nnn VFAR CTIVITIES Hill (iO Chapter Hid ivm llniler Mrs. IMf Iod's Annua) reports or activities .nnn 1945, presented at the t,m of HIH QO Chapter. I.O. . i i .j ,E lasi PIP,"', snuwcu a very : jfu! year's work under the During ism, conations were ade lo the frigate 'tPrince Jlu- bcmbed-aut victims, also anket fund, endowment fund, s fTn-nrdinatimrCauncll. r Mut;lc Bursary and Prince Rupdrt Recreational Association (monthly donation of $5). Hill 00 had taken an Interest In Kins Edward School, provides y?arly subscriptions to four geologic and Instructional mag-czSne.s, also donated War Sav-In.'s Stamps as prizes in a quiz contest, Two beautiful pictures of the Kins and Queen had been presented. Twelve personal bags for ser-vlca women were made and filled and 180 article were knitted and ewn fur shipment overseas. ahe chapter assisted with sale of cancer stamps in iiid of "Jes-fle Burke" cancer fund, Prince Rupert was In fourth place in the provincial sale of these Stamps. The I.O,DE. annual provincial convantion will be held at the Empress Hotel In Victoria Valentine Cards Ity 'KUSTCRAI'T Hanging from 5c '25c DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Office Supplies, Bookbinding, Printing, Stationery Itirthday and Every Day Cards BESNER BLOCK Waterman Tens THIRD AVENUE SAVOY HOTEL Carl frirelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 PHASER -STREET Prince Rupert Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA I;LACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them thday from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. Canadian Fish AM) Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Advertising in Prince Rupert Daily News ENABLES YOU TO' in April and the regent, Mrs. i .Tampa tliiAVttDA nt ...... .. ' ui.uiuuii, wui auena. Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod, the retiring re.gent, was presented with a gift from the members as a token of appreciation for her leadership throughout the past year. ine next regular meetings will be held at the home o'i Mrs. C Bmlth on March 11. SPRING SHOW OF FASHIONS tendon Fashions Feature Sloping Shoulders in Formal Dresses LONDON Q Important changes are shown in the 1946 spring dress collections which were opened In London, recently by the Society of London Fashion Designers. Sloping shoulders take the place of square ones on the very formal dresses in the first three collections shown by Hardy Amies, Charles Creed, and Vic tor Stiebel, all of whom have Just been domobilized from the forces. The silhouette become a pyramid In the Amies collection, narrow at the shoulders, wide at the skirt hem. Hips are padded and artificial, even on tailored suits, which alone keep their broad shoulders with waists very narrow. Dinner and evenlne dress es show 18th century influence with very wide skirts and closely fitting bodices with low decol-letage only In front. Stiebel shows a very similar evening line with off-the-shoulder decol-letagcs and Victorian wool embroidery used as stomachers on dinner dresses. Jackets of many afternoon suits are padded over the hips like the skirts and also break ( fnto fullness below the waist, especially at the back. Tiny. pink ostrich feathers are sewn all over a black .velvet full skirt gown as trimming. Charles Creed lowers the waist lino and makes Jackets to wear without blouses since he says women rarely take their jackets off today. There are bold tweeds in stripes or checks from Cumber land and Scotland, much rayon satin and rayon tie silk (hitherto used only for men's ties) and some cottons. Notable are printed cottons and diaphanous sea island cftttoni, both used for evening dresses with striped cottons (processed like crepe de chine) for blouses. IMMORTAL SNOWFLAKES Snowflake patterns are preserved now by a plastic process. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS Poet a stubborn bronchial cough, (tlthtf phlegmy or dry and liackin-) make yon clioke, gatp, wheeze, keep you awak nlfhti? Relieve it now I Do aa thou-fctndi have done get Templeton't KAZ-MAI1 and atop tliat couehl KA2-MAI1 has hchied others let it lielo vou. i 50c. II at druRgiifti everywhere. j-U the is A on ALL THESE DAILY NEWS Reach the largest number of your potential customers. Tell your story to any or all members of the family. Build goodwill as well as sales. Tie your message to the news of the day. Illustrate your product and its uses. Get quick results when you want them. H And do all this at the lowest possible cost. THE ONLY MEDIUM THAT GIVES YOU ADVANTAGES IS THE PRINCE RUPERT izmz TRANSPARENT IDEA . . LET IT RAIN Let it rain, let it pour. This lady will no longer worry about getting her coiffure wet. This new rain-repellant plastic transparent chapeau, modelled by Conchita Ulmo at the spring fashion show at the, Ritz Carlton, New York, was designed by Walter Florell, millinery creator for many film stars. MRS. OLSEN OF TERRACE DIES Pioneer Woman of Interior Town Passes Away TERRACE Ac two o'clock Monday afternoon, Mrs. Alex Olson passed away quietly at her home here. The previous day her daughter, Mrs. Gunnar Moran of Decker Lake had arrived and was with her mother at the time. Mrs. Olson would have been C7 on January 17. She Ls survived by lie; jiusband; a brother, Ivar Mlllarson, in Norway; a son, Stanley, who is married and living In Terrace; and her daughter, Agnes. There are five grandchildren. Mrs. OLson was a Norwegian and arrived in Prince Rupert frcm that country In 1910. She was on board the Prince Rupert which at that time was making her second trip up the coast. In 1922 Mrs. Olson came to Terrace and has been here ever since. Until Just a few years ago she was very active as a nurse ayd the faithful service she rendered in rlils capacity will long be remembered by the people of Terrace. Friends everywhere xp -gTet her passing. Funeral service took place this afternoon from Knox United Church with Rev. T. C. Colwell officiating. Interment was at Kalum Cemetery. W. A. Kirjc-patrick was in charge of funeral arrangements. Modern Etiquette I By ROBERTA LEE Q. Would it be rude for a bride I to exchange a wending elft. f she has received three or Tout duplicates, for sometnlng sue j really needs. j A. No; It would really indi calc good sense. But it would be belter to consult a member of her or her husband's famlles before doing so. Q. Why ls It necessary lor one to repeat a person's name when being Introduced? A. This ls not really necessary, but Is done to show that one j has heard the name correctly. Q. How should the Invitations be extended when giving nn informal dinner at a club? A. By Informal note, or by telephone. COLOR CONSCIOUS LONDON W British industry stressing the use of color as an Incentive to bigger output. North England cotton mill recently announced Its Intention to paint Its looms In lime green and duck egg blue and its walls In green and light gold. BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS "finVr.KNMKNT I.KJI OU ACT" NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR CONSKNT TO TRANSFER OP BEER LICENCE NOTICE IS I1EKEHY OIVEN that the 5th day of March next the undersigned Intends to apply to the Llauor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence No. 7399 Issued In respect of premises being part of a building known ns Knox lintel, Rltnnte nt Mrst Avenue In th City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described ns Lots numbered Thirteen 1131 and Fourteenth (141 of Block Two (2) of Section One II) Map Oil, Prince Rupert Land ReRlstratlon District In the Trovlnce of British Columbia, from Knox Hotel Company Limited to Beaudoln Hotel Co. Ltd. of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, the Transferee. DATED. at Prlnoff Rupert, B.C.. this 20th day of January A ll. 1!)4. BEAUDOIN HOTEL CO. LTD. Jules Vanderbeck, President. Timely TERRACE Topics Mrs. W. Richmond and young daughter arrived home from Prince Rupert 0n Monday night. Mrs. Floyd Frank left Tuesday night for a short business trip to Prince Rupert. Charlie Houlden arrived horn? Sunday morning from overseas service. Following a farewell party held for her in Brooke's Dine and Dance, Miss Irene Prate left for Vancouver on Monday nfght. Hotel... i arrivals Prince Rupert R. Paulson, Inverness; W. G. Broad, Stewart: P. Stapletom 'Hyder, Alaska; J. Sowter, Al-berni; B. Metcalf, Premier; J. M. Svendsen, Steveston; II. Rad-cliffe, Ketchikan; Mrs. A. West, Hazelton; R. II. Miller, Sunny-side; T. S. Harrison, Victoria; O. Matz, Terrace; Mr. and Mre. It. M. McKlntey, Ketchikan; Mrs. J. II. Hanna, Copper River; Mr. and Mrs. T. R. S. Fraser, Fairfax, Manitoba; Capt. M. D. Fox, Vancouver; Lieut. J. G. Love, Vancouver; Mrs. L. Bethurcm, Usk; Mrs. F. Kalanko, Usk; D. W. Bateson, Smilhers; C. Osterlund, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. Frank, THE REX ALL STORE Phone 81 and 82 HPiEStllPTIONS 1 Have your prescriptions filled here with confidence. You can be assured that only the purest and finest quality ingredients are used that every prescription is compounded accurately by a registered pharmacist. Our label is your guarantee. Offmes Ltd. SCOTTY'S Old Country RE-ELECTS MRS. MUNTHE REGENT Mrs. Jens Munthe was reelected regent of Oambral Chapter, I.O.D.E., for her third term at the annual meeting of the chapter held in the home of Mrs. O. L.Rorie last aiigtit. Miss Eileen Olbson -was returned to office as honorary regent, the office she held last year. ' Reports of the various cont-mlttees, read by the committee conveners, Included a report on he chanter's dance held last Friday night, which was highly successful. Officers of the chapter this year are: Honorary Regent, Miss Eileen Olbson. Regent, Mrs. Jens Munthe. First Vice-Regent, Mrs. W. S. Noble. Second Vice-Regent, Mrs. A. G. Landels. f Secretary, Miss Evie Rjvett. The Experts Say - - ' FAT CONSERVATION Here are some tips oij fat coaserva-tion. They will help stretch precious fats as far as they can go. 1. Collect every bit of fat and render it down for cooking purposes. Cut away the excess fat from'roasts, steaks or chops. Take home the meat trimmings and suet you pay for at your butcher's; they aa can be put to good use. 2. Save all meat drippings In roasting meats and poultry pour off excess fat during cooking, leaving only sufficient fat in pan for pasting and later for making gravy. In this way the fat is not darkened to the same' extent it would be If left in the pan for the full roasting time. 3. Save scraps of butter, lard or shortening sticking to their wrappings by using these papers for greasing pans. 4. Clarify the fat used for deep frying no that it can be used several times. When fat is used for deep frying it should never be allowed to smoke since this Is a signal it is beginning to decompose and produce indigestible products, Tills also tends to produce a short-lived rancid fat. 5. Cut down on butter waste by cutting pats small enough so that every bit !.s used and none is left on your plate. 6. Do not use butter for fry-in?. Instead use drippings either pork at or drippings from a roast. 7. When greasing broad pans or baking tins, use a mild fla vored fat insteac o; butter. SPICE CAKE Dietltions have worked out a recipe for delicious spice cake using chicken fat instead of butler or vegetable shortening, and liquid honey in stead of sugar. The cake requires ?g cup isix lablespoons) of rendered chicken fat, 1'.2 cups liquid honey, two eggs, 34 cup sour milk, 2V2 cups pastry flour or 2V2 cups all-purpose flour, two teaspoons OPEN FROM 5 P.M. TO C A.M. Fish and Chips Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street FISH AND CHIPS TO TAKE HOME Phone 8G4 Prince Rupert Dndp r$cvns Wednesday, February 13, 1946 Assistant Secretary, Mrs. M.' Brydges. Treasurer, .MJw Audrey Wrathall. . Education Secretary, Miss Eileen-Gibson. Echoes Secretary, Mrs. W-Slatpr. Standard BeArcr, Mrs. .V. Grant. Richard 'MIHs, sap of Mr. and .Mrs. C. a Mills, having received his dls?hare from the Canadian Ai my. returned home on Mie PrJnce Ruparp this mornln? from Nanainio. He will resume hi? studies here, Jt bsinor his in-tentlonto go in for dentistry. Capt. James Haddcn returned to the city on the Prlwo Rupert this morning from Vancouver where he went to receive hjs dis charge from the Canadian Armv He was accompanied bv his son. Cfp. James Hadden, who is Just baking powder, cup ground clqves, '2: teaspoon vanilla, V2 teaspoon ginger, teaspoon cinnamon, '2 teaspoon salt, ? teaspoon baking soda, 2 teaspoon nutmeg. Cream fat well and add honey gradually. Add well - beaten eggs. Beat well. Mix and sift all dry ingredients and add alternately with the milk. Bake in two nine-inch layer pans at 315 degrees F. for 30 to 35 minutes or in a loaf pan (nine inches square) for about 65 minutes at 350 degrees F. HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I make smelling salts? A. Fill a bottle, preferably a wide-mouthed bottle with glas.-; stopper, to the top with subcar- oonate or ammonia, in coarse powder form. Then pour over it just enough oil of lavender to cover the contents. Q. How can I bring out the luster of the hair? A. To bring out the luster and to soften the water, add a table-spoonful of lemon juice or vinegar to the rinse water, of the 1 'shampoo. i Q. How can I make a 'varnish f remover? a. Dissolve tnorougniy one quart' of good caustic soda in three quarts of warm water. Apply it with a coarse sponge. GENUINE ASPIRIN MARKED THIS WAY J.H.Mair Auctioneer Sale.s Arranged at Your Convenience SALES ROOMS II 171 Third Ave. E. I DENTISTS GIVE HOME SE&yjE LEEDS. En?.. , ai--instead waiting weeks Yof dlntal jare$0 West Yorkshire residents have dentists calling on them anc V1.; it's free. i Completely ccvulpnef v a n si ; each casting $4503 -and eacJl staffed with a dentist -and as- slstant, tour out-oMhe-waj. places admlnhterin. -to the1 needs Of h vllfcifrpra Tlielt sloaan is: "Pull fn th6 fields, inWj the valleys, in the - rlllagcs wherever toothaahe es:sts." ' The plan is financed by the W " West Riding Council. . . k;S wniovrij jll,l,ll.C 111 Germany with the Canadian A:my. A MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electrician Home Wiring and Repairs Phone Black :7; 236 Second Avenue Vest 1 CENTRAL HOTEL Transient Room, ! NEWLY DECORATED Weekly and Monthly Rates For your convenience' . . . Cafe . In Connection i LICENSED i-REMfSES (Renovated) ! PIIONK SI COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 007 PHONE G70 We serve you nothing but the best Special Red Brand Beet, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries ! 1 OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURINO REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chicken Fish and Chips dally. We are ready to serve you Chinese dishes Chow Mein, Chop Suey, etc., to take out. Conked with delicate taste and quick service) ' TRY US! RUPERT BUTCHERS 1 1 Phone 21 Third Ave. West Next Royal liotel ft.". V ! J ' , IT