IES RE It r b full mouth word. t. Kpf Strviir uuu A. I'""y Lambie and prim Rupert odav from a o! mommy Inipmmptu en- Cliaile.' Swan- i .tamlstln? a. v ntf Earl Hupp, , uvro:- with the Prince iln- to maice uie k,i after .nt district .cotna Ta- mg helmets. a t rr truck to a:i,iih of their n . ;ii,ors and b their guests ,1. The regular ; niirheon was int'i itn inform-In visitors who ii noon taken ii nt interest ' i hb after- ;iui Mis Lambie . and local m- .! tne preaj- ftum i- a Bever- Fiank Exum Is nd Earl Hupp i hi an engin- is i"t.urned this Prince Rupert Inp tn Vancou ver! ents i in i- - rolunm Telkwa Bar- ncp Rupert Sat Aur 31 ickets limited. Kl (199) Aug 16. Odd- ust 22 Prairie Ram- 61 Oddfellows' .Oct 23. lit COURT OF DBATE XIH OP THE T10N ACT" &OP HIE ESTATE I'i'JU GAMMON i c ROBERT jAMMON INTEjTATE (Ini oy Order of p'.:3dburn, Acting M His Honor the 31st day appointed E tate of Rob-hcrwlse known Liir.rrmon, deceased, : alma against hereby required ! ?r--perly verified. r -In 18th day of "16 and all partlep ktttt are reaulred P'.n mcir indebted- Hupert. E C thlf AO 1948 P FORBES, 1 Administrate Rupert, B.C 309 Local News Items ... I . Readying For Big Carnival A Lone trips or short, day or night, 99 Taxi at your service. A The Hollywood Cafe Is now open for business from 11 a.m. to 8 a.m. (211) Mr. and Mrs. George Eckerman returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Moore and family returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from a holiday trip to Vancouver. ANNOUNCEMENT Leo Oyer wishes to announce that he has disposed of his painting business to Hay Hougan. Phone Blue 415, A Special general meeting at Civic Centre, Wednesday, August 14, 8:30 p.m. of all civic members to ellect four directors. (190) Mr. and Mrs, E. T. Apple- whalte are leaving on Friday' evening's train for a brief week end holiday trip to Telkwa. George Dawes returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from a holiday trip to Vancouver, Seattle and San Francisco. While In San Francisco Mr. Dawes was a guest at the Hotel Herbert and lost his personal effects when fire damaged the hotel two weeks ago. He also attended a Job's Daughters conve 1-lon at Hotel... CENTRE MEMBERS arrivals Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. Gale, Victoria. Dr. and Mrs, Armltage, Toronto; F. Parsons, Kamloops; Miss Coots, Okanagan Centre; D. Mc- return Phee, Sinclair Mills. Fare $8.00 re- . lat.lon and tick- on?, and C.N.R. NOTICE TO CIVIC The Civic Centre will be closed from Thursday August 15 until the official opening of the Civic Centre Carnival at 7 p.m. Satur day August 17. During Carnival Week en trance to the Carnival grounds will be by Carnival ticket onlyi The Civic Ccntr will remain closed at the conclusion of the Carnival for the period Aug. 25 to the evening of -Labor Day Sep tember 2, during which time necessary alterations, painting, etc. will be carried out. D. Forward, General Secretary. (190) A For that Port Edward Trip- Tommy's 77 Taxi. Grotto, (tf) A Meeting Port Day Committee Civic Centre 0 p.m. Thursday August 15. ' (191) Cecil Brlnd returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from a business trip to Ocean Falls. AHgula:r monp.hljy meeting Canadian Legion with Initiation of new members, Legion Hall, 8 p.m. tonight. KINSMEN CAMP IS POPULAR People of Lakelse and Terrace Help to Make Boys Happy ine iunsmen boys summer camp at Lake Lakelse, now In the third session of Its initial summer, Is fast approaching Its climax and reports emanating from the lakeshore indicate that, because of Its popularity, that I have spoken to Is eager to attend again next summer," Kin President R. E. Montador said today. "It looks as though we will have to prepare ourselves to sponsor another one " This year's camp has given 60 boys a two-week outing at Lake Lakelse near Terrace, Groups of 20 boys have attended each of the three sessions. The camp Is due to close August 25. Among the activities of the latest group have been a trip around, the lake in a boat operated by District Forest Ranger W. A. Antllla, who took the boys on an eight-mile circuit Including a visit to the. provincial fish hatchery. Two Terrace men, Harry Lloyd and Ernest Hipp, brought 40 fresh trout to the camp, providing a fish dinner that was really a feast. Anglican and Pentecostal young people's groups at Terrace came out to the camp, bringing hot dogs, cake and other picnic fare wnich was tne centre of enjoyable camp-firf evenings in which tnere also was community singing. Church services at the camp are conducted by Rev. Mr. Graham, Pentecostal pastor at Terrace. Generally, according to Mr. Montador, the boys have improved the camp considerably since it was first opened five weeks ago. REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open S am. to 2 ajn. PHONE 173 0 m eg 36 2 v As the opening day for the an-1 nual Civic Centre Carnival nears activity Is reaching a feverish pitch in the Civic Centre grounds. Workmen have nearly completed Ihe . dozens of buildings which will house the various midway attractions. Interest Is likewise Increasing in the Port and Carnival Queen contest and carnival officials hope individual candidate standings will be available for publica tion this week. Sponsoring groups, state officials, have been reluctant In registering votes for their respective candidates. The seven big days of fun and festival, August 17-24, coupled with the revival of Port Day, for mer annual regatta, is expected to attract hundreds of visitors to Prince Rupert. This year local citizens realized the object of past carnivals when the Y.M.C.A. building was purchased as the Prince Rupert Civic Centre and it is for this reason that the carnival is being staged In, and In the, Immediate vicinity of the building. 'Inconveniences suffered by It will be repeated next year. people attending, the carnival in "The boys are really enjoy- previous years." declared themselves and every one tor Don Forward, "will be climin- ated this year as many activities are scheduled to take place with LOOK $haki FEEL stt't in the building. Inclement weather will not work a hard ship on anyone." To Illustrate this, Mr. Forward pointed out that the stage ihows and coronation ball would be held In the main auditorium, dancing In the gym, and the flower show in the second floor lounge. Additional chairs and chesterfields would be moved to the main lounge for those wishing to rest. Ramps, facing the building on Second Avenue, have been con structed to allow the serving of refreshments from the tea room through windows directly to the carnival grounds. Inside and outside parcel checking facilities will be '' available. Women of the Legion and I.O.D.E. are handling refreshments. The carnival itseif promises to be bigger and better than ever with many games, new and old, providing fun for all. The merry-go-round will be back in operation as well as many additional games and surprises for the youngsters. New games, such as archery and bowling, are bring introduced for the first time. Prizes will be given for the highest score each day and a grand prize for the highest sccre of the week. imt v 1 -I. 1!-.- Quick' Frozen Cellophane Wrapped "RUPERT BRAND" SOLE FILLETS COD FILLETS SALMON FILLETS No bones ... No waste .... . No fuss. Try them today from your butcher. Canadian Fish AND - - , Cold4 Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT..B.C. TL- IV l a II BUY TICKETS NOW IN SUPPORT OF YOUR I lllS IS OUT Late:: nnccM rnvrrcr PAvnniTF 7 CIVIC CENTRE FAIR AND CARNIVAL wstl7th to 24lh DANCING STAGE SHOWS GAMES REFRESHMENTS 2nd Ave. & McBride St.- MERRY - GO - ROUND CARNIVAL FEATURES SPECIAL EVENTS: FLOWER SHOW QUEEN CROWNING and CORONATION BALL FRIDAY, AUGUST 23. BIG PRIZE DRAmm-SATURDAY, AUGUST 24. Dancine to the music of Bobby Woods and his "Esquires" will be held nightly. The grand Corona tion Ball Is scheduled to take place on Friday evening. Twice nightly stage shows by an Imported troupe of top-notch entertainers from Canadian and American floor shows will be held in the main auditorium. Arrangements are now being completed regarding the annual flower show, sponsored each year by the Prince Rupert Hor ticultural Society. On the last night of th? car nival the Port and Carnival Queen will draw the fifty $25 war savinzs certificates winners. "There fs still a tremendous amount of work to be done," said Bill Bremner. In charge of carni val personnel, "to make the 1948 carnival a big success. I would appreciate it if anyone interested in helDing us. would contact me as soon as possible." Buy more war savings Stamps. : , i X- 1 i DON'T F0RGBT j eftir indiscretions in j eating & drinking tcki tm . w. U JLJJ CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms N CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 LING THE-TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street HAVE YOU ORDERED NEXT WINTER'S COAL YET : IF NOT, DO NOT DELAY! INQUIRE ABOUT OUR BUDGET PLAN Philpott, Evitt&Coltd. Phone 651 or 652 SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 pan. (Daylight Saving Time 12:30 prince Rupert Time) Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time 9 pjn. Prince Rupert Time) Sailings for Cjuecn Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 J3tliice Rupert Dailg J3etos Wednesday, August 14, 1948 Tweed Pants FOR $J23 $ j.25 "THE MEN'S SHOP' WE INVITE YOU To drop in and see our selection of "Sunworthy" Wallpapers. You will find Boys and Youths Size ranges are now complete ages 6 to 18 .years. CIOTIIIJG AID FUNGS 532 THIRD AVENUE PHONE 34S 3 A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" MATTRESSES BUILT FOR SOUND, REFRESHING SLEEP Beautyrest Mattress, all sizes - $49.50 Supreme Mattress, all sizes ...r. $49.50 Rlp-Van-Wlnkle Mattress, 4.6 and 4.0 , $39.75 Felt and Cotton-Filled Mattresses, all sizes ..: $13.50, $14.75 and $18.50 Bed Springs, all sizes $13.00, $14.75, $17.50, $21.75 Beautyrest Box Spring - $49.50 Rlp-Van-Wlnkle Box Spring $39.75 We appreciate your Mall Orders. Phone 775 327 Third Avenue the patterns smart and modern, and will be surprised at what small a cost you can buy beautiful papers for your rooms. Gordon's Hardware McBride Street : PHONE 311 General Contractor We do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen." Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE 610 and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 : ' PRINCE-RUPERt GENERAL .CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block LIMITED P.O. Box 1381 Phone 563 Evenings: Green 103 SPECIAL - $3.95 Elizabeth Arden Treasure Chest CONTAINING : Ardena Cleansing Cream Velva Cream Feather-Light Foundation Cream Skin Tonik Hand-O-Tonik Poudre Dlllusion Blue Grass Flower Mist Lip Stick. OrmesLtd. "Jjm Pioneer Druggists STOKE HOURS Week Days 9 to 9 P m Sundays and Holidays 12 noon till 2 p.m. and 7 p jn. till 9 p.m. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER