs. Harvey Naysmlth of Vancouver, sisters Of Mrs. H. F. Pullen, arrived in the city from the south on the Prince Rupert yesterday morning and are returning to Vancouver tonight. Mrs. Vinton and Mrs. Pullen are making the round trip to Ketchikan today. Outlining Russia's stand on the leading territorial issue before the post-war conference, Vlshlnsky said Yugoslavia has an unquestionable right to Trieste. He said that the Soviet Union was supporting the Big Four agreement to make free territory of the port only out of political considerations. UKRAINE CHARGES GREECE NEW YORK Soviet Ukraine formally charged Wednesday night, in a blistering statement delivered by Its foreign minister that the Greek government was preparing a serious threat to the peace of the Balkans. The minister told the security council that "sinister border incidents provoked by the Greek government and backed by British troops proved the charges." Ii 5(1 1 Li- ';