IBS MERCER tat HONORED ;inctre Tiibutc I'ald at parent Teachers' 'Association j Catherine At informal dinner gath-evenlng in the Bos- Cn members of the execu ie rrlncc Rupert Par i 1 1 , . ,Tf2,'ner nssuciuwuii pain .,t ., he .sterling worth and rlbutlon to the the community of , ., ir original members of j ci'-1 a: relation, Miss E. A. . -no is retiring from the : r...: profession. .'.pr, .dent, C. H. Insulander, c:e nC :cnce of the president, . ;i -?a the great regret of the pbc- ,n tne loss tnv would "... oy Ml1.'; Mercer's leav-g the :ity Mi George A. Hill spoke of e hi .) regard and anectlon the parents and the jrc j neld the guest of honor. 9 I U..J 'I IT.- - ' ycui" ui tcivicc liau ( a -cat contribution to the Mi E M. Iloper told how it t w ) '.he freatest regret that f .h.: board had received Mc :er ; resignation. The aid fd? realized what a loss he tL-::hing staff of the city r fii ....rture would De. , s Wu on .spoke of the long j , oitlation as a teacher u i icmber of the Parent-A oriatlon he had had , ;... Mercer, Her high stan- . .....An i ir no loss than tho Ml: s Mercer said that, r ,h very sincere regret '.J wu.- leaving wic ciijr. i .d made very many, very i, , iend.shlps while here.' :t aid miss the children .... t' MMtAA aIva f.An.ntrnl. I 1 a... uwjruuc cuu nuntHi. were fine youngsters, even uvre somewhat trouble-. times. She would al-: :ure the memories of ,. times here. The. preset a corsage was a de-.i .wutfht on the part of at.ion while the nugget , poon of Prince Rupert .!. - stir up happy rec-.... of the people of the mace-cards for the made by Mrs. Q, A. Hill,! : eatable souvenir of the meeting broke up with t ir." of "She's a iollv cood 7 Kid evidently the sing- crnt it. r ? present were Mr. and ' f II Insulander, Mr. and ' u a, Hill, Mr. ana Mrs. Mr and Mrs. W. W. C. Mr and Mrs. Earl Beck- Mr and Mrs. W. Hothwell, . r - H ... a A phaoenmin r n O. Large; Mrs. T. N. lr u TVf T?nnor Mrs. H y- ill i 1 .. Wt,. n.on Ill KIT Tvl Ins niflYipv. ALIAS HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q- How can I make a sub- atp cedar closet? A- I' there Is no cedar closet 1 the house, wipe the shelves r 3 the woodwork of the clothes e with cedar oil when clean- " Tin process should be rented from time to time. Q- Hw can I t est the health -Jl part- of mushrooms? By stirring while cooking "h a silver spoon. If there is 'y foreign substance in the "I hmom;: Mip sllvpr will turn. Q- How can I prolong the wear ' trouser cuffs? Sew soft strips of leather the inside of the cuffs, This not be noticeable. BULKLEY CAFE CilOi' SUEY CHOW RIEIN Our Specialty Open-Weekday 7 a.m. to 11 p m. Sunday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Ln'aled at Itulkley Hotel SMIT1IERS, B.C. Orange Juveniles held prior to the ladies' lode session. Mrs. George Howe, who has been newly elected Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Mistress for British Columbia, was received by Worshipful Mistress Mrs. Frank Ellison, and con gratulated by the members. Visi tors at the meeting were Mrs. M. Harron and Mrs. E. C. Grey, both past mistresses of Derry Lode, Vancouver, and Mrs. P. Mlddleton, a member of Britannia lodge, Victoria. Business of the session included the reading of the Grand Lodge report by Mrs. Ellison. Mrs. J. R. Carr was congratu lated on her ability as a pianist Oil Burners Installed ( t. I S"N. MON. TUE. WED. TH U R.j FRI, SAT. Steak Beof Welsh Saus- Lamb Fish Cold-Cro- Rarebit ages Chop Loal Fish quette f Loal- Group left- unrat- Group. Group- unrat- lelt- C over ioned D C ioned over 3 i i tokens-' token token 3 tokens left over- A Sunday treat for a onesome is a steak, succulent and juicy and done just to your liking The less tempting end piece is marked for Monday's use. Minced and mixed with chopped chives for flavour and colour, it can be combined with seasoned mashed potato for a croquette of gdodly portions. Baking it is a means of conserving your fat supplies. And your favourite sauce or relish will glve . it a fillip. A cheese rarebit is a tasty protain provider for meatless Tuesday. It :can go atop toast made from the stale-bread' which none must waste. Fresh asparagus would be a 'timely co-partner. Sausages answer the call for a quickly prepared meal on Wednesday. Thursday's lambchop can be ac-companiod by a tomato slice, unrationed kidney, and a sausage saved from Wednesday's purchase for a mixed grill par excellence. A fish loaf is billed hot for Friday and cold for Saturday when it can be served with a generous toss of spring salad greens. The remaining three tokens represent the portion of your week's ration which you can spare to share with the hunarv overseas. ORANGE LADIES OBSERVE 24TH ANNIVERSARY Prince Hunert Lodge, Orange Brnevolement Association, will celebrate iis twenty - fourth birthday tomgiu with a banquet in the Commodore Cafe. Announcement of the banquet was made, at a meeting of the lodge in the Oddfellows' Hall last night. The meeting held Its rKiiir sesiton after the members had visited a meeting of the .TRIBUTE IS PAID 'MRS. McCRIMMON i ' Large Congregation at Funeral Service Yesterday Afternoon Sympathetic and respectful comment from the pulpit, a large attendance of mourning friends and numerous beautiful floral tributes testified to 'the esteemed remembrance in which the late Mrs. Elizabsiii IvlcCrim-mon, wife of the late John D! McCrimmon, will be held. The funeral .service was held yesterday afternoon from First Presbyterian Church with Rev. A. F. MacSween officiating. Mrs. E. J. Smith presided at the organ and hymns were "Rock of Ages" and "Shall We Gather at the River?" Following the service, interment was made in Falrview, Cemetery. Pallbearers were J. R. Morison, Ralph Morln, W. H Shortrldge. J. M. Simpson, L. S. Arrol and J. E. Munro. by the visiting guests. Refreshments were served following the meeting. Classified Advertising pays, 'A Mat a Mdous, butrittous mSC0 SHREDDED and Serviced -i - - I PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING J. II. Schuman S. Julian KEI'AIKS AND ALTERATIONS ESTIMATES 0 Nleht Calls: Hlue 170 Oreen 787 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST. WEST Seasonable Ideas for Housekeepers Substantial Salads Are Im Order These Fine SUBSTANTIAL SALADS Thi word jalad Is said to come from the Latin word "sal" meaning salt, and so means something salted. During the early times the poor people dipped their cochorlum or chicory, tneir tac-tuca or lettuce in salt and ate it. The poor people of all countries were first to use greens in salads, the rich disdaining them because of their low cost and common use. Doctors admonished those who ate salads "to be mindful of the duty of mastication." Greens were believed to be Indigestible and harmful if not pre-cribed by the doctor or if their evils were not lessened by cooking. Since these early times ideas live changed a great deal re garding salads. They are welcome addition to meals all the yeai round but in summer they are, if possible, even more appreciated. A lover of salads does not need recipes to prepare them and there are probably a great number of combinations that have novyet been tried. Some vegetables, if their colors clash together may still be used in a salad by an Ingenious arrangement 0f greens and other vegetables. Everyone should take advantage of the nlsnnrul supply of ereens and other vegetables at ' Hmo nf vnar nnrl sprvp these 'good foods just as orlen as possible. The main course for lunch or ! r upper may well be a substantial salad made of raw or cooked elables or even both, with a littld fish, cooked meat or hard-conked eggs. In summer the refrigerator usually contains all the raw ingredients needed for surh salads but tucked away in If mav'also be 'mall amounts of cooked vegetables. These, combined with the raw vegetables will not only contribute to make a very good salad but also will nrevent wastlne even a very (little bit of precious food. Icebox Potato Salad 3 cups freshly cooked, hot potatoes Vi cup vinegar Ashamed ol Her Blotchy - PIMPLY SKIN Here's an Honest Offer Satisfaction or Money Back It YOUR skin has broken out with ugly surface pimples - - rashes caused by local Irritations, or It you suffer from an externally caused Itching, burning skin joreness. go to your druggist and get a small bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil and use as directed. Soon you'll find It start right In to aid nature clear up the trouble Dromotlnc faster heal- I lng. Use for ten daVs and If then you are dlssatlsnea, Aioney uacK. Stainless "reaseleBS-will druggists. I OltMHS LIMITED jz- jan NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 teaspoon salt e teaspoon pepper 4 teaspoon celery salt V4 teaspoon mustard Vi teaspoon chopped pickles V2 cup chopped beef or other cold meat V2 cup cheddar cheese, slireciceu '2 cup celery Cook potatoes In skins, peel and cut in cubes. Combine vinegar, salt, pepper, celery salt and mustard, heat and pour over hot potatoes. Mix well and let stand one hour. Add remaining lngedl-' Vnts and mix lightly. Six to eight servings. Chef's Salad With Honey Dressing 2 heads green leaf lettuce 2 green onlom , 10 radishes hard cooked eggs 1 cup diced cooked meat Honey Dressing Mix thoroughly: y4 cup vinegar 2 tablespoons honey ' 10 teaspoon salt Va teaspoon pepper 12 teaspoon dry mustard' Slice onions, radishes and hard cooked eggs. Add meat and honey dressing, mix lightly. Six servings. Boiled Salad Dressing teaspoon salt Only blue In the rinse... PREVENTS CLOTHES TURNING YELLOW! Frequent washings turn white clothes yellow unless BLUE is added. And there is only one way to add that all important Dlue in the final rinse on wash day. The clothes must be Blued after the washing is done. A swish or two of Reckitt's in the final rinse only takes a moment, only costs a cent or two a month, but it assures lasting whiteness to all your white things. RB-41R hraW2tfr mm : - M'A.vj" 11 Hfnnir sassssssm ill OLJrVf I Economy IK Prices 11; WHET S i I mafr 1 prince rupert i Qk MFak I SH0E repair I 3fd St. (Near the Post Office) ' - 1 i I Z7.. PHONE 108 ii i . i isswsiTvi-r-w 1 tablecpoon mustard 1 tablespoon flour , 2 tablespoons sugar Speck of cayenne pepper 1 egg 1 tablespoon butter 2-3 cups of milk 2-3 cup of vinegar " Heat milk In double boiler. Mix dry ingredients and pour hot milk over. Return to double boiler and stir constantly for five minutes, add beaten egg, stolr until thick, add vinegar slowly (if heated it lessen the time of cooking. Add butter, sttr until melted. Yield: About l'A cups. ARE MARRIED QUIETLY HERE At a quiet ceremony in the vestry of St. Andrew's Cathedral at 4 o'clock today. Miss Thelma Irene Bdurk, daughter of Mrs. I. Bourk of Saskatoon, became the bride of Earl Jenkins of Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jenkins of' Ui?gar. Sask. The rite was performed by Rev. Basil S. Prockter, vector of St. Andrew's. Witnesses were Mrs. A. Lawrence and Ernest Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins are leaving on tonight's train nn a honeymoon I trip to the interior, after which I they will take up residence at Stewart when- Mr. Jenkins Is Ithe proprietor of a grocery bu' invr -- BBBBBBBBBBBBBbIbW ' ilBBBBBBBBBBH ' MsslsssMK :V-M CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates For convenience your . , . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms Cafe In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT. (II. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE TERRACE MACHINE SHOP & GARAGE TERRACE, B.C. Dealers in GENERAL MOTORS Products MACHINE WORK CAS and ELECTRIC WELDING DIESEL and TRACTOR REPAIRS OPEN SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS For minor repairs and gas Prince Rupert Daflp. J3ctoff Friday, June 14, 1946 n mm, a iffllinlin TEA K : Good Food! 5 Help yourself to health from our ' -H . . . ,1, " , 1 1 . 1. fn 1 tnnAa !: t KAXZZ SIOCK. IOUII una licaimiui f tor de,icious summer menus. All orders delivered to your kitchen Ssrrm door- MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phone3 18 and 19 (Opposite Canadian Legion) Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 339 P.O. Box 1294 Steamship Service from TRINCE RUPERT OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repairs Phone Black 07 238 Second Avenue West P.O. Box 575 A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITE D "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" GONVERTO LOUNGES ny simmons with matching chairs DANITE LOUNGES. By restmore wjth matching chairs These lounges can be converted into full-sized beds with one easy motion and have an easily accessible bedding com- h0 All rn partment. ' U.JIJ and up , Phone 775 327 Third Avenue: We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAhD" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CUBED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher cr at your Favorite Restaurant. .dnaaian dian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMITED 5 1.Q9 ...... ' Si ftStaWh Hi m w a wm m KWONQ SANQ HINQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY" HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 ain. Outside Orders from 2 pan. to 2 a.m. ' " PHONE RED 247 lfp COMPLETE MOTOR TUNE-UP it Our motor tune-up service if means longer life for your, motor more pleasant driving this summer. Complete check-up of the vital parts of jour motor now will save you money and headaches later. Drive In today. S.E.PARKER LTD. Ford and Monarch Dealers