f if- Prince ttuucrt Dnflj? f3cU)g Saturday, March 2, 1946 .RUPERT PEOPLES STORE , "Dance -Lovely Lady Dance " Charming Forma oowns JUST A li R I V E D For. the MARCH 4th CIVIC CENTRE OPENING Uuperl Peoples Store INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 881 Use J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! II nerves --doubly so! Smith Block Green 995 Genuine DUSTBANE or SISAL FOR DUST CONTROL Greater bulk means more for your money PROMPT DELIVERY ON JANITOR SUPPLIES PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE W II O L E S A L E 320 Second Avenue P.O. Box 772 The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S 4 ntyncT I ;FINEST SALMON li.- r- Phone 632 CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates For your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms Cafe In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) rilONE 51 1 RUNNERS rrf For Young and Old CHILD'S Sizes 5 to 10 - MISSES' Sizes 11 to 2 1.10 BOYS' Sizes. 1 to 5 1W YOUTHS' 11 to 13 '- .'!" LITTLE GENTS' Sizes 6 to 10 M." MEN'S 'OXFORDS Sizes 6 to. 10 .' , -"" Don't let lack or running shoes spoil your recreation. BUY NOW W II ILL' THEY LAST CUT RATE SHOE STORE to C r H Pi D r We. serve you nothing but the best Special Red Brand Beef, r- Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURING ! - - REGULAR STORE HOURS Z "Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chicken, ; "" Fish and Chips daily. We arc ready to serve yon Chinese dishes Chow Mein, Chop Suey, etc., to take "but. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY US! RUPERT BUTCHERS .Ipjione 21 Third Ave. West Next Royal Hotel YANKS BEAT PANAMA AGAIN BALBOA, Canal Zone The New York Yankees staged a three-run rally in the ninth inning yesterday to defeat the Panama Professional League All-Stars eight to seven. The win was the Yanks' eighth in nine outings against picked Panama teams. Veteran Joe Gordon drove in the winning run for the Yankees while Charley Kcllci collected his fifth home run of the training season. AUCTION SALE Plumbers', Mechanics' and Carpenters' Tools at the Auction Rooms 171 Third Avenue East SATURDAY, MARCH 2 2:30 p.m. J.H.Mair Auctioneer Stone Block -mi w ViHlutj in Sports The ski carnival at Smithers is an annual event which was postponed for the war years and this year's held at the end oi last week, was the first held in six years. It was a grand success from beginning to end. The Dr. Green Cup winner was Gordon Williams of Burns Lake. Chris Dahlie. Smithers skier or note, trained all Smiihers and district participants but he did not participate in any events. A Basketball Pot Shots According to reports from Ketchikan the All-Star team wiijch will play here next week has been playing exhibition games with other teams in the Alaskan city and have been the victors in their last three encounters by a very comfortable margin. Johnny Mills, the all-Alaska centre with the team, has been setting up an average of 18 points per same in their last four starts so there is no doubt that the local boys will find him tough to handle. They are practicing nightly to overcome the handicap of not having a regu- No. 14-48 IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE . IN THE MATTER OP THE .ESTATE OP HENRY SCHMIDT. OTHERWISE KNOWN AS HENRY SMITH. DECEASED. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS TAKE NOTICE that letters probate of the last will of Henry Schmidt, otherwise known as Henry Smith. decea.ed. formerly of Prince Rupert. British "Columbia, who died at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, on'or about ' the 29th day of November, 1944, were , Issued to Alfred J. Stelncrt. sole executor, of Prince Rupert, British Co-! lumbla, out of the Prince Rupert ! District Registry of the Supreme i Court of British Columbia on the ! 18th day of February. 1946. All persons Indebted to the said tstate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to the solid- ! tors of Alfred J. Stelnert forthwith; and pursuant to Section 28 of the Trustee Act all persons having claims against the said estate are required to file the same properly authenticated with the solicitors of Alfred J. Stelnert pillbr before the 15th day Of April. 1S48. after which time distribution, raft.the said estate will be made, having regard only to claims which have been so filed. DATED at Prince Rupert. B. C, this 23rd day of February. 1948. BROWN AND HARVEY, Besner Block, Prince Rupert. B.C. Solicitors for Alfred J. Steinert, Executor. First publication February 25. 1916. lar league to keep them In condition. Arrangements are being made to have the games aired over CFPR so that those that arc unfortunate enough to find it impossible to attend in person will be in the Know as to what the boys are doing. Enthusiasm has been shown generally throughout the city through the many enquiries regarding tickets etc. And there is little doubt that these games will draw capacity houses on both nights. There will be no. danger of anyone having to stand at the door as, through the efforts of those in charge of seating,-' an efficient band of ushers has been appointed to handle all those with tickets. A dance in honor of the visitors will be held at the. Oddfellows' Hall Friday evening and a generous entertainment program is being drawn up by Bud Tlmmermelster, secretary of th" Basketball Association.. WAR ASSETS TRUNDLERS Results of This Week's Games in Bowline Mallards defeated Gulls two games to one and Goldeycs led Helldivers on the aggregate but lost two games to one' in this week's session of the War Assets Bowling League. The scoring was as follows: GULLS M. Menlzuba 14(5 176 )"7 J. Unwln . 169 192 147 V. Chamberlain .152 158 90 G. Brown 86 97 .93 Jean Loder 110 100 193 R. Sharpe 1x6 98 143 Totals 779 831 8)8 MALLARDS S. Bircll 215 177 1,23 P. Plementos 117 186 135 G. Dumas 173 119 238 V. Holoka 143 147 83 M. Carrier 122 73 CO F. Myer 205 162 , 174 Totals 975 864 818 HELLDIVERS F. Plementos 137 97 208 P. Hay 144 143 139 L. Chamberlain .. .157 153 103 E. Sharpe 123 131 155 M. Anderson 104 118 96 O. Varfcldt 142 232 103 Totals 807 874 804 GOLDEYES G, Anderson 176 131 157 G. Carrier 100 180 200 B. Brown 153 174 152 H. Loder 161 112 152 A. DeMaere 102 69 170 P. Grey 91 53 150 Totals 789 719 990 BASKETBALL TICKETS GROTTO 99 TAXI MACEY'S From All Players JUST RECEIVED Vclour and Mohair Chesterfield Suites. Also Solid Hardwood Hedroom Suites. furniture TAFT & ODOWES NOVELTIES (Formerly J. II. Mair) OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Watch for the opening of the HOLLYWOOD CAFE Early in March Designed and Built by the NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Phone ."0: Evenings: Box 1381 p.c P.O. iff presentation was made to Mr. Dahlie at the grand ski tournament dance. There was only one game played in the National Hockey League Thursday night. It was played at Detroit between the Red Wings and New York Rangers with the home team coming out otop by a score of four to one. The victory was the Red Wings' sixth without a defeat. Ab Dcmarco of the Rangers nnenrd thp scorii!" in the first period but, after that frame ' they never seriously threatened The'Rcd Wings rapped in three cf their goals In the second period. Joe Carveth, Adam Brown and Ted Lindsay were the jcorcrs. Their final goal was bagged in the third period by Fcrnand Gauthicr. The president of the National Hockey League, Mervin "Red" Dutton, has warned the Montreal Canadiens against allowing any more bottle-throwing episodes. In Wednesday ulght's game at the forum in Montreal between the Canadiens and Bos- FOR SALE 1934 Chev., good condition, heater and spare tire. Serial No. 642404. 1320 8th Ave. East. (56) TOR SALE Black leather chesterfield, 2 chairs. Snap $40.00 cash. 628 Taylor Street. (52) FOR SALE Three-piece chesterfield suite, 8 -tube Marconi radio, two Ford V-8 wire wheels with hub cap. 1442 Pigott Ave. (52) FOR SALE Good 6-room house with full basement. Apply H. E. Alton, 109 11th Street. (55) FOR SALE Bed, spring and mattress. 1019 9th Ave. East. (54) FOR SALE Wcstlnghouse ranse. annex, colls, wiring and cable. Now in use. $75.00. Evenings 1350 Overlook St, (54) FOR SALE New electric heavy press irons and electric hotplates, very special prices. Hotplates now $4.75; press irons $7.00. New 1946 mantel radios. B.C. Furniture. Phone Black 324. FOR SALE Modern duplex apartment, stucco front. 327 2nd Ave. West. Phone Red 889. (tf) FOR SALE Mctz roller canaries. bred from prize stock. Males, $10. Phone Blue 519. Box 315. (53) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufac tUred by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) Brps. Ltcfc,r WANTED WANTED Bench saw and drill press. Box 91 Dally News. (53) WANTED 30 to 35 ft. fish boat. Apply Box 90 Daily News. (54) WANTED Good homes available for 2 cute male, kittens. Phone 704, ask for Robin. (53) WANTED Troller, 32 to 36 feet. Box 1216, Postal Station "B." (54) WANTED Speed boat for outboard motor, 22 h.p. Length 16 or 18 feet. Box 89 Dally News. (52) RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction phone 6 and an Associated Radio Technician, wm jJV'-wMfiRae; JJon. J&ulns, some Jans, .threw bottles on me ice in pruieai against a penalty to Maurice (The Rocket) Richard of the Canadiens. Dutton says any repetition of such action will result in thc game being called and awarded to me visltlrig team. ILarry Hurst, hard hitting Montreal welterweight, pounded out a 10-round decision over Joey Peralta of New York in tlielr fight In Montreal Thursday night. The bout was the second between them in recent weeks. The first ended In a draw. Hurst seldom opened up but when he did his shots hurt the fiery and game Mexican fighter. The verdict was a split decision. ITALIAN TENNIS ENTRY REJECTED MELBOURNE The entries of Italy and Hungary for the 1946 Davis Cup 1011115 roiiipctltlon have been rejected by the Australian Lawn Tennis Association, following consultations with the British and United States Lawn Tennis Associations. Advertise in The Dally .News. Classified Advertising - - - - Classifieds: 2c per word Jier Insertion, minimum charge. 50c. Birth Notices: 60c; Cards of Thaliks. Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 12. BIRTH NOTICE PENNY Born to Cpl. and Mrs. Ocorge Penny (nee Ada Terp-sma) In the Prince Rupert General Hospital on March 1, an 8-lb. baby girl, Rosannc Florence. Both doing well. FOR SALE FOR SALE 14-foot Inboard motor boat. Apply R. C. E. Compound, Steele Block. (57) FOR SALE Coal and wood range: cabin cooker; 1 bed and other household furniture. 2177 Atlln Avenue. (54) FOR SALE House, large living- dining room, three bedrooms, bath, laundry room, full basement with furnace. Good view and located on bus line. Will accept car In good running order and with good rubber in part payment. Apply Box 92 Daily News. (55) FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West (62) FOR SALE Four-room house, near Dry Dock and Fisher men's Floats. Apply Box 88 Daily News. (53) H ELF WANTED HELP WANTED Housekeeper for small family. Nice bright room, good wages. Apply Blu6 217. un WANTED Secretary-Manager. Applications for the position of secretary-manager of the Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L.. Branch' 27, will be received up to 12 noon, March 9. 1946. Knowledge of bookkeeping and organizing ability required. State qualifications and experience. Ex - servicemen only need apply. Address communications to Secretary A. M. Davis, Box 628, Prlnce.Ru-pert, B.C. Mark envelope "Application for Manager." For further particulars phone A. M. Davis, Black 806, after 5 pjn. (56) FOR RENT FOR RENT Rooms. Private entrance. 1021 2nd Ave. West. Phone Blue 874. (57) FOR RENT Pleasant toom, close in. 209 6th Avenue East. (57) FOR RENT 7-room house, furniture for sale. Revenue $75 month. Apply 549 9th Ave. West. (63) FOR RENT Two-roomed house with shower: furnished or un furnished. Call 324 7th Ave. East. (56) ROOM FOR RENT 812 2nd Ave. West. (53) ROOMS FOR RENT-Strcet. Phone 309. PERSONAL 622 Fraser (59) ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOU3 This is a positive and permanent release from drinking without cost or inconvenience. It is a personal and confidential service rendered by other alcoholics who have found freedom through Alcoholics Anonymous. Box 78 Dally News. Grey hair handicaps you. Use Angelique Grey Hair Restorer to regain natural color- life. $1 at Ormcs Ltd. (52) LOST LOST Brown leather billfold. Money and papers, liberal reward. B. Cartier, 65 Taxi, (52) LOST Brown wallet with regis tration card. Vina Lavignc. 622 8th Ave. West. Phone Black OH- (53) P.O. Box 1306 Phone 103 Prince Rupert Plumbing & Heating REPAIRS and ALTERATIONS Oil Burners Installed, Serviced and Cleaned Comer 2nd Ave. & 7th St. W. Night Calls Green 787 Black 861 Blue 170 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN i)AIRY PHONE 657 COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Warm comfortable rooms with plenty 6f hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 676 TONIGHT: "Wceh-End at ,hc lvo. SUNDAY MIDNIGHT AND MONDAY Monday's Schedule 1:00 - 3:32 - 4:44 - 6 04 - in ' 111 IK TWO FEATURES A MYSTERY FILM "THIS GUN FOR HIRE" with 0 ALAN LAI) 1 1 VERONICA LAKE WESTEItNjitarj "SING ME A SONG UF Trv.. with Becoming more popular every day Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL 6:30 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. Wc specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACK Now Available . . . MURESC0 In all shades Including those colours which were discontinued due to wartime restrictions. Soft, McBridc Street We Have Done art ' KOSKMAItYUsi 1. TiLEE Capitol ' ' - " ' A I .Announcement... . . - i Having disposed of my Real Estate and Insuiant. business, I wish to (hank all my clients for their support. Mr. Allan Armstrong, who Is well and a. orahly known in the city, is taking (he busines over commencing March 1st, and I tiusl that ih. same cordial relationship which I hare enjoyrd shall - be extended to him. MRS. J. M. McCLYMONT, It is a pleasure to announce that I shrill bnvn a .. -..V Mil Upj,., . nlty to serve Mrs. McClymont's clients ps well and falUuji as she has in the. past. We shall do our utmc:t to it; the people of this city with their real estate and irz'sv problems and sincerely appreciate the confidence and tra-placcd In us by the present patrons. ALLAN ARMSTKONU, Armstrong Agencies, TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPER1 Who Suffer With Their Feet You will be Interested to know that there is a ma: k town who has had a wide experience In the corrc:to fallen arches, and can make Arch Supports thatvUre. lleye that painful and tired' feeling t.iat only foot iui.er.ti can explain. Mr. Bill Terry, with many years of study of foot laments, is now In Hill's Shoe Store, and will be pleased a take an Impression of your feet and let you know what can be done in your Individual case, Mr. Bill Terry Is also In charge of the Shoe Repatoj Dept. where your repairs arc executed neatly and promptly. Call around and sec him for cither reason. LOVINS . m runt C.AKlINfci l onv Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Spew rhonc Crrm 117 2nd Ave W -W MtMO Vtfl beautiful tints to make your room." aUrt'f fui to apply, and an amount costing only easy jy decorate the average size rwm. nrtrrlArt'c Hardware phone " IT: Seeing is Believing COME IN - Look for '' r( "TODAY'S SPECIAL" Cards wllh the Mai indicating one of the Bargains of the IWi MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY J (Opposite Canadian Legion) -..jS DhnnA. to a-. rt - V ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS FOR BEST BE