a n a n a n a a a n a 'a B Prince Uuprrr Dalli? J3elus( Saturday, January 5, 1946 It's A Date RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Inventory Clearance Sale Now On! 2 for 1 Dress Sale Coats Reduced 30 to 60 SALE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT The Best in Music Victor Ked Seal 12-inch per disc 7109 "Afrlcana"; "Martha" (Benjamin Gigli). 7745 "Neapolitan Love Song"; "In My Garden" (Richard Crooks. 12174 "Ravel's Bolero" (Boston Pops Orchestra). 12191 "Kamennoi - Ost-row" (Boston Pops . Orchestra) (Orchestrated by Victor Herbert). 13150 "Rosenk a v a 1 1 e r Waltz" (Vltya Vronsky and Victor Babin) (Piano Duo). We H ave Done 117 Seeing; is Believing- COME IN Look for the Red "TODAY'S SPECIAL" Cards with the black arrow indicating; one of the Bargains of the Day! JMUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE fb4. (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 SCOTTY'S Old Country OPEN FROM 5 P.M. TO 6 A.M. Fish and Chips ' Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street FISH AND CHIPS TO TAKE HOME l'hone 8G1 543 'MJ( " PHONE PHONE FOR . . . . . - H. Letourneau Expert Plumber, Tinsmith and Roofer INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 8f)E YUE KING'S CAFE for coffee while at NEW IIAZELTON Lunch Counter for Meals EMPIRE CAFE (Fo..eny L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 ajn. to 1 am. OOODVEAK TIKE & RUBBER CO. LTD. MILL SUPPLIES - OARAGE ACCESSORIES Hose - Belting - Griptread Tires - Tubes - XX Patches - Cement Friction Tape - Tubing A representative stock for Immediate delivery from Prince Rupert. PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 330 Second Avenue P.O. Box 772 BUY MORE WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Phone 632 Waterfront Whiffs New Boats Reins Built Here Troller Stalin Is Latest Resumption of Fishing Season Soon. Except for that portion which PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding . SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE W. C. Osborne Ford Dealer A lG-foot trolling boat with an illustrious name was launched at the Cow Bay boat shop of Ole Wick Friday afternoon and, in spite of initial difficulties, the vessel promises to be one of the finest of the Prince Rupert trolling fleet. She was the vessel Stalin, built for Frank Amslutz, formerly of Bute-dale. Named presumably after I a man in Russia, the Stalin, nor her owner or builder, need have any apologies for her difficulties In achieving her Intended element for, after all, Uncle Joe himself suffered a few tribulations before he got Into his stride. Smacked on the stem by a bottle of genuine champagne (large size) wielded by Mrs. Amstutz, wife of the owner, the Stalin made excellent progress toward the water until half her length had passed from the supports Then the tip of her stem caught on a rafter of the boat shop and she stopped. Spurred by the threat that the fast-falling tide might leave the vessel stranded, workmen rushed with pry-poles and Jacks to push the Stalin free and, with assistance from a truck which gave a tug astern from the Cow Bay bridge, the vessel bounded Into the water shortly after 2 o'clock. t will be disposed of by agreement between the Canadian and Brit ish governments, British Columbia's canned salmon pack will be sold on the open market this year. Gone will be the marketing controls which channelled It into overseas food baskets as part of the war effort. Predictions are that the remainder of the B.C. salmon pack will be sold, with other canned fish, on the open market. No trouble is anticipated in selling B.C.'s canned herring pacx on the European continent. Among the new vessels which will head for the trolling grounds this spring will be the semi-v bottomed boat Fatima, owned by Edward Ling. In a way the Fatima lives up to her exotic name because she is of a design unusual in fishing vessels on this coast although, it must be admitted that her lines are strictly not out of a harem. The Fatima, launched at the Kalen Industries boat works in November, clearly shows the east coast influence of her builders and designers, Bill Allaire and Harry Lloyd. Their intent is to achieve pay-load capacity without extreme draft and, consequently, they build in as much beam as possible while trying to avoid the depth of round-bottomed vessels. The Fatima, with a length of 5 feet, has a beam of 11 feet, and will draw only four feet of water. Her builders assert that her beam and seml-v bottom add to her capacity and sea-worthiness while her' cruiser stem adds an element of speed because it gives her bearing aft of the.pro-peller, eliminating any tendency to drag down astern when at full speed. The design Is a modification of designs used on fishing vessels on the east coast. The owner of the Fatima, Edward Ling, expects to install an 85 h.p. Chrysler Ace engine- Herring scout boats, which have begun to prowl north coast waters for the small silver fish repqrt no signs of their quarry yet although they ought to be TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE V. Imhoff Expert Repairs on all makes or cars Reconditioning Motors Tractors Road Equipment Machine Work Diesel Acetylene and Electric Welding BOX 202 TERRACE, B.C. SEE OUR STOCK OF AutomotiveAccessories Cleaners and Polishes Polish Cloths Chamois Glashlnc Window Cleaner (with sprayer) Vanity Mirrors Bumper Jacks Seat Covers Locking Gas Caps Car Top Utility .Carriers (just the thing for the sportsman) Sleet Shavers Wheel Wrenches. Get your Imperial Oil Hockey Broadcast Schedules here. Listen every Saturday night at 6:00 p.m. over CFPR to the National Hockey Broadcast. S. E. PARKER LIMITED Imperial Oil Dealer Cocoa DOOR MATS To keep the mud out of your homes. SEVERAL SIZES from $1.25 Gordon's Hardware McBridc Street I'hune 311 showing up within the morith. Herring seining began in this area in January last year. First issue of the Department of Transport's list of Canadian Shipping Issued to the public since the start of the war has been made recently available to the public. Published annually during the war, the volume has been restricted for official use because it contained an up-to-date roster of newly'-built Cana dian ships. The Keel of a 40-foot semi-v bottom troller was recently laid at Kaien Industries' Cow Bay boat shop and the boat will be ready for service in the spring. It Is being built for Vincent Ubelle, veteran troller, who was formerly a partner In the boat Horizon. With a transom stern, the new vessel will have a length of 40 feet, a beam of 13 feet, and a draft of 5 feet. Her broad beam and semi-v bottom, her builders aver, will eliminate the need for large quantities of balast, and yet give a fast, substantial boat. It is expected that she will be powered by a Chrysler 110 h p. Crown gasoline engine, and swing a 28-lnch propeller with a 20-inch pitch. BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS FOR SALE o-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West.' (12) FOR SALE New and used furniture. Some from United States Army officers' club at Port Edward selling at lowest prices. Used hassocks, $2.75; used smoking stands, $1.75; used bed and spring sets, $3; used battery radios in good shape, $20; used chesterfield chairs, $24.50; used two-piece chesterfield beds in good condition, $05; barber chair in good shape, $35; new mirrors from $2.50; new rag rugs, nice designs, $2; rugs in good shape, sizes 12x12; all kinds of cooking utensils, etc.; used desks for house and office; all kinds of office chairs. B.C. Furniture Co., 3rd Ave. (tf) FOR SALE Furnished 5 -room bungalow. $1,500. Apply 418 Sherbrooke Ave. (9) FOR SALE Hot Point automatic electric stove, writing desk, easy chair, kitchen suite, kitchen table and three chairs, radio, floor lamp, electric heater, linoleum, coffee table. Inlaid. 1326 Pigott Avenue. (6) FOR SALE 5-room cottage. 608 Thompson Street. Can be seen anytime. Green 602. (9). LOST AND FOUND FOUND AT LAST A brand new dance hall to rent for your parties and socials. It's the Recreation Dance Hall on 5th Ave. East. For information Phone 846, ask for Fred. (12) FOUND Bunch of 'keys in black leather case, New Year's Eve. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement. (tf) FOUND Black wallet at Three Sisters Cafe, now at Daily News office. Can be had by paying for this ad. (tf) LOST Thursday night, black wallet containing business license, registration card, etc. Please leave at Dally News. (6) FOUND On New Year's Eve, large black purse. Owner may i nave same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this ad. RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction phone 6 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRae Bros. Ltd. IN TIIE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN TIIE MATTER OF THE EdTATE OP RICHARD II. HALVARSON, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS RICHARD H. HALVERSON, DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE that bv Order nf IHs Honour Judge Fisher dated the 17th day of December. 1945. I was appointed administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Richard II. Halvarson. otherwise known as Richard II. Halverson. deceased, late of Portland. Oregon, who died at Portland. Oreeon. on the 17th dav of October. 1944. All persons having any claim against the estate are re fill I red to submit them to me prop-rrly verified on or before the 31st day of January, 1948, and all persons macmea to ine estate are required to pay to me the amount of their Indebtedness forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert b.C TERRACE Mrs. J. B. Agar und son, Charles, left Wednesday evening for Prince Rupert enroute to Vancouver after having spent Christmas here as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnstone. Charlie recently received his discharge from the army and is now to attend the University of British Columbia. Jack Kirkaldy lvturned on Thursday via Prince Rupert to Vancouver to resume his studies at the University of British Columbia after spending the Christmas and New Year holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kirkaldy. Maurice Cote, who has been visiting at his home here following discharge from the Army, left this week for Vancouver to take up studies at the University of British Columbia. Funeral service for the late Mrs. Alex Kerr, one of the real pioneer -women of Terrace, whose death occurred recently in Vancouver, was held in the local United Church fon Wednes day with Rev. T. C. Colwell officiating. Many old friends attended. Mrs. Kerr had resided here for upwards of 30 years. Her husband died about a year ago. Duncan Kerr, in the lumber manufacturing business here, and Kenneth Kerr, serving .overseas, are sons. Classified Advertising - - - - Classifieds: 2c per word per insertion, mlnlnvjm charcc, 50c. Birth Notices: 60c: Cards of Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral Notlcea, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: ?2. FOR SALE FOR SALE Model "B" Ford, 1932, good condition, excellent rubber, heater and spare tire. Serial CBG4720, Licence 29-165. Apply 1326 8th Ave. East. (8) FOR SALE Two-room cabin, fully furnished, ton of coal, wood, blankets. $190 cash or terms. 106 Wantage Road, after 5 p.m. or Sunday. (4) FOR SALE Set of oil burners. Apply 1532 Overlook St., after 5 p.m. (4) HELP WANTED SALESGIRL WANTED-nAppllca-tions taken for permanent salesgirl. Apply Rupert Peoples Store. See Miss Peterson in office. (5 WANTED Two good waitresses. Steady Jobs for' right girls. Three Sisters Cafe. WANTED Exoerienced stenographer, shorthand required. Apply Fishermen's Co-op Association Fish Oil Plant, Provincial Government Wharf, or phone 749. (4) WANTED WANTED TO RENT By careful tenants, permanent residents, no children, 4 or 5-room modern dwelling, central. Give full details, Box 72 Dally News. (4) WANTED TO REN T Light housekeeping room, close to dry dock., Apply Box 1354, Postal Station "B". (5) WANTED Good tenant or tenants to occupy bright, spotlessly clean bedroom. Bathroom convenient. Can use cosy sitting room. Please phone Green 830. (it) FOR KENT FOR RENT Housekeeping room. 801 Borden St. (tf) FOR RENT Three-room cottage, furniture for sale. Apply 733 5th Ave. West. (4) FOR RENT Two comfortable sleeping rooms, other arrangements made. 733 5th Ave. W. (4) FOR KENT Warm comfortable rooms wilh plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. Commercial Hotel. (27) FOR RENT Fully modern three-room furnished cottage near Seal Cove Air Base. Phone Blue 825. (7) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green BOS STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage for a trunk, radii, cedar chest, piano, or the entire furnishings of your home is convenient ani inexpensive. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. For complete details about packing, crating, moving, s-torage and shipping, PHONE 00 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. Corner 2nd ana Park Avenue TODAY 5:00 7:00 " 9:00 pM PAULETTE GODDARli lKWVMluN) IN "KITTY" SUNDAY MIDNIGHT CHESTER MORRIS JANIS CARTER in "One Mysterious Night" ROUT. LOWKEY PHYLLIS BROOKS in "High Powdered" MONDAY, TUESDAY Jan. 7-8 1 TIMT 1:00 3:00 ' 7 5:00 - 7:00 ' 9:00 , XUUNIiU'AY 9 ON THE SAME PROGRAM MARCH OF TIME BADMINTON COLORED CARTOON CAPIT0I fSMOUt funds THEATRE Announcing . . . New Management of ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR AS FROM TODAY Wc will endeavour to maintain the well known standard of service and the same high quality of morchandise,;which has made the store so popular over tlte years. W. STOLLER W. F. STONE Announcement . . . The office will be closed as from December 18 to January (j when it will be again open for appointments. Cor. 3rd Ave and 5th St. II Optometrist Room 4 STONE BLOCK DON'T KID YOURSELF . . . It will be some time before you get your new carl AVOID TROUBLE Don't put off necessary repairs. HAVE IT DONE NOW! TOUR CAR ni PROTECT YOUR FAMILY "e YOUR NEIGHBOR ODD RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED DISTRIBUTORS OF CHRYSLER PRODUCTS OUR REGISTERED IMPORTANCE OF FILLING ACCURATELY. You can re on us. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY Third Aver.Ue at Sixth Street " - ly Phone 79 TRY OUR CLASSIFIED ADS THEY GET RESULTS