Prince Uupcrt Daflp BcVlxs Wednesday, February 6, 1946 ..uhur&ea ererj afternoon exept Sun-y by Prince Rupert Dally New United. Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. ' Q. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. I SUBSCRIPTION RATES: y City Carrier, per week J5 - er Month 65 . -Per Tear 17.00 7 Man. per month 40 -Per Year 4.00 MEMBER A3.C. (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Office Department, Ottawa), y . . ; Greece : The Greek Foreign Affairs Com-; mitte3, comprising all those statesmen who have held posts of Premier or Foreign Minister, have issued a I statement that constitutes an irrefu-". table justification from the Greek standpoint of the presence of Brit-- ish troops in Greece. : After 'expressing sincere regret . that disagreement should have ! arisen between Britain and Russia : over the presence of British military ; forces, the Greece statement pro-; ceeds: ; "British forces first came to our ; country in November, 1940, in ful-; filment of an obligation previously : undertaken by Britain. They came j at the request of the Greek govern-: ment not in prder to undermine our ; national independence, but to fight j for that independence, i "At the time of the liberation, :--British forces again landed in i Greece, not of their own accord, but ; at the request of the Greek govern-j ment, and as the result of an agree- ment concluded in Italy and signed j by all political parties without ex-; r)c,eption, including those of the ex-; rtreme left "No one can fail to appreciate ; (the compelling need that then ex-! .isted for the presence of British ! forces in Greece, if he remembers ' that the Greek State was at that . moment in a condition of utter dis- location and deprived of armed ; forces, t police and administrative ; machinery, as also of the indispen-I sible means for organizing the ser-! vices. For that reason, the landing '. of the British forces was truly a ; most fortunate event i "Since that time, the British ; forces remain in this country in' ac-; cordance with the desire and free consent of all the successive gov- ernments, which have realized that r the presence of these troops has ' been and is indispensable for the , restoration of the rights of the people and for the prevention of recurring internecine strife. "It is unnecessary to add that all Greeks are jealously attached to their national independence. They acquiesce in the presence of British troops solely because they clearly understand that no threat whatever could result from friendly collaboration with these forces." The statement concludes: "Greece stands in need of all the Great Pqwers. and makes no distinction between them. She appeals to them that, by avoiding misunderstanding and in a spirit of mutual goodwill, they may avert divergencies of opinion between them and devote themselves wholeheartedly to the task of rehabilitating humanity and more particularly of restoring the small, weak nations from the suffering of war." It is pointed out in London that this declaration, at once spontaneous and unanimous, of a distinguished body of Greek statesmen, puts in a nutshell the rejoinder to the Russian criticism. Wake Up, Canada! One item in Canada's Second ' Great War history of which citizens of this country have no reason to be proud is summed up in an official EASY AS 'A'-'B'-'C'-- THREE FIRSTS IX SHOE PLEASURE Always D LWAYS SMART Uttt II ETTER QUALITY UY AT rr V,0! statement as follows: "357,634 Canadians of military age rejected in the National Selective Service mobilization call-up as unsuitable for army service anywhere in any any capacity." I bevond control but it is to be hoped that no time will be lost by the department in securing and assembling the equipment so that, immediately it is possible, a speedy program of clearing and maintenance may be instituted. On the efficacy of the action of the authorities in providing themselves with the equip-f ment will depend on how soon, if at all, the road is open again for traffic this year. A relatively speedy job could be done or action could be so dilatorj" that the road would be permanently out of commission. I.O.D.E. Second War Memorial We are happy to put in a good word in advance for the I.O.D.E. as they embark, under the convener-ship of Mrs. D. C. Stuart, on their Second War Memorial drive. We all know the fine work the I.O.D.E. carried out in war causes between 191-1 and 191S and between 1939 and liMo and we also remember the First War Memorial activity on behalf of children of victims of that conflict Now that work along educational benefit lines is to be resumed. It is a pleasure to commend the good cause and ge-speak the generous support of the people of Prince Rupert which will, no doubt, be, as usual, forthcoming. It will be quite an undertaking to raise $2500 but, if the deserving support is accorded, it can be done. OMFORT IX STRIDE LADIES! Now Is the time to complete your spring ensemble with our smart new .styles In shoes. lift! UT RATE THE CUT RATE SHOE STORE CENTRAL HOTEL Transient Rooms NEWLY DECORATED Weekly and .Monti'y Rates For your convenience . . . Cafe In Connection LICENSED WIEMISES (Renovated! PHONE 51 r II roaiowmg Up Subsidy Prince Rupert Chamber of Anv thoughtful Canadian must be commerce, at its meeting Mon-stunned by this record. The , fact "S JSoStufS that 357,634 out of the l,260,9o2 representations to- the federal called up were unfit is a staggering , fvenmfn,t seeku renewal or . , mi be ,;u I 1 the Dominion subsidy on steam-fact This surely must mighty Mv Unes proposed to operate blow to Canadas national pride. And, it might be pertinent to ask how long a nation can survive if decade after decade it fails to provide the healthful conditions and training necessary to develop a physically fit people. If it is money that blinds the nation to the situation, it should be noted that the cost of establishing modern health services everywhere in the country would be but a mere fraction of the amounts now being wasted in attempts to take care of illness which should have been prevented. Sickness much of it preventable and untimely deaths in Canada are estimated to be costing at least one billion dollars a year. Canadians should wake up to the fact that something should be done and done quickly. Machinery Lack Is Crux With the provincial public works department at least displaying some interest in the matter even though the roadway may still be an orphan as far as the final settlement of jur isdiction is concerned, the crux of the situation with respect to maintenance of the Prince Rupert Highway is quite obviouslv lack of equipment lack of equipment not only for the handling of snow during the winter but also for normal upkeep of the thoroughfare in all seasons. Local officials of the .public works department have been striving valiantly with the equipment hand to keep the road in operation but are now overwhelmed with snowj conditions and a big slide at Kwin-itsa. It is impossible to reach the slide now and it will probably keep "the road closed for some time even after the snow is gone in spring. The highway situation for the between the port of Prince Rupert and the United Kingdom and that the subsidy be extended to Include transpacific trade. The chamber has already been active on the matter but, as yet. has received no definite answer although the industrial relaUons council received encouragement from Hon. J. A. McKinnon. minister of trade and commerce, with the suggesUon that provision might be made in this year's Parliamentary estimates. The Chamber of Commerce, at Its meeting Monday night, urged the ejcecuUve counelr to pursue the matter further. Meantime. H. G. T. Perry, president of the Prince Rupert Dally News and former provincial minister of education, while In the city last week, sent a telegram to Prime Minister Mackenzie King bearing on the sub ject of .ship subsidy as follows: "I have been Impressed by the shipping faclllUes already pro vided by United States forces and now in disuse and the in creasing need for some measures to counteract the unemployment problem due to cessation of ship building and decreased business activity. I understand represen tations are beinj made to yon direct urging a Dominion sub sidy on steamship lines proposed to operate between the port of Prince Rupert and the United Kingdom. This appears a practical measure in accord with government policy to stimulate trade that would be of incalculable benefit to this port and all central B.C. I plead for consideration to it as one measure ro meet the pressing post-war .problems of this area." Vt THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLOMBIA U PROBATE IN TH MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" atiC THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE tbt by ortr of His Honor. W. E. faiier. made on Uw 4lta day oi I-bruiry. AD. 1946. I ns appoint! Acting Official Administrator of. tbe Estate of Jobn Lam bert, deceased, and all parties hatta? claims against the nereDf required to said esti estate are furnish same. properly renfled. to me on or before the 18th dar of March. A D. 1946. and all parties indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount o'l lb lr indebtedness to me forthwith. I DATED at Prince Ruoert. BjC this moment to be well 5m owW&riis 1MC ' . . appears . . .... pretty . . . ... . . ... i Acung uiiaciai Acmuusiraior, I Prince Rupert BC ' USE NICOTINE WITH DDT SPRAY GOSFORD, Australia, W Tests conducted here confirm that nicotine should be added to DDT spray used ,on "fruit trees, to combat the increase of aphids on treated plots. Mites on plants treated only with DDT were found to have Increased phenomenally. This was due, apparently, to the destruction of parasites .which had helped to keep the mites In check. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Jonnston Co. Ltd. Vancouver Bralorne 18.50 B. R. Con .21 Va B. R.X. 1935 18'.'2 Cariboo Gold . 2.80 Dentonia 40li GruilWihksne .24 Hedley Mascot 2,90 Minto 08 Pend Oreille 4.70 Pioneer . 6-95 Premier Border 14 Premier 3.15 Privateer ."9 Reeves MacDonald 1.55 Reno 16 - - Salmon Gold .26" Sheep Creek 2.00 Taylor Bridge 1.03 Whitewater 03T Vananda .53 Congress 14''2 Pacific Eastern 17 Hedley Amalgamated .16 Spud Valley 21 Central Zeballos 22 Oils A. P. Con .22 Calmont 45 C. i: E. 2.80 Foothills 185 Home ..... 3.80 Toronto Aumaque 1.47 Beatiie 1.75 Bibjo 29 Buffalo Canadian 40 Consol. Smelters .91 Eldona 1.12 Elder 120 C.lant Yeltowknlfe 8.65 Hardroek 1.18 Jacknife .38 Joliet Quebec 126 Little Long Lac 3.20 Madsen Red Lake .. 5.10 MacLeod Cockshutt 3.C0 Moneia .. . 50 Omega 40 Pickle Crow .... . . 4.60 San Antonio 5.90 Senator Rouyn 1.42 Sherrlt Gordon ....... 250 Steep Rock 4.35 Sturgeon River .38 Oslsko 1.75 Lynx .40 God's Lake .71 Negus 2.45 CFPR P Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 Victor symphony Orch 4:30 Modern Comopsers 5,00 Vocal Varieties 5:30 Hawaiian Echoes 5:45 Platter Parade 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Kenny Baker 6:30 March Time 6:45 She Can Cake 'Em 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up 7:30 White Empire 8:C0 Let's Play Charades 8:30 Norman Harris' Orch. 9:00 Music to Remember 9:30 The Jones 9:45 The Cavaliers 10:00 CBC News 10:15 Favorite Stories 10:30 SpoUight Bands 11:00 Silent THURSDAY AM. 7:30 Musical Ciock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Breakfast Club 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Morning Song 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning DevoUons 9;30 Paul Whlteman 9:45 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Guy Lombardo 10:30 Round-up Time 10:45 Morning Visit 1 1 : CO Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Thoughts for Today U ::30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Personal Album P.M. 12:00 Accordiana 12:15 Jack Hilton's Orch. 12:30 CBC News Whifflets From The Waterfront A -f CHJR. steamer Prince Rupert. Capt. Ernest Caldwell, arrived in port at 12:30 today from Vancouver with passengers and cargo and is scheduled to sail at midnight for Ketchikan. A profile of the bottom of Prince Rupert harbor, as recorded by an echo-sounding device on' a herring seiner in search of herring shows the harbor bottom to be a series of pinnacles and depressions of greatly varying depth. Astonishing is the ability of the echo-sounder to chart not only the sea bottom, but also schools of herring, theii depth and thickness, without distorting the picture of the scj bottom below. While the chart recorded withji brush og a long 'nafiostnpWper; revealeti schools of herring, the fish wer very small and of no commercia. interest. No signs of commercially Important herring have yet been discovered In this district HOW RIDDY HELPS 1T on WASH DAY 'An electric Washer saves back-breaking scrubbing over a wash-tub. It saves electric gyrator .and wringer uke the place of paln- staking soaking, rubbing, rinsing and wringing. It saves clothes gentler, .even with dainty underthings, ihan hand r laundering. It saves housekeeping money all laundry an be done at home. fits MttikqUi it tltt tried tpOaKU tilt Consult Dominions On Victory Medals LONDON O) Views of the Dominions now are being obtained on a proposed Victory medal to be Issued to British Commonwealth and Empire forces. More than 5,000,000 Victory medals were Issued after the First Great War. Precise quali-flcaUans for' the Second Great War award have not been decided". When these have been agreed on in consultation with the Dominions a recommendation will be. made to the King, who may design the new award as he did the Defence Medal now being awardn t :r Second Orev wlr ARTISTS HTT BY SHORTAGE LONDON ; . .., onu. oi canvis and brush- wicm Vita's anyone to nuke iZ ...ii.ii.. 4 j l'J;'y so drajii, materials pc. - u u M!i, ' clal of the Ravai Col "Our studeut, i: ctr''1 by using the backs of 1 vasses." JK Bii.ll.linn'K VI E?TS'lll ; ft i i " ' 1 - t . IV. QM A DT Rir? TUDTtTV TO OPERATE RELIABLE.., When you want the best in motoring pleasure look to FORD. Remember: "THERE'S A FORD A' YOUR FUTURE." S. E. PARKER LIMITED "The Home of Friendly Service" pn Rn ffi m 173E.W1 J.H.Mair Auctioneer Sales Arranged at Your Convenience SALES ROOMS 171 Third Ave. E. STORAGE SPA AVAILABU ci.r... tn . trunk. O . u t . . " - cedar chest, piano, i entire furnishing! 4' home Is convtnifnt expensive. We own and optx the warehouse i! your goods ire its rui vvH-v nacklng, crating, storage ul MPiW ruiNCE nurr.KT An Announcement To the Motoring Public . . . YORK GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Building Supplies Free Estimates, Construction and Repairs Windows and Frames, Doors and Frames, Cabtnets Show Cases of all description Also Furniture Repairs First class finishing and workmanship Phone Black 1!6 Between 8 ajn. and 5 pjn. HOSE DO I Kf i iirtn l inn rim UHMJUi 9 A V vim- ii ' i iiiiii l i ir XIIIKUliT Corner 2nd sna Pa" Exclusive Qualified Optical Seivic Cor 3rd Av and 5th St. Telephone 503 i.. Tit if) RC-3 5iv n ,,r BLOf ltd I ' NEW HOURS FOR SALE OF G AT- LONG MOTORS WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS . 8 A.M. TO" 1 r.M.TO" This is a service for your convenience are invited to take advantage of it . Operator FRANK MORRISON ... -a)B ii r in ii 1 1 1 ri mm m i i ua ra r vv n u i'i HOTEl A Home Ay Rates 50 Rooms, PRINCE rnuue Hot"1 water