1)0 Prlnre flu pert flospel Tabernacle 221 Cth Ave. West. J Llnney, Pastor.- - a.m. uevouonai. f Rnrrnmpnf. nf Mio T.nt-r1'e Supper " p.m. -Sunday School. m .HTvano-oiictif "The Great Tribula tion, :IV fl nm TllHIn CI.,Ai, p.m. tuuug rcupie 5. oiigregauonai singing;. fXTtflnt Knnfial Sfrvlces I.OII.E. Hall CRUCIFIED ROWNED 0M1NQ p.m.- (ospel Service. Itpr n n R m inv WOULD?" Yf in l-'VIMV IIPAWTV evening service. 8 pjn. -Prayer, Meeting. society, WHOLE nint.rc for tin wnni.p. ufTOt n Saturday! bermori iHfiv, A. P. MacSween, First Presbyterian Church) htt J!"" "v Kuuu mail, ut wc 6"u wcaauic Ui Hid Heart onngem ioun gooa wings Atlantic Charter sot; out plainly, the conditions 1 IIS ULOliiv-i r u vi t U not j i ii u i jui LHU lNhment of satisfactory relationship amonir . . i r n in rni n nniiir. ci nrnti i umi i - iiu niiLiiiiin. J- Jiu ujuuni. ivjiiil; minca. uiL'V iit- that; aw natjons,,iOtt realistic as, well as. spiritual ns must come, to the. abandonment-of-the use of With that, or course, wer agreed, but note me con- nat is made "realistic as. ranenns" fnena me editor, in a article, declares his ba- at 'more emphasis should .i lUtnnu t?nlritiin1 -finil tic at this time when there endency but to accentuate alerlal ana realistic. ach case the phrases usea t a distinction between intimate that tne reausuc are not spiritual and. ai things are not realistic cr words, if. we want real1-e shall do well to seek.lt IC icaim uwv v ever such an implication learly not Intended, The IS 01 uic nuanwu wua.bt. no secret of their depends upon the things of the to inspire and sustain during the dark days of ( Ill ltCII, NOTICES, lliflr.nl riiurrh. f St. Andrew nrv 542 Rlantn Avenue West Blue 733 inqvageslma, March 3 Holy communion. Suns Litany, Holy.com- ).m. -Sunday School, m KvaTiinD Mrnvpr "i nil I 1 1 iwi, The- Rector. the war. And the wards or our editor- were- used In establishing this weekly column which Is wholly, devoted to things of the spirit. We mast hasten to acknowledge that the Implication we have derived from their statements was wholly Unintended and quite unsuspected and It may be derived 6nly because of a somewhat unfortunate choice of words. However, It Is Important that we should recognize that the choice was unfortunate. In these rtayi' a, deliberate attempt 'is made, In some quarters to belittle, arid destroy all spiritual values and especially the Christian faith. We are told that spiritual and idealistic considerations are mcrly fanciful and .that. we. . should be "getting down to brass tacks" and facing reality. It I4 regrettable thar Mich, a shortsighted attitude should be. able to find support even, by a misinterpretation of the words of public men. Nothing In the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth Is more definite than If Is insistence upon the Importance of the spiritual. To the man worrying over the eternal problems "what shall we eat and wherewithal shall we be clothed? ' He replied "seek yc first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you." "Out of the abundance of Ihe heart the mouth speaketh; a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brlngeth forth good things; an evil man out of the evil, treasure brlngeth forth eylLthhigs" Recording to the Master Teachert the key lb Ihe character and conduct of men. is found irj. the spiritual ideals which they cherish. The lessonsof dally life con firm this. Spiritual considera tions have the linas word every time. We enjoy our homes and pur. sports and how we should love vo have a car and a refrigerator; but all of these things are willingly sacrificed time and again by people seeking to give their children a better chance Tor an education, to secure medical treatment that may give them a new lease of life or to nrovlde some other opportuni ties for them. We hold the wel-. jfare of; our loved ones above all other considerations. Tne iove. and. Joy of human relationships fix the greatest determining rorcc jin our lives. Such love :s a spiritual thing. It Is also a very real, 'thing. ! Conversely, If we pause to consider the cause of the tragic and jtoo common wreckings of home life, we shall find that It Is not. (as so, often assumed, a matter jof poverty. When, poverty comes to the door, loves does not al ways fly out the window. Moro often love goes to tne aoor in face It and overcome It and is FIRST U Nil TED CHURCH .If Minister: Rev, It. A. Wilson, M.A, Organist: Mr. H. T. Lock Sunday, March. 3, 1911 'flfl n m r ... , Sermon Subiprt: "A RIOT IN THE CHURCH" 'o-sunday School. 30 D.tn Cvsnln. O I Sermnn Ckl... imir ir.t?r rT TITS' PTTTTPPT1" ... y-m. young. Peonle's. McCutcheons Pharmacy Lid. TJihd AvfJiiie-aJ Sixth, Street Under the Personal Supervision of George Samwor.thi Pharmacentlcal. Chemist of B.C. Society of-Appthicarles, London, F.nilajul Prescriptions dispensed, with, only, the highest quality drugs and chemicals, at lowest possible prices. OUR NEW STOCK OF EVERYDAY REQUIREMENTS U"WE IN AND LOOK AROUND Itself strengthened in the conflict. If poverty were the cause of evil and sorrow, then wealthy persons should be both happy and righteous but this is. not always true. The roots of this evil lies deeper. They are in such things as Jealousy, meanness, selfishness, greed and bestiality These too are of the spirit and, alas, they too are very real. We are anxious, to banish war and all Its accompanying evils and we place the blame fpr its. existence on economic condi tlons, political ir.anoeuvrlngs, social Inequalities and so on ad nauseam. But who doubts Hint behind all these shameful condi tions lie the spirit of hatred, of greed, of conquc.t: and of revenge. The real causes are spiritual and these evils will be banished only when that evil spirit Is replaced by the spirit of love, of righteousness, of unselfishness and co-operation. Any attempt to solve me problem of war that falls to get tq the causes underlying these conditions Is simply missing the mark. It Is unrealistic. It cannot succeed. The roots of tne evils that plague us and of the good life to" which we aspire are found In the spiritual realm. If we are going to "get down to brass tacks," to face things realist! cally. then we must get to the spiritual thing,? which men treasure in thejr hearts, whether frood or evil. Our reasons for wanting peace and Justice and tsoodwill amons men are not realistic as well as spiritual, they are realistic only when they are spiritual- Let no one think that reality and spirituality are different. Let no man deceive himself jnto believing that by being unre'liglous or anU-reJlgious. he ? belns realistic. If we are re-llslous In the Christian .tense, then we are approaching the only true realism, for God Is real, the only true and ultimate reality. Without Him man Is incomplete, and without the spirit of Ood the heart of man Is deceitful and desperately wicked. O. IC. Clie'sterto'if once said: "If you are going to" rent a room apd engage board, the first question you ought to ask your landlady Is not the price of th room or what kind of food docs, she serve or what sort of sheets she uses on the bed but 'Madame what is your umtlmate view of the universe?" A good man, out of the good treasure of his. heart, brlngeth forth good things. ARE WEDDED IN SWIFT CURRENT Recently discharged frpm.the Royal Canadian Navy with which he served four, years, on the West Coast, attaining the, rank of petty officer, Percy J, Knulsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Knutsen of Ninth Ave. EL, has arrived In Prince Rupert, accompanied by his bride, the former. Margaret Elsie Wall of Leinan, Saskatchewan, They were married at the Swift Cur-Tent United Church with Rev. O, Mi, Burns officiating. The brfde was attired In a white satin gown with embroidered finger-tip veil. She carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations. Miss Mildred Lynnes of Swift Current was the bridesmaid and she wore a pale, green floor-length gown with corsage of pink, carnations, Clarence Wall, brother Cf the bride, acted as. groomsman. Following the ceremony, a re-ceDtion) was held in the Piccadilly af 'swjft Current where the occasion was. duly celebrated. The bride's table was centred with ft three-tiered wedding cake which was cut by the bride In the timc-hpnorpd manner. A toast to the, bride was. proposed bv Trooiier Ernest Wall, brother of the bride, who had just returned frpm overseas. The groom responded. Prior to arriving In Prince Rupert to make their home, the couple snent a, honeymoon In Vancouver and Victoria, the bride travelling in a H?ht blue suit with black accessories. Job's Daughters Local moving picture scenes 'Including interesting highway and skiing shots, featured the program of entertainment following the regular Job's. Daughters meeting Jast night. Two candidates were initiated. PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT Most Rev. Derwent T. Owen, Primate of Canada for the church of Encland, will be heard over CFPR from Toronto at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, SUNDRY SPECIALS ... simnis Sliavins-Unifies ."Of1 T.'fi $1.00. $l,."0 Combs We have a large stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dressing Combs of all types. Bought In large quantities, we offer exceptional values from lOr1 to 17( Colgate's Three-Feature. Tooth Brush Guaranteed Nylon, Cleans, Polishes, Massages Plastic Soap Boxes II.'C1 Plastic Tooth Brush Holder For Home and Travel fits all standard tooth brushes 25 Gillette Tech Razor with Five, Gillette Blades-Special li'f Pal Razor Blades I for. 104 10 for i5f 25, for ."Df1 50, for $1,00, ORMES LTD. Annette's Still Leads WD OTHERS STILL FOLLOW 7 Take Advantage Of Our SENSATION SALE COATS SUITS DRESSES We are keeping Up our Reputation Annette's Ladies' Wear L oca ws items.. Saturday, March 2, 194(5 A Cash for old gold. Bulger's. A.Moose meeting Tuesday, 8 pjn. i'n'I,O.D.E Hall, (53) H. A. Breen relumed to the city this week after attending the provincial Red Cross con? Vehtlon in Vancouren -Aheardown's deliver dally. Tot day's orders delivered tomorrow. We're as near as your phone. un At the regular meeting of the L.O.B.A. in the Oddfellows' Hall Thursday evening with a good attendance of members, plans were discussed for a card party to be held March 28, and a spring sale to be held on April 3. The meeting was closed -with serving of refreshments and bingo. Able Seaman Peter Petersen, having spent leave here with his father, Capt. Emll Petersen, after serving for two years In the Royal Canac.an Navy at Halifax, left Thursday night for Vancouver to receive nis final Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) A Basketball tonight, 7 p.m. at the. Armouries. A. Dance to Bobby Woods Orchestra, Oddfellows' Hall, Saturday, 9-12. UP.P. Mr, and Mrs. O. R. Mutrle left-011 last evenings train for Prince George where they, plan on re-locating. Mr. Mutrle. had been practising here as an optometrist for some time. A, Fpr a reliable, taxi, Phone, 32, Open Day and Night. (tf ) NOTICF. Owing to ,the absence from the cty. of members. of the committee, the general meeting" called for. Tuesday, March 5, to consider proposed, brjei tp be submitted, ta.the provincial government, has been postponed to March 12. 1948, Industrial Development Committee Per W. M. Watts, Secty. arf.aUer m he HRelieve RHEUMATIC Mr. and Mrs, Charles Durham, Skeena River pioneers, arrived in the city on Thursday night's train from Usk and are the guests of their sgn-ln-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A- Black-hall, before leaving Tuesday afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. They are being accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Richard 'Adams of Usk. Announcement Women of the Moose Dance, Oddfellows' Hal), March 6. Presbyterian Tea, March 14, Mrs. A. Flaten. Junior Chamber of Commerce St. Patrick's Day Ball, Civic Centre Auditorium March 15. C.W.L. St. Patrick's Tea and Sale of Home Cooking, 2;30 to 6:00. Card Party, 8:00 pm- K.O. Hut. March 16. St. Patrick's Dance, Saturday, March 16, Oddfellows' Hall. Bobby Woods orchestra. United W.A. Tea, Mrs. David Allan, 420 4th Ave. West, March 28. L.O.B.A. tea and sale, April 3, Oddfellows' Hall. W.A. Canadian Legion Tea and Novelty Sale, May 10. Old Time Dance, I.OD.E. Hall, every Saturday. Ache all over? tiff and sor In Joint j and muflclea? Get quick relief wiih.TrmpIeton'i T.R-C'g, a proven remedy gratefully used bv thousands, l'ut your truit in T-K-C. tprcially mad to relieve Kheumatic Iain arul SUnnewi. I t then) help yon find (he last relirl you want. i.et a .Ihix tola SOo. SI at dnigjisu.evtrywi'erei Tt27 is. hereby g i v e 11 NOTICE . that the Annual General : iMeetine oti members of Prince Rupert General Hospital .Association will be held at the City Hall on Thursday, : March 7, 1946. at, 8;00 p.m. Business: To receive President's report. To receive Auditor's report and Balance Sheet for 1945. To elect five members of the Board of Management. To appoint an Auditor, jMembership, fee is $1.00 per annum which,may, be, paiili.il the. Hospitaler left,at,;Orme's Ltd; prior, to.Saturday, March 2nd, at 5;00. on which date the, me mbeship list will close. II. W. BIRCH, Secretary. ASBESTOS WALL BOARD. POPLAR PLY WOOD. CEDAR PLY WOOD Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. Coal Lumber. Huildinj; Supplies Storage; and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT, HOTEL Chop Sucy Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open' 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE 17; Marie's Dining Room f Come in and try our tasty home-cooked meals 1 We Specialize In RUSSIAN DISHES, ITALIAN SPAGHETTI I SHORT ORDERS OPEN DAILY MARIE, MICHOLUK , 0 p.m. to 2 a.m. Proprietress, , 622 Fraser Street (Next, to.Sayoy Hotel) Phone 309 Outing Clothing FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CII,QW.IEjNt CHOC SUEY 11 ajn. to 1 ajn. IJIanltct,Cloth,Incfi(it8 Two-tone with trim. Sizes 36 to 41 $10175 Wcstwool .IncUcts Leather trim. Sizes 36 to 46, Price THE .MEN'S SHOP" $1:1.25 A. MacKenzSe Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Baby Carriages Made by Lloyds. Fully upholstered, stormproof curtains. Carriages you will be proud to own. All colors $it0(). Other Carriages Fully upholstered and stormproof, curtains. All colors $22.50 to $2K.50 Children's, Commode Chairs With tray $5,50- Child's Bassinette 18"x36", with mattress $!).50 Infants Baskets From $1.15 Out-of-Town Customers Write us for your requirements. We have a large stock from which to supply you. Goods can te sent CO D. for your convenience. -27 Third Avenue West Phone 775 EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated Take Invigorating steam . baths and massage to relieve! that tired feeling. R. Y. WALKER, uruuuau; masseur ft St. Patrick's Cards Ily ItUSTCltAKT Ranging from 5c 25c DIB8 PRINTING COMPANY Office Supplies, Bookbinding, Printing, Stationery Birthday and Every Day Cards BESNER BLOCK Waterman Pens THIRD AVENUE 1 Reducing, Facial and General, Swedish Massage Phone Green 507 evenings for appointment 937 THIRD AVENUE WEST ooawoooaaaaooaooooaooaaoooaaoooo0HjooiDiOiOiii5C 000130000 oooooo 00 0 aaonaaa ooooaooiKiooiXioOOoemoPOO Watch for the New Ford It's SMART BIG THRIFTY TO OPERATE RELIABLE . . . When you want the best in motoring pleasure look to FORD. Remember: "THERE'S A FORD IN YOUR FUTURE." S. E. PARKER LIMITED "The Home of Friendly Service" ' R 3rd Ave- 170 I'.O. Box 38 LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street Trappers NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold-water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 28V ?A Box. 198 Highest Prices Paid, for Your n mr Attention f U l D SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL BILL SHRIABERG B.C. FURNITURE rhone Black .121 j